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Fantasy Villain academy

Why are people afraid to tag her lol? I remember a time when she was afraid of me xD (she will never admit it but there was)
I was never afraid of you! ................................. No I wasn't! *goes back to reading* ...... Okay a little but it was a new RP and I didn't know you... Besides you threatened to kill off Kenny!
Peaceswore said:
I was never afraid of you! ................................. No I wasn't! *goes back to reading* ...... Okay a little but it was a new RP and I didn't know you... Besides you threatened to kill off Kenny!
I threatened to kill off everybody xD
Therefore you threatened to kill Kenny!

And Everest is the most un-sensible sensible guy I know!

And.... Does Pb have a cave that is connect to his bedroom??????
Peaceswore said:
Therefore you threatened to kill Kenny!
And Everest is the most un-sensible sensible guy I know!

And.... Does Pb have a cave that is connect to his bedroom??????
I threatened to kill of Penances people far more,

Of course I am,

and yes i believe he does.
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I.... I did that on purpose....... To um... s-see if you were paying attention.
If you want a secret lair you can probably pay pb to have one dug. However he probably has a lot of gold from his kingdom and doesn't really want anything I think you can provide. Except technology, he knows nothing and loves technology.
no need for that language mr. Today's a big day for people, I think its when most college's start induction day, so a lot of people will be busy,
I know it's a holiday and all, but I still got a tone of crap to do. I'm going back and forth in writing my post, but seriously I would appreciate it if you guys didn't rush me TT-TT I got a lot to do irl
Holy crap, how is it possible that such an active RP site actually exists..? *shocked* and yah don't worry and take your time peace, everyone knows what it feels like when people are waiting for your post =_= especially as a gm..
everyone but me and Lucia still need to get their asses kicked and run away right? How many people have found their monsters and comprehended the danger level?
@pbtenchi *raises hand* just found it, seems like we'll be murdered right off the bat though. There's ice, cold and hail coming down on our characters. Of all the monsters it had to be a magic oversized chicken with ice powers "OTL

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