Other Usage of the RP labels.


GryphonABLaZ(E). Lawful chaotic good

Those 'simple,' 'casual' and 'detailed' things that go before the title of a roleplay. Has anyone noticed how misused they are, particularly in the fantasy section? I mean, I'm just thinking out loud here, but they're quite clearly defined at the top of each forum above the threads. I'm just wondering if I'm not the only one seeing this. The 'simple' definition thing is all fine and dandy, anyone at all can hop on in. There's no writing limit, that's where you're roleplaying for the sake of roleplaying. That isn't misused, it's actually hard for that title to be. Then the 'casual' definition. This is really the idea behind this thread/vent, because so many roleplays that would better fit under the 'simple' title are given that of 'casual.' It is clearly stated by Staff-chan that casual RPs are ones in which the players might push to improve their writing, and there is roughly a one-paragraph minimum. A <em>one</em> <em>paragraph minimum</em>. Too often though, I browse through those to find (now, maybe I'm the only one picky about common grammar and spelling mistakes, but I personally think that the care that is put into the use of vocabulary and the like can really define what kind of writer that person is-- share your thoughts on that, too! After all, that's kind of maybe sort of what I'm making this thread for >.>) the overview tab empty, and the first IC post to be four lines long on a small computer screen. Now, the detailed roleplays are pretty self-explanatory, and only occasionally have I seen them misused. Those guys are fine. What are your thoughts, do you think it's an honest issue that needs to be addressed? I've only really seen it in the fantasy section and maybe a little in the realistic. The reason I find it stressful is that I'd like to find a good fantasy roleplay with some good lore, but not something where the writing is too lengthy at that point. Just something to click to when I need to write something for the sake of writing something. I also have a roleplay idea, and I'd like to run it through a few test-runs to get a handle on progressing plot and similar things, but I'd be reluctant to list it as detailed because it's really just a prototype. There's a huge rift between casual and detailed roleplays now. Some casual roleplays fit properly into that title, but the vast majority do not and make it difficult to find those that do. Sorry for the big rambling rant of sorts, ^^" it's just something that's been pecking at my nerves. And if you read the entire post, then thanks for caring to read such a ridiculously long thing! Now about your opinions? Do you find this to be an issue yourself? Just... Eh! <em>-flails arms-</em> Share! Words, words, opinions, share them! Meh!

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The best thing I can recommend to you is to notify Staff when you see tags misused. Staff does relabeled some RPs to be more fitting, but they can't possibly go through them all, so take it upon yourself to help them out~.
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This happens a lot over here too, I see an RP for a fandom I like that's labelled casual and decide to take a look and then leave while cussing a little at seeing one liners with no dialogue or thoughts at all. "x decided to go here and do x." Does not in any way make a post for a casual RP.
Every roleplaying forum has this problem. Part of the problem is the hilarity of the length measurements: paragraphs and sentences. A single sentence can be a paragraph, the phrase "I am" can be a complete sentence. But, counting words isn't particularly fun or practical either.

Another factor is the average age of the roleplayers, educational opportunities, and personal interest in reading and writing (artistically). 'Casual' means something entirely different to me than it does to other people, whether or not defined by a third party, especially with such vague measurements as paragraphs and sentences.
[QUOTE="Nothing Matters]Every roleplaying forum has this problem. Part of the problem is the hilarity of the length measurements: paragraphs and sentences. A single sentence can be a paragraph, the phrase "I am" can be a complete sentence. But, counting words isn't particularly fun or practical either.
Another factor is the average age of the roleplayers, educational opportunities, and personal interest in reading and writing (artistically). 'Casual' means something entirely different to me than it does to other people, whether or not defined by a third party, especially with such vague measurements as paragraphs and sentences.

Well, I personally define a good paragraph by at least four or five lines when the text appears on a computer screen. I'm not entirely sure to how many lines that translates to on a smartphone, but I believe it's around ten when using wide-screen on an iPhone 6.
As is mentioned in the guidelines, the tags are not solely defined by paragraph lengths. Many roleplays do not have minimum lengths, so long as you're putting out quality work.

A Simple roleplay is one which requires little thought or effort. There are not many details that a roleplayer must keep track of. A Casual roleplay is a step up - plot and setting tend to be more clearly defined and some larger degree of effort and consistency is expected of roleplayers. As for Detailed roleplays, the setting is sprawling and/or minutely developed, and players are expected to create thoughtful, multidimensional characters who interact dynamically with the setting, whilst contributing to the story and setting meaningfully.
Well casual can be put differently. For example if you want a casual conversation you say more then one sentence. You end up talking longer and being invested in the others response or what they have to say. The same sorta goes here. You want to do more then a few sentences, you want to have the imagination flow of what's happening and to better explain it. Like I'm doing here you would call it casual as people do what they feel likes to be a response to a statement or question. i probably miss reading and interpreting the message your giving but this is what I had to put. Good day, night, evening and afternoon.

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