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Unlikely (1x1 between SeverusX and Unique Username)

Severus sat at his desk one Saturday grading potions essays. Every now and then he would see an essay that was worth reading all the way through, but most of the time there were far too many spelling and grammar mistakes, and Severus gave them a P for Poor. His greasy black hair stuck to the back of his neck, it was rather stuffy in the Dungeons that day and the sweat showing up on his skin was a big indicator of how he felt. He had quite a lot on his mind lately, mainly because he was expected to do something for a couple friends, and he couldn't bring himself to do it. Atropa Trist was one of his best students, and he didn't want her to be turned in the wrong direction. Her parents, however, wanted nothing more for their little girl to become a Death Eater like the two of them. Severus gave a cold scoff at the thought and scratched a 'P' on another paper before leaning back in his chair and brushing the hair from his face.

"Just a few more drops." Josephine whispers to herself, a flask of rainbow colored liquid clasped in her right hand, and in her left was a bottle of boy's shampoo. She was in a dark place, a very dark place, the boy's laboratory in the Gryffindor Tower. She was currently adding a few adjustments to her latest prank, a potion that when in contact with hair will make it change color due to the person's mood. Ironic, really, seeing as Josephine herself was a metamorghmagi. She was dressed in her normal Gryffindor robes, and her currently rainbow hair hung over her shoulder in a messy braid. The Gryffindor boys would soon return from Quidditch practice, and Fred and George Weasley were in for a surprise when they washed their flowing red hair. Josephine, being quite the prankster, had been lining up a few different rendezvous' to finally give the only people she found worthy the surprise of a lifetime. Her identity.

Atropa had enjoyed her classes so far, as usual. But the bullying and whispers had gotten to her. She hadn't eaten much all week, and already it was showing.

She'd never been fat, but now her uniform hung on her small 5'5 frame, and she found that she didn't really care.

Due to lack of sleep, she now had heavy bags under her eyes as well, which did nothing for her looks.

Sighing, Atropa glanced down at her papers, and gasped. She'd forgotten to turn in her Potions essay.

Looking at the time, she hoped it wasn't too late. Grabbing the papers, she jumped up and ran out of the common room, and to the Potions classroom, arriving out of breath, hair messed up from running.

"P-Professor!" She called out, seeing Professor Snape at his desk. "I'm sorry to bother you, sir, but I forgot to turn in my essay.."

Fred had been planning to take a shower after Quidditch and then maybe have a snack.

Their practice hadn't gone well, so everyone was in a foul mood, so he and George had decided to skip the prank they'd planned.

"Go see if you can get some food from the kitchens." Fred told George, yawning. He didn't feel like making the trip.

Grabbing his towels, Fred got into the shower, putting a liberal amount of shampoo in his hands before washing his hair.

When he got out, he dried off and dressed, then examined his reflection in the mirror, mouth opened in shock.

His hair was rainbow. Someone had pranked him- him! "What the--" He said loudly, ruffling his hair, wondering how it had happened.
(I should probably color code this lol)

At the sound of a voice Snape jumped, his eyes widening for mere milliseconds until he noticed it was Atropa.

"Oh, I was just grading them, bring it here and I'll take care of it." He says, his monotone drawl echoing in the room. No matter how much he favored Atropa he almost never made it show, but he figured she knew she was one of the best. She looked as if she had been running, and her hair was a mess. He couldn't help but notice the bags underneath her eyes. The very same bags he'd had when he was in school and it was impossible to sleep. She reminded him of himself, though he was a male of course, he only hoped she didn't have a crush on whoever her best friend was. All that gets you is heartbreak, he could speak for that on a personal level.

Josephine had to practically choke herself to keep from giggling as the Quidditch boys made it back from practice. They were all very tired, and as the Weasley twins made their way up to the dorm Josephine's hair turned rainbow once more, her mischievousness coming back out. She knew they wouldn't take it well. A slight pout made it's way onto her lips, though, when George Weasley came back down, but she still had Fred. She chewed on her bottom lip, the skin already chapped from where she had gnawed on it so many other times. It was a habit of hers, and it seemed to come out more when she was either thinking or waiting for something.
Sighing in relief, Atropa stepped forward and placed her essay on his desk.

"Thank you, Professor." She told him, smiling softly.

He'd always been nice to her, and she appreciated it. She didn't have a lot of nice people in her life, and so it was refreshing.

"How's your weekend so far, professor?" She asked, always one to have a friendly conversation with him.

Fred, not knowing how it had happened in the first place, couldn't undo it at the moment.

Suspecting George, he ran down the stairs and to the common room, looking around for his brother, but not finding him.

People passing by covered their laughter, and he sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Can anyone help me undo this?" He asked, looking around, desperate.
Snape sighed and thought about her question for a few moments. How is my weekend so far? Deciding just to say a random answer he lets out "It's been alright." Before dipping his quill in ink and clearing his throat. "How is yours?" He asks, simultaneously reading the girl's essay. He hadn't been mistaken, she really did have a knack for potions, it made him proud to be a potions professor, though you'll never get him to say that out loud. Once he had finished her essay he put an 'O' for Outstanding on the top of the parchment and raised his eyebrows at her, a very slight smile on his face. He almost never smiled, but occasionally one slips out of his cracks. His foot tapped slightly on the stone floor beneath him, and his mind wandered to Atropa's parents.

Josephine again had to stop herself from laughing, and she observed Fred who looked quite disgruntled. His hair was just so unnatural, Josephine was much more used to seeing red hair, and not odd colors like her hair. She contemplated helping him, if she did then wouldn't he suspect her because she'd be the only one with a remedy? Well, then again, who would suspect little ole Josephine Alder? Her hair turned from rainbow to purple, indicating her happiness as he looked around desperately. She quickly grabbed a piece of parchment from her unfinished Charms essay and scrawled down a message "It'll ware off in an hour." She carefully bewitched the parchment to disappear, and reappear atop Fred's head, so that he wouldn't notice who had sent it.
"Boring." She replied, shrugging. "Honestly, I'd rather be in class." She had no friends, no one to speak to.

Class was much more interesting, and fun.

Seeing him write an 'O' on her paper, she smiled at him, and seeing his own small smile made her smile bigger.

She noticed that she was the only one he really even tried to smile at.

It was nice, but she would try not to let it go to her head.

"Professor, is there any chance that you might...Need a student helper? I love Potions so much, and I would love to help out after class."

Fred felt something appear on his head and he grabbed at it, realizing it was a note.

Glancing down at it, he sighed in relief, and then looked around, trying to figure out who sent it.

Just then, George entered, carrying a bunch of snacks.

"Oi, what happened to your hair?" He asked, laughing as he approached Fred.

Fred sighed and grabbed a tart, taking a bite. "Someone must've put something in my shampoo."
//I am so sorry, I could have sworn I'd replied (' :| )

Severus thought it over for a moment.

"I suppose I could use a bit of help every once in a while." He admits, pinching the bridge of his nose slightly.

"You could help me grade these essays if you'd like." He suggests before running his hand through his greasy hair and separating a couple essays out from the stack. He decided this was the time to talk to her about what she wanted out of life. He didn't want her to join the Dark Lord, but her parents had begged him to convince her. He was torn between friends, honestly.

Standing up Josephine's hair turned rainbow once more and with a smirk she walked between the twins, plucking a tart from Georges hand.

As she walked upstairs to her dorm she munched silently on the tart and hummed to herself, her brain still racking what prank to do next.

The first prank was easy to come up with, seeing as it was the most obvious thing about her, but the next would be difficult. She bit her lip after finishing the tart and set down on her bed, pulling out a piece of parchment and writing down her few ideas.
Atropa smiled and nodded, taking a seat next to the Professor, smoothing her skirt out gently.

Looking down at the first essay, she could already tell that this person was both an idiot, and a Gryffindor, though she wasn't sure if there was a different between the two, honestly.

Despite her dislike of bullying, Atropa couldn't help but feel superior to Gryffindors. They all seemed to be block headed jocks.

At least the other houses had talent.

She herself had almost been put in Ravenclaw, but she'd begged to be sorted into Slytherin, to please her family. Though it hadn't done her any good.

Fred watched as a girl with rainbow hair passed them. She had the exact shade of his own hair.

Following her with his eyes, he wondered if she'd been the one to have pranked him.

He couldn't be sure. He didn't know her, besides that she seemed quiet and shy in class.

Surely she couldn't have been the one..
Snape sighed and looked up from the paper. "Atropa," He starts, clearing his throat and adjusting himself in his chair, "you know that we have to speak about what your parents want." He says awkwardly as he scratches yet another P on a paper. He was quite tired of these Gryffindors, not doing what they're supposed to. There were only a choice few Gryffindors that did well in potions, and even then they didn't excel. Snape thought of what he would say next to the younger girl, he didn't want to anger her by speaking with her about her parents, but he knew it had to be done. He was torn between encouraging her to join the Dark Lord and discouraging her. On one hand if she joined the Dark Lord she would be powerful, and she could use her abilities. On the other hand, if she didn't her life would not be in mortal peril every moment of every day. He was never good at decisions.

Josephine scribbled a few things down, before deciding what to do next. At dinner she would spike the twins' pumpkin juice with a silencing potion so that they wouldn't be able to speak, she would also give them a note that gave them a hint. Hopefully they could hurry up and figure out, because she was running out of ideas quickly. After writing down her ideas Josephine turned to her Astrology chart and began to work on in, matching dreams to the phases of the moon. All she really did was make things up, saying when the moon was full she had bad dreams, though she never even remembered her dreams. Her hair returned to it's natural color, blond, and her quill tapped gently against the parchment as she thought about dreaming. The only dream she really ever remembers is seeing her mother again, and that dream was always happy. Her hair turned half blue and half purple as she thinks about the dream. "Oh, how I miss you, mum."
Atropa stiffened at the mention of her parents, and she put the papers she'd been moving back on the desk.

"I've already told them a million times.. I don't want to be like them."

Her voice was quiet, but she could feel herself shaking, both with anger and fear.

She hated her parents, if she was to be honest. They never cared what she wanted, they just wanted another clone.

Fred took a seat in one of the empty chairs and munched on a few other things, still wondering who had done the prank.

George had taken up chatting with a girl he'd come to fancy, so Fred left them alone.

He was actually going to do homework, just to keep his boredom away, but at the last minute, he decided to work on another new prank.

Maybe he would prank Dumbledore this time..
Severus said nothing, he only listened. "They have been good friends of mine for some time." He says once she had finished speaking, and he puts away his quill to look at her squarely, his eyes piercing, but somewhere in the darkness was a glint of care. "Though, I do not think you will be able to use your full potential if you join him." He didn't want to even say you know who seeing as the paintings around the room were known for eavesdropping. Severus, deciding that this predicament was quite awkward, continued to grade essays, his posture as good as ever and his head pointed straight at the papers. He didn't like the idea of eye contact for too long.

Finally deciding she was bored Josephine put away her papers, and walked downstairs, where she saw an assortment of her fellow Gryffindors. She didn't really have any friends, other than her rat, so she skipped out of the portrait and made her way towards the library. She decided that she wanted to study the silencing potion a bit more before putting her plan into action. She figured she'd spend the few minutes until dinner in the library, so that she wouldn't seem suspicious, then right before lunch starts she'll go to the twins' favorite spots ans spike the drinks.
"I don't believe in anything that he, or his followers, stand for, Sir." She replied, looking at him straight on.

Her own green eyes met his dark inky ones, and she blushed, realizing she'd never really made eye contact with him before.

And then he turned away, obviously feeling awkward with their eye contact.

Atropa felt embarrassed, and turned back to her own papers, grading the new few in silence.

She would never join the Dark Lord. Not even if they threatened to kill her. It was a real possibility, but she would honestly die before becoming a Death Eater.

Fred yawned, wondering if he had time for a nap before lunch.

"Wake me up when you go off to lunch." He told George, closing his eyes and sitting back in the chair.


It seemed like only minutes later when George was shaking him awake, and the two of them were going to lunch.

Meals were Fred's favorite part of the day, honestly, and he always looked forward to them.

Smiling as they made their way to the Gryffindor table, Fred took a seat and began to load up his plate, piling it all high.
(I'm on mobile so I can't change the color of the text)

Severus nods in agreement to Atropa as he rubs his hands together. Lunch was soon, and part of him wanted to skip it but the other part wanted him to go so he'd get out of this awkward position. Standing up he cleared his throat. "I believe it is time for lunch." He says simply before straightening his posture and walking out of his classroom. Normally he wouldn't leave a student in his classroom by themselves but he knew that he could trust Atropa not to meddle with things. On his way to lunch Severus sneered at his passerby and scoffed at the students who held hands or kissed in the hallway. 'Love' was disgusting to Severus, mostly because he had never experienced it. He had been in love before, but she never returned the feeling.


Josephine slammed her book closed and ran towards the Great Hall, she was running late and people had already filed by into the large room. Luckily the twins were not there, so she pulled the vile from her robes and put only a few drops in both of their cups, knowing that when the cups fill up it will automatically mix together. Feeling accomplished Josephine sat down and enjoyed her meal, watching from the corner of her eye as the Weasley twins walked in, not suspecting a thing. It was then that she remembered the note, so she pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill and scribbled something down "You can't speak. No worries, it isn't permanent, but who has done this to you? Who do you know that you've never heard speak? Who would know how to mix a metamorphmigus potion? Figure it out."
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