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Fantasy Umbrage Asylum for the Insane

(i agree Belphegor needs a bit more debuff

In french class so if i switch language give me minute xD )
(Its kinda of a problem that the patients have no serious reason to affiliate themselves with the students in the rp, also laney PLEASE POST so we can get it going. Me rping>)
(Yo guys go to the OOC. And we shall finish discussing. We'll give the others a heart attack if they see more pages)
At this time in the morning, the asylum was usually quiet, the nurses moving from room to room, checking on each patient, making sure they were given their medication to keep them and their powers subdued while they slept, but it wasn't like that today. There was a charge of anxiety and uncertainty in the air as the nurses moved about quickly to and fro from room to room. And this only ever happened on visitation day. A day where students interested in becoming psychologists and exploring workings of the mind came to explore the facility that had state of the art equipment and was known for its new treatments and techniques in helping its patients. Or at least that was what all the papers said. The Dr. Drakos was on the verge of discovering and accomplishing something that no one has even begun to see before. What they didn't know is that he had already managed just that feet, but the man couldn't stop playing God and wanted more, and visitation days meant new minds and new ideas along with potential employees and he looked forward to the new stock.

Umbrage Asylum is a large, white building on the outskirts of a city, surrounded by a 9 ft metal fence. It appeared to be two stories with few windows, and if there was any windows, they were all barred with iron to ensure no one escapes. But that was just the outside. Once you entered, you'd be greeted by the receptionist and searched, before allowed to sign in and talk with either Dr. Drakos himself, or one of the nurses, or other doctors that worked there. At the end of the lobby there is a door that you can only get through with a key card and beyond that there is a two elevators facing each other and halls that lead to the offices and the files of all patients and events that have taken place. The aluminum tile is white and almost blinding under the fluorescent lights. On these kinds days, students only ever visit the first floor and second floor, which houses a few patients, they are hardly ever shown, the sub levels, the levels that no outsider knows about That's where they have the dangerous ones, the constantly medicated patients who are a harm to others and themselves. The layout of the floors are all the same with a nurses' station in the middle of the hall and the rooms on either side of it, excluding sub level two. Where it is indeed the same there are also extra rooms where surgeries and experiments take place. Its the level all patients hate.

Iris let out a soft almost, psychotic giggle as she finished slipping into the scrubs of the nurse she had been impersonating the past two days. The lady looked very similar to the doctor's daughter, almost like an older version of herself, it was uncanny, but useful in the young woman's plan. Th nurse, Holly, had been the only one there when Iris had one of her psychotic outbursts, and the girl had easily over powered her, since nurse Holly was scared of harming the daughter of the prestigious doctor. She rolled her eyes and she pulled up her hair, imitating the nurse's style and look as she had the previous days. She held the card key in her hand and exited the room, pushing the glasses on her nose, up so they covered her eyes a little more. Now why would an experiment pose as a nurse and plan a mass wide escape and possible massacre? It was simple really. Underneath her compliant and submissive exterior, Iris was angry and full of hate. She loved her father, sure, on some level, but that didn't stop the loathing for everything she went through. But Dr. Drakos had conditioned her to obey and not have much of a mind of her own and it worked... Until her psychotic episodes started happening and her suppressed emotions and desires began to show through them. She wanted of this hateful place, and the only way to do that, was to rile things up, let a few experiments loose and then she'd get out for a while. She'd round them all up and return as she is suppose to.

No, we'll leave and forget this place. Who cares what the others do? Dad wouldn't like that. He isn't going to like this. We should stop. I'm fine with being here. No you aren't! We're leaving, even if you are just going to return to this horrendous place. I can still change your mind.

She shook her head and pulled her card key out to swipe it at the staircase. She entered and went up one level to Sub Level one, she peered around and moved towards the patient rooms. It was nearing 8 o' clock. Time for meds. Only the patients hadn't been getting their usual dose of medications for the past 8 hours, which would mean they should be feeling a little more lucid than usual. Well they hadn't been getting their power suppressant med that is, just a fake. There was no way she could have stopped giving the sedatives, but now she didn't have to. It would take a while, probably well into the tour and visitation would they get some feeling and be able to stand and cause havoc. That was what she was looking forward to. She slipped past the nurses, swiping a few more key cards and pocketed them. She then moved to one room and while no one was looking she opened the door and slipped a card inside. She did this with another door. She left not too long after that. She couldn't risk visiting level 2, not with her father up there. So she returned to sub level 2 changed back into her clothes and walked rather slowly to the clinical lab, just before they entered to draw her blood for the new round suppressants they'd be making for the day.

Christian laid in a bright room, lights shining everywhere , his room made especially for him. All of it was a blinding white, the florescent lights bright and blinding. There was no shadow to be seen, lights having been placed under the bed and any other object in the room. Not that he could make a shadow himself since he was being restrained and was tied down to the bed. His eyes were closed tightly to the annoying light, but his eyelids still glowed red. He couldn't stand the light, it hurt him, made him feel nauseous almost, weak. He could feel his drugs ebbing away, not that it did much good, since he knew the nurse would be coming for him soon.But it was weird that he had felt the ties to his shadows stronger than usual, even if there was none in his room. Maybe they were getting lazy, but that didn't fit right. He cursed tiredly under his breath. He hated the light, he hated them. Period. He needed his shadows. He pulled weakly against his restraints, knowing it was useless. After he had harmed a nurse, torturing her, they had taken away all the darkness in his room, and tied him down to be sure he didn't try anything. He nearly growled, somehow knowing they were peering at him through the window in his door. He heard the door open and something scrape across the floor and then the door closed. He frowned, his lethargic mind not quite understanding what was happening, or about to happen today.

"Please follow me, and do not wander off," one of the nurses cooed to the students as she walked down the hallway with the small group of kids behind her. Honestly, she wasn't sure why the director had allowed for students to be allowed into the asylum. Of course, it was for educational reasons, but that didn't mean she was very fond of it. Something inside of her, perhaps intuition, was telling her that something wasn't right. That something was bound to go wrong, and she wasn't sure what it was. That worried her the most. She swiped her card at the elevator and took them to level 2, to show them around and answer their questions.

Scarlett's emerald gaze could be seen darting from one thing to the next behind her glasses, taking everything in and trying to commit it to memory, when she knew she would probably forget it if she didn't force herself to remember it. She held her notebook in one peaches and cream complected hand and a black gel pen in the other, a few ink marks could be seen marring her skin from where her hand had accidentally smeared the ink. Her dirty blonde hair was off to the side in a french braid and she pulled her black over sized jacket, closer around her body, covering up the professional, casual clothes underneath. The place was freezing, a reason why she wasn't particularly inclined towards hospitals or other medical facilities since she got cold easily, but sadly she couldn't help but be drawn to that field, hence why she always had a jacket with her, even if it was thin and provided limited protection against the cool air that prevented the spread of bacteria. She stayed near the front of the group, her ears, reluctantly, picking up every noise imaginable, the air coming through the vents, the whispering of the students behind her, the click and tap of shoes against the tile, it was distracting and even if she had taken her medication this morning, it couldn't completely block off the sounds that her ADD allowed her to hear. She hid a grimace and directed her gaze to the nurse who was leading them around and speaking.

"This is Level 2, where we keep the more subdued patients." She told them enthusiastically. "They aren't much of a harm to themselves or others, so it's rare when we have to sedate them." She lied with a convincing smile and walked down the hall towards the nurse's station.

Irial and Rafe were kept in the same room, each on a twin bed, that was placed about three feet from each other. They were quiet, thoughtful, the air charged with unspoken tension and thoughts. They were restrained to their beds and blind folded so as to keep them from using their powers, even if the drugs weren't administered, something they found out to do when they were first taken in. Which happened to be Rafe's fault, but they didn't completely know that, as the facility wasn't quite sure who controlled which power and to what extent.


"I feel more aware too, Irial" He answered her before she asked.

"Hm... seems like something-"

"Interesting and possibly fun is about to happen."

"I can't wait" they said together with slow smiles.

Blair stays in the front of the tour group with a notebook in hand and a ratty old blue messenger bag slung on her shoulder that has shes been using since 6th grade. For the entirety of the tour so far she was been jotting down any notes she can about this facility. Over the length of the tour so far she has filled three college ruled sheets front and back in her small and neat handwriting as well as a highly detailed map of all that shes seen so far. When this is over she doesn't want to forget a single thing

Shes always has had a weird fascination with this building ever since she walked past it on the day to school when the car broke forcing her to walk the whole way from her family's small country home. After that day she couldn't stop thinking about the pristine white medical building. Once she found out about the tours here she couldn't help herself from signing up immediately. The possibility of a job just sweetened the deal, the thought of bringing good money back to her struggling family was all she could ever wish for. Shes been lightly shaking with excitement the whole way to the asylum.
Miki followed the nurse. It was like any other day for her, with a few exceptions. She always carried her bass around. She was a little odd today though. Normally, she'd be seen talking with all of her friends, but right now, she chose to stay silent and follow. She couldn't help but take everything she saw in, and then hold it there with some connection to music her mind would come up with. Her band was quite active, though wasn't exactly what one would call well-known. They play for the school and some small cafes, though that was about all they did.

Today was supposed to be Miki's band's day off. Regardless, she got a text asking her to go to where they'd practice at, in about two hours. She split off from the students without warning. On her way down the halls and towards the elevator they'd just used, she took note of the requirement for an ID card, making her wonder what to do for a while before getting an idea. She immediately pushed it away though, as it'd probably get her sent off to the government for experimentation or something.

Belphegor was laying in his bed. He was talking with the nurse who'd been taking care of him the past few weeks, and the conversation, however dark and dull, kept going on and on. It'd been almost two hours since the nurse'd started talking with him, and it was enough to draw out any information Belphegor'd need to know about the nurse, without the nurse even knowing he was gathering info. Belphegor decided to play one last card; he called the nurse over to his bed. Clearly, they'd taken safety measures to keep him from getting off of it, though he wouldn't get up anyways.

Belphegor had the nurse come close enough for him to whisper in her ear. He said a few words that left the nurse frozen in place for a moment; a moment, long enough to slip a kiss upon the nurse's lips. The nurse stumbled back. She wasn't sure what to do, making it clear to him, it was the young nurse's first real kiss. "Hey, if you don't mind... I'd like to be allowed to actually move... It'd make it a lot easier to kiss you again."

We would like some water. Would you please bring me and my friends some water? It would also be nice if you could allow me to get in my wheelchair, as my back is starting to hurt from sitting in this bed. Thank you in advance.

Yuri had her six puppets, nine if you include Nana, Maya, and Sera, all sitting in the room with her. The nurses would always be confused about a patient having been allowed visitors like Yuri has, but then when she would tell them that six are puppets made from living human beings, they would become grossed out, occasionally some puking. This lead to Yuri never having the same nurse for more than a few days, with the exception of one that had the luck of not finding out, going on two weeks now with Yuri.

Thank you, nurse. Kimiyo, would you be okay with pushing me today? It would make me extremely happy to have you push me. Do forgive me for asking so much of you. All of you are so kind. Oh, our water is here. Can you please bring me my cup, Makoto?

Yuri was allowed to get in her wheelchair. The nurse had to pick the small girl up and sit her in it, as she couldn't stand at all. The nurse was a kind person, who was oblivious to the fact of Yuri's friends all being puppets. "Would you like anything else...?" Makoto walked over to behind Yuri's wheelchair, helping Yuki hold and drink her glass of water as Kimiyo got ready to take Yuri through the halls.

Thank you for pushing me Kimiyo. Thank you for the cold water, nurse, and thank you for helping me drink it, Makoto. It really is nice to have such wonderful friends. Nana, would you like to sit on my lap?

Kimiyo began pushing Yuri slowly towards the door. The nurse opened it for them. They started to go down the halls slowly, and when asked if she wanted to sit in Yuri's lap, Nana sat with her. Yuri was hugging Nana, who was cutely curled up while sitting there. The girls eventually reached the area where the students were. Amaya went with the three of them, while Kiriyu, Makoto, Asuna, and Kotori stayed behind, as well as Maya and Sera.

They came to a slow stop near the students, Yuri looking around at them for a little while to see if anybody would take notice of her, hoping to make a new friend, not even consciously knowing that she would end up making her new friend a puppet like the other six.

Not a single person could tell that her puppets were puppets without being told, as six were still living bodies that breathed, ate, and drank, while the other three were made to feel too realistic, having materials that makes it feel like they have actual skin, bones, and even warmth and a pulse, though they weren't living beings.

Hello, my name is Yuri. I am one of the patients here. On my lap is my sister Nana. The girl pushing me around is Kimiyo, and the one here at my side is Amaya. The three of them don't talk much, as well as I have no use of my voice.
Yuri took immediate notice of Blair for some reason, having Kimiyo push her over there. She started to write down her words, being careful as to not let Nana fall off of her lap as she did so. She completed writing on her paper, and showed her message to Blair, hoping for a kind and friendly response. Amaya stood there, holding on to a glass of water for Yuri, while Kimiyo held the wheelchair in place and made sure that Nana didn't fall from Yuri's lap.

Would it be okay if you were to be our friend? It would make me and them happy. You see, we have six more friends back at my room, though it would be nice to have somebody else join us once in a while. So, would you like to become our friend? c:
Yuri held a friendly smile on her face the entire time, though wished she could actually speak with her own voice, rather than write down her words like she was so forced by her powers. Yuri's only conscious thoughts were about making a new friend, and about the number of people in the halls today, whereas they were usually empty. She had been told there would be people today by the nurse last night, though came out mainly because of her back being hurt from sitting in the bed.
Yawning, Aoi stood up. "Usagi, wake up!" She said, shaking Usagi who was asleep, and enjoying that sleep. "...Why..." Usagi mumbled, pulling her pillow to cover her head. "Just wake up! Students are here!" Aoi yelled, snatching the pillow from her friends grip. "Jeez, your too hard to deal with when you're sleeping. Hurry up or I'll leave you." Aoi said, and Usagi shot up. "Students?! Okay, I'm coming!" She said excitedly, maki Aoi excited as well.

The two girls were now in the hallway, walking around aimlessly. "Look! There's someone." Aoi said, pointing her finger to Blair, and it turns out she wasn't alone. The two friends walked up, and looked at all the faces. Letting out a sigh, Usagi faced the group. "I'm Usagi, and this is" "Aoi." This left an awkward silence, whil they were waiting for a response of some sort.
Blair turns to face Yuri and studies her head to toe. She quickly grows a soft spot for the small girl in the wheel chair, it must be horrible to not be able to run around and play.

She carefully reads over note and a faint friendly smile grows on her face before she speaks in a friendly yet shy tone "I would love to Yuri. I'm Blair, its nice to meet you." In the back of her head she cant help but wonder why shes in the asylum. There's nothing obviously off with her, she just seems like a normal girl in a wheelchair.

As soon as Aoi and Usagi join the group she goes silent and looks down at her black formal flats. Talking in front of one person was enough work, but three people at once was just too much for her. She wasn't a social butterfly by any means growing up and she knows it shows.
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yawning alexis wakes up and looks around. she noticed the kids were at her cell. and she hides under her bed covering herself with the blanket to make it seem like she left. waiting until they left.
Yuri smiled, looking extremely happy. Her stomach growled lightly. She asked for a glass of water earlier, but forgot to ask for some food. She looked slightly to her left at Amaya with eyes practically begging for food. Amaya gave a light nod as she handed Kimiyo the glass of water to hold on to for Yuri. She lowered her head to kiss her little sister on the forehead gently. Amaya returned moments layer with a few sandwhiches, in the shape of triangles and with the crust gone. Yuri lifted her head, Amaya feeding Yuri one of the sandwiches slowly.

Yuri looked back at Blair with a questioning and begging look. She could either be asking for Blair to feed her, or asking if Blair wanted one of the sandwiches with that expression, though was actually asking both. Yuri would be writing her words on the notebook they gave her to speak with, though her arms were busy holding the 'sleeping' Nana. Amaya watched Usagi and Aoi, as though to make sure they didn't do anything bad to Yuri and her new friend.

Miki decided to walk back to the group, where she found a cute girl in a wheelchair, a girl who she presumed to be shy, and two girls who seemed to be best friends, possibly sisters. She chose not to join them, as she believed she would be too hyper for the shy girl, could cause a few issues between the wheelchair girl and staying in the wheelchair, and then would bring about either two more people being hyper, or two people hating her for being so... disruptive. This was also a hospital, so she would have to control her hyperactive personality by avoiding such situations.
(im so confused when did everyone get out of their cell and just what) Standing next to a security worker inside the camera rooms "you don't think any of them could really do anything if they wanted to do you, since they are almost always under drugs we never really get anything to do"

notices that students are down in the sublevel and heads for the elevator. Going down the elevator "Its so annoying that you have to nag me so much about fun things alex, why dont we just kill someone, I can take the blow for you it will be fun, please" the elevator opens and I start to walk around making sure everything is okay for the students walking around down here. (btw Alex is kinda like someone that goes and catches patents so thats why he is in the security room and has access to the elevator, his alternate personality loves hurting people so much that she doesnt even want to leave)
Rose yawned and stretched, catlike in her movements, exposing sharp white teeth and pink gums. She shook her head, clearing her mind of a comfortable snooze, and opened her green eyes. She ran a hand through her thick black hair, standing, and going over to her cell door to determine the reason why her nap had been so rudely interrupted.

There were far more people than normal outside, she noted while resting her arms on the door, forehead pressed to the cool surface. School trip or something. Still sleepy, she just stared blankly at them. But a flicker of sadness went through her mind as she watched them. She was about their age. If she wasn't locked in an asylum, she would be out free in the world as well. Enjoying the high life.

"Freedom is taken for granted.." she muttered as she slid down to sit on the cold tiles, back resting against the door. 'But I wouldn't trade my powers for the world.' she thought, a small smile crossing her lips.

She was feeling more alert than usual. There was a stir in the air, a small thrill of excitement that she could sense. Maybe it was the students that had arrived? Or maybe it was something more? Maybe it was something to do with both? She had no idea. But she could sense it, and she shivered with anticipation.

((And guys, how are you getting out so soon?? I'm so confused! So does it mean that Rose is allowed out as well? I don't really want to just go and change all the rules in the asylum..))
(Yuri's on floor two, so she's allowed out when she's in a really good mood and not showin' signs of her insanity. Usagi and Aoi are also on floor two, or at least Aoi is. Kinda unsure if sub-level two characters are able to be out yet, but not really my call. Kinda the reason I don't have Belphegor out there.)
(Other patients would have to be allowed out by nurses. Its a high level security place trying to keep in kids with powers, they wouldn't let just anyone roam.

Sub level patients are never allowed out as they are deemed more dangerous and unstable. Not unless they are being transferred and are usually more sedated than the rest. Like Christian and the Twins.)
(I can play Miki for a lil' bit while Yuri waits for Blair.)


Tanshin said:
notices that students are down in the sublevel and heads for the elevator.
(Also, students are on floor two, not the sub-level, just to be clear with it.)

Miki looked around at the various students. She noticed one that was looking at everything and anything they could, so Miki approached them. The girl had long blonde hair, just like Miki, except Miki's was pure blonde, while the other girl had a dirty blonde. "Hi! I'm Miki!" She was holding one strap of the case her bass was in, looking around at everything quickly before returning to looking at Scarlett, awaiting response.

Meanwhile, Belphegor was getting quite far with seducing the nurse. Eventually, he managed to get the nurse to be willing almost anything that wouldn't make her lose her job. "How about... you let me go ahead and roam the halls for a while...? I can tell you've got some... people here..." The nurse hesitantly refused, actually thinking about letting him out.

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