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Fandom Walt Disney University (REBOOT/AU) - Closed



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Another scholastic year came to a magical start. Walt Disney University has once again opened its wide doors to its new and former students. Just like the enthusiastic and blissful atmosphere that the campus was radiating, it was a nice, warm and sunny day which made the first day of university quite at ease and much more fun as the annual welcoming bonfire would be taking place in the evening. For the majority of the day, students could move in to campus any time they wanted from eight in the morning (08:00/8:00 a.m.) till three in the afternoon (15:00/3:00 p.m.) so they can get their dorm keys, student IDs, timetables set and see that everything is properly set from the administration's side. Of course, this applied to all the on-campus students. When it came to off-campus students there was an hour after from four in the evening (16:00/4:00 p.m.) to get their Student IDs and timetables just in time for the welcoming bonfire. That being said, they were more than welcome to enter campus with the on-campus residents and get everything sorted earlier. There was simply the option for them to come at a later stage.

Not to say the least, students would have already met the students that they will live with throughout this scholastic year and also have managed to run around campus and sign up for their potential clubs as all the stands were already taken place. Sorority, Fraternity, Student Activities, Sports Teams, Cheer and many many more. However, this year a new club in collaboration with Student Activities was to start: School Editorial, which was safe to say now that students shared interest. Most of the clubs built up more from the fresh recruits that they have just earned as leaders, presidents, captains and co-captains were all at their respective stands. That being said, the day was not over yet as the schools' current presidents which currently include: Persephone (Sorority), Noah (Fraternity) and Danny (Student Activities) were currently preparing for the annual welcoming bonfire to make it as exceptional as any year.

The bonfire finally came to a start as the sun was setting very slowly. Students would be slowly crawling their way to the back gardens of the university where it was being held. At the entrance to the gardens a table was set with a huge sign saying 'STUDENTS SIGN HERE!' where a young freckled male and a tanned female sat down with name tags that read 'Mitchel' and 'Piper' who welcomed students and let them sign. Danny had originally briefed them when they both signed up to take charge of editorial as this will be needed for the yearbook as the year progressed. There were food stalls surrounding the main area for refreshments and quick nibbles as well as logs which could be used as a resting place. Fairy lights surrounded the area giving it a nice soothing atmosphere. Upon the go ahead that everyone has entered the gardens the book signing closed and the pair kept a hold of it till the said initiation took place. As the students gathered a holler of attention from the Student Activities' president was let out, "Attention students! Me, Persephone and Noah as this school's current presidents would like to welcome you all to Walt Disney University!" Her voice as loud as ever with a torch of fire in her hand. Behind them stood a large effigy of a classic Dreamworks University mascot which rivaled theirs, and effigy that Danny Rocker's company funded every year. After the brief introduction was made the torch was dropped on the effigy which cause the whole thing to burn bright, lighting up the huge bonfire, "Alas, LET THE BONFIRE BEGINNNNNN!!!" all three shouted in union. Applause and screams of joy roared from the students as the effigy burned.


  • Keaton Landau
    (Emperor Kuzco)
    I Was Dragged All Over Those Hills and I Did Not Hear Any Singing

    Location: Wandering Around | Mood: Fantastically, Terrifically Perfect | Scenario: Come One, Come All! | Outfit: This | With: N/A | Mentions: Arianna, Zerek | Tags: apolla apolla r e i r e i

    If Keaton Landau had anything to say about it, this was going to be a fantabulous year.

    Of course, every year was a fantabulous year for him, but this one was going to be especially fantabulous - why, he was the leader of the Drama Club! There was no one more fitting for the role than he, for he was the one true emperor when it came to theater of any sort. No one could top his dramatic entrances! He could already tell this latest crop of freshman was going to bulk up the population of his fan club, even if they didn't know it yet.

    While other clubs were manning tables, enticing new members to sign up for their activities, Keaton was taking a more direct approach. Sitting was simply not in his blood, so he'd texted his substitute, Arianna Jamison (bless her soul), to either sit at the table for him or rope someone else into doing it while he personally went around telling everyone he ran into about the Drama Club. "Come join the Drama Club - tragedy, comedy, romance, you name it! It exists, we do it! You know you wanna!" As had been the case for most of his life, even as he shocked and seemed to annoy some people, there were others that were inexplicably drawn to his charisma (otherwise known as his "weirdness"), and those were the ones who went toward the Drama Club table, wonderfully decorated by Keaton himself.

    Naturally, Keaton could not keep his mind on one thing at a time, so as he went around charming the pants off of the people of WDU, he mentally went over the unpacking events earlier that day, making sure he had indeed unpacked all of his llama memorabilia and pictures of him and Bernard, his favorite llama at his mother's zoo. Speaking of which, he would have to make sure to call her later tonight and make sure to tell her how fantabulous he was doing already. He suspected it would be rough at first with his roommate, Zerek, whom he had not met previously despite also being a sophomore. But he figured it wouldn't be so bad, once he realized how stupendous Keaton was.

    Keaton wandered by the bonfire and shielded his eyes to admire it from afar. Man, he couldn't wait for a game against those Dreamworks losers. As part of the football team, it was up to him to beat them in at least one of the sports on campus. Grinning to himself, he continued on his merry way, searching the crowd for the next victim fan to grace his presence with.

    Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork


  • Naina
    This was the third wonderful year that she no doubt will have in this university. Despite not being to able to try and get back to her sister, Walt Disney University provided quite the 'distraction' to say the least. Whenever she came here it was as if she was home. It was better then her own home where she has so many memories of her family which were no longer around her. Then again, she mostly hijacked her close friend's house, Noah just so she would get out of hers which she did not want to annoy. Especially knowing him and his mother have both been trying to cope with his father's loss and the family power struggle between family from his father's side. Speaking of the devil, as Naina looked to the left and saw the devil, Sergio, looking at his cousin near the bonfire with a facial expression she could not describe. With a disgusted look she rolled her eyes and looked back to her two best friends up near the mascot for the initiation.

    She was there on the front lines, as vice president for the sorority on campus she was there for Perci's support most of all. This was bound to be their favorite tradition to do, mainly because it brought not only the sorority, fraternity and student activities together but it also brought all of campus and the newcomers all together in one area, united. As it should be. As the mascot burned behind them all student cheered in unison, much like Naina herself. The slight chill of the night was covered from the bright flames that roared and engulfed the mascot of their rival university. Most of the sport teams that Walt Disney University like; soccer, football, swim, fencing and even volleyball which was her team. Other than for Perci's support, she was also there for Noah whom she was waiting for. However, there seemed to be one person lost. Ricky, Noah's vice president and Perci's best friend. She heard the loud voice yell, 'KP! Where are you?', the same voice that belonged to Ricky himself.

    As she twirled on her feet and went to the nearby voice, "HEY RICKY!" she said quite loudly for him to hear her through the screams, waving till she reached before she poked him to surely get his attention. "Perci is still with Noah and Danny but they will meet us shortly where I was, come on." and with that she motioned for him to follow her back to the front of the crowd next to where the trio seemed to have been chit-chatting something. Most probably about what they had just done which was spotless. "How have you been? Hopefully all good! Third year ... time is passing by so fast." she said with a pout forming on her lips. The four of them now at this point were all starting their third year quite in fact.

    Location Front Lines of the Bonfire.
    Outfit Nala
    Mentions Sergio, Noah, Persephone
    Interaction Ricky
    Tags AnimeGenork AnimeGenork , izayoiix izayoiix , r e i r e i

    code by RI.a

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  • Megan
    Great... another year of education has come to a start. It was not something that Megan was not quite fond of, it was more the social events and gatherings she didn't quite like. For example, this Welcome Back Bonfire that was orchestrated to welcome new comers and previous students back to this 'wondrous and magical place' as everyone mostly put it.

    Given she was that much of a social butterfly, her way of enjoying herself would be getting some snacks and a drink together with a nicely isolated place to watch all the surroundings unravel around her. And so she did, the female slowly walked towards the snack parlours to get some candy and popcorn together with some bottles of pop before going to a shed near the main area of the bonfire. As she tossed the packets up, she placed the cup near the edge of the small wall which she used to haul herself up and on to the shed's roof.

    The fire of the now lit bonfire, lit up the whole area bright with its dancing flames engulfing the mascot of the rivalled university. The young tattoo artist would have been camouflaged with the dark if it was not for all the fairy lights and bonfire light surrounding the areas. She loved wearing black clothing to sink in the background whenever she could. As she was enjoying popping some popcorn into her mouth, she wanted to be more comfortable and kicked one of her shoes off followed by the other. However, as she popped off the other shoe, it slid off the shed of the roof. The female yelped as she could hear the sound of the shoe hit something... or rather someone's head. The fiery red head looked over the roof she was on and noticed that her shoe landed on a familiar red-headed male's head, Dorian was it? She tried not to laugh, placing a hand over her mouth. Even if she had planned it, that would not have landed so perfectly.

    Location Shed Roof near bonfire.
    Outfit Megara
    Mood Accomplished
    Mentions Dorian
    Tags jasmyn jasmyn

    code by RI.a

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hey, where's perry?
If he was being honest, Phineas really hadn't been paying attention when he'd grabbed the clothing he was currently wearing out of his dresser. If he had been, then he most definitely would not be wearing all black. Sure it was approaching fall and it was the afternoon, almost early evening, but it still wasn't that cool out. In fact, seeing as he'd been dragged out of his room where he'd been pleasantly working on some new blueprint, the sun had still been hovering high in the sky when he made his way outside and to the school bonfire event.

Luckily for him, the sun was getting ready to start going to sleep, because the redhead was starting to sweat and he really didn't feel like trudging all the way back to his dorm and back to the party. Plus, if he did end up going back to his dorm, he probably wasn't going to end up leaving.

The thought of going back to his dorm was definitely tempting, but as he looked around from where he was surrounded by people, Phineas actually wasn't too sure where he was. His lips thinned into a line and he nodded to himself as he turned in a circle, ignoring the disgruntled comments from those who had to move around him. Yeah...this seemed about right.

"Figures," he sighed, running a hand through his hair and started walking backwards in an effort to stop disrupting the traffic around him.

His plan didn't seem to work too well considering only moments later he was crashing into someone. He wasn't sure how he managed to accomplish it so flawlessly, but he walked backwards right into someone, catching their shoulder in the middle of his back. "Crap...!" he jerked, stumbling and falling back before managing to get his feet under him. He spun on the balls of his feet to face his victim, an apology already on his lips.

"I am so sorry, ar-are you okay? Did you drop anything? I wasn't paying attention..."
MOOD: distracted, pretty sure he's lost

LOCATION: near the bonfire

OUTFIT: phineas


TAGS: revalia revalia
code by valen t.
bloody crocodile
Most people that didn't really know Luca, thought that he didn't take his responsibilities as captain of the fencing team seriously enough. If you actually knew him, you'd know that yes, he did take them seriously. Just...not seriously enough to be on top of everything all the time. After all, that's what he had a co-captain for. The bloody woman who thought herself an honorable pirate was certainly more than capable of picking up his slack. It's not like he left her too much to do.

He'd shown up at the school earlier than he would've liked to get everything together for his club's table and then left to go hide in someone's dorm room so he could take a nap. It was probably his smartest idea in a while. Get all the work done while there was no one around to nag him about how he was completing the task, and then nap the rest of the day away and leave the rest to Ambie.

Sure she'd hate it, but she already hated him, so what was adding one more reason to the list the woman no doubt kept. It wasn't any sweat off his back. Plus, she couldn't say that he hadn't done his job in an attempt to steal his title from him. If he was being honest, at this point the main reason he still made sure to keep the title of captain of this team was so that she couldn't get it. Sure he loved the sport and was damn good at it, but when it came to Ambie? It was all about spite.

The thought made him smirk.

Luca yawned, scratching the back of his head with one hand as he blearily took in the crowd before him. "Fire's going already..." he mumbled. Based on that and the fact that the sun was getting ready to set, he figured now was as good a time as any to go find his club table. Knowing his co-captain, she was probably already at their station and furious that he wasn't there. At least he hadn't left it completely unmanned. He'd had some second year sitting there to make sure people knew they could sign up.

The brunette knew he was in for an earful and he knew the longer he dragged it out, the longer it would be. He sighed and started off towards the cluster of tables closer to the entrance of the event. It didn't take him long before the fencing team station was in his sights, and he couldn't help but let out a huff of laughter at the sight of a no doubt furious Ambie.

MOOD: tired, unmotivated

LOCATION: probably near the fencing table

OUTFIT: captain hook


TAGS: AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
code by valen t.

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