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Realistic or Modern tra-la-la Triangle

Arabella took her phone back looking at it for a few second before putting it back in her bag. Her head snapped up as Gryphon said they were late to class. She quickly scrambled to get her stuff back in her bag and follow after James and gryphon. "Does that happen often?" She asked as she caught up with them.
The bell rang throughout the school, echoing loudly as it rang twice. School was over for the day.

Gryphon let out a sigh of relief as he shoved his heavy textbooks back into his locker, slamming the door shut after everything was put away. Aside from art class, this was his favorite time of the day, leaving school. It's not like he hated school, just didn't enjoy it like most kids.

As he stepped out the front entrance he stole a glance down at the phone in his hand. He had forgotten to get James' number. That was disappointing. Oh well, they saw each other practically everyday so he could just get it the next day. Still, he had been hoping that they could have hung out or had a sleepover. They didn't do that much anymore, at least not since they were now getting jobs and growing up.

Before Gryphon started trudging home he quickly sent a text to Arabella, [Heeeyyy! It's me! ^^ Sorry if I sound like a mom for saying this, but have a good day. I know, I know, I'm a dork.]
Arabella was glad to finally to be done with school for the day. She practically ran out of her last class for the day pushing her way through the crowded hall. She stopped at her locker and placeing her newly aquired text books into it, keeping only what she needed to complete her homework for th night.

After she had all of her things she walked out of the school giving a quick glance around to see if she could find Gyphon or James, but they were nowhere to be found. She sighed and sat down on a small concret wall ,that framed the flower beds, as she waited for one of her parents to come and pick her up.

After a few minutes of waiting she felt her phone go off in her bag. She grabbed her phone out going to check her messages asuming the message was from her parents telling her they were on their way. When she saw the message was from Grphon she smiled pleasantly surprised. [You're not a dork! It's sweet,you have a good day too okay? Oh and make sure you get more sleep tonight, we don't need you getting kicked out of English again.]
[Alright, alright! No staying up late for this guy. Cya!] Gryphon smiled. His new friend seemed like a keeper so far. After stuffing his phone into his back pocket he stepped in through the front door of his house, returning home after that short distance of a walk.

With a deep sigh he pulled out his mountain of homework, wanting to curl up and cry pathetically. Highschool sucked for this exact reason. Way too much homework to handle.
When he heard the bell signalling that school was over, James sighed. Unlike usual, he didn't hunt out Gryphon afterwards, as he usually did- Almost always catching the boy before he'd get too far from the school. He'd gotten a text from his father during one of his classes, and it didn't seem too promising.

As he quietly headed away from the school, he held onto the straps of his bag, and if anyone would've looked at him, it was obvious he was unnerved. Nervous. Queasy in appearance. Wary. All of these things, as he hesitantly started on his way home. His mother had died a few years back- Not that he'd told Gryphon. Just like whenever he was going to do anything with Gryhpon, it was either at the other's house, or someplace in town. Never at his house- He hadn't ever allowed Gryphon in, nor to meet his father, not that Gryhpon knew he no longer had a mother. This was due to his father's... Problem. 
((Sorry I haven't replied! So, So sorry! Q^Q))
The next day Arabella walked into school feeling a little more confident now that she finally knew at least two people and she could get to all her classes without getting lost. Walking down the hall she looked around for Gryphon and James. When she didn't see them she only shrugged and continued on to her locker. Slowly she switched out her books, mentally groaning when she realized she hadn't done all the make up work she was supposed to do. She had only gotten through about half of it before falling asleep the night before.
Gryphon scavenged the halls for his buddy, glancing every which way. It almost looked like he was a lost foreigner. "Arabella!" He found his new friend and began poking her arm. "Have you seen Curl-- I mean James? I forgot to get his number yesterday." Gently he reached out to brush a few of Arabella's dark locks back into place. He had a habit of fixing other people's hair.
There were always certain days- Rare days- That James would actually avoid finding Gryhpon. At least in the mornings, but if something were really wrong, he'd try for the whole day. Despite the rather nice weather outside, he was wearing two layers of long sleeved shirts- Though normally he'd be the first one to try suggesting wearing nothing if it were, in even the slightest, nicer weather. His body ached, his eyes stung, and he felt as though he'd burst into tears at even the slightest pressure. As he walked into the school he practically ducked his head, not in the mood to try hiding the pain today- And he didn't hunt out Gryphon, or Arabella. Instead he just tried to make it to his locker without being shoved down by someone in the crowded halls, or bursting into tears.
Arabella jumped feeling the sudden jab to her arm. Turning to see Gryphon she automatically smiled. "Hey!" She said cheerfully as she closed her locker and turned to face him. "No, I haven't seen him." She said with a frown."But don't worry, as long as he's here-- today you'll see him first period and lunch. Just ask him for his number then." She said pausing midsentence as he fixed her hair for her.
Gryphon tried to return the smile, but it came out kind of funny, like a half-smile. What was this? Was he nervous around this girl? Sure, she was pretty and rather sweet so far, but normally he wouldn't be like this. Why was he suddenly worrying about every little detail?

A flash of a familiar head of curls made him blink a couple of times. James! Taking Arabella's hand he followed after his quietly. "Curly...what're you wearing? You're going to be sweating all day." Luckily he didn't touch him, yet.
He was just getting to his locker when he heard the familiar voice of Gryphon from behind him. When he glanced back over his shoulder, he quickly noticed Arabella, too. "I'm cold." He answered as casually as he could manage with a shrug, though as if the fact that he hadn't already found Gryphon himself was off setting, his voice was extremely raspy- Sounding as though he hadn't drunk a thing in weeks, even though he had. Or rather.. A night of crying?

Those two words were the only ones he spoke despite his usually talkative demeanor, while he opened his locker, stuffing his backpack into it, he never did make eye contact for very long, and he was trying hard not to grimace from the pain that shot up his spine from the simple action of putting his bag away.
Arabella struggled to not trip as she was pulled away by Gryphon going after James. She was about to greet him when she noticed he seemed diffrent than he had yesterday. She could tell when he spoke that something was wrong. "Are you okay?" She asked as she and Gryphon finally got closer.

She knew she had only met him but something seemed to be wrong and she wanted to try and help if she could. She just wasn't sure if her help would be welcomed since James didn't know her all that well yet. He also might not be comfortable enough to tell her what was bothering him.
"Oh...okay." Gryphon muttered softly. Very pointless words, hardly even a reply. "Is he sick? Well, he clearly doesn't look or sound too good, and if he's cold than I suppose that'd be a pretty good answer..still. Something seems off." He let Arabella do the talking. He released her little hand, realizing that he was still holding it.

The hallway was practically empty now. Must've been getting close to the start of class. Now Gryphon was getting a little anxious. "Hey, c'mon we need to go." He made the mistake of reaching out to touch James' shoulder.
James hadn't quite been watching to see what Gryphon or Arabella were doing, and as soon as he felt a hand start to touch his shoulder, he flinched as though he were expecting a literal hit rather than a touch, and just as quickly reached back with a hand to firmly grasp what he quickly realized was Gryphon's wrist. "Keep your hands off me," He snapped without realizing, and it slipped out before he could stop the harsh words from coming.

He didn't bother answering Arabella's question as he quickly released Gryphon's wrist a few moments later, staring at the male, then at Arabella for a few moments, before he quickly moved to simply grab his things and walk to class- Already further upset with himself for having snapped at one of the only remaining friends he had left. Aside from Arabella, if she counted. He felt the tears starting to sting at his eyes, and he had to swallow them back the best he could- Anything was better than crying. Because all that crying did was bring questions- Ones that he didn't want to answer, and it'd only end up in more lies.
Arabella looked surprised as the the curly haired boy snapped at his friend. She tugged awkwardly at the bottom of her shirt and took a small step back feeling unwelcome at the moment. She looked at Gyphon for a moment before watching James walk away from them. "I guess we should go to class.." She mumbled to Gryphon before walking in the direction James had just gone.
Nobody had expected James to react that way, probably not even James himself. Gryphon had gasped when his friend had whipped around to grasp his wrist tightly. That sudden snap had made him take a step back away after he had been released. He didn't apologize, just gazed at the upset boy with an utterly confused expression.

Watching James father his stuff then hurry to class he remained breathless, didn't even let out a sigh. "Curly usually isn't like this. He must've had a bad morning." Gryphon said to Arabella as he followed alongside her.
James hurried off to his first class before taking his seat quickly. At first he glanced for the doorway, anticipating when Gryphon and Arabella would walk through the door. But after a few moments he just hunkered down on the desk, his face buried in his crossed arms. He didn't want to be there, surely. But if he wasn't at school.. That only left home, and he wanted to be anywhere but there. School, and work, were both safe havens.
Arabella nodded as Gryphon tried to defend James. "I don't know I think it's something more than that..." She said as they walked to class. "He flinched away from you like he was in pain. Do you think something happened?" She said recalling the way James had reacted when Gyphon grabbed his shoulder. "I don't think he wants to talk to me... you'll have to figure out what's wrong" She said looking down at her feet.

As they entered class she stole a small glance towards Jame's seat before going to sit at her own desk. She made no move to talk to him since he obviously wanted to be left alone. She just got out her books for class and rested her head on her hand waiting for class to finally begin. This day was not going nearly as well as it had yesterday.
"I suppose so..." Gryphon balled one of his up into a fist. "I'll ask him later, at lunch I guess. Now would not be a good time." Hearing Arabella mention that he looked like he had been in pain made him feel rather guilty. It's not hurt he had smacked or punched his friend, only a touch on the shoulder. With the way he was acting and the layers of clothes it was clear that something was up.

Gryphon sat down at his desk. He didn't acknowledge James, just stared at his pathetic stare then glanced at Arabella, wanting to let our a huge sigh. What on earth was going on?
James sat there quietly in his seat until class started. Once it did he lifted his head and tried at least, to pay attention, however didn't feel like he'd done that good of a job. Once class was over her rigidly stood from his desk, to drag himself to the second class of the day- Though still he didn't look pleased to be there, in the least.
When lunch came around Gryphon wasn't so sure he felt anymore comfortable. C'mon, there was no reason to be acting this way. Gosh! He was behaving as if his friend was friend brought drugs or alcohol to school!

Sitting at the lunch table he took a few deep breaths, calming himself down to the state he felt on a regular basis. "Hopefully Arabella got to talk to him or he's at least feeling better now. Curly is always so happy." He smiled as he began to play with his food, recalling how that goofball always behaved.
Arabella went through the next few classes without saying anything. It wasn't until they were on their way to lunch that she even dared trying to talk to James again. She walked next to him keeping her distance in case he snapped like he had before. "Uh James, Gryphon and I are worried about you. Did something happen?" She asked softly glancing sideways at him. "I know we aren't really that close.. but if somethings wrong or you're hurt you should tell someone. At least talk to Gryphon" She said looking down at her feet as she tugged at the straps of her back pack
James looked over towards Arabella talked to him, and he nearly grunted at her. "No, Im fine. I just.. Didn't get enough sleep, is all." He answered casually. Now with Gryphon, it'd be harder to lie, but he wasn't as close to Arabella.

When walking into the lunch room, he couldn't help but take his post at sitting next to Gryphon again. He was hurt both physically and emotionally, but the boy was still his friend. When he sat down he gave a heave of a sigh, rather ashamed now that he remembered what had happened earlier in the morning with Gryph.

Slowly he looked at his friend. "I.. Im sorry for snapping." He murmured, looking to Arabella after a few moments to share the apology to her as well.

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"Hey now, it's fine. You didn't do anything wrong." Gryphon tried to keep that smile, though it was slowly fading despite his intentions. "Just surprised me, that's all." He couldn't recall the last time his good friend had snapped at him like that or rather gotten upset.

"Would food make you feel better?" Gryphon offered some of his lunch once again. He wondered whether or not he should pull his friend aside.
Arabella nodded at his explanation. She wasn't competely sold but she wasn't going to keep pestering him if he didn't want tell her what was really wrong. Maybe he was just tired from lack of sleep, she didn't know. "Okay, well I hope you feel better.." She said walking the rest of the way to lunch in silence.

Following him into the lunch room she went to sit down in the same spot she sat in the day before. Hearing Jame's apology she only smiled at him there really wasn't any reason for him to apologize to her. He handn't don anything to her. She was only worried about him and wanted to make sure he was doing okay.

As Gryphon again tried to offer him food she looked over curious to see if he would eat today. She knew he hadn't eaten before lunch so she hoped he would not use that excuse again. She began to wonder if he ever ate lunch.

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