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Realistic or Modern Villains by Necessity

What do you want for Chapter 3?

  • Continuing Main Storyline

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  • Cash in your Favour

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  • Give one player-character a big story

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  • All of the above

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  • Total voters
LeviathanL said:
Then you did not get what I meant with it.
He told her to let him go.

are you the type of person that blindly follows orders?
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Well, that's the end of Chuck. Rest in pieces, little buddy.

Shimakage Thunder]Pretty sure I am on level three. Don't forget about me too! [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14401-leviathanl/ said:
Michi is there too, you can always ask her to get you out.
I am a shapeshifting robot that murders people... I need to drain power though so they locked me in a room with no power sources. When I say shapeshifting I dont mean I can completely change shape, I mean I can change individual parts, like make a sword hand, or piston legs or "grow" wings. that work? (skull)

Your the deadpool looking guy right?
Mahonasi said:
I am a shapeshifting robot that murders people... I need to drain power though so they locked me in a room with no power sources. When I say shapeshifting I dont mean I can completely change shape, I mean I can change individual parts, like make a sword hand, or piston legs or "grow" wings. that work? (skull)
Your the deadpool looking guy right?
Amazing character.

God, Deadpool is awesome.
  • Februari 12th can't come soon enough
  • @Annabella: I thought you were on level 2. You'd rather be 3?
  • I should make a note on overvieuw concerning levels
LeviathanL said:
  • Februari 12th can't come soon enough
  • @Annabella: I thought you were on level 2. You'd rather be 3?
  • I should make a note on overvieuw concerning levels
Yeah, Michi sorta kinda ventured off. I'm not sure if it's possible to get to Level 3 with a stolen keycard but if it isn't, could you place me on Level 3 so I can let them out, please?
Annabella said:
Yeah, Michi sorta kinda ventured off. I'm not sure if it's possible to get to Level 3 with a stolen keycard but if it isn't, could you place me on Level 3 so I can let them out, please?
You can if you have an eyeball of someone with clearance.

btw is Inaan a guard then? I thought she ran a criminal organization.
las0r0o7 said:
@LeviathanL just thought would ask you before I did but would it be reasonable for Meoxzhur to be on floor 5 for attempted genocide in another country
Yes, but then he wouldn't be able to escape so easily. If you are in level five the cells are custom made for your powers. So no slipping out of chains, no guards that casually look into your eyes. The works.

If you can make a reasonable case your guy has simply hidden his powers very well i guess it'd be ok. then they just think he's immortal.

But you'll still be the first guy released from that prison, in like ever. Good lawyer, the rest of us might want to hire him someday.

@GrieveWriter @Blarg222. You guys still on? Cause I might or might not have enemy encounter for you.
It would make sense for hito hide his powers during the trial, I mean if he sent everyone in there insane then he wouldn't be able to get out so easy, and especially if he used a Clone to go to the trial, they don't have his power, and unless you boast about living forever, being immortal wouldn't even cross you mind for an average murderer, much less being able to control your age, and yes, you would definitely want to hire him, but a warning, it would be extremely expensive to do so, not like you couldn't afford it, but, I will keep that in mind on my next post

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