Opinion Uncultured swine? Idk


It's okay to have preferences. It's okay to not like politics and talking in movies. Not everybody is into political dramas, I get that.

So I kind of want to ask a question. Was Star Wars MEANT to be have lots of talking and political drama? I always thought that's kind of what it was. I was always under the impression that anyone who was watching it would know that this was a movie series that was more complex than just pew pew lazurs.

Maybe everybody expected more WAR in it? Not a ridiculous thing to ask for I guess. Maybe people just watch the prequels before they watch the original 3? Idk.

But if you look at the original 3, it's very multifaceted. It's not JUST wars. It's philosophy, family, it's more than just war.

And for that reason it gets on my nerves hearing people talk about how they didn't like Star Wars because there was too much talking. They say it was boring. Not enough action.

I try to not judge them too much. I don't like seeming like a pretentious snob just because I happen to personally LIKE the politics. I try not to kid myself in thinking their inability to appreciate political intrigue makes them so unsophisticated. But it's hard. To not think lesser of those that don't seem to like the same things you like.

But yeah. I try not to. But I hate hearing when people say they didn't like it because there's too much talking and dialogue. I find it so unsophisticated that they think anything without explosions is boring. Partially because I thought they kind of knew the space opera was MEANT to be like that. MORE than just action. I just find it hard to stand these people bitching about too much talking.
Well, it's a mainstream thing and let's just say the people currently handling it aren't quite known for being the most suited for handling complex themes like politics. The art of sublety (sorry if I'm misspelling) is a bit lost in many movies, and when we're talking about this huge franchise most people don't really expect it to be deep, they expect to be pulled in by the sheer emotion. The two aren't mutually exclusive by any means, but pacing issues can really bang on the experience of the common viewer.
Oh wow! You guys are active! So you like the political stuff, and all that, right? I like the romance story behind it, you know? Like, Anakin loved Padmé, which was cute. But, she dies, and so he turns to the dark side. Its touching.
Oh wow! You guys are active! So you like the political stuff, and all that, right? I like the romance story behind it, you know? Like, Anakin loved Padmé, which was cute. But, she dies, and so he turns to the dark side. Its touching.
Oh I never actually watched Star Wars sorry to disappoint. I just commented on the general theme of this thread
I've never seen Star Wars, and please forgive me if I sound harsh, but it sounds like this is your problem, not theirs. Most media has many layers to it and especially with popular media, people enjoy it (or don't) for all different reasons and in all different ways.

Now I'm totally guilty of superiority complexes about other things myself and I'm still working on it (especially with anything having to do with literature and writing - whew, I'm awful). My advice is examine why it's so important to you that people appreciate the same things you do. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink - people are either going to appreciate something or they won't and you can't make them do either. Chances are, they appreciate something that you don't and they might think you inferior for it, too.

It's wonderful that you can so fully see and understand how multifaceted this franchise is, but you have to learn to let people enjoy things the way they want to. They're completely entitled to it and it's none of your business. Also though, try to find likeminded people with whom you can discuss the depth that other people don't care for - having that outlet to discuss it at length might also help you feel better and let off some steam, so to speak.
I'll just throw this here:

Star wars is just a major cash cow/franchise zombie it's not even funny, like jesus, disney really wants to milk every last bit of money from people by throwing one star wars after the other with even worst plots (imo), honestly started to get bland after Revenge of the Sith released in 2005.

Guess that was my rant of the day...
I'll just throw this here:

Star wars is just a major cash cow/franchise zombie it's not even funny, like jesus, disney really wants to milk every last bit of money from people by throwing one star wars after the other with even worst plots (imo), honestly started to get bland after Revenge of the Sith released in 2005.

Guess that was my rant of the day...
I disagree, I find those facts can be hilarious
While Star Wars was originally about the lore, politics, conversation and such, that was a very different era of filmmaking too. A lot of people expect action and special effects now, perhaps because other movies do it and because the technology is there. The reality is it's neither sophisticated to like plot or unsophisticated not to - films are a form of entertainment and people who enjoy straight-forward films may be cultured elsewhere. Realistically, it's just about taste, and most people seem to watch movies for thrills more than plot these days - that can be highlighted often in damning critical reviews (which look at plot) yet successful productions (because not everyone cares about plot).
•Last Jedi is terrible

•Force Awakens is 7/10 popcorn film but shouldn't be canon

•Prequels are great

•Clone Wars 2003 & 2008 series are required viewing

•Nothing needed to say about the Original Trilogy, timeless
There were a lot of problems with TLJ but having more going on than people shooting each other wasn't one of them. Despite these problems, I still enjoyed it a lot, especially compared to the last movies I've seen in a theatre.

Part of it is probably just having different tastes. Liking action vs political themes for example. The other part of it is really unfortunate, but I've seen people get mad at "political messages" that literally don't exist. Like, for example, people thinking the whole movie is somehow "femininazi" propaganda because the lead is a female. Or thinking that its racist because non-white characters have realistic flaws. Neither of which is true.

Was star wars MEANT to have politics and talking? I don't think you can really say any piece of media is meant to have something or not? It is what it is. I guess a better question is whether or not having politics improves anything, or if it would be better without them, or if it contributes to the themes/message/point of the movie, etc.

I watched the original 6 all again like a year or two ago and there was certainly a good amount of politics in them, and missing out on some of the dialogue because the site I used didn't have cc definitely made the movies significantly harder to follow and enjoy at times. Characters should have motivations beyond just "oh im evil so i do bad things" and "this is good to do and im 100% good thats it," otherwise that's just lazy, boring writing.
•Last Jedi is terrible

•Force Awakens is 7/10 popcorn film but shouldn't be canon

•Prequels are great

•Clone Wars 2003 & 2008 series are required viewing

•Nothing needed to say about the Original Trilogy, timeless


I honestly don't remember the main characters name in The Force Awakens, is that bad? The Jedi stormtrooper motherfucker from the start, i don't think they mentioned his name once, tbh.

I honestly don't remember the main characters name in The Force Awakens, is that bad? The Jedi stormtrooper motherfucker from the start, i don't think they mentioned his name once, tbh.

Main charie's name is Rey, who's pretty much a full-on Mary Sue character at this point.

One of the few interesting characters from TFA was Finn (FN-2187), the defective Stormtrooper, but any character arc he could have had was butchered beyond repair in The Last Jedi. Kylo Ren is just about the only one that might be interesting to watch in Episode IX.

I say that I'm not going to see any more Disney!Star Wars flicks, but I have to see how this sequel trilogy ends so i can give my final thoughts on it. So far, the prequel movies are looking like the magnum opus compared to this new trilogy, in my opinion.

adrian_ adrian_

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