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Fantasy Umbrage Asylum for the Insane

((Those emojis and gifs are the crowning achievement of the internet. And holy hell you guys are night owls *___*, ill be on for maybe and hour or two more but i'm having to prep for retakes and finals as well as some college visits so I'm going to //try// and be a little bit more responsible about my sleeping schedule. I'll be less active at night but day shouldn't be a problem))
((Had to read through 80-odd posts to get here '-.- Feels like I've just run a marathon...))
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(FIRST EXAM OVER!!!! WHOOOOOOO! Now I have time to reply before I get my next one... Well more like time to read)
(May the RP Gods be with you, I will be on for a while now since school is starting and is borring as fu (◕︵◕))
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(we gonna see what Laney is gonna do for the rp Im just not gonna do anything in it til she gets a word in and she just said she has some time so we will probably get a message from her to continue the rp or not)
(O_o it took twenty minutes but I have read everything. And dang... Okay. Let us see... Since it seems we have already killed people, that means things will be hitting the fan. I can either have Iris come out and start to try and round everyone up while they place the building on lock down, or attempt to, or we could technically restart the whole thing if that is what some people want? But we might not need to.. We kinda just need to get a little organized.

If we decide to have Iris start going after them, that means a lot more guards, a little more killing and eventually escaping. Iris is only one person if you think about it, against many so escape is possible. But that means patients freeing others as they try and not get hit by guards and reaching level 1.)
(Belphegor's unsure which side he'll be on. Probably with Iris. I have it where Belphegor's scheduled to be killed at the end of the day, so he'd do stuff to have fun before it happens, meaning can't easily choose a side.)
(Hm... well once my guy gets lose, it's going to be hell, and he can rush things along. And if they do escape, Belphegor can go with them to avoid getting killed, or they can say that if he captures any, he won't be killed... )
(Given he's willingly there, but at the same time... Well, shit doesn't matter to him, just as long as he can go back to being left alone xD )
(Bephegor will take that anger and wrath, using it as his own personal weapon to capture the escaping people. Once ya get the urge to kill Belphegor, it's all over for you, 'cause he'll let your urge to kill him run so wild, it destroys yer mind.)
(Yaaaas! I have no school today! Sadly I'm pretty sick, but I'll be on here for the time being because I'm so BORED.)

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