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Dice Trial by Fire - Exalted 2e OOC

You found the cache and now have some goodies to pick from: 12 dots in Artifacts and 3 dots in Hearthstones. It looks like Aredin and Darian will be getting married to become the rulers of the new empire that they want to make.
Hi? I have zero idea what's going on now, but from the sound of things I don't think Feihan will belong in the game much longer.

It sounds like the rest of the party is jumping with both feet on a premise that I didn't sign up or make a character intending to play.
That is your choice, of course.
Yeah, I should bow out, then.

I didn't make Feihan for a kingmaker game or sin on wanting to play one in the first place (already have that niche covered by your other game, Sherwood,) and when I try to make a character work in games in which they no longer belong, it invariably ends up with me frustrated, bitter, and overall unhappy. I was hoping for an adventure story, not a Mandate game, hence making a straight up and down martial artist.

Best of luck, all.
Ok. If you change your mind, just let me know.

To revive a character who has no place in the game? I won't. I'll be mopey and unhappy about axing a character concept I'd been itching to try for ages, but if I tried to shove the square peg into the round hole I'd eventually end up properly angry about things and at people over stuff that's not anyone's fault. I'd rather skip that.

I'll get over it, since it's how about 80% of my Exalted characters end up.

Have fun, all.
I'm sorry that things came to this point of souring your experience. I hope your hard work on compiling the character doesn't go to waste, as I know how depressing having to miss out on a character you enjoy is. If there's an alternative direction we could take I'd be more than interested in seeing what alternatives you all have .-. I was hoping to get feedback quite some time ago on what folks wanted from this game to avoid such a scenario.
Ok, we are now looking at having a time jump to give you some prep time to begin setting up the ground work for your new kingdom. How long do you want to jump? Also, I would like a summary of what you are planning to have your characters to do during the intervening time. Finally, for those that are interested in detailing out their Manses, you may feel free to do so.
I can see us doing a year jump to get the ground level of our new territory established. I don't suppose that there were some Sky Mantis Towers in the tomb somewhere? Being able to make some more temperate weather in the middle of the desert would be good. Also, how large of a kingdom will we be talking about? Should we consider relocating our new capitol to a new spot? If so, where?
The location is up to you, but keep in mind you have to walk a careful tightrope of availability and security. If you are too easy to find, you'll be stomped out by the Wyld Hunt. Too hard to find and no one will come to you.
So many different places we could go and be far enough from the Realm to be safe enough to grow. I would think that taking over an established large city would be harder than making our own. What about hitting a smaller town, just to get some useful minions, then relocate our budding force to Rathess? As the ancient capitol of Creation, it would make for a good symbolic place to rebuild.
Conquering a location crossed my mind, though that would be the opposite of laying low. Still, Gem is a pretty appealing target. Otherwise setting up on a desirable resource would be ideal.
Gem, the Lap, Rathess, any of those would be interesting campaign ideas for me to use on you.
I miss the old Rathess game. Silly as that mess was about to get. Also gives us some infrastructure to swipe.
I personally like Rathess. It is a great location that can be a awesome campaign. But I will not tell you where to go; that is still up to you guys.
I like the march to Rathess idea when have a little experience with our first settlement or two behind us.
If that is the route you want to go with, I can have you set up in a small town in the south-east area. It would be simple enough to get one in the course of a year.
Lance doesn't have much to say on the location of our first settlement, so long as it has plenty of room to construct a library and school for sorcery. Beyond that, he's fine with whatever.
I'm sorry that things came to this point of souring your experience. I hope your hard work on compiling the character doesn't go to waste, as I know how depressing having to miss out on a character you enjoy is. If there's an alternative direction we could take I'd be more than interested in seeing what alternatives you all have .-. I was hoping to get feedback quite some time ago on what folks wanted from this game to avoid such a scenario.
I told you my feedback a month or two ago: slower pace than what it'd appeared to trend toward. I'm leaving half as an extension of having said that if it kept on that way I wouldn't be able to keep up, and half because unless I'm playing an Eclipse, I despise Glorious Solar Empire games. And even then I'd probably be aiming at tangential purposes to the group.

But then, I don't generally like Solars at all outside of adventure-type stories.

...if you did go with the Lap, I could maybe see a way Feihan could fit, but I worry it'd still have her running at cross-purposes. At the very least, it'd be a case where she'd not be inclined to up and leave the group. And any point where a character'd do that is when I realize that my character doesn't fit.

If you have any room for non-Solars, I could try to cogitate on something otherwise, I'll keep reading, but not a fit for the game.
Sorry about that!! I turned off my notifications for OOC chat so that I only get them for IC, and just check the OOC regularly to see what's going on, but something big came up this afternoon I had to unexpectedly deal with so I didn't see anything yet about the time jump. Now I'm free, and super excited to hear about the time jump plans and location ideas. Here's what I can quickly contribute:

- I am in agreement with Psychie Psychie that we should try to get a smaller town/settlement far from the Realm where we can start building relatively undisturbed (at least to start). Something in the South-East seems to be favorable amongst everyone, and the idea of using it as a staging point for a relocation to Rathess seems brilliant, as it taps into the symbolism of the old Ochre Fountain and provides a plethora of resources (both materials of past civilizations and potential shock troops and allies in the Dragon-Kings and their human subjects).

- In addition to the obvious benefits Rathess will eventually provide our Empire, using a small town as a staging point while our nation is still young will provide us a number of more mundane (but still useful) resources for growth, which I know Rykon Rykon is big on to boost our economy and birth our trade guilds. The trees themselves will provide lumber for weaponry and construction, while the non-poisonous plants and abundant wildlife could be used (though I imagine we'll need some ability + specialty help here) to provide food as our population grows. The East is the site of the most manses/demenses when compared to any other direction of Creation, so we'll likely have the potential for a great many manse construction sites to fuel the expansion of our Empire's infastructure (and create fortifications that can be treated as outer-reach redoubts later on after we relocate to Rathess). Lastly, the rivers themselves will be useful as long as we can tame the areas near our people and keep them relatively clear of monsters/evil things that would scare citizens away; this would provide us with nigh-unlimited water, and useful water-based trade routes for shipping our other resources to friendly nations to further encourage economic growth and incentivize the cultivation of allied nations.

- As was obvious from when I first spied this Exalted 2.5 game and asked to join, my favorite type of Exalts are Lunars. They may not be as puissant as Solars, but I'll be darned if that shapechanging ever gets old! ;) I was also fascinated with Exalted sorcery. So it should come as no surprise that I was always interested in was Raksi, the Queen of Mahalanka (First Age Sperimin). Being *somewhere* in the South-East *nearish* Rathess, I think that she could make an interesting nearby NPC to have to deal with (if not immediately, then certainly as we progress). Her First Age libraries and artifacts would easily add further legitimacy to our nation's ability to hold it's own (both militarily and politically), and specifically the Book of Three Circles would be a treasure to recover and extremely useful to one who studies sorcery such as Kwops Kwops and any students he may choose to take down the road. Raksi herself could make a neat foil to our empire I think (eh Sherwood Sherwood ?). She doesn't present an issue with one answer. She could be an ally (though horrific), an enemy (obvious why), or something inbetween perhaps vacillating depending on the situation. She is not allied with the Silver Pact and has no grand allegiance, but has the great personal power needed to protect her autonomy; could make her a neat recurrent villain who has actual good reasons to leave and return at later points, or an ally who we are uncomfortable working with and never quite sure of her loyalties.

- Ultimately, I like the idea of a Southeast town for build-up, and a move to Rathess later on as I think it provides us the building blocks we'll need to succeed, and comes with some really cool setting pieces to work with/against in the process. Was sagen Sie, meine Freunden?
I'm going to be honest, my favorites are Infernals. After them, I like the ideas of Lunars or Alchemicals second best. Then Sidereals, then ___bloods. Then Abyssals. Then baseline mortals. Then Solars.

EDIT: It is super hard to run Raksi right in accordance with the site rules here. Like, she's meant to be all kinds of wrong. By design.
EDIT: It is super hard to run Raksi right in accordance with the site rules here. Like, she's meant to be all kinds of wrong. By design.

You may be right; however, I think with a careful eye and enough forethought she could be done here, though I'll admit I don't speak from experience (as unfortunately I've never had the pleasure of incorporating her into one of my games, and have never run any game on this site). Obviously there are topics that would cross the line and would either have to be lightened or removed, but I think a lot of the behaviors that make her frightening could be tastefully alluded to well enough to get the idea across without spelling out the atrocities in graphic detail. I feel it comes down to our willingness to be mature about our RP while still obeying the stated rules; if we want our characters to be disgusted by something, then we'll RP it that way, even if we aren't getting a snapshot to work with.

And for encounters of a more sexual-nature, especially if they will involve violent behaviors, I've always been a big fan of the 'shut the door method.' Just knowing that 'something' bad happened and now after the fact your character is dealing with x, y, or z repercussions seems good enough to me. We won't ever be partial to the exact details of what happened 'behind the door,' but that's okay because I don't imagine we're rollplaying for that purpose in the first place.

All that being said, I'm not the storyteller so what I think on this doesn't really matter. I imagine she won't show up in this story anyways, so it's probably a moot point (I never get lucky enough for that to happen ;)), but if she does I think there are ways to show her evil side while still adhering to the rules and respecting each other enough to keep it from becoming uncomfortable for players.
I liked Lunars for a time, but the more of 2E that dripped into my soul, the more they started to feel intended for squick for the sake of it. Eventually the shenanigans of Sidereals won me over in a way, though there's only one real build concept I like to play for them. My issue with XP/BP shenanigans in the system was only exacerbated in the utter table flip that is Alchemicals to me. Perhaps I just failed to grasp what made it enjoyable, but aside from the setting of Autochthonia I've been put off immensely. Infernals are cool, but their background reeks of the same grade of wrong the writers like to paint obvious villains with and Abyssals as the Solars but edge lord thing never really sold me either... So Solars, Sidereals, and Dragon-Blooded are what's left on the table for me after all this time. Mortals seems like a waste, plenty of systems run normies better. Current favorite flavor is Cypher.

Also, Ich sage "Wir haben viel zu tun." So let's make it happen. MasterDAF MasterDAF
Personally, my favorite type of Exalt are the Lunars. I just love them. In fact, I have a all Lunar game in my pocket that I call Lunar Fury that I have run many times before that might be ready to come back out into the light.

Thief of Words Thief of Words , I don't want to ruin your Exalted experience with another game that falls short for you. Would you like to pull in a Lunar and continue in the game with a new character? One that would be built with the idea of nation building in mind? I'll have to provide you the list of Hardy Charms, and you would have your chance to start with extra points to put you in the same range of power as the rest of the Circle.

If you are not interested, I understand. I'll just make sure to tag you in my Lunar Fury game when I'm ready to post that one again. Hmmm. Now that I'm talking about it, the urge to pull that one out is growing in me. Might be happening sooner than later.

As far as posts of a more intimate nature, I also prefer the 'fade to black' method, just to make sure that there is no one getting offended by something in the game. I want to ensure that everyone is having a great time and not made to feel awkward or uncomfortable. If there is ever a time that someone crosses a line and you do feel uneasy with a more graphic post, let me know and I'll discuss it with the offending player(s) ASAP.

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