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Fantasy Trulane - A Fantasy RP

Aludra had been prepared to attack, but now sheathed her dagger and put her shield back on her back. "Brutus? I assume he is your hound."
Ferron managed to get Brutus off and stood, patting his head. "More of a giant lapdog, but yes. I guess I missed his meal so he came looking for it."
"Smart dog. Is he going to be joining us?" Though she hid it, Aludra was nervous around dogs. Brutus seemed tame enough to be sure, but one could never be certain. But if Ferron wanted Brutus to come along, she wouldn't argue with it one bit.
"I suppose so, if that's alright with you." Ferron looked down at Brutus, who was now snarling at Aludra. He was bearing his teeth and looking her dead in the eyes. "Just pet him right on the head, and he'll love you. Promise."
Aludra glared right back at Brutus. "He can come along, but I will not pet a hound which snarls at me." She didn't want to put her hand near him while she could see his fangs.
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"I promise, he doesn't attack until I do." Ferron smiled softly, patting his head once, with Brutus relaxing until he pulled his hand away again. "He's just unsure if you're going to attack me. He's a complete sucker to being scratched."
"I suppose." Ferron said and began to walk, with Brutus staying close by his side, occasionally glancing up at Aludra. "Does he make you nervous?"
"Understandable." Ferron could tell she was, even though Aludra made it seem she wasn't. Almost everyone was somewhat paranoid around Brutus, considering he was absolutely huge, and rather mean when angry.
Aludra nodded and rested her hand on the hilt of her dagger simply out of comfort. She tried not to look at Brutus.
Eventually, as they walked, Ferron adressed the rather odd tension between his other two party members. "Just a single pat." He pleaded. Most of the reason was to make Aludra more comfortable, but a rather decent fraction was that he hoped Brutus would try and get Aludra to scratch his back instead of him. It could get rather annoying, considering he'd always want it.
Aludra stopped walking and sighed. "How can you guarantee he won't bite me?" The fact that she was hearing a grown and, from what she had seen, rather stoic man plead did strike a cord with her.... but the hound didn't like her.
"I'll literally give you my life." Ferron chuckled. "I'm so sure he won't bite you, that I'll give you every last drop of coin I have, all weapons I've forged and I'll freely let you kill me. That's how sure I am." Ferron motioned down to Brutus, he was sitting, but still rather feral looking towards Aludra.
Aludra looked at Ferron suspiciously, then hesitantly reached out to Brutus. Very slowly, she brought her hand to his head and lightly petted him.
Brutus growled when he was touched, but after about five seconds he began to breathe loudly and roll on the ground on his back, suddenly much more energetic and excited. "See? He's just a really big cuddle monster." Ferron chuckled.
Aludra had had to fight the instinct to pull away when he growled, and now held her hand to her chest. "He still growled at me, that isn't good."
Ferron chuckled. "Are you joking? Looking at him, I've never seen him tbis excited!" Brutus was practically running laps around aludra trying to get her to pet him more.
Aludra kept her hand to her cheat and just stared at Brutus. "Why is he like this? What does he want?" She figured he wanted affection, but she was still scared. She had been raised with wolfhounds in her household, but one bad enough experience was all it took.
"Just a bit of love is all." Ferron smiled softly. He stepped closer and began to scratch behind Brutus's ears, causing him to stop and enjoy being petted.
Brutus then turned to be closer to Aludra, panting loudly as he excitedly sat still, but eyeing Ferron and barking at him to pet him as well.
Aludra pulled her hand away at the first bark, then hesitantly returned to petting him, and even scratching behind his ear. The fur on his head was soft and velvety, and she seemed to start enjoying herself a bit.
Ferron smiled, seeing that Aludra wasn't being so shy now, and Brutus was obviously loving it. "I'm surprised, he really likes you."
"That's good. He seems like a kind hound." She continued petting him a bit more, then turned to Ferron. "We should continue on our walk, though. Can he hunt as we go and bring food back with him? It would be quite useful if we didn't have to stop to hunt."

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