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Fantasy "We fight for a future without fear" - Zorro's Heroes

Kito Flaz'in Burgundy
"The Wolf Slayer"

Kito looked up at the man in contempt. Complimenting her wasn't making matters any better. Kito had to admit however, he seemed to have learned his place. With a huff, she decided to entertain his inquiry.

"Shoot," she murmured, arms crossed as she eyed a red fabric hanging above the training room entryway. "That," she ordered, pointing to the rather dingy tapestry. If he proved competent with the bow, she'd be a bit more relieved. She didn't want to burden Avel with being the main attacker for monsters of flight. Maybe Iya could be the noble's back up. She'd have to introduce them properly later on.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Impress me."
[div class=box3]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 16px;"]Ilya Anderson[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]'Silver Hands'[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Twenty-Six[/div]
[div class=imgA3]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 23px;"]Guild of the Rangers[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Follower of Ander[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Bonded[/div]

[div class=imgB3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]
[div class=post3]
Kito gave Ilya a look that clearly showed what she thought of him, but she huffed resolutely as she instructed him to shoot. Ilya raised an eyebrow as she indicated the target, frowning.

That? he thought in confusion. That isn't going to prove anything... After a moment's hesitation, he gave a sharp whistle, seemingly for no reason at all (though in truth, he was calling his familiar to him). As he waited for Pyr to arrive, he walked over to the cloth Kito had indicated. It was quite old, and beginning to fray, which suited his purposes just fine.

He grabbed a stray bit of string that was hanging off it and pulled a small bronze pendant from his pocket. The pendant was actually a common coin that had a small hole at the top to easily keep count, and he used the hole to string the coin up on the tapestry. By the time he was done, his Bonded osprey, Ilpyrek, had flown in. Ilya greeted and petted him briefly, before giving his telepathic instructions.

At his command, the bird held steady above the dark curtain, flapping its wings at irregular intervals, setting the cloth moving erratically, and the coin with it. Satisfied at the setup, Ilya returned to his equipment, picked up his bow, nocked an arrow, and aimed. There was that familiar beat between tension and release, when all the world around him seemed to slow, and then he let out his breath as the arrow left his fingers.

There was a satisfying thunk of metal on metal, Pyr stopped flapping and perched upon a nearby windowledge, and the curtain went still. Walking calmly over to inspect the results, Ilya retrieved his arrow and the coin, heading back to Kito and wordlessly handing her his improvised target. The coin had crumpled and folded in on itself, directly outwards from the center. Ilya smiled softly as he let it drop into her open hand.

"I may not be much for punching or swinging swords, milady, he declared, a note of pride warming his voice, "but give me something to shoot and I swear to you I will prove my worth on this expedition."

He fell silent then, gazing at her and awaiting her verdict.
[div class=imgB3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]

[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Location:[/div][div class=extra3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Public Training Grounds[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 125px;"]OOC:[/div][div class=OOC3]Not too shabby for a guy who just got knocked out ;P[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]With:[/div][div class=extra3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Kito[/div]

[class=box3] margin-left: 250px; width: 850px; height: 555px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; background-color: #d7ccc8; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=tags3] width: 150px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; background-color: #7f8c8d; text-align: center; font-size: 10px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=imgA3] margin-top: 5px; margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; height: 100px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; [/class] [class=imgB3] width: 150px; height: 330px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; [/class] [class=post3] margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; height: 330px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; text-align: justified; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=extra3] width: 150px; text-align: center; font-style: italic; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=OOC3] margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; text-align: center; font-style: italic; color: #1f618d; [/class]
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Kito Flaz'in Burgundy
"The Wolf Slayer"

Kito watched in awe of the spectacle. Of course, she'd never let her admiration show.

"Acceptable." Hopefully, that was enough because Kito had no desire to talk anymore. With a flick of her wrist, Kito summoned fire to her palm. To do what? Simple, to sho what she didn't want to vocalize. Despite her cold demeanor and iron will, Kito had a knack for the simple things. With ease, Kito made shapes with the flames; a sphere, cube, then a thumbs up. When she made the last shape she glimpsed at Iya, then quickly dispersed her flames.

"Help me get this room ready for the others," Kito ordered, standing up as she examined the grounds. "Bring those wooden dummies to the sparring pit, and bring some logs from nearby the blacksmithing area over here as well," she continued before pointing towards the desired objects. Once she was satisfied with her idea, she sat back down. Making Iya do all the preparations was the least Kito had in store for the poor fiend.
[div class=box2]
[div class=tags2 style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 16px;"]Alya Oriana Vasiili[/div]
[div class=tags2 style="margin-left: 16px;"]'The Black Death'[/div]
[div class=tags2 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Twenty-Two[/div]
[div class=imgA2]
[div class=tags2 style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 23px;"]Guild of the Seers[/div]
[div class=tags2 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Follower of Zo[/div]
[div class=tags2 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Bane[/div]

[div class=imgB2 style="margin-left: 16px;"]
[div class=post2]
Kito's response to Alya's arrival was cold and curt- it was quite obvious that the Wolf Slayer was not pleased to have her there. It was hardly surprising, since the Vasiili and Burgundy Houses had a long history of opposition, but Alya still found it saddening.

She winced internally at the ruckus that started up around the group's new arrival- that was not a desirable way to make an entrance. As Kito bargained with the son of the Eirwen House and he volunteered information from his scouting expeditions, Alya contemplated the task before them.

Twenty acres was quite the ground to cover. How long would it take, she wondered. What would they encounter? Was it something they were even capable of achieving?

Her pondering was cut short by a most surprising interruption- the artificer had dropped his mountain of gear with a resonating clang and walked over to her, eyes glued to the spearhead on her hip with obvious recognition and delight.

He smiled wide, enumerating the various aspects of the famed piece, and seemingly oblivious to the fact that he was very nearly in the personal space of the most dangerous assassin in the city.

Alya stared at him in consternation, completely thrown. Her reputation was such that, when she walked down the streets of Gento, people stared and whispered fearfully, sometimes even crossing the street or outright turning around. Alya was used to it by now, but this?

As the artificer drew back, he fairly beamed at her. Alya almost felt like she had to blink in the brightness and innocence of that smile- it reminded her of Griggi's. When he told her she was fortunate to possess such a piece, however, she frowned. It seemed he truly did not know who she was.

"I'm not sure what you mean by 'fortunate'," she began. The phrasing he had used irked her- it made her feel like he thought she had acquired it through luck. "I am Alya Oriana of the House of Vasiili- this spear is my birthright." She emphasized the last word with a stern look, hoping he would understand.

There followed more of a commotion with the unknown Angel, and the arrival of a quiet Mer and Rainier House's famous 'Monk'. Kito's reaction to him was even worse than it had been to her- she was outright hostile towards him.

Without waiting for a response, she snapped her fingers to get the group's attention and ordered them to sit down. Alya's eyes narrowed again at her attitude as the Wolf Slayer outright told them that they were inadequate and ordered them to meet her at the training grounds.

She wanted to respond to this in some manner but, before she could, Kito had already gotten up and swept from the tavern without a backward glance. A few moments after her departure, someone else arrived.

Alya narrowed her eyes as the heir to the House of Poisons (as most people called it) walked in. There was no question that the lookalike bore an uncanny resemblance to her childhood friend, Ben (though she suspected this was done with alchemical assistance), but she knew him well enough that she could tell the difference. Besides, as far as she knew, Ben was still traveling the land and many miles away from Gento and the intrigue of the Guilds, just as he desired.

She carefully observed the doppelganger as he introduced himself as the heir of House Creme and offered his talents to the expedition. Alya ground her teeth. This was an obvious and transparent ploy by Ben's parents to cozy up to House Burgundy. Though it bothered her that their highest priority was expanding their House's influence, she knew to keep her mouth shut, especially since the Creme House was one of the few that always got along easily and well with House Vasiili.

However, if they were sending the imposter on this dangerous and important quest with her, she had to draw the line. The matter was personal now- she refused to pretend to be friends with the lookalike, and she trusted him about as far as she could throw him.

Alya put on a smile clearly more predatory than jovial and walked up to him with exaggerated cheerfulness.

"Ben!" she exclaimed, clapping him loudly on the shoulder, "How have you been? I haven't seen you since that dinner party for your mother's birthday last year."

The lookalike stared at her like a deer caught in the headlights- the two of them had never actually spoken before and it was clear, from the way he reacted, that he was well-aware of her reputation, as well as her friendship with the man he was impersonating, and this knowledge made him nervous.

"I'm w-well thank you," he mumbled in response, with a totally unconvincing attempt at being casual and relaxed. Her smile widened.

"Excellent! Well this is good timing, actually- there's something I've been meaning to ask you about," she invented. "Mind coming with me so I can pick your brain?" She emphasized her question by tightening her grip on his shoulder, making it quite obvious that this wasn't a request. He paled and visibly winced, glancing around the tavern as if someone there might rescue him.

"N-Now?" he asked, sweat appearing on his brow. "I was hoping to meet with the Wolf Slayer and..." he trailed off uncertainly.

"The Wolf Slayer has already left," Alya explained. "But let's go meet her- we can talk while we walk." Her grip tightened once more.

"O-Okay, lead the way..." he said miserably.

Alya guided him out of the tavern and began walking in the direction of the training grounds, keeping her hand on his shoulder like a vice. They hadn't gone far when she saw a suitable alley and had steered him into it, slamming him up against the wall, all trace of amiability forgotten.

"I want you to listen closely," she said in a deadly hiss. The man's complexion now resembled the color of sour milk. "I don't care what Sima and Firar are scheming-you are not joining this expedition. Am I clear?" She gave a little shake for emphasis and the man blanched.

"But you don't understand- I have orders-"

"I don't care," she said again. "This mission is dangerous and you are a liability. Tell them any excuse you'd like." The man trembled, trying to think of a rebuttal, but a blade had appeared in Alya's free hand and he was having trouble coming up with a coherent argument when he was going cross-eyed in his attempt to keep it in sight.

She was about to threaten him again when the last voice she expected to hear at that moment interrupted the scene.

"Alya? What are you doing?"

The assassin turned incredulously to see Abenthy Fizban Creme (the real one), and his ever-faithful sidekick Cassandra Maris standing framed together at the entrance to the alleyway. Alya was so surprised that she let the lookalike go (he simply sank to the ground as his trembling legs refused to support his weight) and turned to face them, eyes wide behind the dark band.

"Ben? Cass? What are you doing here?" she asked in astonishment.
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[div class=tags2 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Location:[/div][div class=extra2 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Alleyway[/div]
[div class=tags2 style="margin-left: 125px;"]OOC:[/div][div class=OOC2]Hahaha, poor guy ;P[/div]
[div class=tags2 style="margin-left: 23px;"]With:[/div][div class=extra2 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Imposter, Ben, Cass[/div]
[class=box2] margin-left: 250px; width: 850px; height: 555px; border: 4px solid #000000; background-color: #e5e8e8; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=tags2] width: 150px; border: 4px solid #000000; background-color: #7f8c8d; text-align: center; font-size: 10px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; color: #a93226; [/class] [class=imgA2] margin-top: 5px; margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; height: 100px; border: 4px solid #000000; [/class] [class=imgB2] width: 150px; height: 330px; border: 4px solid #000000; [/class] [class=post2] margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; height: 330px; border: 4px solid #000000; text-align: justified; color: #a93226; [/class] [class=extra2] width: 150px; text-align: center; font-style: italic; color: #a93226; [/class] [class=OOC2] margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; text-align: center; font-style: italic; color: #a93226; [/class]
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Caped nerd.jpg
Alberic Oakland

Alberic blinked in surprise at Alya's Ayama Ayama cold tone. "Yes of course you are." He gave a short laugh. "You couldn't be anyone but who you are with that weapon. But I admit, my research was focused on the spear and not the family...you are...an assassin? Was that it?"
It wasn't that he was ill-informed, it just seemed like the information was completely irrelevant in his mind. Alberic certainly was a strange one.

The thunk of metal on wood made him look around. The Dawnbreaker . D O V E . D O V E , as he'd heard her introduce herself, had put her sword directly in front of him. Alberic adjusted his glasses, looked at the sword, and then at Eden thoughtfully. It was only then that it dawned on him that she extected him to comment on the item. He mouthed a very big "OH".
"Well, it's erm...it's a sword and it's uh...very nice?"
It was not an artificer blade. It didn't seem, at first glance, to contain anything remotely like artificer work. It was pretty, but in the end, simply a blade. Still, for all his obliviousness, he understood that he should say something, but that was all he could think of to say. He offered her an apologetic smile.

The Wolf Slayer Heavenchi Heavenchi was on the move soon after and the artificer found himself scrambling for this things as she strode purposefully past.
"T-the training grounds? Er, yes, yes of course."
Alberic nodded to the others, a memorized protocol. "I'll see you all there." He excused himself as he slid by a monk--the table was getting rather full-- and headed for the door, only a little reluctant to let the masterwork heirloom leave his sight.


The training grounds were as unfriendly as he remembered. He hadn't visited when he could avoid it. The Lady Burgundy and the roguish man from that morning Heavenchi Heavenchi Ayama Ayama Seemed to have just finished something of a sparring match, and now stood apart, the man tending to a rather sharp-looking bird. "Uh, H-hello...again."
Alberic looked around the grounds, making a face he didn't realize he was making.
"I-I must admit, I prefer working on my items and my techniques in a space that is less er...public...fewer casualties."
Alberic swallowed his anxiety and slipped his cloak from his shoulders. The firebombs he would keep aside, they were precious. He slipped off his outer shirt too, with it's large bell sleeves, and kept only his leather vest and a thin, cotton shirt. Through the fabric the toning of his body betrayed a little more ability than his bumbling would have. He was still thin though, and in no way a proper fighter. His bag he stored with his cloak and kept only a belt filled with small vials and three pouches, none labeled.
He took one deep breath and looked to their mission leader. "I-I'm ready, Lady Burgundy."
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[div class=box3]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 16px;"]Ilya Anderson[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]'Silver Hands'[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Twenty-Six[/div]
[div class=imgA3]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 23px;"]Guild of the Rangers[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Follower of Ander[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Bonded[/div]

[div class=imgB3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]
[div class=post3]
In response to all of his efforts, Kito merely pronounced the result 'Acceptable'. Ilya wanted to laugh- clearly, it took a lot to ipress the Wolf Slayer. Although, considering what he had just pulled, he supposed he should simply be considering himself lucky that she hadn't decided to roast him alive.

Speaking of which, she flicked her wrist and fire appeared in the palm of her hand. Following his train of thought, Ilya flinched away at first, but then he realized she was merely using the fire to communicate.

She briefly met his eye as she made the thumbs-up shape before dispersing the flames. Ilya cocked his head to the side, wondering what that was about. It almost seemed like she was shy, or simply a little socially awkward.

A voice in his head told him he was imagining things, but then he also thought of what it must be like the be the famous Wolf Slayer- everyone always wanting you to help, looking up to you, seeking you out. Now that he thought about it, it had to be quite draining for her.

She spoke up again as she instructed him to get the room ready for when the others arrived. He got the distinct impression that she enjoyed ordering him around, pointing to the objects she wanted moved and then sitting back down when she was done with her directions.

Ilya nodded and smiled brightly, not at all bothered by the demand. He moved the objects as she had requested, and then came back and sat down a short ways away from her, sensitive to her need for silence and space.

As they sat there quietly and waited for the others to arrive, Ilpyrek came down from his perch to join Ilya, nuzzling affectionately at his cheek.

Good hunting? he enquired telepathically.

Delicious, the bird responded in the same manner. So, what's with her? Bit awkward, ain't she? Ilya winced.

Lay off, Pyr, he chastised. I'm sure she has a lot on her mind. The bird ruffled its feathers in approximation of a shrug.

Still, you have to admit it's awkward just sitting here and saying nothing. I mean, wouldn't this be the time for exchange of information? Polite conversation? Something? Ilya shook his head.

Lay off, he repeated. Besides, she has good reason for not wanting to make small talk with me. If the bird had had eyebrows, it would have raised one.

Why? it asked suspiciously, What did you do?

This time it was Ilya's turn to shrug, and he looked around the room so as not to meet his familiar's eye, though it was obvious he was blushing. Pyr kept nagging at him to spill the beans, but he refused to do so.

The next few minutes passed thusly, with Ilya and his friend bickering in telepathic silence, the Ranger stealing occasional furtive glances at the mysterious Slayer, sitting still as stone as the seconds ticked by.

The artificer's arrival was announced by the clanking of his gear and his hesitant speech.

God forbid that this mission should require stealth, Ilya considered worriedly, thinking of the unbelievable racket the caster would make in the Engulfing Forest. He'll have all the monsters in there upon us within the first ten minutes, he deplored.

The caster seemed nervous at the thought of the damage his spells and potions could do in such an enclosed space, and Ilya immediately stepped backwards as the artificer faced off against their team captain, not having the remotest desire to get caught in the line of fire.

Ilpyrek, for his part, simply flew back up into the rafters and settled down on a ledge to watch the show.
[div class=imgB3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]

[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Location:[/div][div class=extra3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Public Training Grounds[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 125px;"]OOC:[/div][div class=OOC3]Haha, poor Alberic xD[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]With:[/div][div class=extra3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Kito, Alberic[/div]

[class=box3] margin-left: 250px; width: 850px; height: 555px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; background-color: #d7ccc8; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=tags3] width: 150px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; background-color: #7f8c8d; text-align: center; font-size: 10px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=imgA3] margin-top: 5px; margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; height: 100px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; [/class] [class=imgB3] width: 150px; height: 330px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; [/class] [class=post3] margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; height: 330px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; text-align: justified; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=extra3] width: 150px; text-align: center; font-style: italic; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=OOC3] margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; text-align: center; font-style: italic; color: #1f618d; [/class]
(BTW is the color red alright for both day and night mode...or is this green better?)

I think this Fishy is a bit to important........
Alluvia Neldem, Priestess
Location: Exiting Tavern
Tags: Ayama Ayama
From the speech in the tavern, the low sounds of the many speakings and getting to know each other but sounds faded away as the Great wolf slayer soon announced to meet at the training battlegrounds, To see there worth. The priests sigh slightly as she hope she would not need to lay a hand of a blade, not because she follows the holy path of Ada, but because her skills is none existent, away in the sunders of the deep, unable to even wield a stick, expect the crazed acts, like distressed maniac fighting for her life. The staff and bow were her weapons and ever still she would rather lay hands on the injured instead of laying hands on a blade but if time came to it, no choice would be left but to follow up. Standing up from the wooden chair and waving the rest as some left after, her still lit staff adorn in steel inclined on the table. Taking in hand she smiled knowing that her tool and soul of importance where now in grasp. But besides her gratitude and self thoughts, remembering the fellow faces that will travel along there large expedition to slay and fley monsters: The powerful Dawnbreaker as she deem, The killer of wolfs herself, The shy arcanist known as Alberic,The archer Ilya and many others, but some others came to the reunion that brought odd and worry such as the "Black death" or something of similar name, she could tell the sour air that came from the short interaction with Kito, she dose not know why but best lay it that way.

With staff in hand she smiled and looked to a fellow friend, a familiar face true, and one she know for good amount of times back north, Alvis Favian, the only child of the great heads from the Ameliorate. Both amazed and worried to see him here, Alluvia never recalled him being one to hunt but one for knowledge and studies and in such a task here would be dangerous. But she knew herself how both curiosity and desires can effect people: She was once a priest who after months of training manage to become a slayer, to help and lay hands on the wounded and dead, and with such she could not blame him. With steady steps and the sound of steel tapping the wooden flooring of the tavern because of her staff, she approached "The Monk" and spoke " Alvis out of all the people, i dint expect you to be here one bit...Either Ada wove our paths together this day....Or its just the fact of it being Friday and the city fills to the brim" She chuckle thinking of the odds "But never the less, why are you here? I bet you dint join this expedition because of the gold or the thrill..." She mentioned signaling with her staff to follow, as both would need to go to the public training grounds either way so, might as well know a bit now since the hour flies like the wind and still....she hopes he pays a bit of attention as she knows Knowledge is more important for him....and in such a dangerous 12 days? She will need to make sure he returns alive in any shape possible, no mater the injuries or missing limbs. Both friend and the PRIMARY fact he is the child of her boss's!!
Edelaine "Eden" Seahaven
The Dawnbreaker

Eden didn't expect to land herself an apprenticeship with the Wolf Slayer. She grinned awkwardly when Kito claimed that she was her new apprentice, catching both Eden and the tavern by surprise. However, the cheers and applause that echoed throughout the hall lifted her worries and she found herself waving at them with a proud smirk.

'What's with her all of a sudden though? Could it be... Aha! So she did fall in love with me! Can't blame her though.' This was the thought that ran through her mind while everything unfolded. But all color left her face when she received Kito's hushed threat shortly after. "Y-Yes ma'am..." She choked out instinctively, feeling a drop of sweat running down her forehead.

Fortunately, another arrival stole her new teacher's attention. Eden let out the breathe she didn't know she was holding as soon as Kito's arm left her shoulders. She internally screamed, asking herself just what the fuck did she get herself into. Sometimes, she thought, possessing tremendous charisma was both a blessing and a curse.

Eden's attention was then grabbed by the man she internally renamed as Awkland. He was ogling at her sword, just as expected. "Oh yes! It is a very nice sword! Have I told you about the time I used it to slay a gigantic monster? It had four horns and each could shoot elemental blasts-"

However, she was cut off by Kito's order, telling everyone to shut up and meet her by the training grounds. "Toodles, teacher!" Eden animatedly waved her hands at the retreating slayer until she disappeared from the tavern. She then turned her attention to the remaining cast and flashed each of them another smile. "Well, it was an honor to meet you all althoughIthinkyouguysshouldfeelmorehonoredtobreathethesameairasme but we'll have to part ways for now. I'll see y'all in an hour!" She stood up and picked up her sword. "Oh, Mr. Awkland? Remind me to continue my story later. Toodles!"

With that, she headed off to the forepart of the tavern where the remnants of the crowd she gathered earlier waited. She marched with a proud smirk and a tilted chin, looking like she was some sort of hero who just returned to town after slaying the evil dragon. It wasn't long before she found the frowning face of the man who challenged her earlier. Eden huffed at him, shrugging her shoulders and shaking her head.

"Did you guys see how the Wolf Slayer herself begged to be associated with me?"

The Training Grounds
Perhaps she should beg the Wolf Slayer to let her stay in the middle?

Twenty-acres worth of monsters was so not Eden's thing! Heck, not even veterans wanted to take up the Burgundy's request and yet here she was! Taking the said request as her first ever mission as a slayer! But then again, the pay wasn't bad and only a handful took the offer alongside her. She'd have enough gold to live like a king for a month! Or maybe she could buy a Pegasus?

With those thoughts racing through her head, the Angel kept on flying until she reached her destination. The city's Public Training ground was no different than the one they had in the orphanage. Eden couldn't help but feel somewhat nostalgic. It wasn't long before the female landed on the ground in a graceful manner, some of her feathers floating around the air.

Eden ran a hand through her light hair. "The Dawnbreaker has arrived!" She obnoxiously announced, wearing a smile so confident it could piss monsters off.

Heavenchi Heavenchi SilverFlight SilverFlight
[div class=box]
[div class=tags style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 16px;"]Alvis Favian Rainier[/div]
[div class=tags style="margin-left: 16px;"]'The Monk'[/div]
[div class=tags style="margin-left: 16px;"]Twenty-Eight[/div]
[div class=imgA]
[div class=tags style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 23px;"]Guild of the Ameliorate[/div]
[div class=tags style="margin-left: 23px;"]Follower of Imani[/div]
[div class=tags style="margin-left: 23px;"]Touched[/div]

[div class=imgB style="margin-left: 16px;"]
[div class=post]
"Call me Captain, I don't need a noble like you thinking we're equals. I will be superior in that Forest," Kito snapped at him. Alvis stared. He didn't care much about his title, except for the freedom it afforded him to pursue his interests. He wasn't surprised that the Lady Burgundy did not take kindly to having him on this expedition, but to be so outright and immediately hostile was not what he had expected.

Before he could formulate a response, however, she had given them instructions to meet her at the training grounds and then swept from the tavern, closely followed by the ranger. After being chastised by the Vasiili assassin about her spear and confused by the unknown Angel, Alberic followed, as well as the latter.

Alvis was a little saddened to see him go, as he was excited knowing they would be on this mission together and have many things to discover, discuss and explore, but there would be plenty of time for that anyway. After his departure, the distracted Creme House heir entered, apparently under the impression that the quest he had been sent on was simply to find the tavern.

The Lady of Vasiili laughed out loud at his frustration, startling the rest of them, walking over to welcome him. Alum did the same, her steps punctuated with the clang of steel on stone, as she headed towards him with her familiar warm smile, asking why he'd chosen to join this expedition.

Alum returned her smile, glad to have her with him on this, as they turned and walked out of the tavern in friendly companionship. As they wove through the streets of Gento, Alvis explained.

"My research has led me to the conclusion that our greatest knowledge gap is currently in Monster Lore, and I aim to rectify that by doing some field research of my own. It took a lot of arguing, convincing, cajoling and even threatening, but eventually I made people see the need for this research and agree to place me on this expedition. Besides," he added with a grin, "You of all people know how stubborn I can be when I want something."
[div class=imgB style="margin-left: 23px;"]

[div class=tags style="margin-left: 16px;"]Location:[/div][div class=extra style="margin-left: 16px;"]In the street[/div]
[div class=tags style="margin-left: 125px;"]OOC:[/div][div class=OOC]Pff, what a brat ;P[/div]
[div class=tags style="margin-left: 23px;"]With:[/div][div class=extra style="margin-left: 23px;"]Alum[/div]
[class=box] margin-left: 250px; width: 850px; height: 555px; border: 4px solid #000000; background-color: #b39ddb; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=tags] width: 150px; border: 4px solid #000000; background-color: #f5cba7; text-align: center; font-size: 10px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; color: #a93226; [/class] [class=imgA] margin-top: 5px; margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; height: 100px; border: 4px solid #000000; [/class] [class=imgB] width: 150px; height: 330px; border: 4px solid #000000; [/class] [class=post] margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; height: 330px; border: 4px solid #000000; text-align: justified; color: #a93226; [/class] [class=extra] width: 150px; text-align: center; font-style: italic; color: #a93226; [/class] [class=OOC] margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; text-align: center; font-style: italic; color: #a93226; [/class]
Alluvia Neldem, Priestess
Location: Training grounds
Tags: Ayama Ayama Heavenchi Heavenchi . D O V E . D O V E
As Alum walked with her old friend down the stone path towards the training ground, bit of a crowd filling the district but not worse, as he answered her question she smiled at his response, a bit amazed he would go as far as threaten just to be here and was a bit worried inducing in some ways but she knew how he was. "Oh i am very aware...Just hope you are a bit more careful once we set foot on the expedition area" But as well the though of the research, such data would help in many ways and his passion would mar more than many could,"plus you speak truth, this research will grant many benefits. As much i worry of everyone safety, i cant disagree with why you are here..Now you say that..." she began to drift a bit n her thoughts...wondering a bit "Sometimes i wonder of those monsters spoken in folktales and the fantasies of children books are real" the thought as a child , reading old tales of beast so bizarre and unorthodox that could not be real but no one never knows, many times new are found or beast of difference, and the fact came to mind that every folklore has some origin..."Still remember the Senet priest, as mere children, telling us stories to sleep...warning us if we dint sleep the "creepy Crawly" will clime through the window and drag us away, always saying it was dark as the night sky and eyes bright as stars" She chuckle at the thought as for such a person to scare children just so they can sleep was a bit ironic in many ways "For some one of the senet she sure knew how to make us sleep sometimes." But soon she shifted topic as she could see the public training ground in sight and approaching she saw glimpse of the infamous Dawnbreaker entering the building " I hope you find what you are looking for in the expedition" and with one small grin "You know i am gonna throw you to the ground if i have to" and she smiled at the thought hoping it dint have to come to that.

As they reached the training ground, Alum pulling a small gate separating the training from the outside and holding it open for Alvis to pass and once he did closed behind seeing Kito,Eden,Alberic and Ilya there already. "Hope we are not late, well docent seem like it" She smiled looking around...a bit um...How you put it, "Unrefined" for the training ground but would do never the less and was enough to at least practice. Seeing the eden announce, she shook her head and saying a bit down tone to her "Cant wait to see you'r skill Miss. Dawnbreaker, you do seem very determent and, i like it!" the priestess said as she passed her, as she actually dint know how trained she could wield the sword and now at the training ground, she wondered if her name would stand at her skills. The artificer seem, even for some open like him ready for a fight and it was surprising, this group...was something and in a good way.

She took her staff and pass her hand on to the flames, closing her eyes and saying short and silent prayer, unable to be heard by the others, as she open her palm a small rose petal appeared in her hand,ignited in green flames, soon vanish. Yes all was in order, Alum had to make sure the fires still had there power as one day she would need to light it again and such she wanted to check if they lived now at there peak. "Give me a second Alvis", and once she walked to Kito and slightly bowed to her saying "I hope everyone is ready, if anyone is hurt just leave it to me"
Kito Flaz'in Burgundy
"The Wolf Slayer"
Within a few minutes, the rogue finished Kito's requests causing her distaste for him to lessen. Ilya was proving to be a bit more useful than Kito had anticipated. That was a good thing. After enjoying a few moments of peace and quiet, the others made themselves known or showed up. This caused Kito's features to tighten and her senses to sharpen. This was it, the moment where everyone showed their capabilities. After everyone displayed their prowess she'd assign them their position in the mission's body. Unfortunately, the most lackluster of the slayers had come in first, Eden.

"Silence," Kito murmured, rising from her seat. With an abrupt slap on both cheeks, Kito got into the proper mindset. However, a small chuckle left her lips when the alchemist stood in front of her, determination flaring. She liked that.

"Show me what you got," she ordered confidently, pointing to a set of wooden dummies. "I'd prefer to see your offense on those," she explained before turning her attention to the honorable priestess. A small smile was all she gave the woman, there wasn't much to say but, "thank you." Turning her attention back to the alchemist she couldn't help but tease.

"Do your best not to blow us all up."

In the mood to deal with what she believed to be the biggest problem in the group, Kito strutted to the "Dawnbreaker" in seemingly slow motion.

"I want you, to go up against him," she ordered, pointing to Ilya, as she hooked her arm around the girl's shoulders. "Show your best offense and defense. Two-minute spar, do your best," Kito stated before turning on her heel, returning to her seat. With a small thud, she plopped back down, arms crossed. Yup, she gave out good enough orders. At least, for the time being.
Caped nerd.jpg
Alberic Oakland

Alberic smiled at the others as they came in, and gave them each a friendly wave.
The Wolf Slayer's voice snapped his focus back to her. He followed her gaze to the straw dolls, collected in a corner.

"O-oh...the dummies?" It was odd that he looked both relieved and disappointed both at once.
"Y-yes of course..." Alberic started over to them, vials, potions and pouches at his belt. He gave one an experimental poke, watching it swing around on it's rotary post.
"It's just that...well, the best demonstration would be on a...living target. An opponent. I suppose I could use my resources on straw, but...I might as well just explain how they work and save the materials..." He was trying to be practical, not disrespectful, though he might not have seen how someone could take it as the latter.

At her lighthearted jab he waved his hands desperately. "Oh no! I would never use such powerful potions for a demonstrate...ah..I see, that was a joke wasn't it?"
Alberic smiled sheepishly, deciding to make the best of an already awkward situation. He put on his gauntlet and tried to control his breathing.
"Well, I have this," Alberic took a tiny, spindly metal device from his belt. It looked, for all intents and purposes, like a carefully-crafted...dead spider. He set it on the ground before the dummy so its legs splayed out in all directions.

"This is a magic seal trap. If there is any sort of enemy wielding tainted magic, and it activates this trap, it's magic is dampened for a period of time that is directly related to the magical strength of the being." He looked at the dummy, still sitting on it's post, glaring it's critical, painted glare. "O-of course...the target would need to step into the trap..."
The dummy remained stoically where it was.
"Ah...ha, perhaps...I could show something else..." He fumbled at his belt, after a moment of nearly dropping several vials, he selected a large flask.
"Oh! This one! Yes!" The vial was filled with a purple liquid and he held it up excitedly. "This is something I have just perfected!"

Alberic took a few steps backwards, pulled the shot and threw the flask. It broke at the base of the dummy's pole and exploded forward in a huge wave of solidifying purple crystal.The poor dummy, was encased from wood base to straw neck as huge spikes jutted out from the back of the crystal mass.
"I am still fine-tuning the radius and spread pattern..." Alberic walked up to his helpless straw enemy, "...but the best part?" he reached behind, snapped off a crystal spike and bit it with a smile. "It's rock candy!"

Heavenchi Heavenchi Ayama Ayama Yonsisac Yonsisac . D O V E . D O V E
Edelaine "Eden" Seahaven
The Dawnbreaker

The Dawnbreaker's breathing hitched when she saw the Wolfslayer approaching her. She felt as though every step of the woman was in sync with Death's clock. Eventually, the woman snaked her arm around her shoulders, whispering something ominous in her ears once again. Eden felt herself gulp as she spared a glance to Ilya, the man whom she was being pitted against.

'Ugh, he really does look like some sort of a hoodlum... Probably a cutthroat? He looks very dangerous. Goodness, what if I die or something!? Or WORSE, what if my very gorgeous face gets damaged!? Maybe I should just tell the Wolfslayer the truth...'

After these thoughts transcended, Eden turned to face Kito. A few seconds of nothingness passed before she finally opened her mouth. "PFFFT! Just a two-minute spar? Pffft! No problem-o! This will be, like, a piece of cake to good ol' Dawnbreaker." She smugly rolled her shoulders before stepping into the open area. She then began to do her warm-ups which meant a bunch of outrageous stretches that made her look like she was about to run a marathon instead of sparring.

After a good minute of such ridiculousness, the Dawnbreaker grabbed the hilt of her Lightedge, azure eyes squinted as if she was an eagle and the man was her prey. She then circled Ilya theatrically, the whole scene akin to two gladiators about to bludgeon one another to death. With a fighting cry, Eden suddenly drew her sword and dashed to Ilya, swinging her weapon at her opponent rashly.

Needless to say, it was like watching a toddler doing her best to imitate legendary heroes.

Ayama Ayama Heavenchi Heavenchi
[div class=box3]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 16px;"]Ilya Anderson[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]'Silver Hands'[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Twenty-Six[/div]
[div class=imgA3]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 23px;"]Guild of the Rangers[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Follower of Ander[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Bonded[/div]

[div class=imgB3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]
[div class=post3]
After the alchemist came the unknown Angel, touching down lightly on the training ground floor and announcing herself obnoxiously. Ilya chuckled. She was followed by the priestess and the monk, the former quickly testing her magic before offering her services to their team leader.

Kito ordered the alchemist to attack the wooden dummies on the other side of the sparring grounds, advising him not to blow them all up. Ilya silently seconded the thought while the alchemist stammered his reservations before finally settling on a certain flask.

Ilya's eyes went wide as he observed the effects of the potion, astonished at the sudden appearance of the encasing and violently purple crystal. When the alchemist walked over and declared that his spell had actually created candy, the Ranger burst out laughing, delighted at having such a creative person join the party.

His laughter was short-lived, however, as the Wolf Slayer then walked over to the Angel, hooking an arm casually around the girl's shoulders. Ilya narrowed his eyes as he observed the familiarity of the gesture.

"I want you, to go up against him," she ordered, to both his and the girl's astonishment. "Show your best offense and defense. Two-minute spar, do your best," she concluded before returning to her seat in order to observe the fight.

Ilya blinked in surprise, but adjusted his stance accordingly, wondering how the girl would attack. She had both a bow and a sword, as well as the power of flight, so it was definitely hard to predict. He expected she would use her wings in order to maximize her maneuverability and speed and present a less easy target.

He held his bow loosely in his hand, waiting for an attack that seemed unlikely to ever come as the Angel wasted nearly half of their allotted sparring time in pointless warm-ups. He wondered if she was trying to delay the fight, or if perhaps this was part of her strategy.

She circled him with what he viewed as completely unnecessary theatricality. Now normally, he was all for that, but the point of this fight was to actually show Kito what they could do. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, she drew her sword and charged at him.

Ilya blinked at the obviousness of her attack, wondering once more if this was a ploy to get him off his guard. He lightly stepped backwards, defending himself with ease and parrying her blows with his bow as she repeatedly swung for his head.
[div class=imgB3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]

[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Location:[/div][div class=extra3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Public Training Grounds[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 125px;"]OOC:[/div][div class=OOC3]Ilya: 'What kind of trickery is this...?'[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]With:[/div][div class=extra3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Kito, Eden, Alberic, Alum, Alvis[/div]

[class=box3] margin-left: 250px; width: 850px; height: 555px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; background-color: #d7ccc8; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=tags3] width: 150px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; background-color: #7f8c8d; text-align: center; font-size: 10px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=imgA3] margin-top: 5px; margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; height: 100px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; [/class] [class=imgB3] width: 150px; height: 330px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; [/class] [class=post3] margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; height: 330px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; text-align: justified; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=extra3] width: 150px; text-align: center; font-style: italic; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=OOC3] margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; text-align: center; font-style: italic; color: #1f618d; [/class]
Edelaine Seahaven
The Dawnbreaker

Sooner or later, it became apparent to the Dawnbreaker herself that none of her attacks were doing anything against her opponent. She has been swinging her weapon left and right and up and down yet Ilya kept on dodging them effortlessly. Needless to say, it irked the egotistic blonde and she grew worried. She felt like she was embarrassing herself (she really was) and that she was disappointing her mentor (she probably was). And so she decided to once again rely on her undying theatrics.

“Aha! Not bad,” she began, pausing to regain her breathing, “But I was just...testing the waters! Yes! I’m just... you know... a very considerate person. I don’t want you to embarrass yourself right in front of the Wolfslayer.” There was that smug smile in her face again. However, it seemed like she was far from done as she spoke once more. “I bet she’ll fall deeper in love with me once she sees how amazing I actually am.”

With that, Eden flashed the group with quite the grand display. A pair of large and white angelic wings sprouted from her back, accompanied by a very brief flash of light.

What was she doing? Preserving her life, of course! Since none of her efforts were paying off, the Angel simply decided to waste the rest of the time with her usual tricks and bullshits.

Besides, the man seemed pretty passive. She doubted that he would attack her. In fact, she could gamble that he was probably in love with her or something; hence, he won’t even attempt to hit her!


Ayama Ayama Heavenchi Heavenchi
Kito Flaz'in Burgundy
"The Wolf Slayer"

As Kito watched Alberic's display she couldn't help but think, "please don't ever spill that". However, she didn't want to reveal any doubt towards the party's alchemist. So instead, after instructing the lovely, "dawnbreaker" and heading back to her seat, Kito walked over to the tower of candy, took a piece and smiled. Her way of saying, "acceptable". After she returned to her seat, Kito half-heartedly watched the spar, internally counting down the seconds. From her perspective, the obvious star of the show was Ilya, despite all of Eden's theatrics. However, Kito was a former captain, she knew better than anyone the underdog was nine times out of ten, a savage in the making. In Kito's eyes, Eden actually had potential. Her wings were admittingly beautiful and Eden seemed to be able to summon light. She was useful, to an extent. Without thinking, Kito nibbled the rock candy, now getting more and more intrigued by the spar. Her eyes shot from Eden to Ilya, noticing new things about the two by the second. Yes, they'd do. 67 seconds left.
Without even taking her eyes off the theatrics, Kito hurridly waved the priestess over, patting the stump beside her. She wanted Alluvia close, especially if one of the two decided to get serious and injure the other. 65 seconds left.
[div class=box3]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 16px;"]Ilya Anderson[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]'Silver Hands'[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Twenty-Six[/div]
[div class=imgA3]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 23px;"]Guild of the Rangers[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Follower of Ander[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Bonded[/div]

[div class=imgB3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]
[div class=post3]
The Angel paused in her ceaseless attacks for some bantering. Now normally, Ilya would be all for that, as what's a fight without some friendly taunting and ribbing thrown in? But it seemed she was only doing it to distract him while she caught her breath and thought of something to do, since her attacks up until now had been completely ineffectual.

He rolled his eyes when she said she was testing the waters and being considerate. First of all, because she was visibly out of breath, and second, because it was clear she was casting around for some way to win the fight or save face.

When she said she didn't want him to embarrass himself in front of the Wolf Slayer, Ilya let out a bark of laughter. Clearly, she was the one embarrassing herself.

However, a ridiculous grin had appeared on her face, and he frowned. It seemed that where she was most comfortable was... talking a big game. He wanted to roll his eyes again, but her next sentence changed his mind. The one about Kito falling in love with her.

The Angel concluded her little speech by spreading her wings and flashing the entire room with divine light. Even through eyes narrowed against the glare, Ilya had to admit it looked impressive, and he became angry at her words and at the thought that that was how their captain would also perceive it. Reacting without thinking, he had knocked an arrow and drawn his bow, aiming at the Angel's heart, before he even knew what he was doing.

He saw the fear come into her eyes as she realized what was coming and bent her legs, preparing to spring upwards into the air in order to escape. Not that it mattered- at this range, there was no way for him to miss. He was just about to release his arrow when a voice cut sharply through the red fog in his brain.

"Stop!" the voice commanded. "Time's up!"
[div class=imgB3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]

[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Location:[/div][div class=extra3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Public Training Grounds[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 125px;"]OOC:[/div][div class=OOC3]Oooh, Ilya's mad ;P[/div]
[div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]With:[/div][div class=extra3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Kito, Eden, Alberic, Alum, Alvis[/div]

[class=box3] margin-left: 250px; width: 850px; height: 555px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; background-color: #d7ccc8; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=tags3] width: 150px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; background-color: #7f8c8d; text-align: center; font-size: 10px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=imgA3] margin-top: 5px; margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; height: 100px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; [/class] [class=imgB3] width: 150px; height: 330px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; [/class] [class=post3] margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; height: 330px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; text-align: justified; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=extra3] width: 150px; text-align: center; font-style: italic; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=OOC3] margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; text-align: center; font-style: italic; color: #1f618d; [/class]
Alluvia Neldem, Priestess
Location: Training grounds
Tags: Ayama Ayama Heavenchi Heavenchi . D O V E . D O V E SilverFlight SilverFlight
Alluvia noded as the wolf slayer she was around incase of any serius injuries....but she would not mind maybe a minor one....maybe showing off her healing cababilities would ensure the group feels safe knowing she would make sure they would keep there feet up and well. But soon all seem to take a interesting turn, standing beside the wolf slayer as the artificer began to show some of what he could do, Well not literally as it could be dangers but the fact he said he could have a seal trap and upon other little things. He pulled a vile and threw it at the dummy and what seem crystals grew around them encasing the dummy...well now she dint expect that. But as soon Alberic mention it was Rock Candy, The priests just stood there staring....what....after a few solid 5 seconds she approached the encased dummy she looked and took a piece of the deepest colored part, taking a bite....It was actually rock candy... "Oh wow...You were not kidding its actually candy..." After she was done she took a slightly bigger piece i mean....there was enough...and began to eat it "Out of all the possibilities...never could i think the chances of being encased in rock candy could not be zero...Impressive...would not mind having one" and it was good rock candy to!

But soon seem the dawnbreaker and the archer were about to....dual...Oh boy well now this was something to see. Dawnbreake slashed and shied her blade but Ilya doges Gracefully through them, only for the legendary dawn breaker sprout wings, seems this was getting serious as she mention how Kito would fall in love with her once she sees her skills. Huh well....This was...interesting form of training. Seeing Kito signal her and sit beside her she could tell a sword would be thrown any second and Alluvia dint want to get stabbed today. Holding the rock candy in her mouth the priestess looked at the artificer ,Alberic, and signal with her head to come as knowing how this was going, image if he falls over with all those THINGS on him...I mean you don't know that is the issue so it was best he dint get hurt in this situation before the training ground gets covered in wool or even worse, a massive fire

Quickly taking a rush, she sat beside kito with the rock candy in her mouth using her left hand to take it out and take a bite while her right hold her staff against the ground "You know...." she though for a bit "...I think...this might be actually interesting...." She said smiling look at the spar carefully, her eyes looking over her shoulder hoping Alvis is alright, there is a chance of flying swords today, as well the Artificer especially as all it takes is one person to slip and break something.
Alberic Oakland

Alberic bowed his head at the praise.
"I-i-it's a substance that dissolves in warm water, the others wanted to experiment with stone, but I asked, what if we want to release the creature afterwards? So I designed something that is nearly hard as stone, but can be melted with relatively harmless means!" He realized he was rambling and bit his lip. His superiors had warned him about rambling.

Instead he went to watch the end of the match.
"The Dawnbreaker's style is...like nothing I have ever seen." He concluded, adjusting his glasses. In that it was completely undisciplined, but he would only say that if asked.
He beamed brightly when Alluvia showed an interest in his potion. Smiling as she came over with a piece of rock candy he took another purple vial from his belt and held it out to her.
"In case I'm not around...and you have a monster to trap...or you get hungry."

He glanced at her again, what did social situations call for? Dialogue? Yes, that was it. He could do that....yes he could.
"So..what made you take this particular job."

((I'm sorry Yonsisac Yonsisac but I just cannot think of how Alberic could injure himself in this situation, ^-^' I can't help you with a healing demonstration))
The thinking fish...
Alluvia Neldem, Priestess
Location: Training grounds
Tags: SilverFlight SilverFlight

As Alluvia sat and saw the end of the spar it was quite one...interesting never the less but still something she would wish to see improved...Fight a person is one thing but a beast with capabilities and strength was another so her hope to know was great. Even so Alberic was clearly fond and interested in his work greatly just by hearing him ramble and speak none stop, and even still was interesting to hear as...if he could create a candy encasing trap image what else? made her wonder WHAT exactly he could do in a serious situation...and as she did, her final fragment of crystal was done and well was enough for now even if it was as tempting. "Yea me neither....witch is all itself interesting." but soon she was taken a bit seeing him offer a flask of the same solution for her and all in fact was one great offer she could not refuse...Both her desire of sweet was one "I will surely use it for both...That is for sure...But thank you Alberic i wont lie, i will use it" and with a smile at that...The thought she could just spontaneously generate a solid form of sweet crystal was, perfect.

Soon the Artificer asked why she took this particular job, why not any other. Thinking for a little and scratching her chin, she smiled "I have been taking different contracts, both to help the slayers in the fierce battle between these monsters, healing there wounds and help them fight and ease the hunt, Not all come alive from there hunts and , like many slayers of the north, wish to lower the casualties and save lives or give burial to the fallen..." She paused for a second "And the other reason is to help the monstrosities, Many deem them nothing but pure evil and emissaries of death, but they are equal to the wild animals of the Forrest. Wild animals. I know, they must die and i agree, but i wish to show them the road for there souls to be free and be realized from there pain after there inevitable death by our hands." she soon realized she went off for a second and explained a bit to much but was needed in her mind. She knew many would scoff at her point of view but after wars, many wish the dead to be given a safe passage and be freed from all torment. Why not the beast? "....So after a monster is slain, i purified there spirit by burning a part of them and be set a safer path, thanks to my goddess" she said looking up her staff with a smile as it shimmer with green flames. "...In short, help both sides in there respective way..."
Kito Flaz'in Burgundy
"The Wolf Slayer"
With a firm command, Kito demanded the spar be halted. For one, time was up but, also because Kito had noticed increased tension in the rogue. A sign of a dangerous attack. Standing up, Kito directed Alluvia to follow with a light wave of her hand as she headed towards the two combatants. She wanted to get a good look at them, despite neither made it obvious they had been significantly injured, Kito would rather be safe than sorry and find out later, one had a nasty bruise that prevented them from fleeing if the time for that ever occurred.

"Check them for any injuries, no matter how minor," Kito instructed as she studied the two duelists. She couldn't deny, she liked what she saw. From both of her new teammates. Ilya showed enough strength to prove he could hold his own against a C-tier monster if needed and Eden demonstrated the perfect skills for a decoy. Ever so lightly, Kito caressed Eden's cheek with the back of her armored hand and let it stay there for a moment. Slowly but surely, her hand heated up, and she pressed it against the girl's cheek for a split moment before pulling her hand back. Kito's punishment for Eden wasn't enough to leave a burn, but it was a warning.

"That's for slander," she explained bluntly, before turning her attention to Ilya.

"You should learn to control that temper," Kito recommended, her thoughts returning to the anger she witnessed prior to halting the spar.

"Are they alright?" Kito inquired, as she glanced over at the priestess.
Abenthy Creme
"No this ISN'T sodium benzoate you great heap of blithering idiot! I know most of your customers probably can't read and wouldn't know sugar from mercury by drinking it, but I need something that will preserve my food not poison it. Now, kindly bring me what I asked for before I have to start gagging and yelling about how your sugar turns water into sand?" He gave the shopkeeper to the Spiced Blackberry (what a stupid name for a shop) a look of anger and malice, though behind his hostile mask he was very close to bursting out laughing.

The shopkeeper murmured something like "what do you know about..." and "if you're so smart why are you buying from me" but refused to meet Abenthy's gaze. Growing up in a house full of rich folk who were so wound up you could get diamonds by sticking coal in their asses certainly annoyed Ben, but it did certainly teach him how to take a striking pose and how to intimidate peddlers. Hearing the shopkeeper continue to mouth back, Ben continued with his verbal assault.

"What do I know?! You wouldn't know how to pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel you half-wit! I've studied at Universities all across the world where even the DOGS know that sodium benzoate isn't BLUE. I'm not going to argue anymore I..."

He trailed off as a pair of figures in the corner of his eye caught his attention. It had been many years and he had only seen her from a side glance, but he was about 55% certain that it was his old friend Alya. He heard the felt the shopkeeper go mute with rage before trying to blurt out every insult that came to his mind, unable to comprehend his anger fast enough. As Ben turned away from him to watch the two people move into an alley the shopkeeper got louder with his insults, even more enraged that Ben was ignoring him.

"Shut up." Ben said suddenly, his tone causing the shopkeeper to bite off his last few words. 55 wasn't a great number, but he had acted on far less certain assumptions, so he decided to follow the two into the alley. "Cassandra let's go. Don't try any of his free samples they're laxatives." He said without looking at her.

He grabbed his bags (leaving a few items scattering to the floor) and started to fast walk over to the alley. Was it really Alya? He hadn't seen her since...well not for a while. What was she doing here? Was she killing that guy? Killing that guy? Of course she wasn't, she was way too talented to be caught by a bunch of bystanders. And she definitely had more class than to kill a guy in an alley the same way some hoodlum mugger would.

As he made it to the edge of the alley, he saw Alya holding a knife and pinning an extremely handsome man up against a wall. Apparently it had been longer than he thought since they last saw each other! Perhaps she found mugging or money-laundering a more profitable business. Strange.

"Alya? What are you doing?" Ben asked casually, his tone implying that this was not an uncommon occurrence for him to walk in on.

As she turned towards him in response to her name he became 90% certain it was his old friend; and when he was able to see her face he became 98% that it was indeed his Alya Vasiili.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in astonishment, releasing the man and letting the handsome devil sliding to the ground.

"I needed to stop to buy some supplies from the local swindlers!" He said happily as he made his way toward her. "What are you doing here with such great company? Ex boyfriend? Does he owe you money?" He grinned as he finished, opening his arms up for a hug.

He glanced down at the man who was now looking up at them with a semi-horrified expression on his face. Ben hid it well, but he knew exactly who the man was. It wasn't a shock to him when his family hired a lookalike to attend political dinners and act the part of the perfect Creme son they always wanted, and when he had found out he had followed the man for a good 3 weeks before deciding he was ultimately harmless and went on his merry way. He turned to the man on the ground.

"Not bad on the costume big man. Though a bit of advice: you gotta burn your eyebrows off or the look isn't complete. Rookie mistake. The last double even started selling some poisons which made me question if I was the double. It's alright though- work on it and next time we meet I expect a full Abenthy Creme look!" He said with a wide smile. There was no venom in his words, only a humor and a small sense of pity for the man who was the pawn of a pawn. "Now hurry along before our lady here does something scary!"

Ayama Ayama Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
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Alluvia Neldem, Priestess
Location: Training grounds
Tags: Ayama Ayama Heavenchi Heavenchi . D O V E . D O V E

As Aluvia sat in her spot while she was speaking to the Arcanist, her eyes glanced at Kyto seeing her for a second as she waved to follow. With attention and seeing the issue, She grabbed her staff and looked at Alberic "Give me a sec" and with such, stood beside her approaching the group. Seems all has been a bit tensed from the fight and well she knew how battles like this could end on. Soon kito order to check them both for any injury no mater how minor it was, with a nod she approached Edelaine with fast feet looking at her with a smile "Stand still please don't mind me alright?" She looked up and down at her body not noticing anything serious that was for sure but on her are a slight bruise and cut. She reached for the green flames on her staff and seeming to grab the flames as if they were a physical thing. Her hand covered in green flames and placed it softly on her arm as she very sightly chanted under her breath what seem a odd language with mix of common. A soft prickling sensation would spread through the Dawnbreakers arm, her slight cut closing and healing leaving not a scar, the bruise seeming to spread and disappear in front of there eyes.

Alluvia smiled at Edelaine "I hope that feel better, you might feel slight little numbness for a few minutes" And with that she reached to her flames as a small little pink petal appeared and she handed it to her and immediately as it came in contact with Edelaine's hand it vanished "If you feel a little tense, this should help, you did good alright?" and with that she turn and made her way towards the archer who seem to be a lot better at dodging and indeed impressive, seeing him well...not harmed at all...he donged mostly everything beside one single bruise. She nodes to Kyto once she seem done and approached him, reaching once again to her staff and retaining its soft flames, brushing them on his bruise as it slowly faded away. "Unimaginable skill Ilya, You will surely do very well in the field!" And with such she blew a soft breath in to the fire in her hands as a small pellet appeared and flew to him and land on him as it vanished, easing his mind and releasing clouded minds, if he had one after such a fight.

Looking at Kyto with a smile she nods mostly to a slight bow "Yes, no serious injury besides the few small cuts and bruises. Easy and quick work, but cant say the same how would an encounter with a monster would go but nothing i can do!" and with such she was sure all well.
Cassandra Maris

Cassandra stood in the Spiced Blackberry (could that name be anymore stupid?) and silently watched as Ben passionately argued with the shopkeeper over the counter. Personally, she found haggling to be an infuriating waste of time when the same results could be achieved simply by holding a knife to the man’s throat. Ben seemed to get a good kick out of it though and it was always hard for her to say no to him. Not because he was very persuasive but because he'd do it either way. Anyway, she’d known him long enough to know when he was genuinely angry and when he was just putting on a show. This here, was probably the greatest show she’d seen in a long while and if she was being honest, she was quite enjoying their exchange.

Ben had just started on his tirade about sodium benzoate when he abruptly trailed off. "Cassandra let's go.” He suddenly said without looking at her. “Don't try any of his free samples they're laxatives." She instantly dropped the small packets in her hand back onto the counter with a grimace of disgust and threw a stony glare at the shopkeeper who paled in fear. Thankfully for him, Ben was already hurrying out of the shop before she could even threaten to do anything else. She scooped the items that had fallen out of Ben’s bag off the floor (no surprise there) and chased after him.

As they approached the edge of an alleyway, she realized what it was that had caught Ben’s attention. Pinning a man against the wall with a knife in hand was their friend, Alya Vasiili. Cassandra always like Alya, which was saying a lot considering she didn’t like anybody besides Ben. The woman was ruthless and never afraid to speak her mind. She glanced over at Alya’s latest victim. Much to her amusement, the man was none other than the lookalike the Crème House had hired to stand in Ben’s place. They knew of him of course, trailed him for weeks after finding out. Eventually, they concluded he was nothing more than a harmless twat that if anything, made Ben’s life just a little easier. At least now his family wasn’t constantly trying to hunt them down and get him to return to his “duties”.

Alya let the man go and she watched as he scrambled away, tail tucked firmly between his legs. Cassandra turned back to the silver-haired woman and flashed a genuine grin. “Nice to see you again, Alya. I’m glad to see nothing has changed.”

Ayama Ayama Inheritance Inheritance
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  • [div class=box3]
    [div class=tags3 style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 16px;"]Ilya Anderson[/div]
    [div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]'Silver Hands'[/div]
    [div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Twenty-Six[/div]
    [div class=imgA3]
    [div class=tags3 style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 23px;"]Guild of the Rangers[/div]
    [div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Follower of Ander[/div]
    [div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Bonded[/div]

    [div class=imgB3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]
    [div class=post3]
    Ilya seemed to come out of a trance as Kito's voice cut sharply through past his instinctive, emotional reaction, to the thinking part of his brain. He slowly lowered his bow, blinking hard and shaking his head a little, trying to clear it, dog-like as he had been earlier when their captain had thrown him against a wall.

    He looked across at the Angel, who stood frozen and was gazing at him with that same fear in her eyes, and he felt the beginnings of shame. Heat suffused his face as he took an unsteady step backwards, taking deep, gulping breaths as if he had just been running, or fighting for his life.

    He kept breathing in deeply, to calm down his emotions and his body. He couldn't believe what he had almost just done. At a simple provocative remark, he had reacted so strongly and savagely. He was unused to such emotions, being generally extremely even-tempered and hard to rile up, remembering only one previous occasion when this side of him had surfaced.

    He was extremely worried about what it meant, and he tried to figure out what he was feeling, why he had reacted that way. As he stood there in anxiety and (for the moment) futile introspection, Kito stood up and walked towards them with the healer in tow. She instructed her to check them for injuries, and Ilya felt another twang of guilt.

    She stepped up to Eden and lightly caressed her cheek, and Ilya had to clutch his stomach in order to physically contain the anger that welled up within him at the sight.

    What is wrong with me? he wondered fearfully.

    His eyes went wide when he saw the haze surrounding Kito's hand for the briefest moment, and the sharp intake of breath and hiss of pain coming from the Angel. There was now an angry red imprint on the girl's cheek. Kito then turned to him and he flinched, worried more about her disappointment and verdict than any physical reprimand.

    "You should learn to control that temper," she said to him evenly. Ilya's cheeks burned with shame as he nodded and hung his head, mortified and unable to hold her gaze. The healer walked over to him after taking care of Eden, using her powers on the bruise he had sustained earlier and complimenting his performance.

    Ilya mumbled an awkward 'thank you', not truly able to enjoy the praise under the circumstances. After she had gone, he blinked in surprise as he realized he was, somehow, starting to feel better already, as if she had placed a balm on his troubled mind. He smiled at her gratefully, wondering if she had realized just how troubled he was feeling.

    "Thank you," he said again, more clearly this time. He then took a deep breath and walked over to the Angel, his embarrassment evident.

    "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me," he apologized. "Are you all right?"

    He scrutinized her closely, brown eyes wide with concern. He couldn't forget that look of fear on her face- he never wanted to make anyone look at him like that again.
    [div class=imgB3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]

    [div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Location:[/div][div class=extra3 style="margin-left: 16px;"]Public Training Grounds[/div]
    [div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 125px;"]OOC:[/div][div class=OOC3]Aww he's all worried now ;P[/div]
    [div class=tags3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]With:[/div][div class=extra3 style="margin-left: 23px;"]Kito/Alum/Eden/Alberic/Alvis[/div]

    [class=box3] margin-left: 250px; width: 850px; height: 555px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; background-color: #d7ccc8; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=tags3] width: 150px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; background-color: #7f8c8d; text-align: center; font-size: 10px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=imgA3] margin-top: 5px; margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; height: 100px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; [/class] [class=imgB3] width: 150px; height: 330px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; [/class] [class=post3] margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; height: 330px; border: 4px solid #1f618d; text-align: justified; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=extra3] width: 150px; text-align: center; font-style: italic; color: #1f618d; [/class] [class=OOC3] margin-left: -17px; width: 435px; text-align: center; font-style: italic; color: #1f618d; [/class]

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