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Fandom Waking Worlds and Curious Faces -- Yogscast RP

"Ah, yes, because that was some of you fine work." Rythian muttered, side eyeing him as they continued to walk. "Do you really not have any better facts about yourself? Not even in the realm of magic, which you apparently have decided to dip your toes into? Your apprentice seems quite confident in herself, after all."

Nano smiled at the praise, "Yeah! I am! And, no offense Lalna, but... it's not really shocking to me that you made a weird armor suit? We had portal guns. Sooo... Come on! You've gotta have a weird fact up in that big brain of yours!" She pestered, punching his arm a little with a grin.
"Well I mean- what would a fun fact be that either of you don't already know? Anything magic based wouldn't be a surprise to you, Nano. And anything from before that I feel like you'd alright know, Rythian." Lalna thought on it for a while more, "...Did you already know I worked at Yoglabs for a while?"
Nano tilted her head, "Yoglabs? What's that?"

But Rythian remained silent, just staring at Lalna before he looked away and picked up his pace just a bit, "No... No I didn't." He muttered.
"Yoglabs is Xephos' laboratory." Lalna's brow furrowed at Rythian's reaction, "I'm not sure if it's still going though." He continued. "I didn't work there long, two months I believe? So I'm not sure in what state it is now." He fidgeted again with his lab coat collar.
"Oh huh. I didn't know Xephos had a lab. I mean all I really know about him is that he does farming with Sjin occasionally? What's he like?" Nano asked.

"Stubborn and hard-headed." Rythian replied, although quietly. He seemed... uncomfortable, at least body language wise. His arms crossed and his pace quick and steady.
"Oh, well, I guess you never really talked to Xephos before much huh? Well, I'd call him an adventurer. Bold, heroic, ready to help those in need." Lalna smiled a little, his gaze directed at the grassy forest floor, "A hard worker, determined and loyal." Lalna's smile faltered a little, "That's when I knew him at the Jaffa Factory, I guess I haven't talked to him as much since-" Lalna stopped walking quite suddenly, stood there for a second with his eyes on the ground, before rubbing his eyes. He looked back at Nano and started setting pace again with a smile, "He's a pretty great guy all and all!" It seemed Lalna hadn't even noticed Rythian's quiet words.
"Then why in the world is he hanging with Sjin and his farm? I mean maybe he wanted a change of pace from factory life? Still a little odd." Nano said, though there was a smile on her face. She hadn't heard Rythian either.

"So is that the extent of our team bonding?" Rythian asked, peering behind himself at the two. He didn't want to dwell on this subject much longer than he had to.
"As long as the lines are being followed properly then yes." Rythian sighed, "I just... I hope we don't have any further trouble."

"I mean so long as no giant fuck-off monsters come at us, then I think we'll be fine?" Nano said, shrugging, "I'm more concerned about your mention of destroying my node."

"I never said that was the plan-"

"But you did say it could be a thing to get rid of this! But I don't think that sounds all too safe!"
"No, no, it doesn't sound safe. None of this is safe really, I mean, we ran into a big monster thing that could have killed us easy. But Nano, I-" Lalna was looking off into the trees, "I trust Rythian. He won't do anything that would damage your node, and not to say you can't be worried, but right now the goal is to find that tree, we can work out the next steps later." Lalna was rambling at this point, he looked out into the forest and spotted movement, he squinted his eyes.
Now it was Rythian's turn to pause, stopping in his tracks for a moment as he processed the words I trust Rythian. He blinked and Nano looked at him with a frown, "Rythian?? You... still there, dude?"

He shook his head, "Uh... yes. Pardon," he muttered and continued walking, "I... I won't do anything to harm you, Nano. And I'm far more practiced then you may think I am. Years... years of practice."
He ripped his eyes away from the spot of movement, it was probably a rabbit. "Yeah Nano, let's just find this tree and then I'm sure Rythian will come up with a great plan for going forward." The forest was starting to get denser, it was quite possible they're soon see dark oaks.
"I will try my best to help with her condition." He said, taking a breath in and looking around the forest quietly. "How far out are people spread this time around?" He asked, more pointedly to Lalna than Nano.
"Hm?" Lalna thought over this for a minute. "Uhm, not terrible far out. I mean, you saw where Xephos, Sjin, Lomadia and Nilsey are, not terribly far. And Honeydew is out and about somewhere- he doesn't really have a steady home yet. The hats are close, too close. Otherwise Sips is a ways out. I honestly have no idea where Ravs is, or Zylus or Daltos. I guess you'd say we're spread out, but an easy jetpack flight away. Why do you ask?"
"It's better to find Silverwoods that have been untouched when looking to use them for any number of reasons... the further people are away the higher chance it could be untouched. So for once the spread out nature is of benefit." Rythian said.

"So Silverwoods are... super useful but super rare?" Nano asked, looking at him quizzically.

"Exactly. Usually they grow in magical forests, but even there they're few and far between."
Rythian nodded, "It's your best bet... how... did this all happen, anyway?" he asked.

Nano frowned, "Falling into a flux sphere."

"Yes, I've been told that, but where did the flux sphere come from? Why contain that much flux instead of purify it?"
"I dunno, you'd have to ask Lalna why it existed. It was already there on the castle if... if I remember correctly. Hard to remember some of the castle sometimes, but that happens when you're stuck in a tower for like... a hundred days." Nano shrugged.

Rythian paused, before looking over at Lalna, "Lalna?"
"An energy source? Do- do you realize how dangerous that is? I- I- good god..." Rythian muttered, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "Why, why, can't you use a normal energy source like everyone else. Like solar power."
"I was aware how dangerous that was yes, and solar power wasn't enough for- well, certain projects." Lalna cross his arms, avoiding eye contact and looking into the forest. How many rabbits were there in here?
"And what in the world needed that kind of power?! You put people at risk! You put- you put your own apprentice at risk!" Rythian argued, his voice raising slightly. Give it to Lalna to never change. To be reckless and stupid.

Nano flinched, walking up between the two, "Hey, hey, hold on..."
"Why don't we save the arguing for after we find the tree, yeah? Yeah? I'm over it Rythian, you don't have to defend me or some shit." Nano said, looking at Rythian with a frown.

"I'm not-"

"You are, dude. I'm the only one who got hurt. And actually, I think I'm doing pretty fine. So calm your jets, okay? Lalna made a mistake, so the what? Just... pick your fights later."

And Rythian went quiet. Nano had backed Lalna even when he wasn't doing it himself. And Rythian had never had someone who hadn't caused the damage argue with him. He... didn't quite understand it or what to do about it.

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