• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Warrior Chronicles OOC

Oh-- I guess that wasn't clearly explained in the ad! Though we did tag it as cats, sorry if we explained it poorly!
dahyoongi said:
Oh-- I guess that wasn't clearly explained in the ad! Though we did tag it as cats, sorry if we explained it poorly!
I don't look at tags much, but it's okay.
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I can't find any good drawn cat pictures that describe my image of my feline.
I would say, use the Neikoish generator or Mweor to come up with a design for your cat! That is probably your best bet!
I am interested in this.

Coincidently I just finished drawing a random warrior cat, so Ill fill out your CS form using that cat tonight or tomorrow sometime.

You are still looking for people, yes?

Also throwing this out there....

Im willing to help in the cat image area, so long as your willing to provide a description I can work off of to draw.
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Thank you for your interest! We would love to have you. And yes, we are very much looking for people!

And that would be great! We would appreciate that.

I should be done and sending my cat to you guys tomorrow

Just be warned that after tomorrow I'm going to be pretty busy studying until the end of next week (If I survive). End of first semester, so I have finals to take. >.<

I'll still try to be active here on RpN best I can, but I can't make any promises on that yet.
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I've been really busy since January started and I just don't think I can get into an RP right now. I'll have to drop out. Sorry.

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