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Realistic or Modern tra-la-la Triangle

"You're the goof." James chuckled before taking his seat beside Gryphon, looking over towards where Arabella had sat. He gave her one more smile before looking towards the front of the classroom. Surprisingly, he paid attention after that. He was completely serious when it came to school work, however that was one of the only few things that could make him that serious.

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Arabella took her seat and gave a small wave to James as he glanced over at her. As the class began she tired her best to keep up so that she wouldn't fall too far behind. The problem was they were discussing a book she had never read so nothing anyone said made any sense to her what so ever. Half way through the class she just gave up, deciding she would just have to read the book the first chance she got then she would finally know what was happening.
Gryphon's head slowly descending down to nuzzle into his crossed arms on his desk, falling into a silent slumber.

It was within a few mere minutes that he was discovered and smacked by one of the angry teacher's rulers. "I'm sorry, am I just too boring for your taste?" He did not sound happy. Already he's caught that boy sleeping during class three times. No wonder it was irritating him.

Popping his head up Gryphon looked surprised for being smacked, but his expression grew gentle once again as he yawned. He never answered the teacher. Even though this time he was just still sleepy, he still did not speak up.

"Get out," the teacher pointed to the door with his usual grumpy voice.

Gryphon slowly left the classroom, heading to the courtyard since he wouldn't be wanted anywhere else. Using his jacket as a substitute for a pillow he stretched out across one of the wooden benches, quickly drifting off again.
Arabella jumped slightly seeing the teacher slap Gryphon with a rule. 'That's a bit mean.. even if he was sleeping' She thought feeling bad for the boy. Was the teacher always like that? If so she could understand why he wasn't very well liked especially by Gryphon. She watched with a sympathetic look as the boy was forced out of the room.

She wished she could have somehow helped but she was to afraid to speak up. So she only sat there silently as the teacher returned to his lecture the class seeming to go by so slowly. She couldn't wait to get out of the room when it ended a half hour later. She could tell English was going to be her least favorite subject.

Once the bell rang the girl stood up collecting her things and shoving them into her book bag before grabbing her schedule again to check what her next class was.
James instantly frowned when seeing Gryphon and the teacher talking, watching however as Gryphon left the room. Why did he always get himself into trouble like that? Of course he couldn't figure out what Gryphon wouldn't just pay attention.. He'd just have to have another talk later.

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The echoing ring of the bell surely woke Gryphon up, practically jumping. Gathering his jacket and backpack he dragged himself to his next class, assuming that Arabella would be taken of. Yay! Time for art class!
The first thing James did when the bell rung, was rush over to the door of the classroom and peek out, scowling when Gryphon was no longer in sight. Popping back in, he quickly went to Arabella just to make sure she'd be alright getting to her next class. "What do you have next? I can't remember.." He seemed to admit with a coy smile towards the girl.

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Arabella glanced up from the paper as she heard James voice. "Oh uh I have physics next." She said and folded up the paper. She was trying to remember where exactly the physics room was. "Is that the one in the room closest to the cafeteria?" She asked unsure. The layout of the school still being a bit confusing to her. She was sure after a day or two she would get used to it.
"Yup!" James answered with a small smile towards the girl, motioning for her to follow him out. "I have that next, too. Then.." He glanced at her schedule. "You have a class with Gryphon, but I'll be some place else." He confirmed.

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"Oh how convienent!" She said glad she had remembered where the class room actually was. She walked out of the room with him going towards their next class. "After that it's lunch right?" She said trying to memorize her schedule.
"Yes, it is." James answered again with a small nod, making sure Arabella had a pretty clear path to the right classroom through the swarms of people going through the hallways. "Then, we're at least half way through the day. At last." He joked, rolling his eyes at himself this time.

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Arabella weaved her way through the hallway trying to not get trampled by all the people hurrying off to their classes. "Oh thank god, I can't wait to get out of here" She said looking back a James over her shoulder. She had only gone through one class and she was already ready to go home.
"Here," James led Arabella into the physics room, motioning to the teacher. "You'll need to grab a textbook from her- She's nice. I'll be back here," He stated before going to take his seat.

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Arabella walked into the room nodding at James gave her instructions. "Oh well that's a relief, the English teacher was really mean. Is he always like that?" She asked before walking over to the teacher handing her the schedule going through the routine like she had just done in the other class.

After She was given a book the teacher lead her over towards the front of the room."Everyone this is Arabella, she's new and will be needing a lab partner are there any volunteers?" She asked looking around the room, making Arabella feel self conscious.
"I mean, usually he is." James had muttered as he went to his seat to Arabella, though not sure if she'd actually hear his response or not since, well, she was walking up to the teacher. When he heard the announcement for Arabella, James, almost immediately raised his hand. "I volunteer as tribute," He joked with the tribute part, however was serious about actually offering to take Arabella as a lab partner after his old partner had transferred to a different school.
The teacher smiled at James's response " Oh well there you go. Thank you James." She said to the boy before turning to Arabella " That's James and he will be your lab partner, so you can go sit next to him." she said sending the girl her on her way as she prepared to start class.

Arabella nodded and walked away taking her seat next to James. "Well this day just keeps getting better now doesn't it" She joked queitly with a smile.
Gryphon loved art class. It was the one subject that he actually enjoyed. Will have to say that it's not he doesn't pay attention in other classes, just that was the only one that seemed to matter in his life. The art room was more of a 'chill room', the teacher was cool and let people hangout in her class whenever.

After painting for a while, Gryphon just set his brushes and tools aside to take another quick nap. He wasn't a bad kid, just didn't always make the right decisions.

((We're not going to go through every single class, right? I'd be fine if just did lunch then the end of the day...or if somebody rose had an idea besides that then that's cool.))
"Of course it does when you're with me." James teased lightly and also joked, chuckling lightly as he shrugged a bit afterwards,knowing Arabella was joking as well. "So.. How've you liked it so far? I know you haven't been here long. But I don't think this is a bad place. Sometimes it's just that the people here can make it seem that way."

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Arabella tried to stifle a small laugh. "Oh I'm sure" She wispered with a smiled playing along. She really wasn't paying any attention to what the teacher was begining to say. "I like it okay. It's just like any other school, I'll like it more once it becomes a little more familiar" She said truthfully.

(We don't need to do every class. After this class we'll skip to lunch then after that skip to the end of the day)
"I certainly hope so." James kindly answered Arabella before he turned away from the girl to look towards the front of the classroom, to try and pay attention. He soon found his thoughts wandering back to Gryphon- And turned them towards figuring out how he was supposed to scold and scowl at his friend for sleeping in class this time- Like he had other times before, too.
Arabella nodded and turned her attention toward the teacher as the boy turned away from her. She was happy to find that she was able to understand what was happening in this class much better than she was able to in the other class. Everything the teacher said made perfect sense to her making her feel a little less lost at the school.
When the class was pretty much over with only five minutes left of the hour, James looked over at Arabella with another small smile, perhaps this one slightly more faded. He always tried to act cheerful, but that's not how he always actually felt. "Well, looks like you made it through another hour of the day." He dryly stated, rubbing at the back of his neck lightly as he leaned back in his seat, taking a deep breath for a moment. "If you just stick with me I'll lead you to where me and Gryph usually sit."

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