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Fandom Transgressions: Flight to Utopia [NOT ACCEPTING]

"Thanks!" Zenitsu replied as he took the sweets and followed.
Noctis and his friends were no stranger to technology as Lucis was similar to this world tech wise."Yeah,let's do so." Noctis replied. "I am Noctis Lucis Caelum,former 14th king of Lucis and now curent monarch of Utopia,this is my advisor,Ignis Scientia.I am confident we'll some kind of compromise and ease the tentions." he added.
“Let me make one thing clear in that regard, Your Majesty.” Philippa said, getting straight to the point. “You understand, of course, that I am in no position to speak on behalf of this assembly. I have the honor of representing the Taskforce Initiative before this esteemed body, but my official authority to negotiate any sort of ‘compromise’ ends there.”

With that settled, Philippa’s head turned ever so slightly in Phoenix Wright’s direction.

“Now then, to the matter at hand.” Philippa said matter-of-factly. “As you are all undoubtedly aware, Utopia stands accused of harboring members of the terrorist group that calls itself The Resistance. Said individuals are known to have committed despicable acts of violence against innocent citizens under the jurisdiction of the 120 Pact, and now use your territory as a safe haven to evade justice.”


“Utopia has already made clear that we will never support terrorism of any kind. And not once has the Taskforce ever shown any actual proof that any of our citizens or refugees have committed any crime whatsoever!” Wright objected. “The Taskforce, on the other hand, has been OPENLY discriminating against innocent otherworlders solely on the basis of their origins, and subjecting them to absurdly inhumane treatments that violate every United Nations convention in the book!”

“Those are serious accusations indeed, Minister Wright.” Philippa said, hints of a knowing smile creeping onto her face. “Fortunately an old friend of yours, one Miles Edgeworth, was generous enough to offer to observe the Taskforce’s detention facilities firsthand, after being so viciously betrayed by the Resistance. Surely he may be able to confirm or disprove your statement… provided, of course, you are willing to offer some form of compensation to the Taskforce for such a service.”
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"Alright,first,I am not aware of Resistance members taking refuge in Utopia."Noctis started. "And second,back home,I've dealt with a corrupt empire that took over my home kingdom and took the life of my father. The Taskforce is similar to them! If Edgeworth is here,bring him in and let him talk."
“I’m terribly sorry for what happened to your father and your kingdom, Your Majesty,” Philippa replied, though her tone didn’t soften in the slightest. “But it seems you did not hear what I just said. You will not have any sort of contact with Mr. Edgeworth or any other Taskforce detainee until adequate payment has been received.”

“What exactly are you asking for?” Wright asked, steeling himself for whatever the price would be.

“The price is fair, I assure you.” Philippa said plainly. “Mr. Edgeworth was recently allowed to enter our borders and inspect our facilities firsthand. I merely ask that you extend that same courtesy to us. Permit the Taskforce to enter Utopia’s borders and inspect your facilities firsthand, once for every visit that any Utopian wishes to make with any Taskforce detainee. That includes this proposed visit with Mr. Edgeworth, should you still be so inclined…” Her smile turned distinctly cruel. “…as well as a few certain other detainees who, according to my reports, have loved ones in Utopia who no doubt miss them terribly.”
"Your demands are granted." Noctis replied."On the condition that Taskforce members can fo their inspections unarmed. I will not fall for a setup twice." Ignis knew about what Noctis was talking about. The Niflheim empire invaded Insomnia while pretending to make to sign a peace treaty with them.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Back at the Taskforce 's prison facillity

The guards proceeded in connecting the cage to a nearby cell in front of Zenitsu's cell.
Zenitsu wasn't in his cell at the moment as he followed Phillipa and Edgeworth to the 120 meeting.

It was a good thing too,as the figure was a "familiar" figure that Zenitsu met without even knowing it.

Co Upper moon 6 of the twelve kizuki


Thought the co Upper moon 6 Daki,his sister was nowhere to be seen.
Gyutaro stared at the empty cell in front of him.
"Why do I get the feeling that a demon slayer was in thos cell in front of mine..." the demon said.

"You're not wrong about that Gyutaro..." said one of the guards who stayed after the other guards left with the empty crate. "There IS a demon slayer in the cell in front of yours. One you fought before too. But he's not here right now. Apparently, They want to bring him to the 120's meeting."
"A shame really...I would have love to read the despair in his eyes. Serve him right for killing me before!!!" Gyutaro replied."But then,why am I in this cell anyway,Doma?"

"Well,Lord Muzan helped us get inside this Taskforce by passing us as human benfactors from another world." Doma explained." He did this to find the blue spider lily in this new world appenrently and he had the Taskforce's scientist brought back the fallen Upper Moons."
"So that means Ume...I mean Daki..."
"Patience Gyutaro. Your sister will be brought back as well. Lord Muzan is using the Taskforce to reach our goals in this new world,including getting rid of the demon slayers."
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Boredom! That was the main thing Jinwoo felt being in this place. He knew why he was here, and what his mission was, but still being bored was the most troublesome part. Though he was only bored because he was playing the part of a normal human. A weak human to be more precise. Well, there was no reason to cry over spilt milk. He volunteered for this because there was no record of him in the taskforce data banks, and that gave him an edge.

He had his eyes closed and acted as if he was asleep when the guards brought a new person into the block. It seemed to be a man and he was quite smart. He even made it where the child was always crying and afraid of a more sensible person. He just listened to their conversation as the events took place.

Though his eyes opened when that Woman arrived. She made the hair on the back of his neck stand on edge, and he so wanted to see if she was strong enough to be a challenge. There are several in this facility that he wanted the chance to fight and see if they were going to be a challenge, but for now he just needed to play his part.

There had seemed to be a meeting planned to take place soon, and he knew that this was not going to be an ordinary meeting. Lucky for him he left Ignus with Noctis. He would protect the King without question. As the two men left, he placed a shadow warrior into each of their shadows. So, he would be able to keep track of them.

He closed his eyes again and watched what was going to be happening through the shadow eyes.

“Keep your voices down. People are trying to sleep!!”


The moment Noctis entered the room there was a black armored figure walking behind the group. He stayed fairly close to Noctis acting as a guard. However, he didn’t say a thing. It didn’t matter if he did speak. The people here wouldn’t be able to understand him anyway. He just stood there keeping his eyes on the woman that was addressing the young man.

They may have been online holograms, but it could still be a dangerous situation. So, Ignus just watched and waited.
Taskforce prison facillity, level 10
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Doma( Upper Moon2) still disguised as a guard and the imprisoned Gyutaro turned to find the voice who asked them to be quiet.
"Something wrong for how loud we are?" Gyutaro hissed. " I bet you have a loving familly...a roof on your head and three meals a day... If that's the case I hate you!!!"
"Sorry about Gy...Inmate 2154...He's a grumpy demon..." Doma interupted. " His bark is worse then his bite!" he said while trying to find the owner of the voice.
Gyutaro gave a passive glare toward Doma.
120 reunion
Ignis noticed the armored figure and nodded to him."Glad you were able to come." he said.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Philippa Eilhart's Laboratory

Philippa's megascope crackled and glowed with power as she channeled her magic through the device, projecting a holographic image of herself into the Virtual Meeting Hall. King Noctis and his entourage, in turn, appeared before her as silver projections. Mounted above the megascope was a screen that would show if any of the 120 heads of state were speaking, but for now it showed tiny images of all 120 of them simultaneously. Standing on her left, just out of range of the megascope, were Philippa's two "guests" along with four soldiers made entirely of what looked like liquid steel: an innovative blend of Professor Hojo's science and Philippa's magic. Two of these steel soldiers stood on either side of Prosecutor Edgeworth, their metallic hands shaped into shackles around Edgeworth's elbows to more effectively hold him in place, while the "hands" around his wrists were fused behind him to secure his hands behind his back. And on Philippa's orders, the other two steel soldiers had moved to try to place dimeritium shackles on Zenitsu before attempting to restrain him any further. After sensing the raw power within the boy, Philippa was not about to take any chances on him.

In any event, King Noctis had made one other request, so now it was time to grant it.

"As you wish, Your Majesty. I shall personally see to it that no weapons enter your borders." Philippa said to the projected image of the king. "As to your 'other' request..."

Philippa trailed off, motioning to the two steel soldiers holding Edgeworth. The two steel soldiers understood the command and pushed Edgeworth forward, barely giving him enough time to straighten himself up as he was pushed into the range of the megascope.

Pact of 120 Monument
Virtual Meeting Hall

Wright forced himself to stay calm as his old friend was frog-marched into view by two faceless guards. The way they were holding Edgeworth all but confirmed that he was indeed a prisoner; even some of the heads of state seemed none too pleased with the apparent contradiction with the Taskforce's official narrative. But at least it looked like he hadn't been hurt, which reassured Wright enough to stay composed for now.

Edgeworth also kept calm, but turned a wary eye toward Philippa, who reached toward his head and smirked slightly as he pulled away.

"Forgive me... Mr. Edgeworth seems to have forgotten his manners." Philippa said, withdrawing from Edgeworth's side for now. "Regardless, here he stands per your request, Your Majesty, and you may ask of him what you will."
Taskforce facillity, Phillipa's lab
Zenitsu could only watch what was going on,as he was retrsined in shackles and strange steel soldiers watched after him. This advanced tech was foreigh to him do he was culture shocked. He coudn't escape right now. All he could do is watch and hope that this King Noctis does something for him,Nezuko,Edgeworth and the other otherworlder prisonners.
Pact of 120 monument
Virtual meeting hall
"Hi....Mr Edgeworth." Let just say Noctis lacked formalities despite being royalty.:Yeah,it's nice to meet you. I suppose you're okay with visiting Utopia. It's a nice place you know." Ignis sweatdropped. Noctis had abit of difficulties on...talking.
"Well...I hope we can come to a agreement on...well..." Noctis added.
Zenitsu sweetdropped. The king of Utopia is laybacked and clumsy? He reminded him of the Mist hashira,Muichiro Tokito.
Sung kept his eyes shut as he just sighed. Shaking his head he opened his eyes and looked to the bars. He got up off the cot that was in his cell and walked to the bars. He looked at both of them as he yawned.

“Yes I have a problem with loud mouthed creatures.” He said looking into the cell at the strange looking creature within. He stuck his arms through the bars, and just let them hang. Off the center bar. He smiled as he watched the other prisoner stare him down.

“I have a family, but thank god they aren't stuck in this hell of a place. As for you. Hate me all you want. At least I am not in the same kind of cage you are. If I am right they consider you a level 10 threat being in a cell like that. I am just a normal person. At least I am not treated like a freak, Demon” He said with a smile as he shrugged his shoulder at the guard.

As he was talking he watched through the shadows and saw that the two that left were now being held by some weird kind of metal creature. It almost looked like it fused with them. He did wonder what kind of creature they were?

He almost face planned when he heard the young king speak. It was like all of his reagelness he was showing went out the window, and he became a stumbling fool. It was almost embarrassing. He may not be the most articulate but at least he had some foresight.


Igris looked to Ignus and nodded his head. He had been ordered to treat these two like he would his Monarch. So, he would do what his lord commanded.
Pact of 120 Monument
Virtual Meeting Hall

Philippa kept a stoic poker face as the King of Utopia awkwardly spoke to Prosecutor Edgeworth. The latter was clearly of lower rank, yet the former addressed him with all the social graces of a servant who'd just spilled wine on his master's finest tunic. Even some of the 120 heads of state were discreetly snickering to themselves at the whole pitiful display. Obviously Philippa knew better than to underestimate the young man, but that one exchange spoke volumes to her about the sort of ruler this man was: a typical idealist who actually believes in all the customary blather about the idea of equality, which other kings would at most only pretend to like.

No matter. She had successfully dealt with far less immature rulers over the years, and thus far she had little reason to believe that this one would be any more of a challenge to her.

Edgeworth, meanwhile, cast another suspicious glare in Philippa's direction. Negotiating a basic exchange of information with no real strings attached was hardly her style. She was undoubtedly planning something... and one noteworthy omission on her part just might hold a clue as to what.

"Before you agree to anything, Your Majesty, there is one thing you should know." Edgeworth said, carefully choosing his next words. "The Taskforce's recruits include many beings with supernatural powers. Ms. Eilhart, for instance, is a powerful sorceress."

Philippa realized what Edgeworth was getting at and whispered an incantation that caused Edgeworth and his two guards to vanish from sight. But as Minister Wright's eyes widened, she realized that the damage was done.

"No weapons will enter your borders..." Wright said, paraphrasing Philippa's earlier assurances as he turned to face Noctis. "But they don't need weapons to stage an attack! It's a trap!"

With those words, all 120 heads of state were in an uproar, some quicker than others to deny any knowledge of the attempted set-up. During the confusion, Philippa momentarily vanished as well.

Taskforce Prison Facility
Philippa Eilhart's Laboratory

"The Taskforce's recruits include many beings with supernatural powers. Ms. Eilhart, for instance, is a powerful sorceress."

The moment she heard those words, Philippa's composure faltered for a split second. She should have known that Edgeworth would seize even the smallest opportunity to foil her efforts. All she could do for now was stop him from causing any further trouble, and so she quickly cast a spell to teleport him and his guards to a certain other level of the Taskforce prison. Minister Wright began speaking next, but Philippa could not be distracted now, so she stepped out of range of the megascope for a moment and turned her focus to Zenitsu next.

"Secure him in the holding cell, and fetch the one called Nezuko from Professor Hojo. The Mejai can hold her easily enough." Philippa ordered the steel soldiers, who proceeded to open a secret door to a holding cell and push Zenitsu inside. Once Zenitsu was locked inside, the two steel soldiers left the chamber.

"You and Edgeworth have forged quite a bond in your short time together." Philippa said, peering through the bars at Zenitsu. "If you value his life and Nezuko's, you would be wise not to provoke me. Now hold out your hands, and I'll remove the dimeritium shackles."
Taskforce prison facillity
Level 10 prison cells
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Hearing the human talk about his family made Gyutaro even more angry . The demon scratched his face,mutilating himself in the process. It didn't matter anyway as his self inflected wounds healed instantly because of his demonic blood.
"You don't know what it's like to grow up without any love and be treated like trash even by your own mother...You don't know how it's like to have the only being you care about being taken from you...You....you are unforgivable!!!"
"Behave Gyutaro!" Doma said to his protége." Remember...Hojo will bring back your sister!"
"Fine..." Gyutaro hissed.
Phillipa's lab.
Zenitsu nodded nervously to Phillipa. He was scared of her. He raised his hands. " Please don't hurt her!" he cried.
120 monument
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

"Man...this is Niflheim all over again..." Noctis replied. " I'll add another condition. If you do send super powered beings,have them wear some kind of anti magic device or something." he added. "Also..."
"Let me in!" A young voice cried from outside the chamber.

"Bringing him wasn't a good idea..." Ignis whispered to Noctis. Noctis sighed. " Ubuyashiki wanted us to bring him." Noctis replied as the doors burst open. A 15 year old young man with reddish brown hair,brown eyes,a scar on his forehead and wearing the Demon Slayer Corps uniform under a green and black square pattern haori stormed inside the room in panic.
He stopped near Noctis and bowed desperatetly in front of the holograms and screens.
"My name is Tanjiro Kamado, kinoe rank of the Demon Slayer Corps. Your Taskforce is holding my sister Nezuko Kamado and my best friend Zenitsu Agatsuma,prisoners! I beg you to let them go!"

"Tanj,we're working on it...no need to make a scene..." Noctis whispered.
Zenitsu noticed the familiar figure that bursted in the hologram. " Tanjiro!!!" He screams,crying.
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Level 10 prison cells

Sung Just stared at the demon as he threw his little tantrum. Granted he didn’t know what it was like to have his family hate him, but he did understand loss. His Father had supposedly died in a dungeon when it closed before he could get out. Then the Rulers found him and were going to use his father to kill him because he had been chosen by Ashborn. Then he died to protect him as he was reviving after his death. Becoming who he is today.

“Those damn Monarchs!” Sung said under his breath as he shook his head and looked at the demon. “I know of loss, but not hate. So, grow a set and stop moping. You should have protected your family with your life. If you didn’t give it your all, then you shouldn't complain.” He said as Igris contacted him about the proceedings, and what had just happened.

Keeping his cool, and not showing what he was thinking or planning he connected with the shadow he placed on Edgeworth. They were in a different location in the prison. He decided to split his attention to try and get all of the information that he needed. He was told to wait for orders, but if the situation called for it, he would act beforehand. This was because he could tell that Wright, and Edgeworth looked to be friends, and he wouldn’t let anything happen to Wright's friend.

Turning his attention back to the demon he realized something. The two seemed too familiar with one another. Was there something more to one being in a cell, and the other man being out? He decided to try and test his theory.

“So, it looks like you two know one another? By the way, the demon keeps listening to you. So, what is the deal?”

120 monument

Igris was watching everything he could as he could as he knew his Monarch was watching. As he watched Edgeworth disappear after telling them that the woman was a witch he stepped up from the back and stepped slightly in front of Noctis. The many voices in the room didn’t bother him. He only watched one screen. To see if there was anything he would be able to gleam from the room it was coming from.
Pact of 120 Monument
Virtual Meeting Hall

Philippa released the shackles as promised and was just about to respond to King Noctis' newest condition, but then an uninvited guest suddenly appeared: a boy wearing a garb not unlike Zenitsu's, pitifully begging for the release of his sister and friend as the king stepped aside to coddle him. This display was even more pathetic than the first. If THIS was how the King of Utopia governed his subjects, then it was only a matter of time before the whole thing crumbled into dust.

"Who let that kid in here?" One of the 120 heads of state asked sternly. "This is a private conference!"

Some of the 120 did voice more sympathy for Tanjiro, but the majority were quick to drown them out in the uproar that ensued. But then Philippa's holographic form appeared once more.

"Calm down, all of you!" Philippa ordered, and the heads of state immediately fell silent.

With that out of the way, Philippa looked down at the boy, despite her blindfold. A hint of a smirk crept onto her face as she studied him. Now was as good a time as any to teach these simpering novices a thing or two about politics.

“I wonder, Mr. Kamado… do you realize the full consequences of what you ask for?” Philippa’s tone sharpened ever so slightly. “As is our custom, the Taskforce offered both of your loved ones the option to contribute to the protection of our peoples. To thereby prove to us that they themselves mean us no harm. Both your sister and your friend have proven that they are up to the task, yet both have refused. As such, we have no guarantee other than your word and theirs that they will not turn their powers against our peoples. Furthermore, if we were to grant your request and release the two, it would set a precedent for every murderous monster and man-eating demon in our cells to find some other weeping damsel to plead for their release as well. Surely you, as a demon slayer, can understand what sort of chaos that would unleash upon the world, all because of one boy’s tearful pleas on behalf of his loved ones. And so with all due respect to both you and His Majesty, the inmates of the Taskforce have already sealed their own fates, your friend and sister included.”

With that settled, Philippa turned her entire focus back to King Noctis.

“That is also why the Taskforce cannot agree to go completely defenseless into any search for suspected Resistance terrorists.” Philippa said, but then promptly added, “Unless, of course, the Utopians will likewise agree to disarm themselves to the same extent.”

Taskforce Prison Facility

As Philippa's teleportation spell ended, the shadow warrior attached to Miles Edgeworth's shadow would see nothing but inky darkness. Footsteps echoed for miles through a labyrinth of stone hallways, but while the steel soldiers' footsteps marched on with a loud, rhythmic clanging of metal against stone, Edgeworth's much softer footsteps tripped and stumbled in blind confusion, unable to gain his bearings as he was continuously dragged along. Then two more sets of metallic footsteps followed, causing Edgeworth to wince at all the noise; with his hands still held behind his back, he could not even cover his ears to find relief.

After some time, Edgeworth was finally thrown none-too-gently forward, causing him to stumble to his knees. Then before Edgeworth could react, a metal door came slamming down between him and the steel soldiers, effectively trapping him in what he soon realized was another cell. Trapped in a small, pitch black room with no way out... it was all too similar to that horrible incident for Edgeworth's taste, and he struggled not to panic as he tried to feel his way around the cell with his hands, hoping to glean some sort of information about his surroundings.
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Pact of 120 monument
Virtual room.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
"I joined the Corps in hope to find a cure to turn my sister back into a human...she's the only familly I have left! " Tanjiro cried"Muzan Kibutsuji has killed the rest of them and turned Nezuko..."
Two more figures stepped inside,both were wearing Demon Slayer Corps uniform and haori.
"Tanjiro,please,this is not the time." A young man with long spiky black hair tied in a ponytail and wearing a half red and half green and yellow haori said to Tanjiro.
"Mr Tomioka,I have do this!" Tanjiro cried.
The second corps member,a young woman with black hair with purple bangs tied with a Butterfly shaped hairpiece and wearing a haori with butterfly patterns stared at Philippa ,smiling.
"You know,it is possible for us outworlder to get along with the people of this world. That is how you treat newcomers from other worlds? That is really sad. It would be nice if we could all get along." She said. Despite seeming cheerful,there was a hidden tone of sarcasm,sadness and maybe abit of anger in her tone..I've observed Nezuko during her time at the Demon Slayer Corps and she woudn't hurt a fly."
"Kocho,what are you doing?" Giyu Tomioka,the Water Hashira,whispered.
The Insect Hashira,Shinobu Kocho,didn't listen to him.
"Shinobu,I mean Miss Kocho..." Noctis said. "I think they heard enough.
"Oh my apologies your highness!" Shinobu replied.bowing.
Giyu and Tanjiro bowed as well and the three Demon Slayer backed away near Ignis.
"I will see that my people will not carry any weapon during your visit." Noctis replied.."You have my word."
Phillipa's lab
Zenitsu was horrified as he heard what Phillipa said.He and Nezuko were stuck here,despite Tanjiro's plead to them. Tears fell from his cheeks. He promised Tanjiro that he would protect Nezuko. He had failled. He noticed Mr Tomika and Miss Kocho trying to calm him down.
Before he could listen to what she said,he heard a sinister sound coming from the entrance of the lab,a demonic,unfriendly and unfortunatly familiar one.

The figure was watching from the entrance of the lab a grin in his face.
Level 10 cells.
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Gyutaro continued to glare toward Sung. " If I wasn't in this cell,I would destroy you and devour you..." he hissed. "You think I didn't do anything to save my sister? When I arrived,it was too late..." The guard stopped him as Sung asked him a question.
"Woudn't you like to know?" he said with a friendly tone.
"We might both be demons,but we are interested in the Taskforce's goals."
"Doma,you idiot..." Gyutaro hissed. " You revealed yourself in front of him!"
"No one will believe him anyway. After all Lord Muzan did convince the Taskforce to let us join. We are on step closer to getting rid of the Demon Slayer Corps. That yellow haired brat will die after more experiments are done on him."
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Level 10 cells.

A smile formed on Sung’s lips as he just looked at the two. The one quickly confirmed his suspicions, and that was enough for him. He pulled his arms back into his cell, and turned his back to the two.

“Well, do what you like. It is not like I could stop you anyway. So, don’t worry about your little secret. I have no issues with you playing with the Taskforce. Though, are you sure that those demon slayers will die as easily as you hope?” Sung said as he turned once more.

“Not all power is easily vanquished, and not all people break easily. I am sure that young man has more potential than you realize. However, how would I know? I just know that the human heart is not something that can be trampled on so easily.”Sung said as he returned to his cot.

He had been watching three shows at the same time, and it was exhausting. Miles was now in a cell, and in complete darkness. Which was good for him, but that would happen later tonight. As fare as the conference. Nothing much was going on, so he would just wait for Igris’ report once everything was done. So, he stopped watching both shadows for now. That is unless something else happened and they contacted him.

Pact of 120 monument

With nothing happening Igris returned to his position behind Noctis.
Pact of 120 Monument
Virtual Meeting Hall

“Indeed it would.” Philippa replied to the butterfly with a carefully measured warmth. “Which makes the work of the Taskforce all the more crucial: keeping the more dangerous otherworlders out of society whilst ensuring the rest do their part to protect their new home.” Her ‘gaze’ tilted toward Phoenix Wright. “Correct me if I’m wrong, Minister Wright, but is Utopia not required to defend the Republic of Singapore should the need ever arise? The Taskforce is no different in that regard.”


“We don’t need to treat our own citizens like criminals to get them to defend Singapore, if that’s what you’re implying.” Wright promptly chimed in. “And we certainly don’t need to subject them to the kind of abuse that the Taskforce stands accused of!”

“In troubled times, leaders must be prepared to do whatever is necessary.” Philippa commented. “You and your inexperienced king would do well to learn that. Now then..."

Taskforce Prison Facility
Philippa Eilhart’s Laboratory

Philippa stopped suddenly, hearing an odd noise and sensing a dark and unfamiliar presence nearby. Zenitsu had noticed it as well; she could tell by even the slightest hints of his reaction.

Without any prior warning, the sorceress cast a spell through her megascope, which would latch onto any entities in the room and hold them in place wherever they stood.

"You'll have to excuse me." Philippa said sternly into the megascope. "There seems to be an uninvited guest at my door."

Taskforce Prison Facility

Edgeworth was not alone in the darkness for long. Distorted-sounding voices whispered to each other in some sort of ancient language. The hiss of a snake and the rattle of chains echoed softly in the air. Other footsteps not belonging to the steel soldiers ran to and fro in the labyrinth.

But most startling of all was a muffled, feral sounding growl that crescendoed into a series of sharp grunts, followed by several loud metallic clangs, and then an explosion of pinkish light in the distance. The light drew closer and brighter, as did a set of footsteps cautiously padding through the adjacent halls, until finally Edgeworth found himself face to face with the source.

A girl no older than 12 wearing a pink kimono and dark brown haori stared back at him, her light pink eyes fixed in a cautious glare as she held out the pink flame in her hands toward him, as if about to attack. But Edgeworth could see no malice or anger in her gaze; only confusion and the slightest hint of fear.

"I mean you no harm." Edgeworth said purely by instinct, holding out his hands to show that he was unarmed. This seemed to reassure the girl, whose expression softened as she cast her flame onto a nearby brazier full of coals, which ignited to produce some much needed light. Then the girl turned her focus to the bars of Edgeworth’s cell, which she gripped with both hands and then ripped clean off with ease.

”Thank you.” Edgeworth said warmly to the girl, stepping out of the cell and giving her a polite bow. Only then did Edgeworth take notice of what looked like a metal gag clamped tightly over the girl's mouth.

"You’re a prisoner here as well, aren’t you?" Edgeworth asked gently, provoking a sad moan from the girl. Reaching tentatively for the gag, Edgeworth set about looking for a way to undo it, but the only clue he could find was a built-in lock in the back. If he could just find the key, or at least some tool to try to pick the lock…

The girl suddenly tensed up and took Edgeworth’s hand, tugging his arm toward the hallway. She paused only to grab the nearest torch and light it in the brazier, then sprinted off at a very fast pace for her age. Had she sensed something that Edgeworth was not aware of? He couldn’t tell for sure, but the girl’s urgency to get away from here was clear, so he followed her lead.
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120 monument
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
"It's like Wright said." Noctis replied." My citizens are being peaceful. They are even helping and protecting the community."

Noctis, Ignis and the Demon Slayer seemed to be worried after Philippa mentionned an uninvted guest.


Philippa's lab.
" Don't mind me, I am an important outworlder benefactor for the Taskforce. " said a black haired man wearing a business suit and glasses.

"It's him! Muzan Kibutsuji!!!" Zenitsu said in fear.

"I Don't know What you're taking about." Muzan replied,gazlighting the young demon slayer. " You have gusts to make accusation. You are a criminal of interdimensional war after all."

" Hey! I didn't do anything! Listen miss,this guy is the king of demons from my world! It's because of him that Nezuko is a demon and he even killed Tanjiro's familly too!"

"Seriously,you have to do something with this brat. I suppose he is dangerous as well?" Muzan asked.

"I see you met our new benefactor!" another man Said to Phillipa, à purple haired man wearing a strange trenchcoat and fedora hat,a figure familliar to Noctis. Zenitsu could hear darkness coming from him as well.

"And if I may, can I have a word with the king of Utopia? He is a old friend of mine from our world." The fedora wearing man asked.

Level 10 cells
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
" You really think that brat would be that strong willed?" Doma asked.
"He did defeat my sister..." Gyutaro hissed."I wish that he suffers for that!!!"
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Resistance's HQ ?????
The recent Resistance leader,Makima was still on paperwork duty at the moment. "It's a shame Edgeworth is no longer with us. It was a good spokeperson for the resistance." she said to herself.
"But he was a bad dog..." Makima didn't like how Edgeworth spoke agsinst the resistance. She was the one who influenced the resistance's concil into selling Edgeworth to the Taskforce. She had the power to do it. She was the control devil after all. The Taskforce ,the 120 and even Utopia feared her.

Speaking of Utopia...according to her spies,the Demon Slayer Corps and the Kinglaive two fractions of Utopia's Defense were planning to infiltrate the Taskforce's prison facility to rescue two innocents.They didn't have the intel to do so,but she did. She could use this to her advantage.She pressed a button on her desk.

"Bring in my newest guard dog. I have a mission for him." She ordered.
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
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Level 10 cells

Sung just smiled to himself as he heard the demons speak. They must not know much about the tenacity of humans. It made him wonder if they really understood their enemies. How they were able to grow strong enough to fight them.

“You truly underestimate the people you call demon slayers. I know that humans have tenacity. Even the hunters of my world fight against monsters that could kill them, and they still fight to protect what they hold important. If you had as much tenacity, you would be able to fight your enemy and win. Yet you rely on the powers of others to fight. Such a joke.”


Resistance's HQ ?????

Pyo had been sipping tea at a table in the wreck room of the place that the resistance was calling home for now. He was fighting the task force because the moment he came into this world they attacked him, and he of course fought back. He was able to escape because of his skills, but they officially pissed him off, and he wouldn’t stop till they were all gone.

A man approached him and told him that Makima had wanted to see him. He kept a poker face as he finished his tea, and then made his way to the room she was in. She may have been in command, but he was her second. He had proven his skills against her, and that is the only reason he is where he is now.

Reaching the door, he opened the door he crossed the threshold and entered the room. He saw her sitting cross legged at her desk. He approached and stopped a bit from the desk as he looked her in the eyes.

“So, what can I do for you?”
Taskforce Prison Facility
Philippa Eilhart’s Laboratory

The glow of the megascope crystals went out as Philippa severed the link with the meeting for now. The heads of state would no doubt be in a panic, but this would give her some time to speak freely with her new guests before anyone said anything compromising in front of the wrong people.

“Before I agree to that, who are you exactly? More importantly, what business do you have with King Noctis that would warrant pissing off all 120 member nations that govern the Taskforce?” Philippa said in response to the man with the fedora. Something told her that he was the sort of ‘friend’ to King Noctis whose allegiance to the Taskforce could do more harm than good if it was made known to the public. She would have to make sure one way or another before granting his request, especially since these two seemed to know something about the current meeting, the success of which was of paramount importance. But for now, she turned her focus toward Zenitsu and the mysterious benefactor next. Demon King or not, this man was clearly not to be trifled with, so for now she remained discreet.

“If you're really that frightened, then perhaps I should invite your friend Tanjiro to keep you company." Philippa said offhand to Zenitsu. "That stupid boy would hand himself to the Taskforce on a silver platter with the right bait, if not the entire Demon Slayer Corps with him."

Pact of 120 Monument
Virtual Meeting Hall

Philippa's holographic form suddenly vanished, leaving an uneasy silence to hang over the virtual meeting hall. The 120 heads of state did not leave the call, but had all turned off their audio and video inputs, all clearly alarmed at Philippa's disappearance from the proceedings.

With no objection from any of the heads of state, Minister Wright took the opportunity to approach Tanjiro and see how he was holding up. The poor kid was worried sick for both his sister and his friend. It must have been painful enough for Lady Eilhart to refuse to release them, but for her to go out of her way to humiliate Tanjiro like that...

Wright wanted to reassure Tanjiro, but couldn't quite bring himself to say anything. The last thing Tanjiro needed at a time like this was empty promises. But Wright could at least be here for him if he needed it.
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Level 10 prison cells
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Gyutaro still looked angry and kept glaring at Sung. " Our powers make us stronger then you puny humans." Gyutaro replied,venom in his voice.
"Master Muzan had pity for us,that's why he choosed us and gave us his blood." Doma replied,still calm.
"Yo,guard guy! Stop talking with the prisoners and do your job!!!" Reno barked as he came back.
" Excuse me...duty calls. I cannot break my cover after all. This will be our little secret." Doma replied before to leave.
Resistance HQ,???????
Makima turned toward Pyo,her golden inhuman eyes staring at him. " I coudn't expect no less from my newest guard dog. You are puntual." she said with her smile. She considered her subordinates like dogs,that must be loyal to her and obay her every command. She calls her seconds in command "Guard dogs"
"It is time that we make a alliance with Utopia even if it's a temporary truce." She started.
"Their resources could be beneficial for the resistance. " The red haired Control devil added.
"According to one of my spies,two of Utopia's Defence's fractions are planning a rescue mission in the Taskforce's ptison facillity. Howrever,they do not have the intel to proceed with the mission,I do."

Makima brought out a USB key that dhe handed to Pyo. " I want you to seek the Utopian minister of foreign affairs,Mr Phoenix Wright. Bargain with him. In exchange for the intel we will share rescources. You can bring Widoemsker with you,or go alone...your decision. Howrever,the Tadkforce must not know of this."
Phillppa's lab Taskforce hideout.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

The man bowed to Phillipa and raised his fedora before putting it back on his head. "Ardyn Izunia,former chancellor of Niflheim and now spoke person for the Taskforce." he replied. " Noctis and I were allies during war time back in our world. " he lied.
Muzan rolled his eyes. The man was sn idiot.

"Tanjiro will never fall for your trap!" Zenitsu shouts to Phillips.

Monument of 120
Both Noctis snd Ignis seemed nervous st what was going on.
Tanjiro noticed that Mr Wright went to see him,to reassure him..he could tell by his scent.
"I'm fine..." he replied before Wright to answer. "Maybe not...If something happens to both Nezuko snd Zenitsu...I don't know what I'll do...All those sacrifices I made...in attempt to restore her humanity...will all be in vain..."
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Level 10 cells

Sung just smiled as he guessed they were once human, and someone turned them into what they are today. That moment they were much like his shadows. However, these Demons seem to be able to talk back, and do what they want. It almost seemed like they wanted to turn on their master by how they so easily gave him this much information. He was about to say more when a new voice called out telling the one that was a guard to get back to work. He chuckled as the demon said his goodby.

“There is no need to tell me to keep a secret.” He said under his breath as he settled into his bed. Pulling the covers over himself to hide as much of his body as possible. He raised his hand and waved at Gyutaro.

“Now that your friend has left, I am going to take a nap. Have fun in your new home. We are going to see a lot of one another, so you might as well settle in.” Sung said in a nonchalant tone as he covered himself up. He had made sure that the guards of the facility often caught him sleeping, so as to not raise any suspicions when he decided to take his leave for a moment.

He had several shadows that were of the same build as him, and he used this to be able to switch with them if needed. One of his shadows was currently on Edgeworth, and the man had found himself in a dark place. This was the perfect time to make contact with him. At least for now.

“Exchange.” Sung said in a low unhearable voice as the shadow that was with Edgeworth exchanged locations with him and pretended to be asleep.


Resistance's HQ ?????

Pyo didn’t like being called a guard dog, but he also didn’t want to become the head of this organization. He only wanted to strike back at the people that attacked him first. To make them pay for the mistakes they have made. Normally he would go after them on his own, but this new world made it a little more difficult to succeed. So, he was using the resistance to his advantage to get to the people he wanted to kill.

“I prefer to work alone. I don’t need any help.” Pyo said as he took the device and sat up from the chair. He walked to the door and stopped for a moment. A smile formed on his face at the possibility of what was to come. Yet he didn't say a thing more he began walking once more and left the room. Slowly making his way to the front door. Once he reached the door he disappeared as the door opened and closed.


Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Sung appeared next to the group as they were taking a break from escaping the horrors that dwelled in this labyrinth. That is what he decided to exchange now. If they were moving it would have been a bit more difficult.

“Sorry to intrude but we need to talk.”
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Philippa Eilhart’s Laboratory
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Philippa eyed the fedora-wearing stranger a bit warily, but let it be for now. If this man really was a representative of the Taskforce or not, she would find out the truth soon enough.

“Very well. Only keep in mind that all 120 heads of state are currently in attendance, so be sure not to fuck it up for anyone.” Philippa said, removing the suspension spell and turning her focus back to the megascope.

“Now stand in the circle, and we can begin.” Philippa instructed Ardyn.

The crystals glowed as the connection was re-established, causing the Utopians to reappear on her end. The 120 heads of state all soon reappeared as well.

“Lady Eilhart-.” One of the male heads of state spoke up, but Philippa promptly interrupted him.

“Not to worry.” Philippa assured the group. “It seems the Taskforce has seen fit to summon a second representative to this meeting as well. I now have the unexpected pleasure of introducing the former Chancellor of Niflheim, Mr. Ardyn Izunia.”

Pact of 120 Monument
Virtual Meeting Hall
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"This whole war was a huge mistake from the start. I'm sorry you and your loved ones got dragged into it like this.” Wright said solemnly, but then looked determined at Tanjiro and helped the latter to his feet. “But just know that we’ll never stop fighting for them. The king definitely won’t, and neither will I.”

Someone else was just about to approach Tanjiro from behind, but stopped themselves and proceeded to hide when Lady Eilhart’s holographic image reappeared, along with one other person.

“Lady Eilhart-.” One of the male heads of state spoke up, but Philippa promptly interrupted him.

“Not to worry.” Philippa assured the group. “It seems the Taskforce has seen fit to summon a second representative to this meeting as well. I now have the unexpected pleasure of introducing the former Chancellor of Niflheim, Mr. Ardyn Izunia.”

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

It hadn't taken long for Edgeworth to see what his rescuer was running from: three monstrous humanoids pursuing them on all sides and reaching to grab them. The little girl was far more powerful than she looked, easily making fending off the humanoids whenever they appeared. Her magical pinkish flames seemed especially good at repelling them with barely even a fight.

But they would not stay away for long, vanishing in puffs of black smoke only to reappear moments later. Strong as she was, the poor girl could not keep up this game of cat and mouse indefinitely. Edgeworth managed to make himself useful by using the torch to fend off the creatures, but he was not nearly physically powerful enough to be of any more help to his rescuer, who eventually wore herself out completely and passed out, but not before shrinking to a much smaller childlike form.

Not about to abandon the child at a time like this, Edgeworth quickly scooped her up and hid with her in what looked like an ancient embalming room, where he took off his jacket and wrapped it around the girl to keep her warm, leaving himself in the white dress shirt and black vest he wore underneath. He then set her down on the embalming table, keeping a wary eye out for more of those creatures as the girl slept.

That was the scene that Sung arrived at when he appeared to speak to Edgeworth, who immediately stood protectively in front of the unconscious little girl, glaring cautiously at the new stranger.

“Who are you?” Edgeworth asked firmly. “And what is it you want to talk about?”

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