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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

He frowned. “I have been trying I promise but it’s just not gone well.” He told her quietly. “I don’t know when I’m gonna be free next.” He muttered.
Max frowned deeper and shook her head "Either you make time tomorrow or don't call me again." She said in a deathly serious tone before she grabbed her things and left without anyone noticing.
He tensed but shrugged it off a little assuming she was just pissed off with the situation so he carried on and the following day went back to work on another set, trying to earn as much money as he could always do that he could keep his head above water. It was a few days later he showed up at her place, knocking on the soor
Max went to her door assuming it was her food arriving. She's been a mess lately knowing her relationship was over with Will. She went wide eyed when she saw him there "What the hell are you doing here? I thought I told you to not contact me again?" She said in a bitter tone
He frowned and shook his head "I came over to see you, got a whole two days off working... I figured you just needed some time to calm down babe." He told her, trying to go inside but frowned when she stopped him, "Max.... Come on don't be stupid about this."
Max scoffed and gave a laugh "Don't be stupid?! Are you fucking serious?! You left me at your family's place like I was just some random person! They kept where you were and why I was there without you!" She snapped at him
He frowned and shook his head "Babe I'm sorry, I thought I was gonna be able to get out on time to go but a couple people called out sick and it made everything take so much longer." he told her "I already said I was sorry, what do you want from me?"
Max frowned more and shook her head a bit "I want you to treat me as more than an after thought Will! I told you to call me the next day and yet you still didn't and thought to just show up randomly thinking everything was okay!" She yelled to him "Do you ever think about that?! About how you put me last for nearly everything?! You talked about moving and didn't even care that we'd be further apart and see eachother less! Do you just see us as a casual thing?!" She questioned knowing his answer would either be the end of the relationship or them trying to work it out.
He frowned and watched her, just letting her rant and shook his head "What are you talking about? I love you, I'm sorry that I'm trying to get my career off the ground and that I'm so busy right now but when it's finally happening I'll have more time. You knew this when we started dating. I told you it would be like this and you were fine with it." He pointed out.
Max shook her head some and frowned more "You didn't answer my question. Do you only see us as a casual thing? Will it's been two years and you haven't even tried to meet my family. What about living together? Do you ever see us actually living together? Or marriage? I'm going to want to be married eventually and have children too." She explained to him but as soon as she saw the shocked look on his face she already knew his answer.
He frowned and shook his head "I don't know! I don't know what I want yet! Is me loving you right now not enough?!" He asked "Don't.... I don't have answers right now." He told her.
Max frowned deeply and shook her head some "Then maybe you should take some time and think about them." She said seriously before stepping into her doorway and started to close the door.
He frowned and went to speak but she'd already shut the door in his face and he turned to head back to his car and go home, driving the whole way in silence, realising that this time she really meant that it was over.
Max went to sit down and cried to herself about it all. She ended up calling Carmen once she had settled down sighing heavily "Hey girl....I uh....I ended things with Will." She said quietly
Carmen sat up quickly, frowning some "Oh... oh right.... I uh... I\d say that's good but I know it's not what you wanted to do.... Why don't I... Oh... Why don't I pick you up tomo- tomorrow and take you out to the.... oh jesus... to the gig?" She suggested, reaching down and grabbing a fistful of Noah's hair "Would you pause a second?" She hissed at him a little "I'll come over and pick you up and we'll go out and have a good time?" she suggested.
Max made a cringe face when she heard Carmen "Girl you could have just called me back, ya nasty. But that sounds fine I'll talk to you tomorrow." She said quickly before hanging up the phone to let her get back to her activities.
She made it over to Max's the following afternoon to pick her up and take her down to the venue, sitting outside and honking until she came out and waited til she was in before driving off "I'd apologise fr last night but I hadn't seen him in a month." She smiled at her, "And you're gonna make that boy jealous as hell tonight." She told her seriously
Max rolled her eyes some and gave a heavy sigh "Will didn't even try to have sex when he got back." She muttered shaking her head a bit as she looked ovee her camera "I'm just hoping I get some good shots tonight. If I do I'm gonna submit them to my magazine and hopefully I can get published."
She nodded. “I can ask Noah to play into it for you if that helps.” She told her. “Listen this is probably gonna be a good thing in the long run. He’s never been serious about anything. Sure he works hard but he’s all over the place. You don’t wanna be stuck in this same situation five years later with nothing to show for it.”
Max nodded and sighed heavily "I know you're right, still sucks right now though. But who knows, maybe I'll meet someone who will actually put forth effort to a relationship." She murmured before pulling out her phone "Noah got any single friends? A guy that good looking is bound to know some other good looking guys."
She laughed a little "Well if you wanted to join me in LA next month he lives with four other guys.... Two of them are here oh and you gotta meet Nick. He's so lovely and so hot." She told her, eventually pulling up to the venue and showing the security her pass, going to park in the back lot and got out to take her in the back, knocking on the door to the green room bnefore sticking her head in "Babe have you seen Nick anywhere?" She asked him
Noah raised an eyebrow at her as she came in "Pretty sure he went out for a smoke, why?" He asked as he made his way over to her and pecked her lips "Was your friend able to make it?" He asked not seeing Max behind her because of how she had the door angled.
She nodded and smiled. “Amazing. Be right back.” She winked at him and grabbed maxs arm dragging her out back. “Nicky! Hey I thought I would introduce you to a friend of mine. Nick this is max, max this is Nick.” She smiled
Max gave a small smile and waved at him "Hi its nice to meet you." She said softly frowning when she noticed Carmen had disappeared "So um....you're in the band with Noah?"
Nick raised an eyebrow but cracked a smile and shook his head "Oh she's sneaky... Yeah, yeah I am, you must be the lady with the camera she keeps talking about." He told her, offering her a cigarette,

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