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Realistic or Modern Two Way Street (carter_ x Pandaskel)


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This bus ride is really starting to piss me off. How many fucking bumps could a road have? Normally I'd gaze out of a window, into the foreign scenery behind it, losing myself trying to absorb it all. I couldn't do that this time. I remember the last occasion I had a hard crush on someone. It was my freshman year and I just couldn't get my eyes off this girl. The way she just was. I was attracted to her like a bee to honey. I'd lusted for her in secret, talking to her only during Biology and after school. ThenΒ Β after many monologues with my bathroom mirror and finally got the guts to ask her out, she moved. I never knew where she went, but I knew she was gone. And I hated myself for not loving her enough to ask her in time. The girl beside me was like the girl I liked - if not loved four years ago. I was scared to meet her gaze. Scared to look out of the window and have her eyes meet mine. So instead I looked at the leather of the seat Infront of me. concentrating on all of its details. I count the minutes, the amount of times I hover over my seat and crash back down. If I wanted to go for a ride, I would've went to Six Flags. At least there's a better view over there. It won't be long until we're on campus, I hope. UGA was being nice to send buses our way for our first day. Never heard of that type of thing before. I tried to think of other things but all I could think about was how frizzy this girl's hair is. She occasionally moves, and the mass of cells glide closer to my face. Why can't I just tell her to move it? She's just a girl. I talk to myself quite a lot. Then I remember what happened the last time I didn't talk to a girl. You'd think with several relationships that I would be great conversing with women. Not really, since most of the girls I've dated came to me. I haven't asked out a girl since...well I can't even come to think of when. The only thing to close was my little love adventure as a freshman.
"Excuse me," I turn my head toward head toward her, feeling goosebumps as I do. "Could you move your,uh, hair please?"
I just realized I posted this on the wrong sub forum, my mistake.

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