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Fantasy Unbound Magic and Unshackled Demons


sʇɐq ןooɔ ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ƃuıƃuɐɥ


England, the year is 1863.
The empire is thriving under the rule of the royal families as they strive to extend the reach of their power over the globe. London has become the most powerful, greatest city in the entire world as nobody seems to realize the true reason for the empire's supremacy.

Unknown to the public, nor most of the empire's enemies, wizardry forms the backbone of the British Empire's strength.
Magicians, Wizards, Sorcerers, Witches and Warlocks, their dominion over the entities of the Otherworlds is the source of their magic.

The Otherworld.
A nexus of realms that lie between dimensions, the oh so fabled fifth one that does not follow the rules humans try to explain their world with.
It is a place of primal magic, of entities that exist beyond human comprehension and are foreign to this world.

Yet when summoned to the mortal realm they are given form and imposed with the laws of nature.
They are raw magic, and the servants of Magi, providing them with the strength to achieve the unthinkable, to be able to perform inhuman feats.

But magic is not only a tool, a wonderful art, but also a weapon.
And one the royalty deems too important to be performed by everyone with the power and will to do so...

And as their grip on the world grows, so does theirs around the neck of the common magicians who strive to better the world from within.

For the royalties will try to bring magic, and the beings they enslave to their will, under their control to hold the monopoly of power for the sole purpose of complete dominion.

But Magic has to be free, and in the bowels of the British society, something stirs.
Resistance against the yoke of the oppressor, aided by those summoned spirits that would not see the royals enslave more of their kin...
An uneasy alliance between masters and slaves..

Name: Ushina Sombra
Aliases: Ushi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Shadow or Ashlock
Class: Martial arts, Dark Mage

Sexuality: Straight
High Concept: She's Joyous and has a strong intellect yet, can be too honest and expresses herself too much.
Character Alignment: True Neutral
Bio: Ushina was born from the isolated tribe of the "shadows". These demons were really defensive, in fact, that was why they were caught in the war circle.
everything they would have done, the "pure" tribes would judge them and attack there homes taking their children and brainwashing them until they thought they were part
of their own. Ushina, was part of those kids but later ran off because an elder told her the truth. Now she travels the lands with her leaving her own past a mystery.

Appearance: You could see Ushina like if she was a one-way mirror. The strange girl sees her self as solid but the people around see her as a ghost-like figure.
Weapons & Armor: Kusarigama, The Scriptures With no Light (it's a book of dark magic belonging to the tribe), and two small katanas.
Items & Personal Belongings: Books, scrolls, spells, kusarigama,
Skills & Abilities: persuasive flirtatious soft voice, thieving, assassinating.
Spells & Magic: Sound of Swift wind- Launches her up words achieving great heights
Tune of the Weak- she hums a tune that reminds you of your most horrid of days.(she gets affected as well)
Internal Flame- a strong rath of flames that burns you from the inside (doesn't affect her since she isn't flammable)
Song of healing- Slowly heals the selected peer. A story was once told a Hero from a land afar used it.

Weaknesses: people Reminding herself of her past, Light/holy magic (yet she uses it herself), Intensive amount of sun.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Target training, Horse riding, running across rooftops, sneaking into buildings.
Quote\s: "We're supposed to aim for the guy, not the lamb? Awe... are you jealous that you kinda' look like a lamb yourself? You kind of look like a lamb ornament melting!"
Other: knows how to ride a horse and is teaching herself how to play the harp.

I'm really interested! Can't wait for it to start!
Ushi Ushi Glad you're excited, I would prefer you altered your CS to fit the sheet I put up though, plus this is kind of an Interest check so it doesn't really belong here either :P

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