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Fandom Unsuspecting Circumstances {1x1}

A small girl stood in an empty street, staring at a piece of paper in her hand. On it were hastily scribbled directions to the bar where she knew she would find the League of Villains...but these instructions were crap. "This is the last time I trust the Doctor to give me directions..." she groaned, looking around at the dilapidated buildings in exasperation. No wonder the League had managed to stay hidden for so long. They were impossible to find! AFO had sent her out here because they said they had needed more firepower on their next mission, but she apparently wasn't needed enough to be given a welcome party. How much help did they need to beat up a couple of UA students, anyway?

Either way, isn't it courtesy to give me a welcome party instead of letting me wander the streets?!

As soon as that thought crossed her mind, movement flickered in the corner of her vision. She quickly turned toward the movement, smelling the air briefly to see if she recognized the person by their scent. She smelled alcohol, coffee, and smoke-but more importantly, she recognized who it was. "Kurogiri, what took you so long? Don't you know it's dangerous to allow frail, gentle girls to be on their own out here?"

"You are anything but frail and gentle," he mumbled under his breath, though her ears still detected it. "I apologize. Some new information came in, and Shigaraki Tomura demanded I look at it."

"Uh-huh, sure. Let's just warp to the stupid bar." Shaking her head, she stepped into the swirling mist, emerging on the other side to see a relatively normal-looking bar. There were various people scattered around, all looking at her with interest and some with surprise. Well, that was normal. She certainly didn't LOOK like a villain. Might as well introduce myself to these dirtbags.

Plastering a big, cheerful smile onto her face, she waved at everyone in the room. "Hellooo! My name is Ryuuko, and I've been sent to help you out on the next mission!"

Kurogiri moved to his spot behind the bar. "Welcome, Ryuuko, to the League of Villains."

-------- (Time skip/Event change/Perspective change)

"We are ready to begin the briefing." Kurogiri stood in front of a whiteboard, holding several papers in his hand as he looked out over the entirety f the League, who were being unusually attentive. "As everyone knows, UA will be sending some of their students on a training exercise with pro heroes. We have four targets: Prop Hero Ragdoll, and three students; Bakugou Katsuki, Hatsune Miku, and Ellie Miller. First, some information about the targets."
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The man pins each one of the papers to the whiteboard with a magnet. Each name being written down before he goes into briefing about each one. Kurogiri points to the first picture with a marker, and the picture shows a cheery girl with long blue pigtails. The person may look vaguely familiar to some of them, but Kurogiri doubted that they would think it's anywhere else besides UA.

"Hatsune Miku. Former idol before she got into the UA. Her quirk seems to be that her abilities change with the song she sings. Unfortunately, we don't know how many abilities she can switch to. But most popular seems to be increased speed, increased strength, and a sort of sonic scream. Although there might be other abilities, once she's taken down, she should be easy enough to keep contained." He writes down the points he's made. The squeaking of the marker audible in the quiet room. Before he moves onto the next paper, he writes down one final word. Hostage.

"Hatsune Miku is hostage only. We need her back alive. Her quirk will be taken by All For One at a later time, as she should be useful for driving the point home that ANYONE is vunerable."

He moves on, the dark whisps of matter dissipating in the air as he turns around. Ellie Miller. Her picture is put up, and it shows a girl with green eyes and Auburn hair pulled back. Much more solemn than the last one. Kurogiri writes her name under it, just like he did the other.

"Ellie Miller. Moved here from the United States to study at UA. Her quirk controls a parasitic fungus that has medium range. We will be providing you with masks as this quirk is incredibly dangerous. If infected, the fungus will apparently grow and fester over 24 hours and turn you into what we can basically say is a zombie. Do note any open wounds may also be vunerable to contamination. So keep your distance."

He writes the information down once more, stating Ellie is for recuitment along side Bakugou. The rest of the briefing goes along relatively smoothly, before Kurogiri turns back to the rest of his associates.

"Any questions?"
"Just one."

The voice that had piped up came abruptly. The villains turned to look at the back of the room, where the sound had originated. A young man with curly green hair sat in the corner, leaning back in his chair. His eyes were glued to the third and last picture on the board, his jaw clenching despite the easygoing expression on his face.

"The third target," he hesitated before almost seeming to strain through his name, "Bakugou Katsuki. I will be assigned to him, correct?" It was worded like a question, but it was truly meant as more of a demand, and everyone knew it.

Kurogiri refrained from sighing. "Yes, Midoriya Izuku. You will be assigned to him. However, you cannot go alone; you must bring Ryuuko and Dabi with you."

His green eyes flicked between the two. He would prefer to have a private reunion with his childhood friend, but he begrudgingly admitted to himself that he would probably need the help. Besides, he was interested in seeing what this Ryuuko kid was like. He heard her Quirk was super cool...

"Thank you." Her statement, followed by a soft giggle, snapped him out of his rambling thoughts. Ryuuko, who was sitting at the next table, was staring at him with an amused expression.

"Ah...sorry, did I say that aloud?" He gave her a sheepish grin.

She shook her head and rested her chin on her hands. "Not exactly. You were mumbling quietly. But...I have good ears."

As Midoriya shrugged and apologized, Ryuuko's eyes drifted back to the pictures, though her mind was not on them. Her very first mission with the League, and she was going to get to work with Midoriya Izuku-with Deku. She'd heard so much about her savior's son, but this was the first time she had seen him in person since he had first been welcomed to All For One's base over a year ago. Or was it two years now? He had been so weak and pathetic looking. Hell, he was such a mess at the time he probably didn't even remember meeting her. But now, he was definitely different. Stronger. Just like All For One's son should be.

Her eyes focused on one of the names. The name of her target, Bakugou Katsuki. She sneered. Oh, the stories she had heard. Especially of what he said to Deku, how he treated him. This was who they were allowing to train to become a hero? God, the system was so corrupt. She couldnt wait to knock him down a peg, even if they were technically supposed to be recruiting him.

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