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Realistic or Modern tra-la-la Triangle


Senior Member
Role Play Rating:

  • M - Mature (17+)


What happens when two best friend fall for the same girl and eventually eachother?
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A deep yawn escaped past Gryphon's lips as he walked along the sidewalk. Staying up later than usual to complete a level on one of his games had not been a good idea, drowsily searching among the hoard of teenagers for his buddy. Quickly he gave up the search after about a minute then dragged himself through the entrance of the school.

"I hope we didn't have any homework," Gryphon murmured to himself as he rubbed his sleepy eyes.
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"No, I don't think we did." James suddenly confirmed from beside Gryphon as he popped up from nowhere, his elbow resting on the male's shoulder casually while a coy grin played across his features. "You seem tired."

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Arabella walked into her new school one hand clutching the strap of her back pack, an anxious feeling in the pit of her stomach as she looked around at all the unfimilar faces. She now wished she hadn't transfered to a new school half-way through the school year it only made her stick out like a sore thumb. She had no idea where any of her classes were and the schedule that was mailed to her seemed to be written in a completely foreign language.
"Of course I'm tired!" Sounded as if this should've been obvious. Gryphon playfully shoved James to follow with a pleased grin, backing up right into someone. Oops! He never expected to meet someone the way that all of the stereotypical animes did.

With an apology Gryphon helped the poor girl to her feet. He hadn't meant to knock her...or rather run into anyone in the first place. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" He softly questioned.
James practically gasped when Gryphon backed right up into someone, and quickly had moved to help Gryphon get the girl back to her feet. "Geez! You're lucky you didn't knock her out," He insisted, brushing the girl's shoulder off before realizing that he had no idea who she was.

"Are you new here?" He questioned right after Gryphon had asked if she was okay.

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Arabella had been so busy trying to read her class schedule she hadn't noticed the boy infront of her backing up. In an instant she was knocked to the ground dropping the paper on the ground a small sound escaping her lips. She wasn''t even sure what happened until one boy was helping her up to her feet while another brushed her off. She looked back an forth between the two boys for a moment a bit startled before speaking.

"It's alright, I'm fine. I should have been watching where I was going" She said insisting it was partly her fault. She bent down to grab her schedule and brushed a few strand hair from her face as she stood back up. "Yeah, today's my first day and I really have no idea where I'm supposed to be going. I was trying to figure out this schedule when I ran into you" She explained to both the boys as she held up the piece of paper.
Gryphon wanted to snap back at James, but luckily he stopped himself. That would've been childish and rather pointless. No reason to get in a dumb fight over a mere accident.

His attention was brought back to this new girl. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to attack you, especially on your first day." Turning to James he nudged him in the side lightly then gestured to the schedule. It'd look good if they behaved like gentlemen, plus it'd only be cruel to leave this girl lost in the hallway.
Catching Gryphon's nudge, James moved to take this girl's schedule that was on the piece of paper. First, he read her name however. "So, Arabella.." He started, glancing over at Gryphon for a moment before looking to the girl, whose name was supposedly Arabella from what the paper read. "It looks like we all have the same first class. C'mon and we'll show you to it- And other places on the way. Right, Gryphon?"

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Arabella laughed nervously "Really it's okay don't worry about it" She told Gryphon. glacing at James as he took the paper from her nodding as he said her name. "Yeah that's me, sorry I probably should have introduced myself already" She said a slight blush forming on her cheeks. She decided running into them wasn't all that bad concidering they were now helping her find her classes.

She was surpised to hear she hactually had her first class with them which meant she would at least know two people. Well sort of know two people. "Thanks for helping me" She said to them both as she adjusted the back pack on her shoulders. She made a meantal note that the dark haired boy's name was apprently Gryphon but she still had no idea what the other boys name was.
Each boy stood on either side of Arabella as they walked. They almost looked like security guards escorting her to class. Reaching over from behind this new girl Gryphon lightly tugged on one of James' irresistible curls. "Curly...introduction."

Gryphon was generally quiet, but when he did speak it usually was straight to the point. Simple words. He wasn't necessarily shy or anything like that, more like he was very suspicious of others.
Scowling lightly at Gryphon when feeling the boy tug at one of his curls, James put his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Oh- Right. Well, Arabella, this is Gryphon," He nodded at the male. "And my name's James. Or, Curly for short, if you'd like." He offered the girl they were walking beside a small, coy grin. "Oh," he paused again as they walked past the lunch room. "This is the cafeteria," He quickly added as they were walking past.

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Arabella glanced from side to side at both boys. She felt like she was receving special treatment, two boys escorting her to her class and she hadn't even been in the school ten minutes. She Smiled as the curly haird boy introduced both of them to her as they walked. "Oh well it's nice to meet you both" She said cheerfully stopping at James pointed out the cafeteria making mental note of where it was.
Gryphon felt a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth at Arabella's shy little response, giving into the smile and letting it grow. This was a very rare sight. Hardly ever did he smile, usually just wore that look of being lost in thought. "This girl seems pretty sweet. I like her already."

Wiping that smile away he pretended that had never happened. "You can eat with us at lunch...if you'd like. We don't bite."
"Well.. He doesn't bite." James gave a rather stunning grin towards both Arabella and Gryphon, before continuing. "I can bite. If you like that sort of thing." He teased- Though it was harmless, a playful look in his eyes. "Anyhow.." He paused, having noticed the rare smile Gryphon had given.

While they continued walking he pointed out different classrooms, until they got to the right one. "And.. Tada." He motioned to the door.

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"Really?" Arabella asked as Gryphon invited her to sit with them at lunch "That would be really nice, thank you" She said happy she would not be sitting alone. She blushed at James' comment a small giggle escaping from her. Both the boys seemed very nice and she was glad she had met them.

As they passed other classes she tried to remember them all so that she would be able to get to them later on. She was worried she might get lost, it was hard to keep track of them all. She smiled as they finally reached their destination "So what class is this exactally?" She asked not remembering what her first class was.
Gryphon smacked James' arm. What a flirt. "At least wait 'til I'm not here to mention stuff like that."

"English," Gryphon answered the newbie's question as he stepped in through the door, textbook in hand. "Don't look the teacher in the eye. He's not exactly...nice."
"Perhaps.. But Im sure he'll be nice to such a pretty girl, right?" He flirted lightly again with another grin, shaking his head slightly, and giving a nudge to Gryphon's arm. "Right? Bud?" He insisted before Gryphon walked into the room. James gently guided Arabella in before following suite, his textbook beneath his arm, along with his other notebooks and such.

"Oh! Here," He quickly offered Arabella her schedule back that he'd been reading through, giving a warm, welcoming smile while he did. "Good thing we have the same lunch, otherwise Im not sure what you'd do. But I doubt you'll have Any trouble finding friends here. Not everyone's always moody. Just.. Mainly everyone." He joked with a small grin creeping to his features again.

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Gryphon just shook his head when James tried to get him to agree. "What am I? Your wingman?" It's not like this was a very big deal, after all there were only playfully teases, nothing serious. He only wished that his friend would be more serious...in general.

Beckoning the curly-haired man over he sat down at his desk, wavering a hand briskly. "Come here."
She laughed lightly again as James flirted with her. "Well I don't want to test my luck so I think I'll try to avoid his bad side." She said as he lead her into the room. She looked around at all the desks for a second wondering where she should sit. She was sure eveyone had probably been assigned a seat.

"Thanks again" She said taking her shedule back a shy smile on her face. "Well if eveyone is like you two I'm sure I'll have no trouble at all" She joked. "I guess I should infom the teacher that I'm in his class now, hopefully he dosen't bite my head off" She said half-joking as she took her schedule over to the teacher handing it to him letting him know she was a new student in his class now.
Waiting until Arabella had went towards the teacher, James just grinned at Gryphon, giving his friend a gentle bump of his closed fist against the male's shoulder as he came closer, as asked to. "Well of course not. But I mean, you could be." He easily teased. James was almost always teasing or joking, possibly even flirting in some way pretty much all the time with how outgoing he could be at times.

"That's not to say that I couldn't be your wingman too, though I think you'd make a better one." he continued with a chuckle.

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"You can get all the ladies you want without my help," Gryphon took his friend's fist into his own hand, moving down to hold his wrist, not letting him escape. He didn't know why he did that, but the two boys were always messing with each other.

"I got a job. It's just a little smoothie shop, but hey, at least I'm getting money."
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James never seemed to mind anything that Gryphon did unless it'd be some bold action, which even then unless it were some extreme action, he wouldn't say a thing about it, and just went along with it.

"You did?" James immediately questioned when hearing Gryphon, raising a brow at the male as he did, obviously not bothering to even attempt and try to pull his wrist away. It didn't bother him, and he saw no reason to pull his arm away. "Finally," He suddenly was teasing again with a grin. "I can't remember when I first got my job it was such a long while ago," He claimed, when really he'd gotten his own job just a couple months back at a grocery store as a cashier, luckily.

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Arabella talked to the teacher for a few moments receiving a text book and an over veiw of the class. After she finally got everything she needed and had been assigned a nights worth of make-up work she asked where she should sit. The English teacher sighed and pointed towards an empty desk close to where James and Gryphon were talking. Arabella nodded and and thanked him then walked away going toward her desk. She sat her stuff down just as the teacher got up to begin class.
With a dark grin Gryphon squeezed James' arm. "Ah shut up! You're such a goof." Releasing his friend he turned to the front of the classroom, but only after a minute into the rambling did he turn his gaze to the window, finding himself staring off into space.

"I wonder if Arabella had a job?" It seemed that he had already claimed that girl as an official friend.

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