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Fantasy We Few Advenuters (OOC)

I’ve written a description for my character’s race, but since I may or may not be a spam bot >existential crisis< the PM function is still locked. Where shall I post it?
I’ve written a description for my character’s race, but since I may or may not be a spam bot >existential crisis< the PM function is still locked. Where shall I post it?
Umm, does that mean you don’t know where pm is? XD
I've finished my character and submitted her. If there are any problems, let me know right away so I can correct them~

(For reference, a boatswain is normally in charge of the rigging (the ropes used to move around the sails), the anchors as well as making sure the entire ship's in tip-top shape~)
I've finished my character and submitted her. If there are any problems, let me know right away so I can correct them~

(For reference, a boatswain is normally in charge of the rigging (the ropes used to move around the sails), the anchors as well as making sure the entire ship's in tip-top shape~)
I love her! She's a very well put together character!

I’m new so pms are locked.
oh! i didn't know they were doing that. Hm. if you just put it into a spoiler in the race section that should be fine!

SCSaya06 SCSaya06 Farstar Farstar gloomyResearcher gloomyResearcher CrowOuttaHell CrowOuttaHell I'm going to begin preparing the first post!
I shall wait till Arcaria Arcaria has finished their character to post it, however!

GhastlySquash GhastlySquash sleepypotato sleepypotato Are you guys still interested?
I love her! She's a very well put together character!

oh! i didn't know they were doing that. Hm. if you just put it into a spoiler in the race section that should be fine!

SCSaya06 SCSaya06 Farstar Farstar gloomyResearcher gloomyResearcher CrowOuttaHell CrowOuttaHell I'm going to begin preparing the first post!
I shall wait till Arcaria Arcaria has finished their character to post it, however!

GhastlySquash GhastlySquash sleepypotato sleepypotato Are you guys still interested?

Yeah still trying to come up with a character but I think I’m getting some inspiration from the big sister in bioshock should be up soon
Just posted it! Apologies for the noobie coding TT
Love the character! Don't worry about coding, it's not a must!
Yeah still trying to come up with a character but I think I’m getting some inspiration from the big sister in bioshock should be up soon
That's perfectly fine. I'm going to start this probably tomorrow morning (GMT time). But i'll let everyone post once and then we'll wait for those who havent to catch up!
Glad you loved it! Just wanted to try the coding for fun :P

On the other hand, how do I place the image on my post itself rather than having that 'see attachment'?
Glad you loved it! Just wanted to try the coding for fun :P

On the other hand, how do I place the image on my post itself rather than having that 'see attachment'?
If you want it as just a plain image, copy and paste the URL link for the image.
Then put it between [img*] [/img*] (without the *')
Posted my CS with an approximate design for the kind of suit she'd be wearing.

Also, as far as my character's actual appearance, I'll save it for a reveal later
So this role play seems really cool, and I would love to join, but I don't know which species my character should be. I initially was going to go for a mermaid character, but I'm not sure how that would exactly work out in the desert setting.
So this role play seems really cool, and I would love to join, but I don't know which species my character should be. I initially was going to go for a mermaid character, but I'm not sure how that would exactly work out in the desert setting.

A mermaid but for sand! A sandmaid hehehe (im just keeding)
So this role play seems really cool, and I would love to join, but I don't know which species my character should be. I initially was going to go for a mermaid character, but I'm not sure how that would exactly work out in the desert setting.
It’s up to you! In some stories when mermaids leave the water their legs disappear in legs automatically.

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