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Vampire Academy (tamaracorine & goldcat)

"It is." Anna smirked, "can you stop worrying already?" She asked. "I'm fine. Honestly..."

Lukas nodded. "Yeah. I will."
Nick looked at Anna apologetically, "I'm sorry. I just really care about you, and I want you to be healthy and everything..." He said watching her.

Serene nodded, "Okay..." She waited for the waiter to come and bring their food.
"I know. I know you do, but you don't have to freak out." she looked up at him and sighed quietly. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to act like this." she held tightly to him and kissed his cheek. "Honestly. I'm okay. How can I make you not worry?"

Lukas leaned over, "She used to have an eating disorder. Sometimes when she's stressed, signs of it come back and... they have been lately."
Nick frowned slightly in thought then looked at Anna, "I might still worry at times, but if you eat all your salad that will be enough to make me relax for now." Nick told her honestly, and stroked her cheek.

Serene opened her mouth in surprise, "Oh..." She cast a nervous glance at Anna and Nick then back at Lukas, "Is that why you guys are concerned...? Will she be okay...?" She asked him.
"Deal." she managed a small smile and rested her cheek against his hand. "Just stop frowning. I liked it better when you look at me like I was beautiful, not like I'm fragile. I'm okay. I promise I'm okay. You don't need to frown at me."

Lukas nodded, "Yeah, it's why we're worried, but she'll be okay. She's smart enough to listen when she needs to, even if she does get angry about it every now and then. Nick seems to do a better job than I do with her..."
He studied her for a moment, then slowly a smile grew across his face. "Okay. I believe you." He kissed her and smiled more, "And you are always beautiful Anna... Even if you were fragile you'd still be beautiful. But I know you aren't fragile... You're strong." He grinned and kissed her again.

Serene smiled reassuringly at Lukas, "You're her brother. Of course she'll give you a tough time compared to Nick. It's just sisterly instinct." She gently kissed his nose. "But she still cares about what you have to say."
"Do that again." she wrapped her arms around him tighter, deepening their kiss and smiling against his lips. She wanted to forget what had just happened and the kiss was helping her forget. She was grateful for that much.

"Oi,"Lukas laughed, throwing a napkin at them. "No making out in public. Calm down." he smirked, amusement all over his expression as their food was brought over. He released Serene and began to eat his burger. "So, another long stretch of driving ahead? Maybe you could drive for a bit, Nick?"
Nick leaned in to kiss Anna again, when Lukas's words distracted. He rolled his eyes at the dhampir then smiled at Anna, kissing her nose. When their food arrived, he happily took it and started eating. "Yeah I can drive." He replied to Lukas.

Serene smiled and took the food, thanking the waiter. She looked at the others and listened to the conversation, while eating her food.
"I can keep going." Anna replied quietly. "Honestly, I'm okay driving." She told him. "I'm drinking coffee to stay nice and awake and I'm eating food..."

Lukas shook his head, "Anna, I'm not asking him to drive because I doubt your ability. I just thought you two could take turns today so neither of you get bored... Relax."
Nick looked between both of them, hesitating momentarily. "If you want to keep driving Anna, go right ahead, but I can drive if you guys ever need me to..." He told them.

Serene pursed her lips and looked away suddenly feeling useless. She never learned to drive. She wanted to, but her parents told her it was unnecessary. She sighed.
"No, it's okay." Anna smiled and cuddled closer to Nick. "I'm just feeling sensitive today." She admitted. "I'd love you to drive for a while." She wrapped both her arms around his waist and kissed his cheek. "Sorry for being so moody."

Lukas frowned, "if you ate more, you'd be in a better mood, Anna. You know it." He warned, then turned to Serene. "Maybe we can teach you to drive on this trip?"
Nick looked at Lukas, narrowing his eyes slightly, not wanting Lukas to upset Anna. Then he placed his hand over Anna's and kissed her. "It's okay Anna." He smiled at her, and stroked her cheek.

Serene smiled at Lukas, her eyes lighting up. "Okay! Yeah, that would be awesome. I want to learn so bad..." She told him, and then hugged him excitedly.
"When we're in a quiet area, I'll teach you." He told her gently. "Not on highways, though. They're sort of dangerous." He returned the hug and then released her so he could finish eating.

Anna nuzzled against his hand, smiling back at him. "Thank you." She whispered.
Serene smiled and nodded in agreement from Lukas's words, "Okay. I can't wait..." She whispered to him, and continued eating as well. In her mind, she tried to imagine herself behind the wheel. It was both exciting and nerve wrecking. "I hope I don't crash us though..." She laughed nervously.

Nick smiled happily at her, then whispered, "I love you Anna... You're so amazing." He kissed her softly.
Lukas laughed. "You won't. It's okay." He smiled. "It's easy enough once you get over the nerves. Anna cried when she drove for the first time. But she got confident fast too."

Anna didn't hear Lukas. She was too distracted by Nick. Her eyes widened a little. "You love me?" She whispered. "I... I love you too."
Serene smiled, relaxing slightly from Lukas's words. "It sounds a little scary, but also like I can handle it. I mean, I think I'll be okay, so long as you're there with me."

Nick's smile grew from her words and he pulled her closer to him, and hugged her. He whispered, "I'm so happy you're a part of my life now. I've been feeling incomplete for so long, and now that you're here with me, it's like you are my missing puzzle piece."
Lukas nodded, "it'll be great." He told her warmly, finishing his food and pulling Serene nice and close. "It'll be wonderful. You'll be okay." He kissed the top of her head.

Anna held him tightly. She reached out and took one of his fries, popping it into her mouth and smiling at him as she chewed it.
Serene smiled and finished up her food as well, then looked at Lukas. "Thank you." She told him, and rested her head on his shoulder, waiting for Nick and Anna to finish.

Happiness filled Nick as he watched Anna, and he kissed her head. He didn't want to make a big deal out of her eating the fry, but it really did make him feel better. Such a simple gesture, but such a big impact.
Anna blushed as he kissed her head, her eyes closing and her lips curving into a smile once more. "We should get back on the road. But I don't want to..."

Lukas rolled his eyes and laughed, "want me to drive for a little while?" He offered. "I can see you two want to do something else."
Nick held Anna close and laughed from Lukas's words, nodding slightly. "Yeah... That would be nice Lukas. Thank you." He chuckled, and looked at Anna amused.

Serene smiled, "Well, in that case, shall we go guys?" She asked while starting to stand up.
Lukas walked back to the van with Serene. He got into the van and waited for Anna and Nick to get in. "Sit up next to me, babe." He smiled at Serene. "I'll teach you some things."

Anna climbed into the back with Nick, meeting his gaze. "I... I can't believe that you love me..."
(Sorry it took so long to get a reply in. I had tech everyday last week and the whole weekend. Finally getting caught up in everything)

Serene smiled and got into the front seat beside Lukas, and grinned. "Okay. I'm ready to learn!" She laughed softly, observing his movements to start driving. Serene knew the basics of driving, but figured it would be helpful to learn some more by watching.

Nick sat beside Anna, and wrapped his hand around her own. The girl's words made him smile, and he looked into eyes, then stroked her cheek. "I do Anna.I know we've only been together for a short time, but I believe we are meant to be..."
Lukas pulled Serene's hand over and let it rest on top of his as he changed the gears, enjoying the contact. "It's easy as long as you don't panic, you know?" he told her. "A lot like most things in life. Learn the basics, then let what you know guide you... and don't second guess."

"Me too." Anna whispered, resting her forehead against his. "But that scares me even more. I don't want to mess this up... Us..."
Serene smiled from Lukas's words. She looked at him. "Those are some wise words Lukas." She focused on the movements their hands made together and watched the road.

Nick closed his eyes and smiled, then kissed Anna softly. "You won't. We won't mess up. Don't worry about that Anna. We just have to be understanding, and caring for each other. I believe we already are. We're going to work."
Lukas grinned, "I have moments of brilliance." he told her, speeding up as the limit increased. "They're rare, but wonderful. So we'll stop for the night and sleep in the van, but we can send Nick and Anna to get dinner and I'll let you have a drive. How's that sound? We can find a backstreet and you can have a go."

"I love you." she whispered, then deepened the kiss and smiled against his lips. "I love you so much that I ate a chip for you... that's a whole lot of love, Nick. But I still wont eat a whole donut for you."

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