Food vegetarian problems


just a goblin trying to live their life, really
so, to anyone else who's a vegetarian, what's the weirdest situation you've been in, the strangest comment you've gotten, or just generally the thing that people say that irks you the most?

for me, it'd be when as soon as someone hears the mention of me being vegetarian, their mind goes immediately to "well, what do you eat then?" like. damn, karen! literally anything that isn't meat! you can name off a pretty fair chunk of things, and most of the time, there's an option that doesn't involve meat. pizza? doesn't require meat. lasagna? you can make it without meat. use your imagination, honestly. but for the love of satan, whyyyyy must everyone ask what you eat when literally the only thing you do not eat, is meat? why is it so difficult to wrap your head around? 😂
My biggest problem with being a vegetarian is not eating meat.

"I'm vegan."

"But you're chowing down on chicken wings."

"I never said I was good at it."
I would have to say when strangers ask me why? Does it really matter to you or are you just looking to try and pick a fight or change my mind. Unfortunately my mother raised to to be a bit more respectful so I just ask them if they are writing a book about me and if not it's none of their business. As long as I'm not eating something illegal or hurting anyone my diet shouldn't matter to anyone ither than me and my doctor. But then I'm someone who values my privacy.
not a vegeterian but people give me crap whenever i choose vegan options. it's always associated with wimpiness and i just....... fiber is good for you.... chill....
I am vegetarian. Thankfully I don't have too many issues with strange questions anymore since just about everyone around me knows, and many of them were already aware that vegetarian options existed. The main question I get, though, is usually, "Where does your protein come from?"


Meat substitutes exist and tend to help. I still eat eggs, and consume dairy (not vegan). Greek yogurt usually has a shit-ton of protein, and ricotta cheese does, too. Plus, there are lots of pastas made with lentils and chickpeas, so that helps. Not to mention the various protein drinks on the market.

That's usually the main one. Sometimes I get asked about iron since I am anemic. I just chug black strap molasses xD
So, I'm not a vegetarian but I'm friends with a lot of people that are, most of 'em for religious reasons. Anyway, the thing I've noticed about vegetarians is that it's really hard to order for ya'll when you guys are in the minority. It's alright when you're like hanging out with like a group of five or something and there's one veggie in there, you can always get away with ordering like a veg pizza especially for that guy, but when you're trying to organize something for a buncha people it becomes kinda frustrating especially if ya'll don't reply to RSVP's and then come anyway.
I just like vegan cuisine, even though my stance on meat eating is quite positive. Many people assumed I was vegan or vegetarian - and you know, I could've pulled that through, my meat consumption is dangerously low as it is - and started asking careful questions as if I'm a precious porcelain vase that will break if you touch it in the wrong way. Too many people think it's ideological, and try to be polite-yet-aggressive towards it. But I just like dem greens.

That said, I have a problem myself, because I am curious about why people choose such path (and have gotten very, very different stories about it, so my curiosity is burning hotter), but seeing how they get attacked so often, I have no idea how to pose the question.
Generally speaking, I think just asking, "Why did you choose to be vegetarian/vegan?" is a good way to phrase it, kevintheradioguy kevintheradioguy . Asking it like, "Why don't you eat meat?" or other ways that indicate the issue is not eating meat, could come off wrong and put someone on the defensive.

For me, I did choose it for ethical reasons, after making sure I could - I gave myself a year to try it, since I know I have iron issues. Thankfully I was able to manage it, but that also helps me to acknowledge why other people may not be able to make that kind of choice. There are nutrients that are difficult to get when on a vegetarian or vegan diet.

My mom does it just because of taste. She doesn't like the taste of meats. Never has.

I have another friend who did it for health reasons. So there really are a wide variety of reasons out there for why someone would do it.
I'm a vegetarian for about 1,5 years now. I've wanted to stop eating meat awhile before that, but I didn't really know where to start. So when I went to live with my boyfriend, who's been a vegetarian for about 13 years, I decided it was time for me too!

Biggest problem is that sometimes when going out for lunch or diner, options are still pretty limited. In the supermarkets there are so many substitutes, but if I want to go out and get something somewhere else there's probably just 1-2 options.
Unless I go to a vegan/vegetarian restaurant or lunchroom. Which are pretty delicious most of the time.
So, I'm not a vegetarian but I'm friends with a lot of people that are, most of 'em for religious reasons. Anyway, the thing I've noticed about vegetarians is that it's really hard to order for ya'll when you guys are in the minority. It's alright when you're like hanging out with like a group of five or something and there's one veggie in there, you can always get away with ordering like a veg pizza especially for that guy, but when you're trying to organize something for a buncha people it becomes kinda frustrating especially if ya'll don't reply to RSVP's and then come anyway.
As a veg, here are my thoughts on this subject: I never expect to be catered to. I eat before an event or bring my own snacks because I know I’ll probably end up only eating side dishes.
Maybe you can do a potluck party where everyone brings one dish to share? That way the veg can make something they can eat, too, and the host doesn’t have to worry about catering.
"Can you eat potatoes?"

Been asked that twice, lol. Both people who asked felt pretty stupid afterward.


I'm sorry, but what kind of mental games do you have to play with yourself to think potatoes might be meat/an animal product?

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