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Fantasy Void Dust character sheets

Character Name: Sayori Heroko

Class: Ranger

HP: 14

AC: 15

Str: 14

Dex: 13

Con: 16

Int: 16

Wis: 12

Cha: 6

Acrobatics: +4

Animal Handling: +3

Arcana: +2

Athletics: +4

Deception: -2

History: +2

Insight: +3

Intimidation: -2

Investigation: +2

Medicine: +1

Nature: +2

Perception: +1

Performance: +0

Persuasion: -2

Religion: +2

Sleight of Hand: +2

Stealth: +2

Survival: +1

Saving Throws

Strength: +4

Dexterity: +4

Constitution: +4

Intelligence: +2

Wisdom: +1

Charisma: -2

First level damage, 2d6, plus intelligence.
Plus 2- Armor class also intelligence. So it would take up a use but it increases your armor class by 2 for one round. Have to start making luck rolls, starting at a 10 and increasing by two for each use over your free uses. And then whenever you fail a check for each plus 2 it had you take like that many d4 of damage, So if you fail the check of a 14 you’d take 2d4.

Passive Perception: 11


Her quirk, hand to hand fighting, also uses things like rocks/branches/whatever she can get her hands on as projectiles.

Quirk Details (Explanation and mechanics)

Quirk: Pink Shields

Sayori can make balls of energy from her hands and feet (Most of the time she uses her hands) and can compress them into like projectiles she can throw at enemies (function like fire balls) or she can form around herself or others as a force field, they are pink in color.

Her quirk gave Sayori burns along her arms(minimal on her legs) as a child, she now has scars resembling chemical burns. When her quirk is overused she can burn herself again.

Character Background:

Comes from a household with a single loving mother and a little sister. No father in sight, but still a loving family. Sayori is very much the dreamer child, high expectations for her future and with the tasty adage of trauma from bullying, means she is kinda tough on herself.
They're rather hyperactive, but they mean well. General words: kind, hyper, a little bit childish.
Character Name: Akiyama Taiyou
Class: Monk

HP: 9
AC: 15

Str: 11 (+0)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 13 (+1)
Int: 12 (+1)
Wis: 15 (+2)
Cha: 9 (-1)

Acrobatics: +2
Animal Handling: +2
Arcana: +1
Athletics: +0
Deception: -1
History: +1
Insight: +4
Intimidation: -1
Investigation: +1
Medicine: +4
Nature: +1
Perception: +4
Performance: -1
Persuasion: -1
Religion: +3
Sleight of Hand: +3
Stealth: +3
Survival: +2

Saving Throws
Strength: +2
Dexterity: +5
Constitution: +1
Intelligence: +1
Wisdom: +2
Charisma: -1

Passive Perception: 14

Weapons: Quarterstaff (1d6 Bludgeoning), Unarmed Strike (1d4 Bludgeoning)

Quirk Details: Taiyou’s quirk is called Crystal Synthesis. Taiyou was born with crystalline skin, which absorbed the natural sunlight of the countryside. Taiyou had the ability to retain this solar energy, creating a reserve of energy within his body. This energy can be used to increase Taiyou’s strength, durability, and speed. The more Taiyou calls upon this power, the quicker his solar energy reserves run out. If Taiyou was to ever run out, he would be no different than a regular human, save his crystal skin. Eventually Taiyou will be able to focus his stored solar energy into a radiant blast attack.

Character Background: Born in the far off countryside, Taiyou would be raised by four uncles. From a young age, Taiyou was aware that his parents were not in the picture, but was happy living with the four older men. Taiyou would be a different child, born with crystalline skin, much different than the other few kids who lived in the mountain range.

Once Taiyou started walking, it became clear that he was a bundle of energy. His uncles would quickly deduce that it had something to do with his quirk. After a consultation with some science books, one of the uncles would deduce that Taiyou was absorbing sunlight. But this didn’t really matter to Taiyou, who remained a happy kid.

Taiyou didn’t see a problem with himself having a quirk, as he had been told that the majority of the population did. What he did have a problem with was his isolation upon the mountain. As a pre-teen Taiyou’s life would change greatly when a mudslide hit the mountain he called home. Multiple cars were caught in the disaster, Taiyou rushing to rescue the drivers.

Upon saving everyone’s lives, Taiyou would be covered in the local news. A reporter would ask him if he planned to become a hero, something Taiyou had never considered. So, after a long conversation with his uncles, Taiyou would decide to apply for UA High. Taiyou would spend the next few years preparing, training with his quirk and doubling down on his studies.

When the time came for the entrance exam, Taiyou would be a little overwhelmed, as it was his first time in the city. Still, he would do quite well on the exam, securing himself a place at the school. Since then Taiyou has attempted to acclimate to the city life, away from his family, and to fit in with his fellow students.

Notes: So for my stat rolls I got 14, 13, 9, 11, 15, 12. I decided to go with the variant human rules, putting a +1 in Dex and Wis, picking the perception skill, and the Lucky feat. As for background I chose Hermit, to reflect Taiyou’s life growing up in the secluded mountain. I also had access to three languages based on how I built my character, choosing Japanese, English, and German.
Le Placeholder for "DÉJÀ VU/Forget-Me-Not" or "Flytrap" (Will decide asap)
Character Name: Eddie Gears

Class: Rogue

HP: 11

AC: 13

Str: 14

Dex: 16

Con: 16

Int: 13

Wis: 9

Cha: 9

Acrobatics: +5

Animal Handling: -1

Arcana: +1

Athletics: +2

Deception: +1

History: +1

Insight: -1

Intimidation: -1

Investigation: +3

Medicine: -1

Nature: +1

Perception: -1

Performance: -1

Persuasion: -1

Religion: +1

Sleight of Hand: +7

Stealth: +7

Survival: +1

Saving Throws

Strength: +2

Dexterity: +5

Constitution: +3

Intelligence: +3

Wisdom: -1

Charisma: -1

Passive Perception: 9

Weapons: Tonfa Baton, Throwing Daggers.

Quirk: Portal Manipulation
Eddie is able to open portals to a dimension he has nicknamed the void, a negative reflection of this world with perilous creatures and odd effects. He needs physical contact with the spot he opens the portal, with physical restraints stopping any opening. Eddie can use this to “Skip” through realities, quickly teleporting within his line of sight, though this leaves him drained and he can only bring one person with him. Water dissolves the portals and gives him Poison Damage, while gold gives him necrotic damage and prevents him from using it when used as a restraint (Gold chains, Handcuffs)

Character Background: Haunted One

Eddie Gears lived his life in a secret organizations test facility with kidnapped children who had exhibited quirks, Eddie being one of the youngest- raised from infancy in a cold and blank testing chamber, educated by equally cold and cruel doctors. Eddie was constantly subjected to inhumane tests and constant forced expeditions into the void, no matter the danger that waited for him.

After years of living in a small cell, Eddie was soon subjected to brutal combat training by an undead mercenary The Revenant. Soon, his test team (Delta Division) mounted an escape, fleeing the isolated lab until they reached civilization.

The teens quickly decided to use their training and powers for good, working as vigilantes, before their former masters found them.

The Revenant led a group of thugs in a deadly ambush, a Firemancer sending walls of flames into the surprised heroes, with Eddie falling through a sinkhole caused by an earthquake generating villain, falling a long distance, left barely alive. Eddie crawled from the pit, finding his friends and the one he loved slain. Since then he has sworn revenge on The Revenant and all involved in the massacre.
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Character Name: Tsuki Moriya

Class: Rogue

HP: 8

AC: 13

Str: 15 (+2)

Dex: 16 (+3)

Con: 11 (+0)

Int: 16 (+3)

Wis: 12 (+1)

Cha: 17 (+3)

*Acrobatics: +3 (+5 w/ profic.)

Animal Handling: +1

Arcana: +3

Athletics: +2

Deception: +3

*History: +3 (+5 w/ profic.)

Insight: +1

Intimidation: +3

*Investigation: +3 (+5 w/ profic)

Medicine: +1

Nature: +3

*Perception: +1 (+3 w/ profic)

*Performance: +3 (+5 w/ profic)

*Persuasion: +3 (+5 w/ profic)

Religion: +3

Sleight of Hand: +3

Stealth: +3

Survival: +1

Saving Throws

Strength: +2

*Dexterity: +3 (+5 w/ profic)

Constitution: 0

*Intelligence: +3 (+5 w/ profic)

Wisdom: +1

Charisma: +3

Passive Perception: 11

Weapons: A quarterstaff

Quirk Details: Rabbit Hole - This Quirk allows the user to create golden portals to travel instantaneously from one point to another. The duration for which she can hold the portals open, as well as how far away they are depend on training. She must be able to accurately envision where her portal is opening, usually she can just look but other times she needs to imagine the place, complete down to its dimensions (she can use a photo or video as a reference). Her Quirk also gives her rabbit ears instead of normal human ears, these ears are completely aesthetic and do not impact her ability to hear at all, but without the ears she would not be able to portal.

Character Background: Noble
Born in Musutafu to a wealthy family, Tsuki grew up staring at the school on the hill, UA, and dreaming of attending the prestigious hero academy. She grew up with her mother, Aika, and her older half-brother, Daichi. She never knew her father, her mother had never even learned his name. She just knew he was American and his Quirk gave him rabbit ears.
Her mother was obsessed with Quirks, trying to figure out how to reproduce them artificially and implant these artificial Quirks into humans. She studied using animals and donated blood samples at first, but grew more obsessed with her work and started trying to get authorization to use human test subjects. Her work shut her down and threatened to discontinue her research. Aika couldn’t let the need for human test subjects go, however, and began experimenting on her own son, attempting to give him an artificial Quirk to control fire, to go with his natural-born Quirk of creating gunpowder out of his own body.
Tsuki, however, had no clue about any of this. She simply knew her mother was a scientist studying Quirks and her older brother was head of class at his high school. She was proud of both of them, and idolized her older brother who wanted to be a doctor and did everything he could to support her dreams of being a pro hero some day.
Everything changed in her second year of middle school, however. Her mother’s lab exploded one night, and Daichi’s body was found in the lab. Aika had completely vanished and was assumed to be dead as well. Unknown to everyone, Aika lived as her Quirk, Pocket Dimension, had allowed her to hide in a pocket dimension of her creation during the explosion. She moved her lab and research underground and cut off contact with the outside world as much as possible.
After that, Tsuki’s grandmother, Akari, took her in. Tsuki grieved for the loss of her family, and finished out her middle school years in Wakkanai before moving back to Musutafu on her own to attend school at UA in the Hero Course. Her grandmother, while not wholly sold on the idea of female superheroes, could not dissuade her granddaughter from her chosen path and sends her a monthly allowance for food and clothes and pays for her utilities and rent.

Languages Known: Japanese, English, Korean

0 / 100
Saving Throws
Proficiency Bonus

Sleight of Hand





Animal Handling







Passive Wisdom
Passive Intelligence
Passive Wisdom
Temp HP
Armour Class
Hit Dice
"Chihiro wants to go on an adventure, too!"
Attacks & Spells
Notes about attacks here
Another line



Features & Traits
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per cleric level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per cleric level after 1st
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: All simple weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from History, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a mace or (b) a warhammer (if proficient)
  • (a) scale mail, (b) leather armor, or (c) chain mail (if proficient)
  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a priest's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
  • A shield and a holy symbol


Ability Score Increase - Your ability scores each increase by 1.
Age - Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
Alignment - Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
Size - Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.
Speed - Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages - You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. Humans typically learn the languages of other peoples they deal with, including obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from other tongues: Orc curses, Elvish musical expressions, Dwarvish military phrases, and so on.

Constellation Summoning Grimoire
Priest's Pack
Holy Symbol (Cross)
Fine Clothes
Signet Ring
Constellation Summoning Wand (Goes with Grimoire)
Scroll of Pedigree
Personality Traits
The common folk love me for my kindness and generosity.
Respect. Respect is due to me because of my position, but all people regardless of station deserve to be treated with dignity. (Good)
I am in love with the heir of a family that my family despises.
In fact, the world does revolve around me.

Last edited: April 19, 2024
(QUIRK INFO - Constellation Summoning: The ability to summon and command celestial beings or creatures associated with constellations.)
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Hisako Ichiki



AC: 15

STR: 19 (18+1) +4
DEX: 14 (13+1) +2
CON: 17 (16+1) + 3
INT: 14 (13+1) + 2
WIS: 16 (15+1) + 3
CHA: 14 (13+1) + 2



Spear 1d6/1d8 (with two hands)
Fisticuffs (her hands) 2d4

Psionic Simulcrum/Avatar Generation

An exoskeleton of armor is formed around Hisako to protect Hisako on the inside, while dishing out incredible damage on the outside! The armor will act in accordance to Hisako's wishes mentally.
Quirk abilities:
Crit Damage | (Extra damage dice)
AC Boost |WIS (Quirk mod) + AC

Character Background: Soldier

Hisako is the daughter of a renowned Military General. That strict military training carried over to daily life and household implementation for Hisako. It wasn't any different than normal life for them. Hisako still recieved affection and trust from her parents, especially her father. Funny enough, due to this being how Hisako was raised her personality could be boiled down to a few words: extroverted, hardened, proud, and assertive. Hisako is not willing to suffer fools or headaches from them. You get what you see and you better deal with it or hit the road. In consideration of her very bold personality-- Hisako can be very friendly to the people she's let into her personal circle. Willing to do anything for the people she actually cares about, and often "doing something" involves breaking someone's nose. Hisako is not a "talk things out" person, she is one of action and activity, and will need to be held back by her peers if one wants to settle a situation peacefully.

When Hisako's quirk appeared it was from a panicked response. Hisako was nearly hit by a car, though she could do nothing to stop it her hands stretched out in an attempt to block the car. Her quirk activated then and there, shielding her from the car. Her emotions are directly tied to her quirk currently; those being fear, panic, anger, sadness, or excitement.
With her training and studying in UA, it is her goal to break away from emotion being the direct cause of her Quirk to be activated- so she may have better control over her skills. Currently, her Psionic Avatar strength and durability are able to stop a car in its tracks, and withstand that same car with large cracks and broken shards of the avatar's body being the result of damage. Hisako came out of that car accident with a few minor bruises and cuts: which showcases that Hisako's Avatar is not unbreakable, and can be destroyed if enough damage is recieved.

(A visual representation of Hisako's Quirk)

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Character Name: Austin Reeves
Class: Ranger

HP: 11
AC: 10

Str: 13 (+1)
Dex: 11 (+2)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 11 (+0)
Wis: 19 (+4)
Cha: 10 (+0)

Acrobatics: +0
Animal Handling: +6
Arcana: +0
Athletics: +3
Deception: +2
History: +0
Insight: +4
Intimidation: +0
Investigation: +0
Medicine: +2
Nature: +4
Perception: +4
Performance: +0
Persuasion: +0
Religion: +0
Sleight of Hand: +0
Stealth: +0
Survival: +6

Saving Throws
Strength: +3
Dexterity: +2
Constitution: +1
Intelligence: +0
Wisdom: +4
Charisma: -0

Passive Wisdom (Perception): 14

Passive Wisdom (insight): 14

Passive intelligence (investigation): 10

Weapons: Unarmed Strike (1d4 Bludgeoning)

Quirk Details: Survivor: Allows him to envelop himself in an aura, Temporarily healing himself and others if he chooses. The Healing Will use his own stamina and calories. He’s a bit more efficient in regeneration, as it takes less out of him.

Character Background: Austin was a rich boy from America, his father being a business mogul when his whole family was killed in a car crash on a business trip to Japan. Luckily for him, he developed his quirk. Unluckily for them, they didn't spontaneously develop a regeneration quirk, and Austin hadn't learned how to heal people yet. Austin was 8 when this happened. His dumb child mind, escaped. And he ran. He lived in the forest for a while, foraging for food, and stuff, until one day, he stumbled into a place, a cat cafe. Austin was introduced into two female waiters Aiko and Hina, who found him and fed him. He begged them not to tell the hospital, and offered to help at the cafe. He currently resides in the cafe, Though Aiko and Hina have told him that he could live in their apartment, he doesn't want to burden them. He's extremely close with everyone at the cafe, though Aiko and Hina are the closest. After finding out there was a hero school not far from here, his dreams of being someone like captain America seemed like they could come true. Although he didn't have many training spots or things, he went to the forest. He punched trees, and did push ups and pull ups. His regeneration would heal his muscles, eventually making him have the Deku physique, without the OFA 😭. The whole cafe saved up so he could apply, and by pulling wires on the robots and using sheer strength along with rescue points, he got 6th place. Everyone was happy, and he smiled for the first time in a while too.

Personality traits: I judge people by their actions, not their words. When I set my mind to something, I follow through no matter what gets in my way.

Ideals: Sincerity. There's no good in pretending to be something I’m not. (Neutral) Freedom. Tyrants must not be allowed to oppress the people. (Chaotic)

Bonds: I protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Flaws: I have trouble trusting in my allies. My greatest weakness, is my own mind, and I regret the decisions I made to get here.

Trivia: Loves Hamburgers.
He doesn't speak much, and will usually never start a conversation, but will always watch out for fellow captain America and comic fans. likes hunting. When he wants to calm himself, he will pull the flower in his hair out and smell it, detaching himself from the world around him.

Notes: None ig lol

Goals: Travel the world someday. Repay all the people who’ve helped him.
Be famous, and get his own comic book.

MHA OC - Bakudeku Kid + Speedpaint | My Hero Academia Amino
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Hero name: Yumekui
Class: Barbarian

HP: 14/14

AC: 14


18 [+4] (17+1)

Dex: 14 [+2] (14)

Con: 14 [+2] (14)

Int: 8 [-1] (8)

Wis: 8 [-1] (8)

Cha: 20 [+5] (18+2)

Glaive +6 to hit | 1d10+4 slashing dmg| range10 feet
Sling +4 to hit| 1d4+2 bludgeoning dmg| range 30(120) feet
Unarmed strike +6 to hit| 5 bludgeoning dmg | range 5 feet

Quirk Details
Doppelganger- Allows Ren to morph his body in various ways, making him able to change his appearance to someone he saw and studied, though a simple glance is enough for the most basic version of it the details would be skewed so longer observations are recommended for greater details while mimicking others, and while it replicates one's appearance it does not change clothing, though that issue was alienated in his hero costume for it was made with DNA so it changes along with him. It also allows Ren to temporarily enhance his physical abilities by adding temporary muscles to his body though doing so drains him greatly allowing him only 2 uses of it per day for now. [Shapechanger + Rage] (His quirk will be represented as features I gain along the time we play though they will keep with the theme of transforming/manipulating his body)

Character Background: Entertainer-
Ren Kagami is the only child of a pair of known local actors. Although his parents aren't well known around the world or even by most Japanese people they have loyal fans in the world of theatre, for even if the movies and TV series they appear in aren't niche and not well known, their appearance on the theatre stage is a sight to behold. So little Ren spent his life day by day, helping his parents with their theatre or living with his grandparents in a rural Japanese village in Hokkaido when his parents were too busy. Working in the paddy fields, and helping with setting up the theatre props did help Ren grow physically after all it was not light work, especially for a young boy.

And since not many elderly folks had TV's or the most convenient modern type of entertainment Ren had his work cut out doing one-person theatre both European and Kabuki style in front of the elderly folk for years. Sure there were some young folk in the village but not a lot of them wanted to be friends with him, he even had a few bullies at the time, though Ren preferred to talk it out with them. One summer night while he was staying with his grandparents, he was invited on a small test of courage by the other children, though now that he looks back to it, it was a trap so the bullies could beat him up. It was during said beating that Ren's quirk awoke and immediately activated making him look and sound like how he imagined an Oni to appear, while also strengthening himself. In his new temporary form with his consciousness slipping Ren roared and smashed a small rotting tree making a decent hole in its wood scaring away his bullies and alerting the elders before passing out where he stood and transforming back to his form.

It took him some time since then to work out how his quirk worked, honestly, it wasn't till high school that he had a better grasp on how it worked, but it wasn't till he managed to join UA that his capabilities, or rather his quirks were proded and tested more so both he himself and the school could learn how it worked. The biggest part of Ren that changed since coming into UA has been his choice of hero he wanted to be, changing from the regular limelight hero who appears on screen, the famous ones, to a much rather calmer though much cutthroat route of underground heroes like Eraserhead, those who work in the night, the ones who are not doing it for fame, often than not avoiding media altogether, making them be low in the hero rankings which are sadly decided by how known are you rather than on how good of a job you are doing.
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