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Fantasy Turmoil between the demons and angels


New Member
After a long hiatus I have returned!

I am 22F with a hankering for a very specific plot.

A bit about me plus a few rules and request first:

- no minors, preferably people around my age but at the very least 18+

- please please please be a female or fem aligning NB person, I have been burned and mildly traumatized in the past by wayyyy too many cis man roleplayers and I just won’t write with them anymore. So male writers, I’m sorry but please do not message me.

- I only play female mains for the most part however I am able to play male sides and other relevant male characters for the roleplay.

- I strongly prefer MxF pairings mostly because that’s what I’m most familiar with and the dynamic seems to work better, however, I am not necessarily against FxF pairings… but every time I have tried my hand at it, my partners character was, for lack of a better term, a dead fish. I do not want a FxF where my character constantly has to be the hero and your character always has to be a damsel in distress (yes, this also applies to my MxF pairings). I need things to be mutual, strong characters caring for each other, fighting for each other and saving one another whenever their lover is in peril- both pairs on each side getting wounded while the other tends to their partner. It should go both ways, both partners taking care of each other. If you can give me that, then I am ALL FOR a FxF! Bonus points if you have strong, tall, buff and intimidating female mains (although not a requirement, I’m just very gay for intimidating women.)

- please no one liners, I have the very in-depth idea for a roleplay and need players capable of multi-paragraphs. I write a minimum of 3-4 but usually way more if the rp is getting good.

- I am a sucker for enemies to lovers, fantasy political turmoil, and fantasy races at odds. I love forced proximity pairs too, especially when coupled with the enemies to lovers trope.

If you’ve managed to read that and are still up for the job, then here is a synopsis for the plot!

Angels and demons both exist within their own separate realms/dimensions, both beings use earth as a middle ground territory, living amongst humanity and trying to blend in. Angels are seen as ‘protectors’ over earth, and have been brainwashed to believe that demons are foul, vile creatures- pure evil to a biblical degree that need to be wiped from the earth. The angels have their own world and rules and hierarchy that I will leave to you, seeing as that I already have my own world of demons I have fully fleshed out- so you have full creative liberties over the angels other than the fact that they hate demons, and hunt demons- hence the plot. Demons, have their own realm as well with a controlling dictatorship many try to flee from, going to earth in hopes of a better life. Those who go learn quickly of the angels presence, and of the danger they pose. Many demons end up slaughtered, others fight back in return. The demons in Hel know nothing of what’s going on in earth, however they are irrelevant for now. That’s the basic setup, but your characters and my characters would meet, and would be at odd ends obviously, but something happens that draws the together, whether it be willingly or not is to be determined.
Now, I do not want this to be a love at first sight kinda deal. This needs to be a struggle, the angel characters having to undo the years of brainwashing all while dealing with the cognitive dissonance that everything they were taught was wrong, coupled with the demons they’re stuck with mistrust of them while they are forced to coexist together. Eventually, the group learns to trust one another, while friendship and romance eventually blooms despite the other struggles the group will face along the way. Naturally they will face hiccups in their relationships and setbacks too, it can’t all be easy.

This will be a very long, in depth plot. I have more information on it too, so please dm me if you’re interested and we can go from there!

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