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Vampire Academy (tamaracorine & goldcat)

Serene watched as the school came closer into view from the passenger window. Her parents were driving her to the academy. Vladmir Academy. She used to love this place. Until the Ozera family was shunned, and people stopped talking to her. They acted like she was going to do the same thing as her cousin Christian's parents did. Turn into Strigoi. It sounded like an awful fate, and Serene never would want that. The car parked once they reached the academy. Her parents exited the car, and went to grab Serene's luggage. Serene took a deep breath, and followed suit. Once out, she grabbed some of her bags, and they all began to walk to the dorms. She wondered who she would be rooming with this year. Last year, her she had a fairly decent roommate, and hoped this year would be the same.

Nick Everyn drove to the academy by himself. His was happy to be back. His whole summer was mainly uneventful. His family lived at the royal court, and he disliked it there. He wanted to get away the whole time. This academy, was his escape. Along with the chance to be with his friends. Nick pulled into the school's parking lot, and got out of his car. He grabbed all his luggage, and started his way to the dorms. He greeted some of the people there, that he knew, and they happily greeted him back. For the most part, Nick was well liked. Some people found him intimidating at times, but there wasn't large reason to. He was typically friendly. Nick arrived at the dorms and noticed he arrived before his roommate. He started to unpack his bags.
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Annalise and Lukas walked into the school together, talking quietly. Lukas was inclined to be loud most of the time, but he loved his sister, and for her sake he was calm around her so that they could get along. When he was younger, he had enjoyed being loud simply to see how long it took her to walk away, but he had learned to depend on his sister's stoic personality, and he enjoyed her company.

"See you at dinner, Anna." he told her, giving her a quick hug before turning and walking towards the boy's dormitories. He entered the bedroom, tossing his black bag onto the bed. He didn't own much. He liked it that way. "You must be Nick." he greeted, turning to look at his roommate. "I'm Lukas. I guess we're rooming together?"

Annalise walked to the girl's dorms with what could only be described as an impending sense of doom. The foyer was always crowded at the beginning of the year, with girls catching up on the summers they had missed. Annalise walked quickly through the foyer and through the corridors to her bedroom. Last year she had roomed alone, but this year she wasn't given that luxury. She entered the room, taking a deep breath and looking at her roommate with a curious expression. "Hi."
Nick smiled softly at the his roommate when he entered. "That's me. Nice to meet you Lukas." He studied the Dhampir a little longer, then continued to unpack his stuff. "What grade you in? I'm in twelfth." Nick attempted at making small talk. He opened up more to people as time went on. From the looks of Lukas, he appeared to be a friendly guy. Nick inferred that he would get along with him. He probably wouldn't pull the pranks on the guy, like he did to his last roommate though. His last roommate was a close friend now, he was a Moroi too. The other vampire's name was Donavon. His element was water, so Nick decided it would be funny to form a flame in his hands by Don's face when he was asleep, and the poor guy woke up immediately from the heat and splashed his own water on himself. Nick had found it hilarious, and nearly died of laughter that night. Looking at Lukas, the guy could probably easily beat Nick up, so better not go that far. Nick chuckled softly from the thought.

Serene and her parents were unpacking her stuff when the girl's roommate came in. She turned and smiled slightly at the Dhampir, "Hi. I'm, uh, Serene." She held out her hand to shake. So, her roommate was a Dhampir? Many royals would either be very pleased, or very unpleased, considering how arrogant they were. Serene landed right in the middle of the two extremes. The girl looked strong and very capable of being a guardian. Serene hoped the girl was friendly, and also that she wouldn't judge the fact she was an Ozera. Serene's parents looked at the two girls.

"We're going to step out so you to can introduce yourselves." Her father said.

"Don't forget to say goodbye to us." Her mother told her. Serene nodded slightly for a reply, and her parent's stepped out.
"Eleventh." Lukas answered, beginning to unpack. "They ran out of rooms for eleventh grade Dhampirs, so I got moved. Apparently they trust me to be mature and responsible." he smirked a little bit. "Crazy, right?" he asked, tossing some of his clothes into the drawers. "Are you getting a guardian assigned to you this year? I hear the twelfth grade Dhampirs all have assignments already so you guys are stuck with younger ones."

Annalise hesitated for a moment, but reached out and shook Serene's hand. "I'm Annalise. You can call me Anna." she smiled, setting about unpacking. "It's uh, nice to meet you too." she began to put books on the desk, some about physiology, others about literature, still others about psychology or physical combat.
Nick chuckled from Lukas's first remark then shrugged about having a younger Dhampir assigned, "I suppose so. It's no big deal. We're pretty much safe here anyway, so I'm not too worried about it. Besides, you're all pretty tough out there. I've seen you guys fighting." He chuckled softly and shook his head, "Whatever grade you guys are, the determination on your faces shows." He pictured back to a time he was walking past the training grounds last year, and he saw a female Dhampir fighting with another. The girl couldn't have been older than ninth grade, but it was impressive. She had such a determined look...

Serene smiled a bit more as the girl introduced herself. She watched as Anna put books on her desk, then remembered her parents. "I'll be right back, I got to go say goodbye to my parents." Quickly, she left the room and walked over to her mom and dad and hugged each of them, "Goodbye..."

"Goodbye Serene... Remember, if anyone gives you a hard time being an Ozera, I give you permission to knock the wind out of them." Her father told her.

Serene laughed as her mother hit him playfully, "Don't listen to him Serene. That's not the proper thing to do. Just turn the other cheek okay?"

"Oh I don't know... You guys are pulling me every direction..." Serene joked, and her mother looked at her slightly frustrated, "Just kidding. I know Mom. I will. I don't care what others think of me." Serene wished that was more of the truth. "Goodbye." She waved to her parents and stepped back inside the room. She looked at Anna again, then went to go sit on her bed. She watched, shyly. "Would you, uh, like any help?"
"Not all of us have that expression. Just some, and sometimes, that expression never leaves their faces. My little sister? She's serious pretty much all the time. I love her and all - she's the only family I've got, but man, she's so serious all the time. The chick reads books about how bodies work just so she can work out how to fight better." Lukas rolled his eyes and sat on the bed. "I don't take it quite that seriously. Fighting is about instincts, not science."

Anna shook her head, working quickly. "No, thank you." she told her quietly. "I'm fine. It wont take me long." she turned her attention to her clothes - all simple jeans, sneakers or boots, and singlets, along with her training clothes, shorts and crop tops. She finished packing and looked at the clock. "It's, uh, time to eat... for me... I mean..."
Nick chuckled and sat on his bed as well. "Well sounds like she's really serious about becoming a guardian. I think people who take it that far, are very admirable. I mean, you're probably right, but I don't know..." He thought back the Dhampir he had seen last year, not realizing that they were talking about the same exact girl. "Like I said... Admirable." He focused back in on reality and chuckled once more, and glanced at the time. "Hm, I better go get a feeding. You want to come with? I mean, head over there with me?" He asked Lukas.

Serene nodded, and let Anna finish unpacking in silence. Once the girl spoke of eating, Serene blinked in surprise, "Oh right. I got head over the feeders too, before classes start up." She stood up and looked at Anna. "Um... Wanna walk together..? Maybe?" She asked shyly. Serene wasn't very good at talking to people she first met.
Lukas nodded, "Yeah, sure. I mean, I wont go in. No offence, dude. Blood grosses me out, so until I'm a guardian, I'm staying away from that stuff. I'll walk with you, though." he slipped his shoes back on, walking out of the dorms and onto the pathway. "When do your classes start?" he asked.

Anna managed a small smile, "Yeah, okay." she smiled, heading towards the door. "Sorry. If I'm awkward. I don't mean to be. I'm just... I'm not used to people." she shrugged. "I'm better at books and combat than I am people. My brother is good with people. I'm... not." she walked outside, glancing across at the boy's dorms as she spotted Lukas walking out of them.

"Ah!" Lukas grinned at the sight of Anna. "And there she is now."
Nick laughed, "Don't worry, none taken!" He replied from Lukas's blood remark. "And my classes start tomorrow. So we can get settled in today." He walked out of the dorms with the Dhampir.

Serene smiled more, "It's okay, I'm like that. At least I'm not very good at talking to people I just meet. So I'm sorry too If I'm a little awkward!" She laughed slightly and walked with her outside.

Nick looked over at the girl Lukas was referring to. His eyes widened slightly, but he caught himself, and relaxed them. He was fairly sure that was the same Dhampir that had been stuck on his mind for an entire year. He wasn't sure if was a crush, or just pure admiration, or what, but she managed to stay on his mind. "That's your sister?" He asked calmly.
Lukas noticed a shift in Nick's demeanour, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, that's my little sister. Annalise. Why?" he asked, but couldn't hear the answer because Anna was too close by and she would have overheard.

"I think we'll be good friends." Anna laughed quietly. "If we can get over the awkward bit, I mean." she smirked, "Uh... that's my brother." she explained, leading Serene over to where Lukas stood. "Lukas, this is Serene. She's my roommate this year." she explained. "Serene, this is my big brother. He's sort of a jerk."

"I am not." Lukas laughed, pulling Anna into a headlock, "Anna, this is Nick. He's my room mate."

Anna shifted her weight between her feet, placing an arm on either side of Lukas' body and flipping him over so he landed on his back. She was standing above him. "Physics, dear brother. You should read more. And not put me in headlocks."
Nick was about to answer Lukas's question with a "Aw, no reason, I've just seen her around." But she got too close so he shut his mouth.

Serene nodded in agreement, and smiled from Anna's words. She followed Anna over to where her brother stood and another Moroi. She laughed softly from their words, "Hi."

Nick watched in amusement as Lukas put his sister in a headlock, "Nice to meet you two." He said to the two girls. Suddenly Anna flipped her brother over, causing Nick to break down in laughter, "Oh man, Lukas, she got you good!" He grinned at the Dhampir girl.

Serene put a hand to her mouth to cover her laughter and looked at the boy down on the ground, "Oh geez..."
Lukas groaned quietly, sitting up. "You're a jerk, Annalise." he told her, but couldn't stop himself from grinning. He pushed himself to his feet and pulled her into a proper hug before letting her go, satisfied that she was sufficiently embarrassed as he saw that her cheeks were bright red. "I told you she took her studies seriously, didn't I, Nick?" He turned to look at Serene, smiling at her. "Nice to meet you, Serene. I hope you and my sister can take care of each other."

Anna stood quietly, recovering from the embarrassment and avoiding Nick's gaze. She had felt him watching her several times the year before, and she didn't know what to make of it. She had watched him sometimes, too. But he was older. He was Moroi. He was popular. She was a nerdy Dhampir.
Nick laughed a bit more, and cleared his throat recovering, "You sure did Lukas." His voice still laced with amusement. He looked at Anna grinning, then grinned more when he noticed the hug embarrassed her, "Nice job Anna, that was impressive." He was happy to finally be introduced to the girl.

Serene smiled brightly at Lukas and nodded shyly, "It's nice to meet you too. And I hope so as well. With the way she flipped you... I have a good feeling she's going to make a great guardian." Small amounts of amusement laced her voice as well, and she looked over at Anna and smiled at her, then looked back at Lukas and Nick.
"She will be." Lukas agreed, "Anyway, don't you Moroi need to feed?" he asked. "Or, you know, you could keep staring at Anna, Nick..." he raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't try it, man. She's never been on a date and I don't think she ever plans on it. I've got more chance with Serene here than you do with my little sister."

Anna turned a brighter shade of red, "Lukas, shut up." she pleaded, letting her black hair fall over her face to cover her cheeks.
Serene also felt her cheeks heat up ever so slightly from Lukas's comment, but tried to focus on Nick and Anna. She giggled softly from the two.

Nick blinked in surprise and looked at Lukas, "Wha-!? No. No that wasn't- That wasn't why I staring at her." He stuttered. "In fact I wasn't.. Staring at her." He laughed nervously then took a second to regain composure. He bit his tongue thinking, and glanced back at Anna, "I mean I'm sure you'd make a wonderful date and all, I just uh... Hm. I'm going to shut up now." Nick bit his tongue again and turned away slightly. Smooth.

Serene could tell that the Nick and Anna's embarrassment were rising, so she stepped in, "Well then! Lukas is right. We probably should get going to the feeders." She said with a small grin.
Anna kept her eyes on the ground, grabbing Lukas' arm and dragging him away. "Let's go eat." she told him, "See you later, Serene." she called as she walked, heading into the dining hall and sitting down with Lukas to eat. They spoke to one another, Lukas knowing that it would take a little while for Anna to get comfortable. He teased her about Nick, and she did her best to ignore him.

Eventually, they both headed back to their rooms. Anna collapsed on the bed as soon as she got back. "A Moroi and a Dhampir... what a ridiculous idea." she sighed. "Why the hell would he want anything to do with me?"
Serene waved goodbye to Anna and Lukas and she was left with Nick. The two made eye contact, and Serene looked away. Nick smiled at her, "Do you want to walk to the feeders together?"

Serene nodded, smiling softly, "Sure." So they made there way to the feeders together and both got there meals. When they finished, they went separate ways.

Serene headed back to the dorm and saw Anna on her bed, "Hey!" She greeted and walked over to her own bed, resting on it. She glanced over at Anna who seemed to be thinking, "What are you thinking about?"

Nick had went over to go find some of his friends at the academy. When he met up with them, they all greeted him. Nick's friend William was talking about having a party. "Tomorrow night, after classes. We should have a party in our dorms, just invite whoever."

Nick raised his eyebrows unsurprised, and rested an elbow on William's shoulder, "And the party boy has already planned his first party of the year!"

William chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, that's me!"

Nick smiled, "So are we allowed to invite anyone?" He asked.

William nodded, "Yeah, anyone's allowed."

"Okay." Nick replied. He wasn't sure if he would go or not. Usually William's parties were a lot of fun and stayed under control, but there had been a couple times where they got out of hand. He considered inviting Lukas, and his sister maybe, but there weren't usually a lot of Dhampirs there.
Anna looked at Serene and blushed slightly, "Nothing. I'm just... you know... thinking." she shrugged. "I'm never ready for the Academy to start again. Once it's going, I'm fine, but at the beginning it's scary. This year feels even scarier. They start working on our pairings in tenth grade, you know. I don't know if I'm ready to be paired with anyone... but, anyway. I'm rambling."

Lukas raised an eyebrow at the mention of a party. He had always roomed with Dhampir, and they partied, but Moroi parties were a different sort of party. Fancier. Bigger. Everything the Moroi did was fancier than the Dhampir because they expected more from life. "By 'anyone' he means he wants to invite a Dhampir girl."
Serene listened to Anna's slight ramble and smiled reassuringly at her, "It's okay. I understand how you feel. The beginning of the school year always frightened me too. And don't worry about the pairing. I can tell you're really good, so you'll do well." She smiled at the other girl. She sat up in her bed, resting the pillow against the headboard and leaning back on it.

Nick raised his eyebrows at the sound of Lukas's voice and looked back at him. The other Moroi froze slightly and looked at Lukas and back at Nick. "A Dhampir?" William asked.

Nick sighed, "By 'anyone' I meant you Lukas. And yes, a Dhampir. Are they invited too? You did say anyone William."

William bit his lip and considered, "... Sure why not. Dhampirs included. But not a ton please."

Nick glanced back over at Lukas and grinned at him, "Well Lukas want to go to a party tomorrow night? And since we already discussed, it your sister is invited as well." He smirked ever so softly.
Anna returned the smile, sitting up. "I'm going to spend a bit of time in the gym before bed... got to make sure I'm ready for class tomorrow." she said, standing up and looking at the closet with a slight frown. She changed quickly, her back to Serene, putting on some shorts and a crop top, leaving her stomach uncovered. "Uh, sorry... if you're not okay with some nudity sometimes... I don't have much shame about my body..."

Lukas rolled his eyes, "I'm not inviting my sister. If you want my sister there, you can invite her." he told him. "If you're so confident, you can find her and talk to her by then, right? In fact, she'll either be at the library or the gym by now. Go find her. I dare you."
Serene laughed softly, "Don't worry, I'm not too sensitive on that." She smiled. "Good luck at the gym." She said to Anna. Then she quickly grabbed a book out of her bag and started to read. She was happy about the first day. Everyone she met today seemed nice and friendly, and that filled her with loads of relief.

Nick sighed, and rolled his eyes, "Whatever. You're really jumping to conclusions..." Nick grumbled slightly. Then he smirked softly again, "But I guess a dare is a dare. I'll go look for her at the gym." He chuckled and walked past Lukas, "See you around." He waved back at his friends then started on his way to the gym.
Anna pulled her shoes on and left the room, sprinting to the gym and finding herself a corner with a punching bag once there. She fell into a comfortable routine, enjoying the satisfying sound of her fists hitting the bags. She had to stop a moment later to wrap her hands in cloth to protect them, but was quickly moving again, her fists pounding in a steady rhythm.

A Moroi girl, Lisa, knocked on Serene's door. "Dhampir roommate, huh?" she asked. "You can apply to have it change, you know. They might give in. You don't have to be an outcast because of your family."
Nick approached the gym and started feeling less confident than he was when he started walking over. He bit his lip about to change his mind, but willed himself to enter the gym. He looked around until he spotted the girl he was looking for and smiled softly, leaning against wall, admiring her, like he had a couple times last year. "You're really devoted, aren't you?" He asked, trying not to startle her.

Serene answered the door and smiled at Lisa until she spoke. Her smile faltered, until it faded completely, "No thanks. I'm happy with my roommate. Thanks for the offer though." She took a deep breath forcing herself to stay calm. The girl's last words bugged Serene, and she was also annoyed that the Moroi thought having a Dhampir roommate was a downfall. So far, to Serene, Anna was really nice.
Anna had been lost in thought, and Nick's voice jolted her from those thoughts. She spun around, arms raised defensively, then sighed when she realised who it was, lowering her arms and wiping some sweat from her brow. "If my life is meant to be given for defending people, I might as well defend well, right?" she shrugged, pushing some of her sweaty hair from her face. "But you, you don't ever come into the gym." she observed, hoping he wouldn't realise that she had paid enough attention to his movements to know that. "Why are you here?"

Lisa tilted her head curiously, "Just saying. You don't have to get defensive." she frowned. "How was your summer, Serene? Did anything exciting happen? What about that almost-romance you had going towards the end of last year? Did anything come of it?"

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