Other Unpopular Opinions

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I think we need to get back to basics.

Dark Magician Girl is the best girl
I'm far too lazy to go back looking for the moderator post about sharing opinions vs. discussion getting the thread too heated.
Or was that the RP specific thread? They've started to blend together a bit in my memory.
Well either share your opinion or don't, it's up to you.
I am opening your eyes, so you all can acknowledge the true and only condiment 🙏🍟

Oh sorry, "English.exe stopped working" lol. I was talking about dipping chips on mayonnaise haha the only acceptable thing! Damn ketchup, to hell with it XD
Yeah ketchup should only go with beef (just not steak because that's food genocide). :)

Side note, what steak is the best? I think medium personally, I find medium rare to sometimes be a bit underdone.

Unpopular opinion: werewolves are not hot. It's kinda messed up if you think about it.
Well done steak is the best steak.
Unpopular Opinion:
I think the human population should die out and animals get to live in peace.
Nah just like 50 or 60% of humans need to go, the rest can hunt chicken and cows and raise animals on a farm that isn't a factory.

But more importantly, I don't think those marvel movies are as good as people say

I also think the Japanese made manga and anime to make the rest of us incapable of progressing. They push incest to attempt brainwashing the rest of the world to ensure they getting weak and inbred so they can go SSJ and sprite bomb us all.

Or maybe a dr pepper blast
I for one hate that the Coca-Cola company owns water.
Majority of bottles of water you can buy in Australia is all from coke.... like why they gotta sell coke, diet coke, coke zero (which is diet coke again with a different label)
And various flavours like vanilla and peach and still get off selling water as well.
Lol you say this in a world where furries exist to make wolfporn, I think that's the point. They like the dog aspect

As long as it's fiction it ain't hurting anyone.. I would hope so. But then again if there is a God each day humanity strays further from what that God imagined we would be.
with that I am out
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Fresca soda is the best soda.
You don't have to love a creator of something, but on the same note, you can't really denounce them and still continue to love their stuff. (There's a difference between dislike and denounce by the way.) Like I've grown to seriously disagree with some of Gaga's more outrageous things, so I've distanced myself from her music. Do I still listen to it occasionally? Yeah, I mean I didn't immediately burn my copy of the Fame/ Fame Monster, but I wouldn't describe myself as a fan anymore.
I think Pineapple and Jalapenos on the same pizza is damn nice. Even better when you throw in Pepperoni.
His Dark Materials Trilogy is better than Harry Potter's book series.

Honestly didn’t get passed book three I think. Whichever one they break into hell. I’m like this is dumb.

I think if we’re talking YA books, the Magic Circle (quartet 1) Circle Opened (quartet 2) Circle Reforged (two additional books) series by Tamora Pierce

They have a similar “special magic kids discover magical world they didn’t know about, magical shenanigans, murder mystery, found family, friendship heals trauma” theme of the HP books written leagues better.

Then again to be fair they are Tamora Pierce second “fantasy universe” series. Her originals started in Tortall with more traditional knights and magic type stuff. So she kinda grew as a writer a bit before starting the Emelan (Magic) series.

So I don’t think it’s necessarily an unpopular opinion (at least among people who know who the heck Tamora is) but

Tamora Pierce is a much better author than Mrs Keep It Rowling and deserves to have her own movie/tv series -slash- theme park.
Honestly didn’t get passed book three I think. Whichever one they break into hell. I’m like this is dumb.

I think if we’re talking YA books, the Magic Circle (quartet 1) Circle Opened (quartet 2) Circle Reforged (two additional books) series by Tamora Pierce

They have a similar “special magic kids discover magical world they didn’t know about, magical shenanigans, murder mystery, found family, friendship heals trauma” theme of the HP books written leagues better.

Then again to be fair they are Tamora Pierce second “fantasy universe” series. Her originals started in Tortall with more traditional knights and magic type stuff. So she kinda grew as a writer a bit before starting the Emelan (Magic) series.

So I don’t think it’s necessarily an unpopular opinion (at least among people who know who the heck Tamora is) but

Tamora Pierce is a much better author than Mrs Keep It Rowling and deserves to have her own movie/tv series -slash- theme park.
Jeez, you've really turned against Rowling. Are her personal politics really that big a deal?
Well, that's an opinion. That's why I posted mine here: it is, indeed, rather unpopular. I am not, by no means, saying that His Dark Materials is a masterpiece. I am simply stating my preference over the Harry Potter series. I like the philosophical background of His Dark Materials, when it comes to views about religious institutions, for example, something interesting for a book series whose main target is children. I am not going to say that it is the best book series I have ever read, because it surely isn't. But it was entertaining to me, at least to my younger version, and now that I am watching the series I am feeling rather nostalgic about it. Plus, it is set in a "steampunkish" (at least it has that dark academia vibe) universe, which is very appealing to me.
It's actually a fun thing to admit, but I am definitely not very acquainted with YA fantasy in general, oddly enough. But I have been wanting to get more into the genre recently, so I'll definitely check it out.
I enjoyed the Alchemists cat personally, some of the Warhammer fantasy novels are good too (the Witch Hunter series is one of my favourites and only requires a fairly basic understanding of the world). Egrimm Van Horstmann is awesome (think Harry Potter turned up to 12) but it requires more of an understanding of the world.
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