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Fandom We Fight to Forge a {connection} | A MHA RP

If she was being honest, she was a bit more worried about Denki but she wouldn't admit that. She knew Ruka would be fine in due time. She hoped they could move past this. Even though she didn't want Denki drooling over Ruka and maybe this would be the thing to snap him out of his puppy dog crush on her best friend, she didn't want either of them to misunderstand the other. But Mela couldn't get too bogged down on what Ruka and Denki and Shoto had going on. She had to trust Ruka to just be honest with those around her. Her fight with Kaminari had laid things on the table very clearly.

"Eh...I think so." She frowned, giving a shrug. There wasn't a whole lot Mela could do. This was something for Denki and Ruka to figure out. She didn't envy either of them. She knew what it was like to be underestimated. Pretty much any girl in class knew how it felt. But she was sure Denki didn't mean anything sexist by it, he seemed too dumb to be hurtful. Shaking her head, she looked back to Aizawa when he played with her hair, she smiled lightly, no longer dwelling on the drama behind her. "You mentioned you had some advice for me? It better be useful teacher advice." She warned him. It was not fair that she couldn't get out of a simple trap. Soon everyone else would be doing the same thing to her.

Giving him a nod at his question, her smile widened. "Yes tonight at six." She confirmed. While her mind lingered on Ruka, she knew she had to let go. Sadly, Mela couldn't fix every problem, as much as she wanted to. Perhaps Denki would finally leave Ruka alone? But if this fight led to the deterioration of their friendship, that would be pretty bad. And this is why she didn't date anyone her age. Too much nonsense. With people like Aizawa or even Yagi, there was hardly any petty stuff like a guy being stupid enough to go easy on a girl because he liked her. Denki should take notes on Aizawa and her fight.

"I'm gonna head home, see you later." She smiled lightly as she headed off to catch the bus home. Mela had about three hours before their date so she decided to clean up a bit and figure out what she was going to wear. Mela wondered where All Might was, figuring he might want to see their matches. She hoped he could make it come Saturday. Then again maybe it was good he didn't see her falten his little protege like a pancake heh. Mela took a shower and cleaned up, doing some dusting and sweeping before she decided on a cute dress. As the time grew closer to six, the more nervous she became. Was it okay to leave Ruka alone? Where was she even going with Shoto? How could she file a missing person's report to the police if she had no idea where Shoto had taken her from?!

A knock snapped her from her dreadful worries. She checked the time decided it had to be Yagi or a lost delivery boy. Walking over, she opened the door and smiled. Ah, Aizawa. "Shota-kun!" She smiled. Oooh there were the butterflies, but now it seemed like they had tripled! She grabbed her purse, it was pastel yellow. Her dress was plum and pastel yellow colored. It had a lot of frills and a yellow bow around her waist. There were some yellow ruffles along her neckline and she had loose half-sleeves which were yellow as well and sheer that connected to her purple cuff sleeves. She also had on long purple tights and low heels. She hoped she looked out. Ruka always said she looked nice in purple but she was worried it was a bit much. Still, she liked it and hope he did too. "Um...shall we go?" She smiled, tugging at her hair, a small hanging clip off to the side.

- - -

Denki's heart was both barely beating and yet somehow beating a mile a minute. He wasn't sure what to expect. He was pretty sure Ruka was going to yell at him or tell him off, which he wouldn't blame her for doing. He was worried this had really ruined things between them. He screwed up and he felt like there wasn't anything he could do about it now. Maybe all he could do was move forward and prove he could take her on for real. If he got that chance. He expected her to have him switch with someone. He was worried she'd even take Mineta over him at this point. Ruka seemed to understand where he was coming from but he was still worried about how Ruka would view him. Her opinion of him really matter and he knew he had to do a lot of work to make it up to her.

"No no, don't apologize." He said. "I'm okay, really." He was a bit shaken but aside from some aches, he didn't think he had any burns or at least ones he had seen or felt while changing. Denki looked to her when she placed a hand on the side of his face. His heart was now a huge mess of jitters and hitches. So she wasn't mad at him anymore? He couldn't tell but he knew he'd have to do something to make it up to her. "Yeah." He smiled gently as she dropped her hand and left. He wasn't sure if things were really good between them. He felt like things had changed between them and he feared he had just made them even worse. He felt so helpless and almost discaded.

Heading back to the dorm, he found comfort in Peachy as Eijiro came over to keep his friend company. The two began to brainstorm what Denki could do to patch things up. Meanwhile, Shoto had already left school as quickly as possible. He had a lot to do before tonight. He stopped by a small specialty store and picked up a dozen chocolate covered strawberries, the toppings were hazelnut, crushed honeycomb, coconut, dried crushed banana chips, dark chocolate sprinkles, and white chocolate sprinkles. He also picked up a bouquet of blue, yellow and orange primroses, thinking they would be much more unique than simple roses.

Getting home, he put them in a vase until he left. Shoto paced around, suddenly getting uneasy. He was thankful his father wasn't around to bother him. Shoto took a shower and slipped into a pair of black fitted slacks and a light grey button down long sleeve shirt. He left it untucked and debated. Tie or no tie? He stared at himself in the mirror for about twenty minutes. He Googled some things but found the results and the internet, as usual, not very helpful. Shoto combed out his hair and applied a light spray of cologne, smelling lightly of pine and sandalwood. He put on some black dress shoes and grabbed his things, putting them into a paper shopping bag for safe keeping. He headed out and called for an Uber to take him, not wanting to show up smelling like the city bus.

Once arriving at Ruka's, he checked to see no Mela but he suspected she wasn't home. Good. He checked his phone, he was on time. He knocked once before he let himself in and closed the door behind him, for a moment feeling like they were married and this was what a normal happy couple did every night. He blushed and carefully untied his shoes and entered her living room before seeing her in the kitchen, cooking away. He pulled the dozen primroses out of the bag and walked over to her. "Thank you again for having me." He said, his other arm pulling her to him as he kissed her softly, wanting to do that before anything else. Ruka looked very much in her element. "I hope you like these." He held the flowers out to her. "Is there anything I can do to help?" He smiled. Even though he was curious about Kaminari, he wasn't going to bring up school. This was a date and school was the opposite of romance, as far as he was concerned.

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Shota looked over at Mela slightly amused of her suspicion. He chuckled slightly as he told her, "I'll let you know sometime tomorrow. Maybe you can figure it out on your own before I tell you the answer hm?" He smirked down at her teasingly before watching her head off. Turning around, Shota headed inside the building, having some work to do before he was free. Once he finished organizing the papers and filing each students progress, Shota left to get ready. He decided on a fancy French restaurant to take Mela to, he already made reservations the day before. Arriving home, Shota fed Mi her dinner before going in to take a shower and get ready himself. He had some time before having to go pick up Mela, but he had a lot to work on. First was his facial hair. Shota stared at his reflection after having taken a shower, silently debating on whether he should shave or not. It'll be obvious to the students the next day, but...he supposed it wouldn't hurt once in a while.

After shaving, Shota got dressed in some black slacks, wearing a white dress shirt over it. Tucking the shirt in, Shota decided on wearing a long overcoat just in case a certain young lady got cold later that night. He didn't dare wear a tie and a vest, no no that'll be too formal. Brushing his hair, Shota was trying to decide if he should tie it up or just let it be like always. Seeing as how scruffy his hair was, Shota decided on neither options as he instead slicked his hair back with some gel. Looking in the mirror, Shota did not look like his usual scruffy self. He smirked slightly before heading out of the house. On his way to Mela's place, he stopped by and bought some red roses that had a mixture of white and pink in the petals. Knocking on her door after making sure Kurotsuki wasn't snooping around, Shota cleared his throat as he adjusted the shirt slightly.

As the door opened up, Shota took in the sight of Mela dressed all pretty. He blinked a few times before smiling down at her as he handed her the roses, "you're looking beautiful..." he murmured out as he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close for a brief kiss. Pulling away from her, Shota sent her a smirk as he said, "come on Princess, your dinner awaits you." Holding out an arm for her, Shota led her to a car that he brought today. He had a car, just never really used it. Opening the door for her, Shota let her in before going into the driver's seat. Driving off, Shota told Mela straight up, "so I decided on a French restaurant, you alright by that?" He kept one hand on the wheel and the other he held Mela's hand, his thumb stroking her hand as his eyes focused on the road.

- - -

After talking with Denki, Ruka headed off to the grocery stores so that she can buy food for her special menu of the night. Her mind was whirling with various thoughts ranging from her talk with Denki to the things she needed to buy to what she should wear for the night. As she began to grab the items and tossed them into the basket, Ruka's mind went back to her little talk with Denki. She understood how he felt about hurting someone with a quirk, but Ruka also knew that if she were to face Mela or Shoto in a fight, she would give them all she had because she respected them that much. Plus she can see Mela getting mad at her if she held back. She wondered how it'll be once she and Mela are paired off? She was certain Aizawa was planning that.

Shrugging aside her worries, Ruka focused on the task at hand. As she arrived back home, Ruka changed into a bit more casual clothes for the meantime which was just a large shirt. Rolling the sleeves, Ruka tied her hair up as she began to cook away. She decided on a traditional set of food for the menu: cold soba with some tempura, a few dishes ranging from hiyayako to stir fried kinpira to some hijiki as well. She then cooked up some fish on the stove as well, placing a grill over the burner. As she was cooking, Ruka completely forgot about the time and so by the time Shoto came over, she was not ready...well the food was nearly done, just not herself. Argh, how could she forget!

Turning to face Shoto, Ruka's cheeks were red in embarrassment at being caught looking quite messy as she was pulled to his arms. Holding the bouquet, Ruka admired the pretty colors of each primrose before getting caught in a soft kiss. Ruka leaned into the kiss, pulling back and smiling up at him, "ah, welcome Shoto-kun...sorry it's a bit messy in here...ehe." She rubbed the back of her head nervously before turning around to place the primroses in a vase. Speaking over her shoulder, Ruka told him, "oh um if you don't mind grabbing taking out the utensils and plates, um I'll be right back!" Ruka vanished into her room quickly as she couldn't stand being so casually dressed when Shoto was looking so handsome! Brushing her long locks free of tangles, Ruka changed into a knitted cream colored off shoulder dress. She wasn't sure if this was too casual or not, but she felt wrong if she came out wearing one of her many dresses...most of them being too fancy thanks to a certain someone. Walking out of her room, Ruka smiled over at Shoto, wrapping her arms around his waist as she smiled up at him, "you're looking very handsome tonight hehe...ah, please have a seat, I'll bring out the food~" Ruke brought out the food before taking a seat across from him, "um I hope you enjoy these..." Ruka murmured out nervously.

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Aizawa looked stunning, so very different than what she was used to. His face was shaven and his hair was slicked back and he looked fairly presentable, and terribly handsome. "O-oh thank you." She blushed, finding it hard to find words at the moment. She was a bit speechless but tried to collect herself, quite excited for this date already, knowing she'd get to have Shota all to herself. Especially when he was looking so handsome and just for her! Taking the roses, she smelled them, finding the petal colors to be very pretty, almost like candy. She kissed him back. If she wasn't hungry for dinner, she would have suggested they just go back inside and have a quiet night to themselves. But Mela was still quite happy to take his arm once she locked up and head down to his car, surprised he had one.

For some reason it was hard to picture Eraserhead driving around town like a normal citizen. He opened the door for her like a gentleman and she got in before she buckled up and reached over to unlock his door for him from the inside. They soon took off and she happily held his hand s they drove through the night. "Uh huh." She had been to Paris before and found it very nice, the pastries were to die for. "You look really handsome, Shota." She said, unable to stop from staring him. This almost felt like some dream but it was the kind she didn't want to wake up from. Mela glanced down, this hitting her all over again. They were soulmates and they were going on a date. Sure, Saturday turned into a date but this was like their real first date, date. It felt so much more real.

To think someone would want to treat her so nicely...hehe like a princess. Mela looked back to Aizawa, thinking about how much thought he put into this. She wanted to reach out and touch his face, it looked so smooth and soft. Upon arriving at their destination, Mela got out, taking Aizawa's hand. She had been out with her ex before but never to such a nice place. She felt so...on display. But she liked the attention, mostly that it was coming from the man beside her. Sitting down across from him, she smiled, well she hadn't stopped ever since he arrived at her door. "You really know how to make a girl feel special." She tilted her head. Hideo had never gone to this much trouble for her. Maybe this was how normal, decent, people dated? "Have you ever been here before?" She wondered if there was a dish he enjoyed or had his eye on. In the back of her head, she had to wonder if Shota had done much travel. She had to wonder if she could ever take him somewhere nice. He could use a vacation. And a cute companion.

- - -

He didn't mind the mess though to him, there wasn't much of a mess to begin with. He noted her clothes and worried he may be too early or perhaps she just hadn't had time to change. But to him, she looked very nice in anything so he had no issues with her staying as she was. Though he did feel, for a moment or two, a bit overdressed. But he could remedy that situation easily if he removed his shirt or rolled up the sleeves but before he could do so, Ruka asked him to set the table and excused herself. She really looked fine as she was but he wanted her to be happy with how she looked and comfortable so he just smiled as she left to change. He had to wonder what she may come out in.

Grabbing the plates and utensils, he set the table quickly and looked at what she had cooked for him. It all looked so good He quickly took out the berries and hid them in the fridge behind a few everyday items so she wouldn't see them easily if she opened the fridge. He then walked around and turned to see Ruka had returned to him. She slipped her arms around him, his arms holding onto her comfortably. He was getting very used to holding her. Was this the right time to tell her they were soulmates? He feared the longer he waited, the more hurt she would be that he didn't tell her any sooner. He decided maybe by the end of the night if all went well. She deserved to know. By now he deduced that their attraction was very much mutual and that maybe she'd take the soulmate connection well, rather than treat it with trepidation.

"You made so much. I may just fall into a food coma and never leave." He chuckled as he took his seat and looked as she brought out what she had been working tirelessly on. He served her first and then himself, letting them each have a bit of everything. "I really don't know what to say." He said and then leaned over, bringing a hand to the side of her face. So he leaned over and kissed her, this kiss was a bit more prolonged than their previous ones. Shoto smiled at her. "Thank you." He then said as he started on the hijiki first. It was very earthy and a good way to start their dining experience. "Ah, I did bring over dessert." He said, not wanting to spoil the surprise but he was sure she could guess it. "This is very good, Ruka-chan." He smiled as he went onto the fish, trying a bit of it as well. "Mmmm." He hummed happily. "It...reminds me of my mother." He had to admit. "Very lovely." He nodded, continuing to eat, feeling terribly spoiled. He paused for a moment and looked to her, "So tell me...how did you and Uede meet? You seem more like sisters than mere best friends." He envied that kind of bond.

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As he drove, Shota noticed one thing. She's been calling him by his name for a while now. It felt quite right the way she rolled his name out on her tongue. Very much different from how he felt whenever Hizashi called out for him. He smirked lightly as he murmured out, "hm? Can't keep your eyes off of me?" He chuckled slightly as he stopped at a red light. Turning to face Mela, he lifted her hand to his lips as his eyes stayed in contact with hers, "I like to say that myself...that you're looking very good tonight...so good I rather keep you to myself." He grumbled the last bit out under his breath as he didn't want to share this beautiful looking woman sitting beside him to the rest of the world. They don't deserve to set their sights on something as pretty as Mela. She didn't give off the air of a teenager, all he saw was a woman sitting beside him. Oh, that was bad. Be good, tonight he is supposed to behave and give her a nice first date. Behave Shota.

Hearing her comment, Shota wondered what she meant by that. Has no one ever treated her like this? He answered her simply, "I think every girl deserves to be treated like this by their boyfriends and loved ones?" He didn't know much about how others viewed love and romance in general, but surprisingly, Shota can be a gentleman. If he was to pick a girl to love, he would make sure they know of it. He was a very straightforward and honest person. He wasn't the kind to shy away either, he just rather be home and comfy. This and that was different though. Holding her hand as he walked her into the restaurant, Shota sat across from her as he answered her question while eyeing the menu, "I've never been here myself, but I thought we can try it out together." He's already checked the menu beforehand and so he knew what he was going to order.

Reaching a hand out, Shota gently grasped her hand in his. Looking over at Mela, Shota smirked lightly as he murmured out, "what are you going to order? Though if I had to be honest, nothing on the menu quite catches my eye like you do..." he smirked over at her as he kept his hand over her's. Glancing back at the menu, Shota told her, "I think I'll go with the lamb noisette...basically roasted lamb. We can get some escargots on the side? Unless you don't want to eat snails?" He was joking of course, but the snails did have quite the texture. Resting his chin on his free hand, Shota tilted his head to the side as he looked over at Mela. God, she was gorgeous...he could barely keep his eyes away from her. "I was thinking a night walk after this, does that sound fine by you or did you want to do something else?" After ordering their meal, Shota turned his attention back to Mela, "so tell me more about yourself, you can fire away questions at me too." He wanted to get to know her more, not just why she wants to become a hero, but just herself. What she liked, what scared her to how her relations with others are. "You know, it always made me curious, but how on earth are you and Kurotsuki such good friends? You two are polar opposites." Much like him and All Might.

- - - -

Ruka giggled at his compliment as she flashed a teasing smile over his way, "maybe I don't want you to leave hehe." She was just teasing of course, but if he was too tired or full to go home, then she wouldn't mind letting him stay over for the night. Though she'll probably have to insist he sleep on the bed somehow. She could see the two going back and forth about who gets the couch to who sleeps on the bed. Of course, there was also the option of just sharing the bed andddd stop right there Ruka! She was very happy to know that Shoto enjoyed the food. She looked over at him as he placed a hand on the side of her face. She leaned into his soft touch, surprised at the kiss.

Closing her eyes, Ruka enjoyed the kiss despite it being a bit longer than their usually sweet ones, Ruka felt it being a bit too short for her liking. Uh-oh. Was she becoming needier of Shoto? Feeling a blush rising, Ruka began to eat the meal as well. At the mention of dessert, Ruka's face brightened up as she leaned over excitedly, "is it something to do with strawberries?" it'll be great if it was, but even if it wasn't Ruka was sure to enjoy it, "thank you for bringing something over Shoto-kun~ We can enjoy that later hehe." She dipped some lotus root tempura into the soba sauce as she looked up at the mention of Shoto's mother. If she recalled correctly, Shoto's mother has been away from Shoto since a young age. Eyes softening, Ruka reached a hand out and placed it over his hand, "I'm glad you like my cooking so much Shoto-kun, it means a lot to me."

Pulling her hand away, Ruka took a bite of the hiyayako next as her ears perked up at the mention of Mela. Hm? "Oh, Mel? Well, I met her from a young age, so I guess we consider each other like sisters in a sense hehe. I actually met her at one of those boring dinner parties that my parents dragged me to. A-ah I meant...well yes, there's no denying that it is boring for a child you know?" There was nothing that could justify her comment about it being boring. Even now Ruka finds it boring and would only go because she has to and the food. Yes, the food was good at least. "Um, do you have any siblings?" She was curious about his family background, scratch that, she was curious about him in general. Ruka smiled over at Shoto as she told him happily, "I would love to know you more and more Shoto-kun...ah if you'd let me that is ehehe."

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"Well...some guys don't." She left it at that. Heh well looking back, Mela had to realize the hard way her first love wasn't a great guy. He had his moments of being sweet and playful but she didn't think Hideo would want to go out with her like this. The age difference bothered him more than she think he cared to admit. But Aizawa seemed not to mind at all. No one was really paying them any mind. And Mela didn't look that young. She thought it would be nice they could try a new place together. The menu looked pretty authentic and she wished she had been paying more attention during her French lesson on the flight over on vacation. Oh well. She held his hand as he asked about the menu but then mentioned she was quite tempting. SHe ducked her head, blushing. Boy he was a sweet talker!

"Oooh, I love lamb." She would want a bite of that. "I think coq au vin...you can't beat a classic." She decided. "Hey, you think I'd say no to that?" She smirked. He'd be surprised the strange things she'd put in her mouth but she didn't say because she was a lady tonight. Ahah. One time she had roasted crickets and fried tarantula. She was pretty adventurous as an eater. At the mention of a night walk, she nodded. That sounded great to her. "I'd love to take a walk, it's such a clear night." She sighed happily, noticing how Aizawa was only looking at her. It was almost intimidating but she was feeling quite privileged to have his undivided attention. "Oh Ruka and I? We met when were pretty young and ended up causing quite a stir at uh a party were stuck at."

She decided if he knew of her family, he probably knew the kind of money she grew up on. A shrine wasn't a cheap thing to upkeep so her family did dabble, so to speak, in many financial ventures. And their money was also a bit old, so to speak. Besides, it's not like she hadn't gone off to earn her own money, which she was doing, so she didn't feel too bad mentioning it here or there. "We balance each other out pretty well. We both needed a friend when we were younger and since then, we've been causing trouble everywhere we go." She smiled. "We look out for each other and I suspect we always will." Even if Todoroki threatened that, Mela didn't think he'd get in between her and Ruka.

"Oh, here's something no one but Ruka knows, I am actually quite a skilled figure skater...and ballerina." She blushed. "My uh quirk pretty much makes a useful marionette doll. With my balance, I can pretty much do anything with precision." She laughed slightly. "But of course my quirk prevents me from really competing professionally. I think my parents wish I would have just gone into the more...entertainment side of things. Not hero work. Ice skating was really fun, I haven't done it in a year or two. Mostly I would skate with others who have similar quirks and we'd sort of skate in between the scoring and stuff to keep spectators entertained. It paid good money and people would want to train with me because I could do all sorts of tricks without falling or making any errors. It got a bit tiring after a while...it stopped being fun. Anyway, I have a feeling you might not ice skate? Or do you dance?" She asked him, curious. He was clearly full of surprises.

- - -

He waved a playful finger at her, "Mm mm, you'll have to see what is it. Oh...do you like strawberries? I haven't guessed." He joked lightly. Shoto was thankful when Ruka reached out for his hand, understanding the significance of him complimenting her food and comparing it to his mothers. He knew they would need to meet one another soon but that was a discussion for another time and place. First, he needed to decide how to break the ice...er about them being soulmates. He was going to do it tonight. Yes. He would be a man and tell her. And maybe she'd be happy. Hopefully. He really hoped she was happy. Because knowing they were soulmates, made him very happy, almost too happy to put into words. "Your talents never cease to amaze me, Ruka-chan." He said softly, leaning down to kiss her hand softly. There was so much more to uncover and to think they were just getting to know one another.

Ruka began to mention Mela and her but then seemed to glossed over something about a party. A few parties? He had to wonder what she meant by that. What kind of family had a lot of parties? Only the wealthy ones did he assumed. His family was well off but due to his rough training period as a child, he never really went out much or had the chance to mingle with stuck up people. He was glad to hear her bond with Mela was so tight. It made him a bit nervous to be under Mela's scrutiny. If they were like sisters, then Shoto knew he'd have to stay on Mela's good side. "My family...well I do have siblings but I was never close to them." He said. He wished he had more to say on the matter. He didn't want Ruka to think he was being selective with what he told her. He wanted to be an open book for her if possible. "My father was not very kind to any of us growing up, but when I was born he seemed to push my siblings away."

Shoto kept his eyes on her, "But I am beginning to reconnect with them. I have a sister who is a teacher but she isn't local." He offered to her. He would like to repair their broken relationship as he was with his mother. They chatted about hobbies and some stories about their youth, mostly light things. When they finished dinner, Shoto helped clear the table and wash some of the dishes. He wasn't about to leave Ruka with a mess to clean up. Though he wanted to wait on the dessert. He had something he wanted to do first. He walked over to the living room and pulled out his cell phone and flipped through some of the applications before he found the one he was looking for. Turning to Ruka, he set the phone on the table as a soft instrumental version of Can't Take my Eyes off you by The Four Seasons.

He knew it was a classic love song from America and he thought it might be nice to dance to. He held out his hand to her. "Would you care to dance with me?" He looked to her, nervous she might find this silly. Thankfully she took his hand and he slipped his right arm around her back, his left one taking hold of her hand, cupping it in his own as he began to sway with the music, their bodies rather close as he looked into her eyes. He really couldn't take his eyes off of her. Why would he ever want to? Smiling shyly, he leaned down, he touched his forehead to hers. "Would it make you happy to know we're soulmates?" He asked her quietly, still dancing with her slowly, his hand on her back keeping her close, guiding her to follow his movements. "Because...we are, soulmates." He confessed, staring deep into her eyes, wanting to kiss her but waiting to see how she would react. Would she believe him? Or was this not proof enough of how destined they were to be together? It all made perfect sense to Shoto. Would Ruka share that vision, possibly? He hoped she might be able to see it and them...together.

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Shota smirked at Mela's little daring comment. Oh? He wondered what else she has eaten before. It made him wonder where else she has traveled to. Though her comment from earlier was bothering him slightly. What did she mean by some guys? It sounds almost as if she's had a previous lover who wasn't as kind to her as he was currently. Well, she was a young woman and he supposed there would be plenty of other guys looking at her so a previous boyfriend or two shouldn't surprise him as much. Though the small tingle of jealousy that ran through his body could not be stopped. Eh, he'll push that thought aside for now. He rather not ruin the mood with his selfishness.

He nodded his head, okay good. A walk was fine with her. At the mention of her and Kurotsuki causing trouble when younger, Shota smirked lightly as he replied back, "oh, I wouldn't be surprised with that at all. You two are still causing trouble wherever you go." Though as he thought before, Mela and Kurotsuki are close. Really close. If he wanted to stay by Mela's side...then that means he'll have to get on Kurotsuki's good side. Er, well, too late for that. Shota held back a sigh, wondering how the hell was he going to get along with someone fiery like Kurotsuki? Seriously, these two were polar opposites. But he wasn't about to make Mela choose him or Kurotsuki, no, he wouldn't do that. If anything, he'll probably have to come up with a compromise or something with Kurotsuki. Would she be even willing to hear him out? Urgh.

His ears perked at the mention of something only that Kurotsuki knew of. Oh? So this was something no one else at U.A knows about. He listened in as he took a sip of his wine. He lifted a brow at the mention of dancing and figure skating. Ah, well given what her quirk is, he supposed that was a normal thing for her to do. Leaning against his hand, Shota smirked over at her, "hmm is that so? Guess we'll have to go ice skating one day." He wondered what else would she be good at doing? Precision she says? Hmm interesting. Shota shrugged lightly as he answered her questions, "I can ice skate, I just don't do it often...and as for dancing...you think I can't dance, don't you?" Shota gave Mela a look as he smirked over at her. Leaning forward, Shota lifted her hand to his lips as he gave soft butterfly kisses on it, leaving a ghostly trail as he murmured out, "I can dance, I know how to lead if that's what you're asking." Smirking, Shota leaned back in his seat as the food arrived just then.

After having dinner and conversing more, getting to know each other more and more, Shota led Mela outside. He took her into his car before driving up to the lake. It was at a different park from downtown, more near the edge of the city with a large bridge in the center of the lake. Holding her hand, Shota helped her out of the car before placing his jacket over her shoulders. Leading the way, Shota mentioned to Mela lightly, "this park isn't that well known, but there is a legend here that makes it appealing to people as of late." Slowly the two walked around the lake before Shota led her down towards the bridge where it led to a small island in the center of the lake. He smirked over at her as he pointed at the island where there was a small patio with a bench hidden under it, the ceiling opened up in the center to allow the moon to shine overhead. "I won't go telling you the legend, you'll have to find that out yourself." Like he can just tell her that the legend was about if two soulmates were to kiss on the island, they would never be apart. Yeah...he won't go telling her that.

Taking a seat on the bench, Shota pulled her close to his side. Looking down at her, he murmured out, "I hope you enjoyed tonight..." because he wasn't this adventurous as he much prefers to stay home and sleep. Bringing a hand to her cheek, Shota lightly caressed her soft skin before leaning in to give her a long yet sweet kiss. Pulling back, Shota murmured under his breath, "more.." before diving back for a few more kisses shared under the moonlit night. Perhaps finding his soulmate wasn't a bad thing. Heh.

- - -

Ruka nodded her head in understanding. She frowned slightly wondering what sort of father can push aside his own children like that, oh wait. She can totally understand that. She hasn't even seen her father in her entire life to begin with. So he has a sister? Ruka would like to meet her one day, but she was more curious of Shoto's mother. She sounded like a wonderful lady from how Shoto spoke so fondly of. Ruka smiled over at Shoto as she feigned innocence as she returned his light joke, "oh? Well now you know~ I am quite the avid strawberry fan hehe." The two talked more about various subjects before dinner was soon over. Ruka insisted that Shoto doesn't need to do the dishes and yet he ended up helping her clean up anyways. She pouted over at Shoto and as Ruka was putting away the dishes, she heard a soft music drumming softly behind her. Hm?

Curious, Ruka turned around just in time to be met with Shoto's outstretched hand. Huh? Ruka blinked a few times as she looked at the phone where the music was coming from to Shoto. She smiled softly up at him as she placed her smaller hand in his. Holding back a giggle, Ruka murmured out, "sure, I would love to." Stepping closer to Shoto, Ruka placed a hand on his shoulder as her other was placed in his hand. She knew how to dance thanks to all those parties and lessons, but she was surprised at how well he danced. Following his lead, Ruka danced away to the music, as she enjoyed this sweet gesture. It was very romantic and very very cute. Like she told him before, he had his cute moments hehe.

Staring up into Shoto's eyes, Ruka returned the shy smile as she felt very happy and shy at the moment. Feeling his face get closer to her own, Ruka wondered if he was going to kiss her, but the words he said next caused her heart to jump. What? Soulmates? Her and Shoto? Was that even possible...? Ruka stared up at him as she wondered where he was going with this. At hearing his confession of the two being soulmates, Ruka felt her heartbeat quicken. Wait, hold it. They were soulmates!? She never really put much thought into soulmates, to begin with as she thought it was some little myth that someone created in order to make sense of all the marks appearing on people's bodies.

Soulmates...just what was so special about being soulmates? That they were destined for one another? That they fit each other like a missing piece of the puzzle? She only witnessed people have a failure of a soulmate, as her mother and step-father was the perfect definition of a mess, yet here she was standing in front of her soulmate, falling more and more for him as the seconds ticked by. Somehow, she felt as if her own words were being thrown right back at her. To prove to her that soulmates were a real thing and that they can be happy together. Feeling her heart still thumping in her chest, Ruka finally responded with a soft yet happy filled smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck, locking her lips with his for a brief moment.

Pulling back, Ruka stared up at him as she murmured out, "really now? Well, then I'm overjoyed to know that because I wouldn't want it any other way hehe." Eyes shining with happiness at the idea that her soulmate is Shoto, Ruka blinked a few times as the music came to a stop. She looked over at Shoto, her brow lifted as she said, "hm if I remember correctly, you said you didn't see anything back then?" She was soon grinning as Ruka merely stepped away as she teasingly tugged on her dress to show the tip of her soul mark, "just kidding, it's not like I'm hiding it, it's just placed in an awkward spot." Tugging on his hand, Ruka pulled him to the couch where she turned to him happily as she asked, "so, what's for dessert?" There was no escaping that topic as Ruka has been looking forward to what Shoto have brought. She wouldn't mind having some cuddling moments with him while eating whatever sweets he may have brought hehe.

Genkai Genkai
He could dance? She would have to see it to believe it. Guys her age didn't dance unless they were forced into learning at a young age. Most guys just shook their genitals around and called it dancing. Urgh. But still, Shota had to realize she knew how to lead as well and she had to wonder who might end up leading whom. Heh. She blushed at his kisses, holding back a soft whine. Oh no, don't whine in public. Mela enjoyed her meal very much and ended up sharing a bit with Shota. It was all very good and she had to quietly admit it was on par with Ruka's cooking, though Ruka didn't do a lot of French cooking unless Mela bugged her to and of course bought all the ingredients. Needless to say, Mela was very happy with Aizawa's restaurant selection.

Back in the car, Mela watched the route they were going. You could never be too observant as a young woman these days. Not that she was worried about Aizawa or anything. He wouldn't kidnap her...unless maybe she asked him to? Nooo none of those thoughts tonight, Mela. Needles to say it was a part of the city she hadn't been to yet but it looked very nice and not as densely populated. She got out and cuddled into the coat he offered her, able to still enjoy his warmth in it. Walking with him across the bridge, she looked around. It was so peaceful. Listening to this hint of a legend, she thought about it. Something that appealed to couples as of late? Hmm...she wondered, did he mean soulmates?

Maybe back home she could dig into it more, wondering if her inkling was right. She was smarter than she acted ahah. Sitting down, she leaned against him. The moonlight was so serene and Mela thought this night couldn't get anymore perfect. Though she was sure this night was just an occasional thing. She knew Shota had to prefer something more close to home. But even if this night was a rarity, she would always treasure it, wondering if this was really how a girl was meant to be romanced. When he held the side of her face and caressed her skin, her face lit up as he kissed her. Now she felt like she was in one of her romantic movies where everyone would live happily ever after.

Her lips smiled against his as he pulled back and looked to her. Mela had an arm around his torso, holding him close. He wasn't getting away from her. Not after a night like this. He kissed her again. And again. And again. Mela found herself relaxing all the more. There was something so dangerously addicting about this man. Pulling back again, she brushed her lips against his shoulder, eyeing him. Now this was where she'd say something sassy but she just couldn't. She didn't have it in her anymore, more than happy to just sit here and enjoy her boyfriend. "Tonight was incredible." She smiled to him, her heart feeling so weightless. "I'm so glad you're all mine." She said with a light smirk, leaning up to kiss him softly.

- - -

The dancing slowed as he gave Ruka time to process the truth bomb he had unloaded upon her. But it was true and he would gladly take off his socks and prove it to her. He didn't mean to lie or omit the truth from her and he was worried that she might be upset for lying last week during training about having seen anything. But what he had seen had been so wonderful that he needed time to process and make a plan. Yet at the same time, it only affirmed how he felt about Ruka and he was hoping that to her, being soulmates was a blessing, not a curse or something to shrug off. They got along so well and he couldn't imagine anyone else he would want to dance with at this very moment. It was Ruka. It had to be Ruka.

But he realized this may put some pressure on her and for that he would apologize. But he wanted to show her a magical evening and that they got along so well that soulmates would be a good thing, a very good thing. He felt his chest tighten as she thought about it before he notice a smile appearing across her lips. Oh, so she was happy? Before he could question her, they were kissing. Shoto decided this was a great alternative to talking. Yes, yes it was. The kiss ended and he was about to resume when he heard her speak. Oh yes, they were having a very important conversation. Focus, Shoto. She said that she wouldn't want it any other way. Truly? He was so happy and so relieved to hear that. He smiled down at her, his hands now hugging her close, settled around her lower back.

He blushed at her teasing and spotted the mark again. Yes, that was it. "I'm so glad to hear you feel the same way." He said, kissing her forehead as he sat her down on the couch, her asking about dessert. He hurried back to the kitchen and came back with the box of dark chocolate covered strawberries. He sat down and opened the box for her to reveal that he had indeed brought something relating to strawberries. He was also pretty sure there wouldn't be any leftovers by the time Ruka got done with them. Picking up one that had white chocolate sprinkles, he carefully held it up and out for her to take a taste. His other arm was wrapped around Ruka's shoulders, keeping her close as he finished feeding her a succulent berry. He opened his mouth when it was his turn to have a bite.

It was a mixture of cool, sweet, tart, soft and even the crunch from the outer chocolate layer. He could tell Ruka enjoyed them and he knew this might be a good thing to get her every now and then. He didn't see why it had to be a date for him to get her something if it made her happy. Shoto noticed a bit of chocolate smudged along the corned of her lips. Trying not to think too much, he leaned in and lightly licked it off before he kissed her again, a bit more deeply, able to taste a mix of bitter and sweet against her lips. He sat back slightly, smiling to her. What? She had licked sauce of his face, he thought it right to return the favor. "I think I find you a bit more satisfying than these strawberries." He teased lightly though it was the truth.

AiAi AiAi
Shota lifted a brow at Mela as she for one did not throw out a teasing or sarcastic comment at him. Hm. He smiled slightly as she seemed quite happy and content. Wrapping an arm around her, Shota tugged her closer as he leaned in to receive the kiss, "mmm...as long as you're all mine, I'm fine with that." He gave her a teasing smirk before brushing aside her bangs to place a chaste kiss on her forehead. Pulling her closer, Shota enjoyed her warm presence as he looked up at the night sky. He wished the night would never end and that he can just stay under this moonlight with Mela. Together they can just enjoy each other's presence...this was nice. Despite it not being in the comfort of his home, Shota will admit that this was quite nice and relaxing.

He refrained from talking about school to her at this moment. They'll have plenty of time to talk about that tomorrow or some other day. But tonight, right now, he would just enjoy the cool night air and the company of his girlfriend. Thinking back to her questions from before, Shota realized he never really elaborated on things. Perhaps now was the good time to do so? "A peaceful night like this, where people can go out and about even in the middle of the night without fearing for any attacks, without fearing for their lives...I guess that's sort of why I do what I do. Even in the middle of the night, I want people to feel safe. Knowing that a hero is watching over them." He didn't mind losing sleep when he could save people and give a peace of mind to them. It gave him a sense of satisfaction knowing that the town was at ease and able to sleep in peace with him watching over them like a silent guardian angel of the night...except that he is no angel. Hah.

After enjoying a bit more time with Mela at the bench, Shota led her back to the car where he drove her home. As much as he would love to just have her all to himself for the night, Shota knew that wasn't what a gentleman would do plus it was a bit too early in his mind. Though of course...if she insisted he wouldn't go arguing against her, but he wanted her to feel at ease around him. As he walked Mela up the stairs towards her room, Shota stopped Mela so that she was about the same height as him with her standing on the steps. Staring into her chocolatey orbs, Shota leaned in and kissed her sweetly on the lips before pulling away and taking her up the doorsteps. Brushing aside her bangs, Shota placed a chaste kiss on her forehead as he murmured out, "sweet dreams Mela...I'll see you tomorrow." Shota gave her a tight hug and one last kiss before walking back to his car. That was close. If he kept kissing her like so, Shota was certain it'll just escalate as he wouldn't be able to hold himself back. Letting out a frustrated groan, Shota drove him, hoping he can get some sleep tonight.

~ Tues-Day ~

After such a sweet date with Mela, Shota woke up the next morning feeling a little less dread. Hm. As he arrived at school, Shota went to class
3-A, eyes locking with Mela's briefly as he told the class of today's schedule before he slinked away to get some sleep. But, not today. He actually had some work to finish. As Shota was looking over class 3-A's student profile, Shota stopped on the picture of Midoriya as he forgot to tell Mela to be careful around Midoriya. The boy may appear nice and all that, but underneath they were all the same. They could not be trusted. As Shota was getting ready to go and get the pairs started with him stopping by to check on each pair during the afternoon lesson, Principal Nezu came strolling by. Shota blinked a few times as he looked over at the Principal with a lifted brow, "yes, Sir?" Why did he have a bad feeling...?

Nezu smiled over at Shota as he spoke up, "ah, perfect timing Aizawa-sensei! I was wondering if you can do me a favor?" Hm? Suddenly, a large stack of papers was placed on top of Shota's desk and before Shota can even question the tiny white mouse, Nezu was walking off as he told Shota over his shoulder, "these need to be organized and then filed. Please look over each and make sure that there are no mistakes! Also, I already asked All Might to watch over your class so you need not fret! Ahahaha!" Shota watched with wide eyes as Nezu walked away, leaving Shota with quite the stack to tackle. He glared at the papers, silently wondering why of all days? He was planning on keeping an eye on Midoriya so that he won't have any funny ideas while alone with Mela.

Meanwhile, the entire class 3-A was confused as it wasn't Aizawa who came to greet them but All Might. He gave them all a cheerful smile as he said, "good afternoon young heroes to be! Today, I will be watching over your practices! I will be coming around each room and checking on your progress so show me what you all got!" With a thumbs up, All Might watched the pairs head off into rooms before he began to walk around. Principal Nezu told him that Aizawa-kun was currently busy and would not be able to attend the afternoon classes and if he could take over for Aizawa-kun. It was a sudden and strange request, but All Might agreed to it for several reasons. One, he wanted to be of help to Aizawa-kun and then two because he can see Uede Shoujo! Er, he meant so he can see the progress of all his students. Yes, that. Feeling quite energized and happier, Yagi began to head to each room and check on the students.

- - - -

How strange. Ruka always believed that even if she were to meet her soulmate, that she wouldn't feel a thing. That she knew that just because two people are soulmates does not mean anything. Yet here she was, falling head over heels in love with the person who turned out to be her soulmate. It warmed her heart greatly. Just maybe she can believe that being soulmates meant to be destined for one another? Can she really believe that soulmates will have a happy ending together? Yes, she would like that very much. Heh, how life liked to just throw things right back to her face. Hm...perhaps if it was Shoto, he would be able to find the key to her sealed heart? The one key that she threw aside into the abyss of her soul as she felt like there was no need for love in her life.

Closing her eyes, Ruka enjoyed his sweet kiss on her forehead before following him to the couch. As she mentioned dessert, Shoto finally went to go and retrieve it. Ruka sat on the couch in excitement and he truly did not disappoint as Shoto held open a box of strawberry dipped chocolates with toppings on each one. As Shoto held one out for Ruka to take a bite, she gladly did so, finding it to be dark chocolate! What a sweet surprise! Taking hold of one in her hand, she held it out for Shoto to take a bite from, enjoying this sweet moment. Sitting close to Shoto, Ruka enjoyed the sweets as she leaned her head on his shoulder while thanking him, "mmm thank you Shoto-kun, these are delicious~!"

She was so focused on eating the berries that she didn't notice the little smudge she got on her face. Oh, who cares! These strawberries were to die for! Though it seemed like Shoto took notice as he leaned over and licked her on the side of her lips. Ruka blinked a bit, about to make a comment when he leaned back in but for a kiss this time around. Eyes fluttering shut immediately, Ruka enjoyed the deep kiss, tasting sweet strawberries from his lips. As he pulled away, Ruka stared a bit dazed up at him before flushing at his comment. Ah, there he goes again with his teasing comments. Putting aside the box of strawberries, Ruka turned to face Shoto kneeling on the couch. She pouted over at him as she leaned close to his face until their noses were touching, "mou, Shoto-kun, how many times must I tell you? Strawberries taste much sweeter! Though honestly..." her eyes dipped to his lips as she licked her own pair. Eyes gleaming in mischief, Ruka murmured softly, "I think I'm craving a bit more of you, Sho~to~" she teasingly bit his lower lip.

Ruka gave him a few more teasing kisses before sitting back down next to him. Sitting as close as she could, Ruka nuzzled against Shoto as she wrapped her arms around his torso, enjoying the closeness and warmth. She rested her head in the crook of his neck, occasionally leaning up to steal a kiss from his lips. Letting out a soft sigh, Ruka murmured out happily, "tonight was so wonderful...I loved every moment of it hehe." Smiling up at him, Ruka told him happily while nuzzling her cheek against his chest, "thank you for tonight Shoto-kun." After spending some more time with him, Ruka waved goodbye to him as he, unfortunately, had to leave. Ruka would have told him to just stay, but she couldn't just blurt that out. Closing the door after Shoto, Ruka got ready to sleep. Falling on her bed, Ruka stared happily up at the ceiling, her mind replaying the night's events...though a rather questioning thought came to mind, "I wonder where Shoto's mark is...? Is it on an awkward spot like mine?" Guess she'll have to ask him some other time.

~ Tuuuuesdayy ~

As she woke up the next morning, Ruka made sure to wake Mela up early so she can talk about last night with her friend while cooking breakfast and making lunch. She ended up talking to Mela about being soulmates with Shoto before listening to Mela's own date. Of course, Ruka kept out the little tidbit about them having the date at her place...Mela didn't need to know thooose details. After eating breakfast and getting ready for school, the two headed towards the bus stop to get to U.A. As they arrived at school, Ruka headed to class where she took her seat. Looking to the side, she smiled over at Shoto, a slight blush dusting her cheeks, "ah, good morning Shoto-kun. Ready for another day?" She was tempted to give him a good morning kiss but refrained from doing so.

The morning lectures went by rather quickly and lunch was a tad too quick for her liking too. She spent it with Shoto again as she made them lunch. Today's menu for lunch was small sandwiches with sides of fruits. It was becoming a habit of her's to include his meal into her meal prep now and it was something that made her smile in the mornings as she made the lunch. Once lunch was over, Ruka parted with Shoto as she headed to the locker rooms. She looked over at Mela, telling her, "I talked to Kaminari-kun yesterday...I just hope my words reached him." She held back a sigh as she gave her friend a hug while saying over her shoulder, "be nice to Midoriya-san, don't go making him cry, that's my job heh." Ruka headed up to the fourth room on the eleventh floor. As she entered the room, Ruka noted it to be similar to the previous room except this one was a bit more open and had more paddings on the floors and walls. She hoped these were fireproof.

As she was tying up her hair into a ponytail, the door behind her opened up. Turning around, Ruka spotted Denki. Smiling slightly, Ruka greeted him, "ah, Kaminari-kun, good afternoon! Are you ready for training?"

Genkai Genkai
The night had really be perfect. There was nothing about it she thought she'd ever want to change. She found it cute to know despite his aloof attitude, he did have the markings of a hero when it came to wanting others to be safe and kept out of harm's way. A world without danger. A world without fear. That would be a very good world but she sometimes wondered if would ever be possible. Crime was becoming a lot lower but there were still lunatics out there looking to score thanks to whatever strange quirk they had. And quirkless people had to feel even more helpless. She could understand a bit of what that felt like. She settled in the car and couldn't help but feel a light sadness in knowing the night would eventually have to come to an end but she was very happy with feeling like Cinderella for the evening.

The kiss on the stairs had been quite lovely, Mela brushed the side of his face with her fingertips, enjoying the closeness. At her door, she felt the same flurry of flutters she had been feeling all night when he kissed her forehead. "Thank you for a wonderful evening, Shoto." She said as he hugged her. She told herself she had to let go so with considerable regret, she did. She wanted him to stay though she knew he probably wouldn't want to. It was so soon. But still...maybe if she started to cough and complain of sickness, he'd stay. No no. She kissed him back, before watching him head down to his car. Mela gave a soft sigh before she let herself back in and put her roses in a vase. Mela fanned herself and kicked off her shoes. What a night. She quickly slipped out of her clothes and headed to bed, feeling too giddy to get much sleep.

- Tuesday is the day -

Stretching, Mela found herself fearing last night had been some dream. She got dressed and decided it wasn't a dream, it had been too lovely for that. Mela and Ruka went over notes from last night. To know Shoto and Ruka were soulmates too huh? It was interesting but only made her distrustful of Shoto even more. If he was her soulmate, he might get some funny ideas on how to take things even further now. Grrr. Mela was happy to say Aizawa had been a perfect gentleman to her and that if Ruka had seen him last night, she would have understood Mela's feelings for him. Once at school and in class, Mela had on her usual cheerful smile but she seemed somehow even happier than usual. She was quite happy to chat with Iida-san next to her and even Bakugo's permanent bad mood couldn't bring her down. She caught Shota's eye and smiled before he went off, probably to hibernate.

By the time lunch rolled by, Mela was quite hungry and headed off to eat with Dekkun, Tenya, Ochako, Denki, and Eijiro. She wondered where Ruka was but had to consider, Shoto was off keeping her all to himself. Hmph. The group talked about training and weekend plans. Deku seemed to be fishing to see if Mela was free but she said she didn't know yet. Maybe she'd be busy with Aizawa-sensei. Hopefully. Deku and Mela were soon reunited after they changed. Their room seemed to have strengthened walls for Izuku's quirk. The two stretched and ended up of course, talking about All Might. Once they were done, they began to spar with Deku only using a small bit of his power as to not hurt Mela too much. As they were fighting, Mela began to taunt him, unable to help herself, wanting to see a bit more of this super strength of his. After enough playful remarks about him compared to Bakugo or All Might, Deku decided to use a bit more power behind his next punch since Mela had been able to dodge everything so far.

Reeling his arm back, he summoned his strength and Mela quickly jumped off to the side. Deku had been running at her and only wound up connecting with the wall, his arm snapped and his head smashed into the concrete before Mela jumped and caught him before he hit the mat. "Dekkun!" She panicked and looked at his arm, wondering what may have happened if she hadn't gotten out of the way. Mela held him up and saw blood trickling down his face. She quickly wiped it with her sleeve and noticed his arm looked pretty bad too. He wasn't responding. Oh crap. Mela set him down and stuck her head out, calling for All Might, knowing he'd be here pretty darn quick. Mela stepped back and walked over to Izuku and placed a hand to his forehead. He was knocked out cold. "He ended up having a pretty hard collision with the wall..." Mela explained, looking over at the slight dent, surprised it hadn't left a bigger mark. The room really was well made for someone like Deku or All Might. "I should probably go to see Medical Girl too." This was her fault it happened in the first place. If she hadn't been egging him on, he wouldn't have lost control.

- - -

He was quite amused that she still was under the impression she couldn't be sweeter than any strawberry but to him, she was. He found her to be quite delightful and he had to admit kissing her was becoming a hobby he could spend a lot of time invested in. Ah teenage hormones. When Ruka said she wanted him instead and bit his lower lip, he couldn't help but let out a soft moan of wanting. He couldn't help himself when she did something so sexy like that. Shoto returned each and every kiss with tender longing. He held her close, for a moment believing it may be better to just pull her onto his lap but he knew that wouldn't be very appropriate for their first date. No no. Well...no. Shoto was content to trade soft delectable kisses with the girl beside him, his hand rubbing the side of her lightly. He couldn't imagine he'd be sitting here. When he first started at UA, he expected to just go through it without trouble and graduate but there had been so many things that had shaped him into the man he was today.

Shoto had to hope those events would carry him through the rest of the year at school and beyond it. He stared down at Ruka, certain if she had asked him to stay, he would have. His willpower seemed to be draining with every shared kiss and touch. He breathed in slowly, trying to slow his mind down and enjoy these moments. These were the moments he didn't know he craved until now. Shoto noticed how late it was getting and decided to go before it got too dangerous to be out at night. He kissed Ruka goodbye, his hands cupping the sides of her face before he gave her nose a small nuzzle against his own. "Thank you for dinner, Ruka-chan. Goodnight." He kissed her again softly before he slipped his shoes on, grabbed his things and headed out, glancing to her before he left, giving her one last parting smile. Oh, how he would miss her until the next day.

- Tuesday ay ay ay -

For Shoto Todoroki, to say his first date had gone well would be an understatement. He woke up feeling quite pleased with the evening and had to hope he and Ruka could share many more. He got dressed and headed off to school, his pace a little quicker than usual. He was eager to get to school and learn? Nah. He was hoping to see his girlfriend of course. He arrived and hurried up and settled into his seat, smiling to Ruka, "Ah, yes I am, Ruka-chan. I hope you had a good night's sleep." He certainly did. Even just being around her, he felt his heart already start to flutter and he was so very thankful to be sitting next to her and not across the room. Come lunch, Shoto was once again impressed with the lunch she had kindly prepared for him and he knew he'd need all the strength he could get against Kirishima but he was still not sure how he felt about Ruka and Kaminari but he didn't say anything until the bell rang, not wanting to ruin their little lunch date, "Do let me know if I should talk to Kaminari-san for any reason." He said, not wanting her to feel pressured to do so but that she knew he was happy to help put the boy in line if desired.

Denki had spent the rest of Monday unsure about many things. He kept thinking back to how upset Ruka had been and those black flames of hers. He headed out and purchased a small comic book which was only a stand-alone single issue about a young girl who comes out of a myth and finds a new home in modern reality. He thought it might be neat for Ruka to take a look at, he found the art to be very detailed and vibrant. He headed into school, Eijiro by his side, pumping him up as they headed up the stairs to class. Denki sat down and listened to the same old announcements before the other classes began. He took notes here and there but he was still quite distracted and knew he wouldn't feel okay until he saw Ruka come after lunch.

Lunch itself had been quick for the blond, everyone getting lost in their own stories and gossip. He headed off to get changed with the others and when they were told All Might would be checking in on them and offering them advice, he felt a bit more relieved. It's not that Denki didn't like Aizawa-sensei, it was just that he was really really scary sometimes. Denki waved to Eijiro who smirked at Shoto. To Eijiro, Shoto was in the way of his friend's happiness so he'd be happy to spar with the guy the whole week. Denki headed off their designated room and found Ruka there. He held out the comic he had gotten for her. "Uh th-this is for you." He said, hoping she'd accept it. "And yes, I am!" If she wanted the full force of his electricity, then so be it. He sent his volts throughout his body as he got ready to take her on in some hand to hand combat. Denki smirked, feeling a lot more excited now and ready to show her how tough he could be when he didn't hold anything back. Running towards her, he jumped and aimed a charged kick to her feet, hoping to knock her back or at least off balance.

AiAi AiAi
As each pair began to start their practice, Yagi didn't think it'll happen so soon, but he had to step in and teach Bakugou Shounen that using the full force of his explosion in such a small room, no matter how compact, would not be a good idea. It was probably due to Bakugou Shounen's partner being Hagakure Shoujo, to fight an invisible person can be difficult. He waved at the two and was thinking where to head off to next when he heard Uede Shoujo's voice loud and clear. In a heartbeat, Yagi was in front of Mela and Midoriya Shounen's room. Quickly entering, Yagi spotted Midoriya Shounen laying on the floor, his face bleeding. Yagi knelt beside the boy, checking to see if he was still breathing. Good, he was just unconscious. Listening to Mela's explanation, Yagi glanced to the side to see that there indeed was quite a dent in the wall.

He smiled over at Mela, placing a hand on top of her head as he told her, "don't make such a face Uede Shoujo. I'm sure Midoriya Shounen knew of the consequences when going against you while using more of his strength...you can come if you would like, though hm..." as Yagi picked Midoriya up, he looked over at Mela in question. He didn't want to just dismiss her for the day nor did he believe she deserved punishment. Smiling at his idea, Yagi told her, "oh I know! Why don't I spar with you for today? I'm sure Midoriya Shounen would be better by tomorrow!" With that in mind, All Might began to lead the way to the infirmary room where he was met with a frowning Recovery Girl. Oh....why did he have a bad feeling? All Might kept his smile on his face despite that as he placed Midoriya Shounen down on a bed.

Recovery Girl let out a small huff before walking over to see his injuries. She frowned. Oh no. Turning to All Might, she waved her cane towards him while saying, "this is the tenth time he's been here since the start of school All Might! I am not healing his injuries anymore! He can't just expect to be healed up each and every time and be thinking that he can be as reckless as he wants to be! And you! What were you doing while he was hurt?" All Might sweatdropped as he received the full blow of Recovery Girl's scoldings before he ushered Mela out with him into the hallway. He let out a laugh as he told her, "ahahaha! Do not fret! She is always like that! I'm sure she will heal him regardless of what she says...now then, shall we go and spar?" All Might smiled down at Mela before leading the way.

As he stood across from Mela, he told her, "I hope you are not dwelling on the matter and blaming yourself for his injury. Despite whatever you may have said to Midoriya Shounen, he had the choice to ignore it or not. He had the choice and he made that choice. No one can force someone to make a choice, remember that Uede Shoujo...now then, show me what you got!" All Might stood on the defense as he was ready to take on whatever she may throw his way. Though if he had to be honest, he was quite happy. He has been wanting to spend some time with Mela and now that there was a chance, he took it. Sorry Midoriya Shounen, but thank you!

- - -

If Ruka was being honest, she thought Shoto spoiled her way too much. She's never had someone worry over her constantly while all the while showering her with kisses and hugs, literally. She quite enjoyed this as she never had the luxury to enjoy such moments. She giggled slightly at the memory of Shoto telling her to talk to him if Denki did anything to her. She hoped things would be fine between her and Denki. She knew that their fight yesterday may have caused a small rift to appear, but surely things are fine now? Oh but speaking of yesterday...Ruka was slowly slipping away into her memories of yesterday when Denki arrived in the room. Oh phew, good timing.

She greeted Denki as normally as she could when he presented her with a comic book. Blinking, Ruka looked down at it before taking it into her hands. She looked over the cover before smiling over at Denki, "thank you Kaminari-kun! I'll be sure to read this over." Was this his way of saying that he's sorry? Ruka smiled down at the book, thinking that was a rather sweet gesture. How can she be mad at him with this sort of gift? Well, she wasn't really mad at him per say, to begin with. Placing the book against the wall by the door, Ruka turned her attention to Denki. She smirked over at him as she told him the same words she said to him Monday, "come at me with all you got!"

As their training began, Denki rushed towards her with an electric kick directed straight at her. Waiting until the last moment, Ruka flipped backward though, his electricity running through his leg shocked her a bit. Stumbling back slightly, Ruka's smile widened as this is what she was looking forward to. Glad to see that he was actually taking her seriously, Ruka decided that she shouldn't hold back either...well not let loose, but letting her flames out wouldn't hurt. Flames appearing on her hand, she began to throw black gusts of flame towards his way in small bursts. She was glad that the room was much larger than the one she shared with Shoto. As she continued with her attacks of flames, Ruka decided to run straight to him. Jumping up, Ruka aimed a fiery punch to his face to which he dodged. Well, that wasn't bad. Smirking, she ducked and dodged an electric punch of his before she swept her leg out under him, knocking him back.

Deciding to end their little spar, Ruka got on top of him and was about to point a flame towards his face when electricity ran through his body, shocking her. Ruka's eyes widened as she let out a yelp while stumbling back. Ouch. That was a first. The statics was still running its course through her body as Ruka bit her lip to stop the pain by focusing on another pain. Standing up, she pouted over at him as she said, "that's not fair Kaminari-kun, how else am I supposed to hold you down?" And win. Grinning, Ruka ran towards Denki and at the last second she swooped down out of his line of vision, sending up a fiery kick from below. The burst of fire that left her leg went straight to the ceiling, barely missing Denki by a hairsbreadth. She smiled over at him as she said, "that was a good one hehe." She didn't even notice how long they had been at it until the bell rang. Ruka looked up, "oh, is it already time to go? That went by fast huh." She smiled over at Denki as she added, "thank you Kaminari-kun."

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Even though it was right, that Midoriya probably let his emotions take over, she still wondered if she had said something too far though they were just harmless jabs, nothing she didn't think was too close to the truth. Mela still felt responsible though, she would have to figure out who she could tease and how might take it the wrong way. She decided she'd make something for Dekkun tomorrow to make up for this whole accident. Hopefully he'd be okay by then though when All Might suggested he take Midoriya's place, she didn't know what to say to that. Was that really fair? It felt even more unfair than bing paired up with Aizawa-sensei. Like plus ultra unfair. However, Mela knew this was a golden opportunity to learn from the number one hero and she wasn't going to look a gift horse, er hero in the mouth.

Medical Girl seemed quite irritated by having to heal Midoriya-san and Mela got the feeling this sort of thing happened a bit too frequently for the old lady's liking. Mela rubbed her neck, keeping her mouth shut. She followed All Might out and back to the room. Sparring against the number one hero? Somehow she was as nervous as she was excited. Although she wasn't sure how this would go any better, he was a lot stronger than her, and well anyone else in the entire school or city even. How was this fair again? Oh right, it wasn't. But it was a learning opportunity! Mela looked to him, listening to what he had to say. She had to focus on the task at hand, even if it seemed quite insurmountable. Eheh.

The sparring session went the way she foresaw but the difference between All Might and Aizawa was that All Might at least offered her some advice on how to counter and to get out of certain positions. Mela had learned how to best break free when someone had you pinned down and she also learned how to get out of a choke hold. So the sparring had been very informative but also a bit distracting, Mela found. Being so close to her idol, feeling his body against hers, listening to his voice so close to her. It was almost too much but thankfully the bell rang before Mela could notice where her mind was traveling to. She headed off to get changed but stopped, deciding she should take him out to thank him for helping her today. "Umm All Might, maybe I can treat you to something if you're free?" She looked to him.

It wasn't a date. It was a student thanking a teacher. Nothing more. It would never be anything more, obviously. Mela didn't think Aizawa would really mind. Okay, he probably would but he had nothing to worry about. Besides if she really couldn't hang out with others guys casually as just friends, then being in a relationship wasn't for her. There was no way Mela would be on some invisible leash haha. Cats don't wear leashes. Mela got changed into her uniform and waved to Ruka before she headed out and found All Might waiting out in the front of campus. She waved to him, "I never got to ask but how did you like the beach? I think everyone loved having you there." She said, thinking back to the guys in class, although they probably didn't like being lectured about manners, though maybe that was only directed at a select few. "I was thinking maybe ice cream or a slice of pizza. What do you think?" She hoped either would be appealing to him but if not, she was pretty open.

- - -

His kick landed but it didn't have the hard impact he had wanted since Ruka had flipped backwards. He still got her but it wasn't what he had intended. She was quick heh. He swerved and dodged the fiery punches she began to hurl towards him. He was doing his best not to get burned this time and he hoped he was doing a good enough job to make up for yesterday's nonexistent performance. They began to trade punches and kicks, both of them clearly trying to surprise the other. Denki fell backwards when Ruka had jumped on top of him. He blushed, his electricity running wild. It wasn't a big charge, it didn't stun her but it was a lot more shocking than the kicks and punches he had been delivering a while ago.

It was clearly painful for her but not enough to do any long lasting damage he hoped. He got up to his feet, about to ask if she was alight but he stopped himself, telling himself she'd say something if it was too much. Denki smirked at her comment. "Oh? Can't hold me down, miss Kurotsuki." He winked at her, wagging a finger. "Maybe I'll be the one on top of you haha." He internally cringed at that word choice. Argh. Denki why don't you think before you speak? Thankfully their session continued as she aimed a dangerous kick his way, which he quickly dodged, though it had been quite a close call and he had to spin around to make sure he wasn't on fire. He calmed down and looked to her, breathing a bit heavily. That had been quite fun and he knew they'd have a lot more fun as the days went by and on Saturday things would be totally different for them.

"Oh, d-don't thank me." He waved his hands at her, still feeling a bit bad. He was sure after Saturday when he had proven himself a tough opponent, he'd feel a bit better. Until then, he was going to work hard to show her his power. But hopefully not shock her to death heh. "It was really fun huh?" He rubbed his neck. "How about we hang out for a bit? I feel like it's been ages since we did something together." Without Todoroki or Kirishima popping up, that is. "Why don't we see what we can find downtown?" In his search for finding strawberry things to woo her, Denki had discovered there was a place where you could pick strawberries and take them home, or make jam out of them, on-site. "I have this place where you can pick strawberries and take em home. It's like a farm but in the middle of the urban jungle. It's on this roof overlooking the city, I bet it'd be great!" He grinned as he walked out of the room, holding the door open for her as they headed down to get changed in their respective locker rooms.

Getting showered and changed quickly, he got a text from Eijiro saying he had everything under control. Whatever that meant...Meanwhile Eijiro was keeping Todoroki occupied in their own training room, insisting they not go home until they had settled their sparring session, neither of them using their quirk to first test the other's fighting prowess. Shoto was annoyed because he wanted to find Ruka and take her out but he also wanted to see how she had fared against Kaminari. He wasn't worried something had happened, he was more concerned about the ideas of perversion running through the dumb blond's head. Getting Shoto in a headlock, Eijiro laughed hysterically as Shoto grumbled, figuring this could go on well into the night, much to his dismay. Meanwhile, Denki waited out front and felt his heart pounding. He hoped with the views and the food, Ruka might forget about yesterday. When she joined him, he grinned, feeling so much better around her. "Your number one tour guide, a your service!" He offered her his arm as they headed for the bus stop.

AiAi AiAi
What happened to Midoriya Shounen was something unfortunate, but at times those mistakes were also a great learning experience. All Might will have to ask Midoriya Shounen what happened exactly for him to lose control of his quirk like so. All Might had personally taught the young male how to best control his strength quirk and yet this happened still. He understood why Recovery Girl was upset and can only hope she would heal Midoriya, if not, well they'll have to figure something out. But a broken bone would leave him quite out for at least the week. Hm...perhaps he can be Mela's official spar partner? Ah, no no. What was he thinking!? Certainly, it wasn't for him to hang around Mela...no no, he was thinking for both Midoriya Shounen and Uede Shoujo! He was their teacher, of course he would try to find a solution! Yes, that was it...nothing else.

For the remainder of the class, All Might sparred with Mela hand to hand and taught her a few things here and there. He has pulled her into a choke hold and even pinned her down to show her how to escape from such holds. During so, however, All Might couldn't help but notice just how thin and slender she was. Any more pressure and he was afraid she'll break under his touch. Ah! What was he thinking!? All Might mentally berated himself before giving pointers to Uede Shoujo. As the bell rang, he turned to Mela and gave her a thumbs up, "that was really good Uede Shoujo! Now let's see if you can put me in a choke hold next time." He chuckled at that thought and was about to leave when she invited him out. Oh? Really now?

Smiling widely, All Might found no reason to refuse, "I would love that Uede Shoujo! I shall meet you at the front gates then?" As he watched her head off to get changed, All Might quickly ran to the teachers' locker room to get changed himself. Once into his navy slacks and white dress shirt with a golden tie wrapped loosely around his neck, All Might made his way to the front of the campus. On his way out, he spotted Aizawa-kun still in the office with what seemed like a large stack of papers. He couldn't help but wonder what it was for, but he wasn't about to go and poke at an already annoyed Aizawa-kun. Waiting for Mela, All Might fiddled with his tie as he somehow felt nervous all of a sudden. Oh, come on! Man up! He was a grown man and the number one hero at that! What was he doing, acting like a nervous school girl?

As he was lost in scolding himself mentally, All Might didn't hear Mela coming over until he heard her voice. Head snapping down, he greeted Mela cheerfully as he answered her, "either sounds great to me! Why not both?" He grinned at her, not minding if he had to pay. The beach? The image of Mela in her swimsuit came floating back to his mind as All Might coughed into his hand to compose himself. Smiling a little awkwardly over at her, he told her, "I'm glad everyone enjoyed their time at the beach! I found it to be quite fun too! Though I was surprised that Aizawa-kun came as well..." All Might wondered if he can get some sort of answer from Mela about that? He hoped he was wrong though.

- - -

Sparring against Denki was completely different from say Shoto. His words were more playful and at times it sounded really silly. Ruka lifted an eyebrow at his comment about him being on top. She held back a snort as she was more than ready to prove to him that she can't be taken down that easily. She's learned how to fight without using her quirk, this much of a spar wasn't that difficult for her, though with his bits of lightning it was proving to be difficult. Ruka grinned, she loved a challenge and her current one was in the form of Denki Kaminari. She will find a way to get past his lightning. For a brief moment, Ruka entertained the thought of how much one's body can withstand an electric shock? No, no. She was certain Denki wouldn't dare electrocute her to find that out.

At the offer to go down to town and hang out, Ruka nodded her head. She didn't have much homework to worry about plus she was certain Shoto would want to do something as well. It has been a while for all three to hang out like this. Smiling, she told him, "sure that sounds fun..." at the mention of picking strawberries yourself, Ruka stopped midsentence as she stared over at him with wide shining eyes, "r-really? There's a place like that?! Definitely! We must go Kaminari-kun! I'll see you out front then!" Ruka ran out of the room as he kindly opened it for her before she went to get changed after a quick shower. Though was it really a smart idea for her to shower after dealing with so much electricity...? Well, only one way to find out.

After showering and changing, Ruka lightly dried her hair before pulling it up into a messy bun. She didn't want her uniform to get wet but at the same time, she knew it'll take forever if she even attempted to dry her hair right now. Hurrying out to the front of the school, Ruka noted Shoto wasn't anywhere in sight. She frowned a bit at that but decided to text him, letting him know that she was going out to town. She didn't really think that hanging out with Denki was a bad thing, she can hang out with friends, right? Then again, Ruka wasn't sure if anyone even knew she and Shoto were dating. Spotting Denki up ahead, Ruka smiled over at him as she greeted him, "sorry for the wait!" Hearing his silly words and his outstretched arm, Ruka giggled as she grabbed hold of his arm as she said, "well, please lead the way oh number one tour guide!" As they took a seat on the bus, Ruka looked out the window in excitement. "I don't understand how you guys keep finding these places, do all the guys in class 3-A like cafes by the way?" Ruka asked Denki, honestly curious about that matter.

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At the suggestion of both places, Mela smiled. They could do that, sure. She had to wonder what Shota was up, she expected him to be lurking around. After such a wonderful night last night, she felt rather sad she hadn't gotten to see him much all day except for briefly in the morning before he left the classroom. Part of her wondered if he was okay but she assumed he must be either busy or tried. Mela hoped he hadn't done any more patrolling when they finished their fantastic date last night. He sometimes didn't know when to quit. She nodded to All Might. "Sure." She replied, figuring both couldn't hurt though she wouldn't let him pay, she didn't want him troubling himself over her.

All Might then mentioned how fun the beach had been but then also the addition of Aizawa's company. She smiled, not really sure she could confess that she had been the one to drag him into their outing. Would All Might even believe such a thing were possible? Probably not, even Mela found it hard to believe and she had been there! "It is curious that he'd go when he doesn't look like a beach person." She admitted slowly, trying to sound just as confused as anyone else. "Maybe he just wanted to make sure we all stayed out of trouble and behaved? We do represent UA even when we're not on school grounds." She suggested, hoping that sounded believable enough.

They headed downtown, Mela enjoying the day and All Might's company but for some reason, she had to wonder why she wasn't as nervous or giddy as she usually was. She still valued his opinion and cared about what he thought of her but now being with Shota, she had to realize she and All Might weren't going to happen. How could they? All Might wasn't interested her in that way. Impossible. Plus Aizawa was her soulmate. As painful as it was to accept it couldn't be All Might, she was so happy that it was Shota. She was excited to learn more about him and become even closer. She did have to consider, All Might would make someone else really lucky though. "Thanks for stepping in today with Dekkun, I guess it was pretty hard for you to control your quirk when you first started too? Becoming the world's number one hero had to be tough huh?" She asked him, curious about his days of training.

- - -

As Shoto landed a hard punch to Eijiro's face, he crawled over to see who had texted him. Eijiro's arms were wrapped around his legs as Shoto grabbed for his phone just as he was yanked backwards, Eijiro now sitting on his back with a smirk. Shoto wheezed and fumbled with his phone, only able to text Ruka the words: Stuck with Eijiro. The redhead then grabbed his phone and threw it off somewhere, prompting Shoto to push Eijiro off of him. A foot landed in Eijiro's smug face as the boys toppled over together, Shoto now on top of the brat, for a moment wishing he was Ruka. Suddenly Shoto began to give Eijiro a very funny look. Maybe Shoto thought hard enough, Eijiro's face would look a lot prettier and pinker. Urgh no! Shoto felt the wind knocked out of him as his distracted mind allowed Eijiro to land a hard punch. The two boys continued to spar, neither wanting to give up or call it quits now.

Heh Ruka needn't apologize for the delay, he was happy to wait for her as long as it took. Rain, sleet, hail, volcanic eruption, earthquake, tsunami, he would be fine waiting as long as he knew his lovely Ruka would be coming for him. They headed to the bus stop and caught one. They ran pretty frequently when school go out to help all the students get home okay, or at least those who weren't living on campus. The boy sat down and looked around. Since they had waited a bit, it wasn't as crowded as some of the first buses could be. At her question, he glanced off. Other guys? Heh he did recall hearing Bakugo did take her to one. And Todoroki may have too? Urgh. Denki felt so cheated. He was supposed to surprise Ruka, not anyone else!

"Uh well...there's just uhh a lot of good cafes around here. I mean, g-guys can like them too? They're not just for girls. I've been to a punk rock themed cafe. It was awesome." That was a lie but he was trying to save some face here. So he got creative. Denki flashed her a weak thumbs up, wondering as well...what was up with their class and cafes? The biggest common factor was that girls liked them, supposedly. Denki didn't think this place they were going to was a cafe though. He felt glad for that anyway. He would feel really bad if they had gone to yet another cafe. Perhaps she was sick of them? He'd have to find someplace a little different next time. He hoped there was a next time. But because she liked strawberries most places selling notable dishes were cafes. He just couldn't win.

Getting off the stop, Denki led Ruka to a tall building and opened the door to let her inside. They took the elevator to the top floor, 22'd, and got out. They were greeted by a girl at a counter welcoming them to the Musutafu Rooftop Gardens. She explained they could pick what they want and then purchase the amount and create jams or other jarred goods before going home if they wished. Denki smiled to Ruka as they stepped out into the massive outdoor garden and greenhouse. They could see a lot of the city as well as tons of lush fruits and vegetables growing. It was like paradise. "Pretty special huh?" He put his hands on his hips, feeling very proud of this find, just like the one where they could dip and top strawberries. "I hoped you'd like it." He smiled, grabbing a basket for them to fill.

AiAi AiAi
A small sneeze could be heard echoing in the office as Shota rubbed his nose. He looked around for a moment as he wondered if someone was talking about him. Could it be Mela maybe? He wasn't able to take her out today after school, something that he had been hoping to do as he has missed her company already. He would admit that much to himself and maybe to Mela if she was behaving. He smirked lightly at the thought of the little minx behaving, nah that wasn't possible. Heh. Turning his attention to his desk, Shota could feel a headache coming with the amount still left. But if he were to take this home tonight, then Shota would never get any sleep! Nor would he be able to hang out with Mela...perhaps he can visit her after all this? Maybe. He was curious about how practice went for her today. And to make sure Midoriya behaved himself. Grumbling to himself, Shota went back to organizing the papers as he read over each one. What were all these for anyway?

All Might kept an eye on Mela as he wondered aloud about Aizawa-kun's presence at the beach outing. As much as he wanted to deny it, somehow he felt as if it was because of Mela that Aizawa-kun went. All Might knew that was one of the main reasons he went himself. Er, he meant that he went for the students! Yes, because he cared for his students and having fun at the beach, who wouldn't want that? He smiled despite knowing that Mela was probably hiding something as he nodded his head, "oh yes! That definitely sounds like something Aizawa-kun would do. He always takes his work seriously haha." As they were heading downtown, All Might looked over at Mela at the mention of Midoriya Shounen. W-what did she just call him!?

Trying to hold back from gaping in shock at Midoriya's adorable nickname from Mela, All Might composed himself rather quickly as he replied back, "o-oh? It was no problem! That is my job after all. Though I have to ask, how on earth did that happen anyways?" He was genuinely curious as to why Midoriya Shounen used a lot of his strength. He frowned as he asked her, "that was directed towards you, wasn't it?" If Mela wasn't agile, he wasn't sure what could have happened. If anything happened to Mela...All Might wasn't sure what he would do. Hearing her question about his quirk, he thought over it before nodding his head with a slight laugh, "I was actually considered a natural at it! But because of that, my mentor was quite harsh on me..." he shuddered at the memory of his teacher beating him mercilessly.

Pushing aside such frightening memories, All Might turned his attention to Mela as they arrived at their first destination, the pizza shop. Opening the door for her, All Might followed in after her as he asked her, "how did you learn about your quirk?" He knew that everyone awakened their quirks at an early age, but to figure out that it is their quirk and learn how to use it while growing up, well, everyone had a different story for that. Sitting down, All Might looked over the menu before deciding on an oven-baked pepperoni pizza.

- - - -

Ruka looked over at Denki with her eyebrows lifted. Hm? She let out a light laugh as she told him while waving a hand in the air, "ah, sorry sorry. I didn't mean for it to sound like that. I just wondered if you guys all go to a cafe together or something? Or is there like a secret group chat where you guys discuss the best cafes around town?" Ruka was genuinely curious about that. If there was such a chat, Ruka was sure she and Mela would love to join. As they were seated on the bus, Ruka glanced down at her phone as she heard a notification. Curious, she checked to see it was from Shoto. Her face brightened up at that, though it was soon changed into one of confusion as she wondered what he meant by being stuck with Eijiro? Perhaps the two were still at it? Ruka would commend them for that, but she didn't want Shoto pushing himself too much either.

As she was lost in her thoughts about it, the two soon arrived at their destination. Looking up at the tall building in awe, Ruka followed Denki inside. As they took the elevator to the top floor, Ruka looked out the glass window, taking in the scenery. She grinned as it brought back memories of when she first arrived at U.A and Denki was the one to guide her around the school. "Lead the way Mr. Tour Guide." Ruka said teasingly as they arrived at the top floor. As they entered the room, Ruka was amazed by the lush greenery surrounding it. It was almost as if they were in a whole different world, floating above everything else. It was beautiful to put it simply.

Ruka turned to Denki as she smiled over at him, "yes, it is a lovely place! Now, let us go and find us some strawberries!" and some other fruits and veggies too she supposed. She thought that she could use a few of the veggies to make a delicious vegetable soup. Mmm, Mela would love that~! Rolling up her sleeves, Ruka's eyes became focused as she knelt by the strawberry bushes, beginning to pick the ripe looking ones. Perhaps making a jam out of it would be fun? And she can take some home as it is too! Ruka's cooking mind was whirling with various thoughts before her eyes lighted up at a brilliant idea. She was certain Mela would be down to bake some fruit tarts for her perhaps!? Excited, Ruka began to pick more and more berries before turning to get some other fruits as well.

She turned to Denki and asked him, "ah, I hope you're getting some for yourself too...I'd feel bad if you're only here to help me get things..."
She gave him a sheepish smile, a bit of dirt sticking onto her cheek as she was too busy searching for the best of the best! She had to get some of those peaches too! Argh, if only she had Mela's quirk Ruka can easily climb the tree! If only. "Ahh this is so much fun! Are you having fun, Kaminari-kun?" Ruka asked the blonde as she smiled over at him.

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"O-oh how it happened...? I was probably saying things I shouldn't have been saying." She admitted. She had been taunting the poor boy about how she'd much prefer a partner like Bakugo or All Might who could give her more of a challenge. She also may have also said something along the lines of how he'd have gone on a date with her if he hadn't lost to Bakugo. She knew a guy's ego was pretty touchy and she felt a bit bad about having to poke fun at Deku, it really was in good fun. She didn't think he'd get so flustered and try to do some kind smash at her. She decided she had to do something to make it up to him. "But I'll apologize tomorrow. And maybe I'll have some kind of treat for him too."

Mela considered it was good that All Might didn't question Aizawa's reason for being at the beach, certain Aizawa would be unhappy with someone knowing he went because Mela had asked him to. Though now that she thought about it, she considered she may need to make something for All Might for helping her today as well. "Don't worry, I was fine." She waved a hand. If she did get hit, she probably deserved it for aggravating Deku though that sounded rather questionable in her head heh. She would love to hear more about his training, certain it had to be pretty intense in order for him to become who he was today. "Aw, I'm sure your mentor just knew of your future greatness!"

Stepping inside, she smiled as he held open the door for her. She sat down and already knew she wanted cheese. It was simple but so so good. Nothing beat a fresh slice of melty cheese pizza. "Well I found out about my quirk when I was erm learning to ice skate. It didn't take long for the teacher to notice I couldn't exactly fall over even if I tried eheh. My family wanted me to do something to get all my excess energy out and that led to ice skating which then led to dance and gymnastics and everything else." She said, smiling a little, thinking about all the things she could master with balance. It seemed silly looking back but it helped her now, in some ways. "Needless to say my parents wish I was doing something more artsy, less...dangerous." She sighed. "DId you do any sports when you were younger?" She assued so, given his build.

- - -

At the notion of a club for cafes, he was sure he could start one with all of the research he had been doing over the past week or two. But he had to inwardly cringe at the image of all the guys going to cafes together. Urgh no. Denki didn't think any of them would be comfortable in such cute settings around one another. It was so unmanly! But of course for Ruka, Denki didn't mind going, knowing the food and service was bound to be top notch. Still, he couldn't help but wonder where and with who else, Ruka had been to. Denki snapped out of his questionable thoughts as Ruka got to work harvesting whatever caught her eye. He wasn't surprised her first target were the strawberries. He inhaled deeply, everything felt so fresh and natural up here, not inundated with smoke or oil, the choking scents of the cityscape.

"Heh oh yeah." He grabbed another basket before he quickly began to pick some, though he first had to watch Ruka to see how to do it properly. He trusted that she knew her way around these kinds of things better than he. Though his mother did grow things on and off, Denki hardly ever paid that any mind, at least until he had a beautiful girl to show him the ropes. Now he was very very interested. His heart skipped a beat when she looked to him. She seemed so in her element. He had to wonder if she might try to grow something outside on her balcony perhaps. Maybe she could have fresh produce whenever she would want? Maybe he could give her some pants? Ahh but only if she wanted them. He didn't want to give her a chore.

"Yeah I sure am!" He replied, though he was mostly just staring at her, which to him was fun. He picked some strawberries before he saw her staring at the peach tree. He leaned in close and lightly blew against her face, the bit of dirt he spotted, flying off of her. A blush ran across his cheeks. "Ah, s-sorry! You just had some uh dirt on you." Great, now it sounded like he was making things up! Denki hurried over to the tree and climbed up the trunk and wiggled his arm out, snapping off a peach and tossing it to her. "You wanted this right?" He winked at her, hoping to once again, be the hero of her story. He picked a few more, tossing them to her so they could both enjoy some peaches. Jumping down, he took a playful bow and headed off to pick some cherries and peas. "So what do you think you'll do with all this stuff? Any dishes come to mind?"

AiAi AiAi
Saying stuff she shouldn't have? Many thoughts came to mind for Yagi when Mela said that, but he kept those questions to himself. Perhaps he should also ask Midoriya just to be safe. He hoped it wasn't anything inappropriate. As he was taking a sip of his soda, All Might nearly spat it out as Mela mentioned making something for Midoriya Shounen. His eyes widened slightly as a surge of envy began to swell in his chest. What! That's not fair! He wanted some too! Er, what he meant was, "oh um I believe Midoriya Shounen may be out for tomorrow, I'll have to give Recovery Girl a call later and check. T-though I'm sure just your kind words are more than enough...I know it would be enough for me." He gave her a small smile, hoping that'll change her mind about making something for Midoriya Shounen.

He knew Mela would be fine. He's witnessed her quirk and her skills first hand, but it didn't stop him from worrying over her. He wanted to worry over her, he wanted to fuss over her...was that...wrong? Somehow, it felt strange and perhaps that was due to how close she seemed with Aizawa-kun as of late, but that was all just in his head, right? There was no way Aizawa-kun would go out with one of his own students no less date one of them. Although there were no rules stating that the staff at U.A can't date a student. He's heard stories of Midnight having gone a date or two with a few of her students before. No one was surprised there. Midnight always gushes about how cute and naive the students are. Not wanting to remember Midnight's long-winded speech about love having no boundaries, All Might focused on Mela, just Mela.

All Might can only give her a weak smile at the mention of his mentor. No, no...his teacher just liked to beat him for no reason. All Might learned the hard way of how to defend himself. It was hard work, but he supposed the training did pay off. To think she did such things! Well, given her quirk, he can see why Mela dabbled in the fine arts. He nodded his head in understanding at the mention of her parents' opinion. He can't blame them for wanting to keep their daughter safe. Being a hero was a dangerous job after all. With a wide smile, All Might told her, "well regardless, if you're happy doing what you are doing now, then I'm sure your parents' are happy as well!" At her question about sports, All Might looked thoughtful before he answered, "would you believe me if I said I didn't? Okay, well I played literally all types of sports, but I never really got hooked on one...I think ever since I've always wanted to be a hero and so I focused on that more than any sports out there." Soon their pizza arrived. All Might began to chow down on his pizza before offering Mela a slice, "did you want to try mine, Uede Shoujo?" He smiled over at her as he held out a slice for her.

- - -

As Ruka was focusing on gathering a few blueberries, she didn't notice Denki creeping up beside her until she felt a soft gust of air blowing against the side of her face and into her ear. Ruka's eyes widened as she let out a small sound, her hands instantly moving up to cover her ear. A-ah that felt strangely...good? Her cheeks were red as she turned wide-eyed to Denki in question. Her mouth was open slightly as she tried to form the words out, but he beat her to it as he explained something about dirt. Ah, well..now there was more. She cracked a small smile as she thanked him. Though Denki was quick to move along as he suddenly dashed off to a peach tree. What was he doing now?

Ruka watched as Denki climbed the tree and threw a peach her way. Catching it in surprise, Ruka looked even more surprised at his words. Did he notice? She stared down at the peaches in hand before looking over at him. Giggling at his bow, Ruka smiled over at him as she placed it in the basket, "thank you Hero Kaminari-kun hehe. You have once again saved the day." Her eyes were lit amused as she watched him walk off to gather some other things. Turning her attention to the raspberries, Ruka began to pluck them one by one as she answered him, "hmm I'll probably make some fruit salad, perhaps some grilled pear and peaches as well..it'll taste delicious with ice cream. And of course...jam~!" She was excited to make some jams and bring it home to share with Mela and Shoto. She was certain they'll enjoy it.

Picking up her filled basket full of fruits and veggies, Ruka walked over to Denki, asking him in turn, "what are you going to do with your basket?" She peered over at his basket before looking over at him. Hm...somehow it felt strange. Turning around, Ruka walked to the edge of the glass where she can see the city below. For some reason, she couldn't help but keep thinking about Shoto. She hoped he was doing fine. Somehow, Ruka felt strange as if she shouldn't be enjoying her time so much with someone else besides Shoto and Mela, of course. But at the same time, Ruka was quite happy. It was fun and she decided that picking berries and veggies was definitely relaxing. Maybe she can start a mini garden at home? Hm, she could probably get Mela in on this too so she can use Mela's balcony too hehe. "Ah, by the way...are you busy tomorrow after school?" Ruka looked back at Denki. There was a cafe she found the other day and for some reason, it reminded her of Denki. She hoped she can take him there. She did still feel bad for nearly burning him to a crisp on Monday.

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By All Might's response, she wondered if he didn't think Izuku would like something baked. Hmm. She'd have to think about it since she was sure All Might knew Izuku pretty well. Maybe he didn't like sweets? Maybe she could make something savory with Ruka's help? She would have found it pretty cute to hear about Midnight's escapades with her male students. She saw the way some of her classmates stared as she talked though Mela wasn't as impressed as they were. Though Mela was a bit intrigued by her accessories if nothing else. Ehehe. "Oh well, we'll see." Mela replied when he said her parents were probably happy. They were happy she was happy but she had to wonder if they might make her come home after all of her hard work, it would be devastating. But the only reason she'd have to come home was surely for some family emergency. Being able to attend UA with Ruka was wonderful and she would treasure every moment. Going to UA with Ruka was so special and she didn't think she could do it without her friend by her side. Ruka's support meant so much to her.

An image of All Might playing tennis or basketball crossed her mind. Hehe. She had to assume he had to be well rounded in order to be a hero. She was sure he was quite impressive when he was her age. "Thanks!" She took the offered slice, her fingers touching his as she took it. It looked pretty good. She in turn passed him one of hers. In the back of her mind, she couldn't help but think back to last night. Aizawa looked so dashing in the moonlight, she hoped he wasn't stuck at work or something but she didn't think she should bother him with a call or text, not wanting to wake him up if he was sleeping, instead of doing a mountain of paperwork courtesy of a minaical principal. She took a bite of his pizza and smiled. "Mmm! Good choice!" She gave him a thumbs up. With both pizzas consumed, they walked down to find an ice cream shop where they both enjoyed a scroop outside.

Mela noticed many were staring at them, well mostly him. Mela wondered how he dealt with the constant stares and fans probably bugging him for stuff. Surely by now the locals were used to it and left him alone though. "Have you ever been to that park, a bit further up town? It has that little island gazebo thing?" She asked All Might, wondering if he knew of the place she was talking about. She hadn't remembered until now but Shota had something about some myth or legend. "Someone said it's become a popular venue for couples recently...?" She looked to him as she enjoyed her peanut butter chocolate cone. It was the perfect marriage of salty and sweet. Mmmm. Just like Shota-kun! She blushed for a moment, almost letting out a giggle. "By the way, thank you for taking me out--er treating me today. Though since I did offer I feel like I should have been the one paying." She thought aloud, licking her upper lip thoughtfully. Returning to her cone, she thought about how Ruka was this afternoon during training. She may be dating Todoroki but that didn't mean Kaminari wouldn't try something. SHe knew she needed to get home soon and get all the details, not just some of them!

- - -

His heart swelled at the thought of him being her hero. That's all he ever wanted to be. And to hear her acknowledge it was music to his ears. He wanted to stay by her side and make sure she always had everything she ever needed and wanted. He would defend her to the death if someone came after her. He didn't want to think about some evil bad guy attacking her. While she could handle herself, Denki would be fighting right alongside her. Making a silent vow, he told himself to never stop being a source of both support and strength to Ruka. Having heard what she wanted to do, his mouth began to water. He liked the sound of all of that. He doubted he'd get to taste any of her wonderful creations but for now, he was happy just to imagine how great they'd taste. "Oooh wow, you have some tasty sounding plans, Kurotsuki-chan. I'm jealous of Uede-san." He had to sheepishly admit before he could stop himself. No that came out as needy right/ Urgh.

"I'm probably just gonna eat em as snacks when I study." He replied simply with a chuckle. He really wasn't much of a cook like she was. When Ruka wandered off, he continued to pick. He found some carrots and some apples as well. He didn't like cooking in the dorm's designated kitchen so he was trying to get things he didn't have to cook or do anything to. He was sure Eijiro and Izuku would enjoy them. Denki looked around, his eyes and his soul, calling out to Ruka silently. He saw her by the edge and smiled, standing a few feet back, not just enjoying the city's skyline but also the way Ruka's hair swayed gently in the mild breeze. She looked rather peaceful or so he liked to believe. He hoped this had been a good place to take her. He jumped when she asked if he was busy tomorrow. Was he ever? Heh nope. "I'm free as a bird!" He replied quickly, his eyes brightening up as if there were a million bolts of electricity behind them, which there was. Denki wondered what it was she wanted to. Ruka explain she found a place she'd like to take him and he nearly swooned. She had thought of him?! That was the best thing he could have heard all month! He agreed to check out this place with her, feeling so happy that he might be able to just levitate off the ground and fly back to U.A.

The pair took their harvest and paid before they moved over to the canning area. Denki didn't make any jam but he helped Ruka with the mashing and the adding of some other things like lemon juice and some optional sugar. He leaned over and nudged her, wearing a grin. "I guess we're in a real jam now." He said with a smirk before he then playing air guitar. Hah! Two puns in one! He was sure that would impress Ruka. Once she was done, they stopped to enjoy the sunset at the top before he carried their bags for them and they headed back down to the ground floor. The His heart was abuzz with what they might do tomorrow after school. He was just so overjoyed that she had thought of him. Denki was so happy, he couldn't stop smiling and giggling. It was like his brain had short circuited but in the most mild of ways, allowing him to still be a fairly functioning member of society. "Let me walk you home, Kurotsuki-chan." Denki insisted. It was getting dark now and he wanted to make sure she got home okay. And he also just wanted a bit more time with her. His heart really didn't want them to part just yet.

AiAi AiAi
All Might had to fight down the blush that was threatening to crawl up to his cheeks when Mela's fingers brushed against his own. Stop fluttering around heart! He was a man, the number one hero for crying out loud! He couldn't turn to mush just because a super cute girl touched his hand. It wasn't even on purpose! As he mentally berated himself, All Might gratefully took the slice of the cheesy pizza that Mela so kindly offered him. As the two ate, All Might was able to talk to Mela for once and it felt like he was getting closer to her. Was it wrong of him to imagine? It doesn't hurt anyone, right?o get the two were finished eating, All Might made sure to pay for it as he simply sent a pearly smile her way. As the two walked out of the restaurant in search of a sweet and delectable treat, All Might glanced over at Mela to see how she was faring.

All Might was already used to people staring at him and the whispers. Especially the whispers, oh the various things that people spoke about him. With Mela walking beside him, All Might can assume there would be more whispers floating about. He honestly didn't care much about what people had to say. He was used to it. Even with his celebrity-like status, All Might focused on Mela. All Might hoped that all these staring and whispers were not bothering Mela. Ah, there it was again. That strange pang in his chest each time he realizes that All Might, the number one hero, isn't meant to be in love with someone. That All Might isn't meant to have a lover, no, he was a hero and he saved others. That's all he was to some people. He just wished people can see that he wanted space at times and he needs love too. Despite the conflicting storm inside of him, All Might kept his smile on his face as he greeted everyone as they walked out of the ice cream shop, ice cream in hand.

Eating his rocky road ice cream, All Might nearly dropped it when Mela mentioned the park near the edge of the town. W-who told her of the myth!? Moreover, when has she gone there?! All Might was already assuming things despite Mela just mentioning it, she never said anything about going there herself, but she sounded like she has already been there, but with who!? He knew of the legend, of course, he did. It was the most popular story that was circulating back when he was Mela's age and now it has recently begun to get popular again. It was a legend about how true love can be attained either by kissing as the sun is rising, the love of first dawn that or kissing under the shining moonlight, the love of the eclipse. It was so popular due to the story having two endings. Either way, it was connected to love, but the love of first dawn was for those who weren't soulmates and even then wished to be together. It was a sort of encouraging story if anything.

Not wanting to know which Mela encountered, All Might let out a small nervous laugh as he said, "a-ah that park? Yes, I used to go on a morning run there all the time, ah there is a legend huh? Well, I can't quite recall what it is...but if you ever find out, let me know, okay?" He smiled over at her as they walked about town just talking in general. As the ice cream melted away into their stomachs, it was time for them to part. Oh, how short the time spent seemed as All Might wanted to spend more and more time with Mela. Was it strange that he had such a desire? Was it not allowed? Ignoring the strange humming in his chest, All Might smiled over at Mela as he simply reached a hand and placed it on her shoulder. "It was no problem at all Uede Shoujo! If anything, it was my pleasure to take you out! Now allow me to take you home! Hop on Uede Shoujo, we're going to fly!" How All Might knew where she lived...well he just brushed it off as it being just pure coincidence that the place he decided to hop off from was where she lived...aha. After parting with Mela, All Might went off to patrol the city, trying to keep his mind off of Mela and her sweet smiles.

As the rest of Tuesday ended without much of a hitch, All Might gave Recovery Girl a call, only to learn that she actually stood by her words and did not heal Midoriya Shounen. Uh oh. He hoped that it won't reach Mela's ears, though now he was hoping for another afternoon to spend with her.

~ Wednesdaaaaay ~

Shota was annoyed. Very much so. Yesterday, he spent all afternoon until near evening to finish the damned pile of paper. He couldn't say no as it was a request from the Principal himself, but at the same time, Shota wasn't about to let it happen twice. He'd probably loop Hizashi into it and leave his friend to deal with it. Shota has been in a pretty bad mood due to all this. He wasn't able to hang out and see Mela, one of the main, if not only, reason why he was so grumpy, to begin with. He left the organized stack of files on Principal Nezu's desk as he left that night. Now that it was morning, Shota hoped he could catch Mela before class. Just as he was hoping, Shota spotted Mela's brown hair up ahead. Without another word, Shota walked past Mela, but took hold of her hand as he swept her along his pace.

Pulling her around the corner, Shota pulled her to his chest as he closed his eyes, inhaling her sweet scent as he nuzzled his face into her hair. He was tired and he had been needing Mela since yesterday...this was relieving for him. Very much so. He even woke up early today just so he can see her before class. "What sort of trouble did you get yourself into this time hm?" He was just generally speaking as he was not aware of Midoriya's injuries just yet. He'll be finding this piece of information later at the office. Looking down at Mela, Shota gave her forehead a sweet soft kiss as he murmured out, "good morning, why does it feel like forever since I last saw you hm?" He smirked down at her as he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers briefly. Ah, yes...this was what he was missing. Hopefully, today would be much smoother than yesterday.

- - -

Ruka blinked a few times as she cracked a smile, "if you'd like, I can make some extras and bring it to school tomorrow?" It wouldn't hurt to grill a few extra peaches or pears. She was planning on making some savory fruit dishes for the night as a dinner menu, she hoped Mela would be fine with that. She was certain Mela would be. That girl loved most of Ruka's cookings anyways. Then she can give Mela some of the jam and hope to get some delicious sweets out of that trade. Ruka's eyes sparkled at the thought of what Mela can make. She'll be getting the first bite, of course, ~ Just like how Mela will be getting the first fruits of Ruka's harvest picking of today. Hehe.

As she asked Denki if he was free after school tomorrow, Ruka smiled at his response as she explained to him, "there's this place I saw the other day and I thought you would quite enjoy it...I was hoping we can go together after school?" She hoped she can treat him as an apology of sorts. It was a cute dog cafe where there were a variety of puppies roaming freely in the cafe, allowing the visitors to interact and pet the pups. She giggled at the thought of Denki being surrounded by puppies, somehow it seemed more like a bunch of Denki's in the same room. Only time will tell she supposed as she'll find this question's answer out tomorrow after school.

As they made the jams, Ruka stared over at Denki as he began to strum the air. She lifted a brow at this but found it amusing, she giggled as she told him, "hehe, you're quite the rockstar aren't you?" Her eyes twinkled in amusement before she finished making the jams. Once they were done, they headed down to the first floor and out of the building. Ruka was about to refuse him walking her home, but she complied after seeing those puppy eyes. Argh. How could she say no to that? As they walked to Ruka's place, Ruka and Denki talked about the various food they can make out of their little harvest as Ruka took mental notes of what to make for the night and what to bring tomorrow. She smiled over at Denki as she arrived at her home, "ah, thank you for today Kaminari-kun. It was very fun and quite the jam session. Have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow." Ruka waved goodbye to Denki before entering her home. That night, Ruka cooked up quite the meal as she used the vegetables she collected to make some soup along with a fruit salad and some grilled peaches and pear. She smiled over at Mela as the two talked about their day together like always.

That night, Ruka texted Shoto, telling him that she had a yummy surprise for him tomorrow. Smiling, she fell asleep as she couldn't wait to present him with some homemade jam. Hehe.

~ The next morning *yawn* ~

Ruka woke up the next morning rather sleepily. Fortunately, she made most of the lunch yesterday during her dinner prep. She poured some soup into small metal bottles, one big one for her and Shoto and another one for Mela. She placed the fruits in a box before making some pancakes with some eggs and bacon on the side. Afterward, Ruka woke Mela up and the two ate breakfast before heading off to school. As they were walking, a tall figure appeared out from beside them all of a sudden and whisked Mela away. Ruka blinked once then twice before realizing that it was Aizawa. Her eyes narrowed in distaste, but she was far too sleepy to deal with him this early in the morning. Hiding a yawn behind her hand, Ruka looked ahead to see Shoto by the school gates. Her face brightened up as she hurried over to Shoto, "Shoto-kun! Good morning!" Ruka called out to him happily as she smiled up at him.

Happy to see him waiting for her, or so she liked to think, Ruka wrapped her arms around his neck as she burrowed her face into the crook of his neck as she murmured out, "I missed you yesterday..." pulling back, she looked up at him, head tilting to the side, Ruka asked, "how was your training with Kirishima-san? It sounded like you two went at it for quite some time...you're not tired, are you?" Frowning, she placed a hand against the side of his face, staring into his eyes worriedly. He seemed a bit tired. Hopefully, the lunch later will energize him up for the afternoon lessons. Pushing aside her worries, for now, Ruka smiled up at him as she hugged onto him once more as she murmured out, "ahhh, what a great morning hehe." She was still quite sleepy so her actions may be a bit bolder than usual, but overall Ruka was just so happy to see Shoto.

Having a bit of time before class started, the two decided to just rest a bit in the quiet peace of the library. Ruka leaned her head against Shoto as she closed her eyes in happiness. This was peaceful...she could probably fall asleep like this. Ah, but no! She must enjoy her time with Shoto as she knew she'll be busy this afternoon as well. Glancing over at Shoto who was also resting, Ruka leaned up and kissed his lips, closing her eyes as she enjoyed his warm lips before pulling away. She smiled sleepily over at him as the quiet library and Shoto's warmth was making her all the more sleepy once again. Oh right, right she had to tell him about the afternoon plans...ah maybe later. This was just too peaceful. Nuzzling back into Shoto's side, Ruka decided to ask him later during lunch. As the warning bell rang, Ruka frowned a bit as she thought it was way too soon. Honestly, Shoto just made her so comfortable at times. Looking over at Shoto, Ruka leaned up and kissed his forehead as she murmured against it, "your energy reserves until lunchtime." She smiled over at him before tugging on his hand to get to class.

As they were walking to class, Ruka told him while handing him a nicely wrapped jar, "ah, by the way, I stopped by this farm picking place in town with Kaminari-kun yesterday after training. I made you a fruit jam...I hope you like it hehe." Ruka's eyes were shining as she looked up at Shoto. It was obvious she didn't think much of the outing and if anything she was more focused on getting good berries and fruits so that she can make the best jams for both Mela and Shoto. "I wish you were there yesterday...maybe we can go together next time?" Ruka would like that. She can imagine Shoto can get creative with different kinds of jams to make.

Genkai Genkai
"Ohh okay, sure. I will." She nodded, a bit sad he couldn't shed some light on the matter but that was okay, she could figure it out for herself. The ice cream had topped off a pretty good afternoon though it didn't feel quite the same as it did with Shota. Either way, Mela was very happy to have some time with All Might. It was only because she was a fan though, it couldn't be anything more substantial than that. No no. All Might was a great person to look up, literally, and Mela was happy he wanted to spend even just a minute of his day with her wandering the city. Mela was sure he had more important matters to tend to but she was going to enjoy what time she got with the pero hero. Their time was so precious she knew and she had to think highly of those who did get into teaching. It was less pay and far less glamorous but it was another kind of rewarding work she was sure. At the offer of being flown him, her eyes shimmered. Ohhh yes please!

Flying had been so fun the last time. Sure when she was swinging around or skating, it felt like flying but nothing could really capture the feeling of the real thing. All Might needn't ask twice as she held onto him and they took off. Mela rested her chin on his shoulder as she enjoyed the feeling of near-weightlessness. It was like being on a rollercoaster. When he dropped her off at home, she didn't think much of it, assuming teacher had access to student addresses and for whatever reason, he remembered hers. Mela thanked him and waved goodbye as he took off again, likely to scope out the city. Mela headed inside, feeling quite happy although it wasn't the same kind of happiness she had felt last night, nowhere close. When Ruka turned up, Mela went over as usual and they talked about how training had gone for each of them. Mela was impressed with Ruka's dinner, finding it very fresh and comforting. Plus the grilled fruit was amazing, Mela ate so much she got a stomach ache but it was worth it. Soooo worth it.

- Welcome - to - Wednesday -

Crawling out of bed, Mela got dressed before she made her bed and headed over next door to Ruka's. Yawning a few times, Mela was surprised to see there was jam made, she would have to use some tonight and do some more baking. The breakfast was very good as usual and it only made Mela want to just lay back in bed and be a lazy bum. Before they left, she got four chocolate and pecan cinnamon rolls. She had made them Monday while she waited anxiously for her date. She gave one to Ruka, wishing she had remembered during this morning's breakfast but she as sure it could be a yummy dessert though Mela hoped Todoroki didn't get some too but she couldn't exactly stop Ruka from sharing the sweet and fluffy treat. Mela had one for herself, one for Dekkun and the last one for All Might. The walk to school was quiet and uneventful until she was pulled away. Mela leaned back to give Ruka a dramatic look of heartbreak as she reached out for her friend before laughing to herself, looking to see that yes, it was Aizawa-sensei who took her, yay~!

Her heart did a few flips when he pulled her into his arms and inhaled her scent. Mela hugged him tightly, very happy to see him before class. It just wasn't fair having to sit so close to him and not be able to do anything. Hah, trouble? She was very good. Erm mostly. She looked up at him, not really caring where they were at the moment, her eyes locked on Shota's. "It's been way too long." She whined, fearing if she couldn't see him during lunch today, she would have tracked him down herself. Though the light kiss upon her forehead and lips were nice, she needed something more, considering how it felt like forever since she felt his arms wrap around her. Mela leaned up and kissed him with a bit more need and longing. She broke the kiss and opened her eyes, yes that was better. "Oh after training yesterday, All Might and I went out for a bit." She thought it only right to tell him since there wasn't a reason she felt a need to hide ir or feel weird about it. "Something erm happened with Midoriya-kun and he had to be my partner but Dekkun should be fine today." She said, glossing over some things. She didn't want Shota to worry or hear it from someone else.

She leaned up and kissed him softly a few times, she had missed him tremendously. "You could have called last night, Shota." She smiled. "I would have loved just talking to you if nothing else." She said as a few students walked by but no one dared say anything on the matter, not that stupid. Bringing up a hand, she played with his messy hair before the bell rang and she sighed. "I guess I better go. Aizawa-sensei can get so cranky if his favorite student isn't around." She winked as she headed off to class, figuring it would look strange for them to just walk in holding hands. The classes flew by and soon it was lunch. Mela headed off, thanking Ruka again for her impeccable meal, before she ran off to go see Dekkun in the infirmary. She was also on the lookout for All Might. Instead she spotted Yagi doing some raking outside. She ran over and handed him a bag. "Here! If you see All Might can you give him one? And you can have the other." She added to Yagi, figuring she could just have one at home. "See you later! Oh by the way, I actually got to train with him yesterday. Gods, it was amazing. I have to admit I was a little distracted by him." She giggled and headed off to share her soup with Midoriya and to apologize.

Sitting beside him, she fed him some soup and fruit and they also shared the last cinnamon roll she had brought. He was pretty out of it and she was shocked Medical Girl was really standing her ground. Mela was anxious, knowing it meant All Might would likely be assigned to her for the rest of the week. Oh my! She kinda wished it was Aizawa, then she could just pin him down and kiss those lips as much as she wanted ahah. Lunch soon ended and Mela headed off to go get changed. She wondered what Aizawa was up to anyway. Paperwork? Napping? A meeting? She could never figure out how this silly school stayed functioning sometimes. Mela got into her uniform and headed to her room, the first to arrive. She did some stretching and decided to just do some handstands while she waited. Walking around with ease, on her palms, Mela's shirt came up slightly to reveal her stomach though thankfully her breasts prevented the shirt from falling even further. But it didn't really bother Mela, she was just having fun, it passed the time.

- - -

Denki was overjoyed that his offer wasn't dismissed. What kind of hero would he be if he let her walk alone at night? No, that was not the hero's way! But he also wanted to spend more time with her. She was like a sweet strawberry breeze that swept though his life and he just couldn't get enough of her. He hoped she had a good time today. It felt like old times even though those old times weren't exactly that old if he was already reminiscing about outings from two or three weeks ago. Walking with her, Denki couldn't stop admiring her but he told himself to just wait to ask her out. He didn't want to just blurt it out of nowhere. He had to be tactful and do it right. For now he just envisioned holding her hand and walking down the street, able to laugh together in their own pink and golden world. His thoughts were broken when they arrived at her apartment. So soon? He felt a stabbing pain in his heart as he waved to her, "Yeah! It really was huh?! See you tomorrow! Thanks for hanging out with me!" When the door closed, he headed back to UA, making it back just as dinner had ended for the night.

Much to his surprise, Eijiro had saved him a burrito and they ate in his dorm as they talked about what had happened. Eijiro was pretty happy that Denki finally got to spend some time with Kurotsuki, considering what happened Monday and all. He was sure his friend would make some more progress but he had also heard whispers of people seeing Shoto and Ruka off eating together today and he had to hope that didn't burst Denki's bubble if he caught wind of the rumors. Eijiro had a few bruises and sore muscles but it was worth it to see Denki so happy. After eating, the boys snacked on some berries and worked on homework together while the furry orange cat stared out of the dorm window, eyeing the critters she wanted to pounce upon, down below in the bushes. Denki looked to his friend, so grateful for his support. Deep down inside he was worried Eijiro would soon just get in his way again but for now, he wanted to focus on what he and Ruka may do tomorrow. His head buzzed with daydreams of just laying on the grass, playing with her hair and listening to music, watching the cloud roll by.

Much to Todorki's annoyance, Eijiro had put up a fight and it lasted quite a few hours until night fell. What was up with that guy? What was his problem? Shoto figured it was too late to just show up at Ruka's house and ask how her day was. No that would be very weird. So he as he stepped off the bus, he decided to ask her tomorrow morning before class. Yes. He got home and saw an attempt at dinner had been made for him. His father said he wanted to help his son out, knowing how hard he was working at UA. Shoto smiled but only for a brief moment before he ate and got showered, his whole body hurt. He weakly stumbled into bed and before he could drift off to sleep, he got a message from Ruka. A yummy surprise huh? His face began to grow hot as he choked on his very inappropriate thoughts. What was she thinking texting him that at this hour?! Groaning, he just sent her a reply saying he couldn't wait. Sinking into his sheets, he found it quite hard to sleep now thanks to the many images that flooded his teenage mind. Ahh Ruka, she was the only treat he really dreamed about.

- Wednesday is hard to spell -

Waking up, Shoto got ready for school. He was up a bit earlier but that was because he felt rather Ruka-deprived and needed to see her. Sitting next to her in class wouldn't cut it. Plus if he tried to hold her hand, he suspected the teachers would throw something at them. No need to provoke their wrath. Shoto hurried to catch the bus. He was going to see his girlfriend even if he had to camp outside the school damnit. He kept thinking of her last text, swallowing. What did she mean by that? Surely it was just a comment about lunch she may have prepared for him. Though if she kept feeding him, he may need to start working out even harder. Her food was dangerously good and he couldn't get enough. Once at UA, he paced by the gate and spotted Ruka. He hugged her tightly despite his sore body. It didn't matter, he was going to enjoy her body against his own. Oh, how he had missed her. Ah and those lips too. Breathing in her sweet scent, he smiled to her, already feeling at peace. Like he was whole again. "I'm okay a bit worn out but I'll live." He assured her with a smile.

Hiding in the library for a while was nice. He held her close and kissed her, not wanting so much time to pass between them seeing and holding one another. They traded kisses of unspoken affection while they both enjoyed some time before the chaos of class erupted. He honestly didn't feel like moving but the bell had rung. He got up with Ruka and noticed she had some kind of jar with her. When she handed it to him, he arched a brow. She went out with Kaminari? It wasn't a date, no. But he was sure Denki had other intentions. He nodded, trying to push his jealousy down. No, he wouldn't be that kind of guy. He kissed her forehead, squeezing her hand. "Thank you so much for thinking of me. I'm glad your outing yielded such tasty looking results. I'd be happy to go with you next time." Yes then he could just overwrite her memory of Denki heh. They headed in to class and he set the jar down by his feet, flashing another grateful smile. Now her text made better sense.

For Denki, his morning was a bit more frantic. He had slept in, having spent the night thinking about Ruka, her being the last thing he seemed to think about before bed and the first thing that spurred him out of bed. Well maybe that was Eijiro at times. The blond rushed to class making it just in time. He noted Todoroki had jam and he held back a face of dismay. Urgh, he hadn't taken Ruka out just to let her spoil someone else! Uede maybe but why Todoroki?! Denki wanted some jam too...the classes continued and when lunch broke, he saw Shoto and Ruka heading off but didn't stop them, too confused as to why she'd want his cold company. Why not happy Denki huh? He headed off to eat with Eijiro who was still looking eager to make trouble for Shoto, which Denki was grateful for. The blond headed off to the training room when lunch ended. He had no idea that Shoto and Ruka were enjoying a homemade soup and fresh fruit, thanks to his efforts yesterday.

Shoto was very glad to have a healthy lunch but Ruka's kisses were much better encouragement for him to really do his best today. He fed Ruka some soup and kissed her lightly, an adorable pattern forming at they ate and kissed one another lightly. Shoto was quite glad no one was watching them. Surely no one would believe Todoroki would be doing something so...cute. He only wanted Ruka to see this side of him. It was just for her. "Your food is always a great source of nourishment." He said, kissing her hand as they ended the meal with something Uede had made. It very good but too sweet for his liking so he let Ruka eat the majority of it, Shoto happy to just pick out the nuts and eat them. As long ended, he got up and gave her a sad look and kissed her briefly, holding hands. He missed her already. He was sure he'd be busy with Kirishima again for whatever reason so he didn't dare try to make plans with Ruka, despite how much he wanted to. "I'll call you tonight. Be careful around Kaminari-san." Heh, he could see her relating his words to Denki's quirk but Shoto meant to just watch out in general. Denki was dumb but sneaky. And texting wasn't enough for the boy, he wanted to hear her voice, if nothing else. He then headed off to get ready for another tiring training session.

AiAi AiAi
Shota closed his eyes as he enjoyed the longer and more intimate kiss. He kissed her back with as much longing and force in it. It has been too long, as dramatic as that may sound and he was glad to know he wasn't the only one feeling that way. As the two pulled away, Shota refrained from twitching his eye at the mention of Mela going out with All Might yesterday. Oh? So that blonde fly has been buzzing around Mela hm? Though at the mention of Midoriya, Shota looked at her slightly curious. Did something happen? But the way she said it made it seem like it was bad. Shota felt his heart do a strange squeeze as various scenarios came to mind. What did that brat do to Mela? Not liking the images running through his mind, Shota wrapped his arms a bit more tightly around Mela.

As she mentioned calling her last night, Shota looked down at Mela, enjoying her soft lips pressed against his as he kissed her back and murmured out, "sorry...I was really busy with work yesterday.." it took him till nighttime to finish the paperwork and then he had to go and patrol the city. It was a very tiring night he had to say. Shota watched her walk off as the bell rang. He smirked at her comment as he headed off to the office to grab some files. Hmph, favorite student huh? What a cheeky girl. Shota chuckled at that thought as he then headed off to class 3-A to greet them for the morning. He noted Midoriya wasn't present...hm. He'll have to check that out later he supposed. Once giving out the schedule for the day, Shota left to the office where he was given news of Midoriya's accident yesterday and how he is currently receiving treatment from Recovery Girl, the old school styled treatment. Oh, so that was what Mela was talking about. Now, who can be Mela's partner then..?

As Shota was mulling over these thoughts, a shadow fell over his desk...a dark shadow. Shota slowly looked up to be met with Principal Nezu. Oh no. Not that smile...no that just meant something bad. "Aizawa-sensei! Your work yesterday was amazing and the speed you finished it was wonderful! Usually, it would take a week to finish that load...and so since you're so good at it, I hope you can help out a bit more!" *BOOM* Another huge stack of papers was placed on Shota's desk. Shota could feel the life draining out of him as he weakly spoke up, "um Principal Nezu, I am honored to help...but I have a class to teach in the afternoon--"
"Oh, I'll have that taken care of! Well, then I hope to see good progress today as well Aizawa-sensei!"
The little mouse left while laughing while Shota can only stare helplessly at the papers. What has he done to get on Principal Nezu's radar like so?

For the morning, Yagi spent his time in the gardens of UA as he watered each and every flower, smiling at its wonderful growth. Once done with that, Yagi began to clean the courtyard around lunchtime. He blinked in surprise as Mela came over to his side all of a sudden, only to receive a paper bag. Huh? Wait what? "A-ah hello Mela-chan...oh really? Well I'm glad to hear that...oh bye?" Yagi was surprised and confused when he saw Mela just run off in a hurry. Where was she going in such a hurry anyway? Taking a peek inside the bag, Yagi smiled happily as they were sweet looking cinnamon rolls, but two...? He recalled her mentioning something about giving one to All Might. He sweatdropped but decided to accept both anyways. They looked delicious. As he took a bite, Yagi just then realized what Mela blabbed off to him as she rushed off. His entire face turned red as he thought it over. D-did she just say she was distracted because of him!? Or er All Might!?

Flustered, Yagi headed towards the office where he was met with Principal Nezu. "Oh, Toshinori! Perfect timing! Do you think you can watch over Aizawa-sensei's heroics class for the afternoon this week? He's a tad busy you see. Well, I'm sure you'll do just fine! I believe in you!" With that said, Nezu walked off with a laugh once more. Yagi looked back at Nezu with confusion in his eyes, but that also meant...he could spend time with Mela?! Knowing that Midoriya Shounen would be out for the week, Yagi knew he'll have to take over that spot. He smiled to himself as he hurried off to get changed and ready for the afternoon. Hehe.

Once the bell rang signaling the end of lunch, All Might headed off to class 3-A where he explained that he will be taking place of Aizawa-sensei for the week. He then headed off to where Mela would be practicing as he knew Midoriya Shounen would not be arriving anytime soon. As he opened the door, he was greeted by the sight of Mela walking about the room on her hands...with her stomach revealed completely. All Might could feel his cheeks turn pink as he turned his gaze elsewhere as he entered the room, greeting her, "ah good afternoon Uede Shoujo! I see you are already getting yourself warmed up, that is good! Now, I'm not sure if you heard, but Midoriya Shounen will not be participating for this week and so I'll be your partner if you're fine with that...oh! I nearly forgot, but thank you for that delicious roll! Yagi-kun gave it to me earlier during lunch, it was super!" He gave her a bright smile despite his awkward feeling about speaking about himself as if Yagi was a completely different person.

Smiling, All Might told her, "for today, I am going to teach you how to avoid getting caught and tossed about. And even if you are caught, you must find a way to stay within bounds. So let's try that out today, okay?" He got ready to just rush at her at any given moment. He did so and he tackled her to the floor before lifting her up, tossing her up into the air as if she was just paper. "Come and show me what you got Uede Shoujo!" All Might told her enthusiastically.

- - -

As morning classes began, Ruka couldn't help but keep sneaking glances over at Shoto. He was so close yet so far! Argh. She knew it'll be weird and bad if she got up and scooted her desk together with his and then sat next to him and ahh! Yeah..no...that'll just be bad. She wouldn't be able to focus on the lectures if that happened. She'll just have to wait and be good until lunchtime. She focused on the lessons at hand until lunch. Once it was time for their lunch break, Ruka happily grabbed her lunch and walked with Shoto to somewhere a bit more private where they found to be the courtyard where they were covered by the roses and hidden from prying eyes. Hehe.

Sitting beside him, Ruka happily shared her lunch with him as she mentioned all the fresh vegetables and fruits she used for it. Ah, the kisses. It brought butterflies to her stomach as she enjoyed each bite and kiss, a sweet pattern forming as the two enjoyed their precious lunchtime. It was so fleeting yet so precious at the same time. Leaning her head against Shoto's shoulder, Ruka shared the cinnamon roll with him, it was delicious and sweet. She'll have to see if Mela had more at home. As the lunch bell rang, Ruka looked over at Shoto with a pout forming on her lips. Her grip on his hand tightened slightly and as she watched him head off, Ruka called out to him, "Ah, Shoto-kun wait!" Running over to him, Ruka wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning up and giving him a kiss, then another one and then one last long one before pulling away. Her cheeks were flushed as she smiled up at him, "energy for the training....I'll talk to you later?" She waved at him as she left to get ready for her own training for the afternoon.

As Ruka got changed, she arrived first in the training room where she began to do some stretches to pass the time until Denki arrived. Looking up at the sound of the door opening, Ruka greeted Denki as she stood up, her hair wasn't up for today, but perhaps she should, eh later. Smiling, she greeted him, "ah Kaminari-kun! Good afternoon, I hope you had a good lunch! Oh right, here you go!" Ruka handed him the box of grilled peaches and pears as she told him, "here's the grilled fruit as promised hehe. I hope you like them and I added some extra in case you wanted to share with Kirishima-san!" After he placed it down, Ruka spun around with her hair flying as she was still quite happy with her lunchtime spent with Shoto.

Turning towards him, Ruka grinned as she lit her hands aflame, "let's have a good practice today. If you're good, I'll give you a treat hehe." She nearly laughed as she thought of the dog cafe that they would be going to. Somehow, more and more reasons kept telling Ruka that Denki was a lot like a dog. How cute haha. Though it sounded like Shoto wouldn't be able to hang out after school, much to the dismay of Ruka. Hopefully, when he calls her later tonight, she won't miss him so badly that she'd go out in the middle of the night to see him! Hah, no. Bad Ruka.

As they began training, Ruka was trying to create flames on her hands and feet, using it in her hand to hand combat against Denki. It would be hard to hold him down since he could shock her so easily just by being near him. What a tricky one. Wanting to see just how much electricity she can handle, Ruka ran towards Denki, knocking him off his foot as the two crashed to the floor. But this time Ruka messed up as she slipped halfway there, oops. Face planting into Denki's chest, Ruka let out a sound as that kind of hurt. Hopefully, she didn't twist an ankle or anything. Placing her hands on either side of Denki's head, Ruka got up slightly as she looked down at Denki, her hair falling around them like curtains as she asked him, "ah, sorry about that..." Blinking a few times, Ruka jumped back quickly as a few volts jumped out from him. Ouch. Once she created some space between them, she threw a black flamethrower his way, much like how Shoto does. She smirked slightly as she silently thanked Shoto for the idea. Though it seemed like Denki didn't dodge that one.

Eyes widening, Ruka ran over to his side as her flames dissolved. "Kaminari-kun! Are you alright?" She wondered why he didn't dodge, but looking him over, she noted that most of his shirt had been charred. Ah. Somehow it reminded her of how Shoto burned her shirt that one time. Oh, how different it would be now if Shoto has done that...wait no, injured person. Focus Ruka! Looking him over, Ruka tugged on his shirt, it crumbling in her hands as she looked over his torso to make sure there weren't any burns on it. "Should we go to see Recovery Girl? Are you alright?" Ruka looked over at him in concern. Argh, now she really needs to treat him to something. Helping him up, Ruka asked him once more, "are you sure you're alright?"

Their time was cut short as the bell rang. Ruka let out a sigh of relief as she was ready to just drag Denki to the infirmary. Looking over at him, she told him, "go and take a shower...if there are burns then you should go and see Recovery Girl...I'll be waiting out front, just text me if you can't make it..." she looked down feeling bad before she realized something. Isn't this the second time where she is seen walking out of the training room with a shirtless guy?! Somehow that brought more shame to Ruka than she imagined..though now that she thought of it. A shirtless Shoto wouldn't be so baad..wait no...she wouldn't want others to see. Cheeks flushing at the thought, Ruka hurried out of the room first as she told Denki, "I-I'm sorry about that!" Now her mind was filled with shirtless Shoto's and that was distracting her greatly.

Genkai Genkai
Aizawa being busy was a sad fact, she probably couldn't change. So she was resigned to just having to wait until things for him calmed down. She could be patient for him but she was still quite saddened to think they would probably not be able to go out again until some undefined time. Just when things were starting to go really well too. But that was something Mela had to accept if she was to be with a teacher and pro hero, work had to come first. Upon hearing All Might come in, she jumped to her feet and turned to him, straightening her shirt. "Aw I see." She had been looking forward to hanging out with Midoriya but All Might was a great substitute and she hoped she could put her feelings aside and take him just as seriously. "I'm so glad Yagi-san found you!" She brightened up. "S-sure, I'll do my best." She give him a slightly nervous smile, just praying she'd be able to keep up and not just become some giggling fangirl puddle of much. When All Might pinned her down and then picked her up, she froze, holding back a small whine. This was really unfair right?

Trying to focus on getting free and not those strong warm hands of his, Mela hastily squirmed free and jumped down, trying to keep her mind focused. What she doing again? Oh, fighting! That. All Might came at her again and this time she had a harder time getting out of his hold. It wasn't her fault, she panicked so much. It was All Might's fault for being, well All Might! After the fifth attempt, Mela ended up flailing her arms a bit and managed to tear through his shirt. Aww crap! Look away! Mela's face turned bright red as she sputtered out a few apologises. The two didn't let that stop them, though after that, Mela had to admit it was even more of a challenge to remember how to move, let alone remember her own name. Ahh those muscles. As he pinned her down once again, Mela arched her body up, unintentionally rubbing her body against his own. There was so many thoughts running through her head that at certain points she thought she had forgotten to breathe. Mela was so very glad Aizawa-sensei wasn't here to see this really pathetic display.

His advice had been helpful and she'd have a lot more time to think about it in the privacy of her own home. The bell thankfully spared Mela from any other shameful noises and movements. She got up with his help and cleared her throat. It was quite hot in here huh? "I uh...I uh hope to do better tomorrow." She lowered her head, hoping she would be able to just somehow pretend All Might was Aizawa-sensei, then maybe she wouldn't be so useless. Mela quickly excused herself, her hands coming up to cup her face, feeling how hot she had become. For a moment she wondered if she should see what Shota was doing, speaking of sexually frustrating teachers. But she decided against texting him, he seemed busy and she wasn't about to trouble him. Shaking her head, a new wall of sadness hit her as she walked the rest of the way back to the locker room, feeling quite dejected. She took a quick shower and got back into her uniform, not sure what she would do for the rest of the day. Maybe she should go to the gym?

Nah, she didn't want to go by herself. Mela headed outside, wondering if Ruka was free at least. Maybe they could go do a bit of shopping. Glancing to her phone, she pulled up the photo she and the guys had taken when they went out to ramen together. She smiled at that memory though it wasn't too long ago. But it sure felt like it. Mela thought about how fighting both of them was a mentally draining thing. If only she wasn't such a perv, she might not be so distracted by her own whims. But at least with Aizawa-sensei, she could at least flirt and tease him. She wouldn't have the guts to try something with All Might. No way. He'd probably laugh at her or something. Though according to Shota, All Might didn't pick up on romantical cues. She shook her head and looked up to see All Might waving goodbye to the students leaving the campus. She walked over to him, putting her phone away. Her mind flashed back to him holding her up by her wrist, it had been so easy for him. Gosh, he could have his way with her if he wanted. Her face blushed. "Umm All Might, are you uhh free to...hang out?" Why would she ask him that!? But maybe she was feeling rather lonely without Aizawa and was looking for some company, even if she was still frazzled.

- - -

After Ruka had presented Denki with some grilled fruit, his face lit up as a few sparks came off of him. "Wow!" He exclaimed. He wasn't forgotten after all. "Thank you so much!" He felt like he had died and gone to heaven, so glad to have Ruka bring him something like this. He would not share with Eijiro. No way, these were all his. Even if he got sick eating them all, he wanted to horde her food. But then he considered that right ow Eijiro was probably keeping Todoroki occupied so perhaps he would need to share these with his friend for all of his suffering, er hard work. Denki licked his lips and carefully set them down out of the way before he looked back to Ruka, his game face back on. When he mentioned a treat, he let out a barking laugh. A treat? "What? You act like I'm some pet!" He playfully huffed. Denki was a man! A manly man! He was excited to see what she had in mind for today's little excursion though. He hoped it was something like an arcade or comic book store. Anything fun, he'd love. And he'd also have great company too!

When they began to fight, he let his electricity begin to charge up and release sporadically. He let out a gasp as she landed on top of him. A large volt was building but it took a lot of will to not release it, knowing he would probably knock Ruka out. His heart began to beat as looked down to her, surprised by her misstep. He shifted slightly and blinked, now staring up at her. With the lights around them and her hair framing her, it seemed like she was some angel. She was glowing. He swallowing, his hands twitching, itching to grab Ruka and keep her close to him. Gah, no. "It-it's okaaay." He said nervously, biting down on his lip as though about kissing those lips of hers. They looked soft and very sweet. Thankfully she jumped back because a large voltage was emitted, Denki no longer capable of keeping it at bay. Raising his head, he saw a large jet of flames coming for him. He cringed and scrambled backwards, unable to fling himself in another, safer, direction. He shut his eyes, worried he was now going to be toast, effectively.

Looking down, he saw his shirt had been quite singed, to the point of it crumbling off of him. He got up and rubbed his neck. Jeez, that was very close. He was pretty nervous how different that would be if his pants had caught on fire! "Um heh it's okay." He had been too dazed by her being so close, so close to touch, that he had forgotten he was facing a very tough partner. He felt rather dumb for getting lost in his daydreams. He shrugged off the tattered remains of his shirt. "Don't worry, this is my fault anyway." He waved off. His heart would break if the only reason she would take him out was guilt, he wanted her to hang with him because she liked him and his company. But he hoped they were still on for today, despite this whole burning incident. At least it wasn't his hair again right? "I'm fine, really, no burns or anything." He tried to reassure her, not wanting her to just fuss over him and become withdrawn like back at the USJ. That would put a damper on a great afternoon outing. Denki heard the bell and listened to Ruka's concerned. He frowned and just nodded, feeling like his words weren't reaching her at all now. He was fine, he just wanted to go out and have some fun now heh.

Heading off to get changed, he inspected his chest. He was in shape but not like some of his classmates. Denki didn't head over to Medical Girl, knowing she would just tell him he was being a baby. He got dressed, very thankful it had just been his shirt and nothing down south heh. He hurried out and tried to locate Ruka, not going to let this get in the way of their outing. He put the fruit in his locker, knowing he could pick it up later tonight and share with his friend. Denki located Ruka coming out of the locker room. Waving over to her, he was smiling as usual. See? He was fine. "I'm ready to go!" He cheered to her. He didn't think she had much to feel sorry for, except for maybe being so distracting with those eyes of hers. He could get lost in those far too easily it seemed. "You've got nothing to apologize for." He quickly said, holding up a hand before she could ramble another apology. "I'm fine and that's that. No need to worry about what ifs or anything like that." He gave her a thumbs up. "I've been dying to see this place so now it's your turn to lead the way!" He hooked an arm around her shoulder, hugging her against him.

AiAi AiAi
For most of practice, All Might has been just throwing Mela around like a little ragdoll. He had to admit it was quite fun and seeing her flailing her arms about was rather cute. As he was throwing her about once again, she tried to grab hold of something and accidentally tore his shirt. Oh, well...alright then. He could feel his heartbeat quicken as he felt a bit exposed and well he didn't want her to think bad of him! Not wanting to make a big deal out of it, All Might continued his repeated tosses and pinning. At one point, he was able to pin her down again though this time he felt her body pressed against his a bit more than earlier. All Might froze as he wasn't sure what to do.

Trying to keep his thoughts as pure as possible, All Might beared through practice with gritted teeth forced into a smile. Her actions, the sounds she was making to her slightest touch was causing All Might's usually heroic mind to go venture into a more...darker area. No! He shouldn't be thinking about such things! She was his student and he was trying to teach her things..not...to do things. No! Bad All Might! What kind of hero are you!? He felt rather villainous at the moment though thankfully the bell saved him from falling into the dark side. Phew. As he stepped away from Mela, he also felt oddly shy and well nervous. He gave her a smile as he placed a hand on her shoulder gently, "yes, I look forward to that as well." And not for other reasons. No, stop it Yagi!

Once he left the room, he got changed and was walking outside, greeting the students cheerfully. He watched them run off to wherever they were going, putting himself into his usual mindset and not situated on a certain brown-haired temptress. Just as he was getting back into his usual groove of things, the voice of Mela rang in his ears. He turned to see Mela walking over. He smiled over at her in greeting, wondering what she wanted to ask him. He blinked a few times at her invitation before sending her a wide pearly smile, "I would love that! Was there anywhere you wished to go?" And here he was trying to not think about her...perhaps it was just life telling him not to run from her. Heh. Okay, he can do that.

- - -

After changing out of her uniform, Ruka let out a small sigh, glancing briefly at her phone, wondering if it'll be too much trouble if she called Shoto? No, what's the point of her calling only to wail out how she burned Denki, no no. That just made her sound whiny and needy. She didn't want to annoy Shoto like that. As she walked out, Ruka waited outside at the front gates, wondering if Denki was alright. What if he didn't come because he was hurt? She can only hope he wasn't burned too badly, but he sort of did take that head-on. At least, this time she didn't burn his hair off. Phew.

Looking up, Ruka was greeted with Denki but before she can even open her mouth, he told her to not apologize. Blinking, Ruka looked up at him wondering if she was just that easy to read? Her eyes scanned his body to make sure he wasn't lying, though before Ruka can reply, Denki wrapped his arm around her shoulder, bringing her to him forcing her to be flush against him. Her eyes widened slightly as she looked off to the side. Uh, this was um...warm, but wait no awkward! That's the word. Smiling up at Denki's enthusiasm. Ruka decided that dwelling on it won't heal anything. Nodding her head, she tugged on his arm as she let out a small laugh, "I would love to show the way, but you have to let me go first, silly." She smiled up at him before leading the way.

On the way there, Denki would ask her time and again where they were heading, but all Ruka would respond to that is that it was a secret hehe. Soon enough the two were standing in front of a cafe with a large paw print as a sign with the words dog cafe written on it in bold letters. She grinned over at Denki as she said while nudging him lightly, "what do you think? We get to enjoy some sweets while playing with puppies. Come on~!" Ruka smiled happily up at Denki before tugging him inside. As the two sat down, there were puppies of all breed roaming the inside after passing through a second door. Ruka let out a happy squeal as she picked up a Shiba Inu puppy. She looked down at it before looking over at Denki. Ruka giggled as she held the puppy up to Denki, "he sort of reminds me of you hehe." Cradling the puppy against her chest, Ruka leaned down and softly kissed the top of the pup's head. The puppies were just so cute!

Genkai Genkai
Well...if Aizawa-sensei was too busy, she decided it made sense to still find someone to do something with. He didn't expect her to just go home and wait around for him did he? How was that fun or fair? Mela would have approached someone less intimidating but there really wasn't anyone else she knew in the general vicinity. So it had to be All Might, who still made her oddly nervous. Even after all of this time? Mela avoided his gaze after she asked her question. On one hand, she wanted him to say yes because she did genuinely enjoy his company. But on the other hand, she was still embarrassed about their training session. Why couldn't she just keep her hands to herself? "Um I'm not too sure." She replied, still looking off. The campus grounds were quite nice, thanks to Yagi-san. Why hadn't she found Yagi-san again? He was a lot easier to talk to too. But she did enjoy All Might, finding him to be a great source of encouragement and wisdom.

"What about the park?" She suggested to him, only able to think of a place she had been with Aizawa and they had gotten takoyaki and ice cream last week. All Might didn't seem to mind the suggestion so they headed there, Mela trying to calm herself and tell her that nothing had really happened during training and that she might look back on this and laugh. Someday. Maybe with a drink or two heh. Arriving at the park, she had finally settled her nerves and was back to enjoying the day and the man beside her. "You better let me treat you this time." She smiled to him as she walked over to one of the stands and bought them some potato croquettes. She handed him one and sat down on a bench to people watch and chat. "I'm uhh sorry about earlier." She said, not meaning to just freak out like that.

Mela took a bite of her croquette, adding some sauce to it. If Aizawa were here, he'd probably just note that cats had claws heh. "I still can't get over how strong you are." Though she thought it was a bit...sexy. He was like a gentle giant. She was glad she was as flexible as she was, finding it pretty fun, despite not doing a whole lot in reality. "Oh..." It suddenly dawned on her. Why hadn't she figured it out during training. "Oh!" She paled slightly. "I'm going to have to fight you on Saturday...aren't I?" She looked to him, astonished she hadn't noticed it until now. Stupid, Mela! And in front of everyone too. No one would blame her if she lost right? She had to wonder if Aizawa-sensei knew this. He would be unhappy to say the least. "Please don't just throw me out of the ring!" She laughed, though she was mostly seriously. Sadly. "I want a chance to actually fight someone." She thought back to her and Midoriya's fight on Monday. How annoying.

- - -

Heh he really didn't want to let her go. Besides he figured they could still walk side by side but he did as she asked, not wanting to trip her up or anything. He just liked being close to her. She smelled like yummy strawberries but it was no surprise there huh? "Awww okay." He gave in and held up his hand playfully.The bus ride itself was uneventful and Denki kept looking out the window. He felt he knew the city a bit better than she did so he was trying to figure out any clues based on the stops they passed by. Okay, so they passed by a few arcades so it wasn't any of that. Hmm. He looked to Ruka and began to ask like an excited. Were they there yet? Where were they going? He was so eager to figure it out. Guessing games really weren't his strong suit so he had to just hope he'd wear her down and she'd tell him because he was dying of suspense. As they got off the bus, he stretched and looked to his trusty guide.

She took him to a place about a block away and he looked to see it was...dog themed? He blushed and almost wondered if he had a tail, if it would be wagging. "Ah I see!" He grinned to her. "I had no idea these places existed." He said, wishing he had know about this place sooner. It looked like a ton of fun. Dogs and treats? Eheh he was so on board. They got inside and were seated. Denki looked around at all the hyperactive dogs and puppies. They were so happy to have some company and well, so was Denki. When Ruka picked up a dog and kissed it, he felt really silly...mostly because he was jealous of the dog! Why couldn't he get cuddles and kisses? He refrained from whimpering at the situation, not wanting to be called a puppy eheh.

"You two look so cute together. Though I think I'm a bit better looking than the dog haha." Denki grinned as he snacked on some of the brownies and bars they were able to eat. Denki found a small beagle and picked it up. It licked his face and Denki coughed and laughed, trying not to get french kissed by the dog. He looked over to Ruka, so glad she had thought of this. It was a very cool place to take someone. He gave the dog some pets before grabbing a small squeaky ball and threw it, the beagle running off to go fetch. "How did you find this place?" He asked Ruka as he took a drink of his iced tea. Now this was a pretty cool cafe. "You know if I was a lil pup, I'd be so happy if you adopted me." He teased her lightly. Surely even the dogs knew how much of a great girl Kurotsuki was. Dogs were very good judges of character. "You should see Peachy sometime this week, she's been askin' about you." He said, knowing Peachy may not like him coming home smelling like dogs. Whoops~

AiAi AiAi
All Might couldn't help but notice Mela was looking a tad uncomfortable. Was that just his imagination...? He wondered if he has done something wrong for her to avoid his gaze like so..unless...it was because of what happened during their training!? Does Mela know how to read minds or did he just blab things out without thinking!? All Might was slowly beginning to panic though thankfully at Mela's suggestion of the park, All Might immediately nodded his head, hoping to cool his brain and calm his heart down. Woah, take it easy Yagi. She was probably just embarrassed about tearing his shirt...wait, so he should have worn a shirt or something? Now he felt like he's done something bad.

As they arrived at the park, All Might noticed Mela was smiling once more and she wasn't avoiding his eyes any longer. That was good! Though he couldn't help but wonder what was going through her mind earlier. All Might chuckled slightly at her comment as he agreed, "alright, if you insist Uede Shoujo." Oh, how tempted he was to just call her Mela-chan, but no. That was Yagi and not All Might. As Mela went off to a nearby stand, All Might found a bench that the two can sit on while snacking. Taking the offered croquette, All Might thanked her as he began to nibble on it. He blinked over at her. Huh? What was she apologizing for? About his shirt? All Might shook his head as he rested his hand atop her head, "no need to apologize Uede Shoujo. Accidents happen. Plus neither of us were hurt, so we're okay. Okay?"

Halfway through eating the croquette, Mela seemed to have come upon the realization that he would be facing her on Saturday. It only made sense if he spent all week training with her. All Might chuckled as he flashed Mela a broad grin, "do not fret Uede Shoujo! I promise you that I will not throw you out of the ring, though I'm hoping through our training that you will be able to overcome that obstacle. Which I am sure you will!" If anything he'll just pin her to the ground. Heh. Looking out at the park, All Might leaned back on the bench, allowing his arm to sling carelessly over the back of the bench and around Mela's shoulders. Smiling he murmured out, "what a wonderful day! Ah, peace like this is what the world needs." And why he will continue to work hard as a hero. Looking over at Mela, All Might reached a hand out and swiped his thumb across her cheek and top half of her lips as he said, "oh, you got some sauce on you there." He licked his thumb enjoying the savory sauce though he turned red as he realized what he just did. Averting his gaze, All Might stuttered out, "a-ah sorry...um Uede Shoujo! Would you like to go for a walk?" He wanted to do something, anything to avoid the question of what he just did.

- - -

Looking down at the puppy in her arms and then back over at Denki, Ruka stared at the two, trying to distinguish the difference. She held back a giggle as she realized that the two were similar in her eyes. Smiling, Ruka placed the dog down as she turned her attention to Denki, "I can agree with you there, but the puppy is more cute than good looking hehe." So she'll say that the dog is cute, while Denki is good looking. She watched with amusement as a puppy tried to give Denki quite a smooch. She giggled as she took a bite of her scone with some jam on it with bits of strawberries of course. Ruka looked around the store, a smile on her lips as she found this place to be quite cute and very rewarding. The puppies just melted away all her stress.

Looking back at Denki, Ruka answered him, "oh, I just came across it one day while I was out shopping. I thought it was a very cute and interesting place. I knew I had to invite you hehe." Out of all her friends, Ruka thought that Denki would enjoy this place the most. She looked over at Denki and imagined him as a real dog. Ruka was soon giggling as she waved her hand, "as cute as that sounds, I don't think a dog would be good for me." Or any pets for that matter. She was afraid she might end up burning it one day and unlike her furniture, she can't really fireproof an animal..or can she? Pushing aside her thoughts, Ruka smiled at the mention of Peachy. "Oh, I would love to! Peachy is such a sweet girl hehe."

As she took a sip of her lemonade, Ruka couldn't help but wonder if Shoto was still training. Was going against Eijiro that tough? Ruka was a bit tempted to go against him next time. Realizing that she was about to ask Denki about their training, Ruka refrained from that as she was positive he would be bored about talking about school all the time. "Uh, so Kaminari-kun, what do you think about soulmates?" Why did she ask him that? Well...she had no clue, but hey, doesn't hurt to ask that she supposed. Plus hearing everyone's opinions would help. "Like, what would you do if you met your soulmate?" Would he believe it? Would he accept it or reject it? How would he take it?

Genkai Genkai
Urgh, if this pattern continued, she'd have to fight Endeavor next or Present Mic. Why her?! Mela fidgeted, while she wanted a good fight, she kept thinking back to All Might as a hero. Even from what she heard, Bakugo and Deku had struggled to beat them and they were way better fighters than she was. But she also didn't want All Might to let her win but she supposed that meant she'd probably lose but she'd put up the best fight she could, given the circumstances. "Ah I agree." Peace was something the world could never have enough of it seemed. She hoped people like Eraserhead and All Might could see their hard work pay off. It must be difficult to save someone and then turn around and see more bad guys screwing things up. Would it ever end?

Settling back, she leaned against his arm, wondering how the world may look in 100 years. Suddenly she felt something against her lips. Her eyes went wide as she slowly looked to All Might, her mouth hanging open slightly. Was...was he trying to give her a heart attack? Because that's how you gave Mela Uede a heart attack. She could only nod slowly, "O..oh thank...you." She turned bright red as she tried to block the very different images springing to mind. First Shota popped up, remembering his own fingertips touching her in a similar manner. But then the next image was of her and All Might together, cuddled up and kissing. Mela didn't even hear what he had asked but she assumed she would be fine with just nodding and smiling. "S-sure."

Finishing her snack, she got up and walked along, surprised her legs were functioning. All Might was full of surprises it seemed. She put a hand to her face, feeling like Ruka had just lit her face on fire. Youch. Her heart was thumping against her chest as they looked around the park. "You know," She started to think about how busy pro heroes were. "sometimes I think the only way to get you or Aizawa-sensei's attention is just take up a life of crime." She joked, laughing a little. Mela, stop telling people your weird fantasies! No one wants to hear them, especially not All Might. Aizawa might though? "Buuut I'm glad I didn't have to become a villain to enjoy an afternoon with you~" She winked at him. Stopping by a rose bush, she thought of Yagi. "Yagi-san works pretty hard around campus don't you think? I can't believe he's single." Mela glanced back to All Might. "He visited me when I was sick...it was so sweet of him." Well, Aizawa did too but eheh.

- - -

More cute than good looking huh? So Denki had to figure she thought he was good looking. Yeah! He would take that compliment even if he had to sort of squint to see it as such. Denki smiled even harder now, quite proud to think he could very well be Ruka's type. Yesss! Ruka soon explained that it had been pure luck that she had stumbled upon it. That was pretty interesting. Maybe it was like fate? Yes, it had to be fate. And she had thought of him? Denki felt his heart fluttering with joy, a tear was almost brought to his eye. "Thank you so much for thinking of me." He said. Of course he didn't think Shoto would find it as heartfelt, but he would probably agree, Denki was a mutt. Denki of course didn't mind being compared to a dog. Dogs were awesome. What cold hearted person hated dogs? He supposed Todoroki.

For a moment, he thought about Todoroki and Ruka being so close on Monday after her battle. He wasn't sure how that had happened or why he might comfort her but it left him with a very sour taste in his mouth. He didn't think those two would get so close after just one week training together. He couldn't tell her that his heart cracked when he saw them together while he had been booted from the arena quite unceremoniously. Of course he knew why Ruka was upset but it was like salt had been rubbed in the wounds...seeing another guy comfort the girl he had hurt. Denki had to redeem himself in her eyes but he had no idea what Todoroki even meant to her. Dare he ask? No. He wasn't so sure but when Ruka brought up not being able to have a pet, he frowned. Why not?

He didn't ask a follow up though. He was glad to hear she may be open to stopping by his dorm. He'd have to clean it now though. Urgh. But she was worth putting on gloves and getting his room in a condition suitable for guests. "Soulmates?" He repeated the question as he turned his attention back to his plate of goodies. "I'd love to meet her!" He hoped it was a her. "I mean I probably never will but I'd love to meet her." He said, his eyes lighting up. He looked to Ruka, his heart hoping he was talking with her right now. That would be so unlikely but he hoped she was his soulmate. He couldn't deny he fell for her hard, but could she feel the same way? Maybe they were soulmates. "Your soulmate has to be someone you can be yourself around right? Who accepts you as you are. That's a connection that is so special, you can't let it go." He blushed, realizing how crazy he sounded. "What about you? Any luck tracking yours down?"

AiAi AiAi

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