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Vegas Baby! (Private)

Infinite Eclipse

Spell Castor
I turned the key in the door slowly, biting my lip as I did so. The excitement was bubbling up inside of me as I pushed the door open. A place of our own to call home in the big city of Las Vegas, Nevada. I walked inside and did a twirl smiling broadly. "Can you believe it? We actually moved to Vegas and managed to get this awesome apartment for such a great price!" she exclaimed looking at the white walls and the wood floors. Of course it wasn't fully furnished, but it was an extremely nice two bedroom one bath apartment for such a good price especially in a place like Las Vegas. I'd already applied for a job transfer so I'd be able to start tomorrow. 

I ran my fingers over the kitchen counter-tops and gazed up at the modern lights implanted into the ceiling. "Wanna pick your room first?" I asked turning my face to my best friend who'd been behind me when I'd unlocked the door to our new home. 
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I trotted along the sidewalk in the gambling city of Las Vegas. "A new apartment," I sighed. In my usual attire when I'm not working, I wore a t-shirt, some jeans, and a pair of vans. It took me only an hour to walk to here, my new apartment. I wished I had a car, or at least some form of transportation, alas, it was too late for any buses, and I barely had enough expenses to afford this apartment. I only chose it because it was nearby my work, and well, my sister liked it.

At the door of my new apartment, I took out my new keys. After unlocking the door, I checked inside for any scratches or damages. I wasn't going to let the owners force me into a horrid position, because I was young. Inside I found two bedrooms, one bathroom, and an area to cook. Unfortunately, my job sort of kicked in, and I spent the rest of my night tidying up the place. I wouldn't let my sis, should she arrive early, live in an apartment coated with germs.
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After hearing her comment, I replied, "Yeah, I'm pretty surprised myself. You'd think this was a scam for the price we paid." My eyes wavered to the various entities that were inside the apartment as I spoke. Primarily, I noticed white walls and wooden floors providing the majority of the apartment's delights. On the kitchen, I had the pleasure of spying a stove, and a fridge. "Oh, how I enjoy cooking," I thought to myself. Recently, I applied for a promotion and was successful, so a new apartment always made for a nice chance.

Upon her opening the door, I walked inside and exclaimed, "I'll choose that one!" It was the first room to catch my eyes, and oh, it was beautiful. A clean, abled bed to rest myself in, along with a stand, wardrobe, and closet. I quite enjoyed the nicely furnished area. In fact, I was so taken aback by the neat matter of the room that I took to a small nap. I laid my body on top of the bed's covers, and readied myself to sleep. Today had been a long day for me.

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