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Realistic or Modern tra-la-la Triangle

Arabella was just finishing writing down the last of the notes when James finally spoke to her again. " Yeah, only half the day to go" She said back as she packed up her things. The day wasn't going as bad as she had expected it to be going it just seemed to be taking forever to get through her classes. " alright thanks again"
"You're very welcome." James politely answered before hearing the bell ring signalling class was over. Immediately afterwards he stood, waiting for Arabella to gather her things before he slowly headed out, making sure she was following him. "Do you need to go grab anything? Or do you plan on getting a lunch from here?"
She threw her bag over her shoulder and stood up walking out the door after him once the bell rang and all the students began to rush out of the room. "No, I have a lunch in my bag so we can just go sit down" She told him patting her backpack as they made their way into the cafeteria that was slowly filling up with people all having their own conversations.
Waiting patiently at the cafeteria table Gryphon sighed deeply. He had his phone out, but kept glancing up at the door every time somebody entered, almost as if he were anxious to see the two come waltzing in. He was like a dog waiting for its master to return home.
When both James and Arabella got to the cafeteria doors after he'd given the girl and understanding nod, he led her to the table where he and Gryphon usually sat. And, as soon as he'd walked through the doors his eyes rather eagerly looked right to where he almost always saw Gryphon sitting, and waiting. One could have claimed that a brief look of relief passed over him. Guiding Arabella to their 'spot', James sat next to Gryphon, and motioned for Arabella to sit across from them. Usually, he sat across from Gryphon, but whatever.
Arabella walked to where James led her eventually spotting Gryphon sitting at a table alone looking a little anxious. Once they reached the table and James sat down, she sat down in the empty seat across from both the boys. Where James was motioning her to sit. "Hi Gryphon. Are you okay? " She asked concerned since she hadn't seen him since he got kicked out of their english class.
Internally Gryphon was smiling like a happy idiot when his friends walked through that door, just didn't let it let through his expression. It annoyed his family sometimes, hating his lack of smiling. He couldn't help if he was awkward about something like that.

Then Arabella asked him a concerning question. Could he consider her a friend already? "Oh, I'm fine. I always get myself into this sort of trouble." It felt strange to have James sitting beside him instead of across, but no big deal.

"Where are you from?" Gryphon asked curiously. This was unusual for he hardly ever started a conversation, he was the quiet boy who let others do the talking. "I mean, where did you live before you came here?"
James was rather surprised that Gryphon was talking already, which almost immediately made him wonder why he hadn't been able to make his friend so freely talk before. Maybe with a bit of.. Jealousy even? He didn't say anything about the matter, and after gazing over at Gryphon for a few moments, looked across the table to Arabella again. He never did eat lunch, but he claimed he had eaten before if anyone ever asked him about it.
She was glad to hear that he was ok he seemed so sweet and shy she felt bad when he got yelled at. " Okay, you should probably try not to fall asleep in his class next time" She said trying to look out for him.

As she got her lunch out of her bag, she glanced up at Gryphon as he asked her questions. "I used to live in this small town about an hour and a half from here" She explained. " It sucked, I'm glad I moved. I wished we would have moved earlier." She explained as she nibbled on some carrots .
((Gimme a second to post..)) 
"Yeaahh, I've learned my lesson by now. Shouldn't be staying up so late." Gryphon took a bite of his apple, swallowing before continuing, "Oh, really? For some reason I had expected you to be a city girl." Their school was found in the country, not the hillbilly kind of country. "All pretty and sophisticated," Gryphon had paused after processing his own words. Sounding almost like James there for a second.
Arabella nodded happy to hear he would be getting more sleep so he wouldn't fall asleep in class. " Well I did live in the city for a while, this is the second time we have moved actually" She explained with a small laugh. His next comment made her blush just a little bit. " I'm really not that pretty or sophisticated" She protested waving her hands.
"Ah don't be so modest," Reaching out Gryphon took Arabella's hand to hold for just a second, pulling away to return his hand to his lap after. "Hey Curly, want some fries?" He offered as he pointed to his tray, curious to see if he'd deny food again. Was that boy on a strict diet or something?
James felt his eyes glue to Gryhpon's hand for the time he had moved to touch Arabella's hand, and he didn't even know how to explain it then. Was he feeling jealous? Every time he'd told Gryphon to get more sleep the boy had just shrugged him off saying he was fine with the amount of sleep he'd been getting.

He seemed as though his attention had been pulled away from something when asked if he wanted a fry. And immediately James shook his head. "No.. I ate before we came in here." He stated without thinking- Since, well, Arabella had been right with him.

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Arabella was surprised when Gryphon took her hand. Not knowing what to say she just kind of stared at him for a momment until he let her hand go, her hand slipping into her lap as well. She looked down at her hand and then back up at Gryhpon a small smile playing on her lips. He really was very sweet and adorable she thought to herself.

Her attention shifted to James as he was offered a fry. When he refused it saying he had already eaten before lunch her face scrunched up funny. She had just been with him and she knew very well that he hadn't eaten anything so why was he lying? She was debating whether to say something about it or not.
Seeing the funny face Arabella made, James took the fry, leaning over the table and rather gently and precisely sticking it into Arabella's mouth instead. "Here.. You eat it.." He stated casually, sitting back down afterwards with his hands in his lap. In truth, he wasn't really hungry anyhow- Though that was probably just because he never really ate lunch anyways.
Gryphon looked like he was about to let out a deep sigh when his bestfriend rejected his offer. How was this guy not hungry? Did he always eat during class? "Eating during class is not allowed..." James' lies were obvious and yet Gryphon always went along with them. He didn't want to urge the other into revealing the truth; at least not at school.

When James had leaned over to poke that fry into Arabella's mouth he tried stifling a laugh. They both just looked like dorks, James' stubborn pouty face and Arabella's confused expression. "Do you hate fries that much?" He teased his buddy.
"No, fries are good... When I'm hungry." Really he was barely ever actually hungry enough to eat real food.. But hey, whatever. "I'm just.. Not hungry right now. I ate a big breakfast and I already ate what lunch I had brought." James claimed, hoping that Arabella wouldn't say anything opposed to that since he'd escorted her to the lunch room, and she knew he hadn't really eaten anything.
"Alright then, I suppose that would make sense." Gryphon wasn't sure he truly believed what James was claiming. Lifting a hand up he brushed James' curls out of his face, having the urge to instead tug on them. Even though he was pretty quiet he was also pretty touchy of others -- not like a pervert, just fiddled with others. "Would you guys smack me if I fell asleep in class again?"
Arabella scrunched up her nose as James stuck the fry in her mouth. "Stop that! I don't want it either" She said spitting it out. Her arms crossed over her chest a pout forming on her face as she looked across the table at James. She knew he was lying when he told Gryphon he had eaten earlier but she decided not so say anything. She made a mental note to ask him about it when the were alone sometime, but for now she would let it go.
"I wouldn't smack you," James almost instantly answered. "You just need to get more sleep so you won't fall asleep in class Gryph," He quickly added, frowning over at his friend after watching as the curls of his ginger hair were brushed out of his face. He never cared to do much with his hair.. But that was just because it was the most untamable thing he'd ever seen.
Gryphon smiled at the nickname. Gryph, James had called him that ever since they were little kids. Didn't know why it made him smile. "Oh yeah, not only did I get a new job, but I got a new phone." Finally. "I need your number Curly."

Glancing over at Arabella he asked, "Can I get your number? I know it's pretty early to ask, but I feel like we're going to be really close friends."
Arabella looked to Gryphon as he asked for her number the pout leaving her face. "Hm you do? oh sure!" She smiled when he said they would be good friends. She was surprised at how quickly and easily she had made friends but knowing she would be the two boys' friends now made her happy.

She dug around in her bag for a second eventually pulling out her phone. "Here you can just program your number in my phone" She said leading over the table to hand Gryphon her phone.
Gryphon took the phone to enter in his contact information, skipping past the photo part, he wasn't too big on getting pictures of himself. "Here," handing back the phone he smiled again. Wow, he surely was coming out of his shell today! Was it because of this pretty girl? Did he just finally want to prove James that he could be social?

Stealing a glance at the clock made Gryphon practically freak out. "Ho-Holy crap!!" Gathering up his belongings then trashing the rest of his meal he rushed to get going. "They forgot to ring the bell for class again. We're gonna be late!"
James was just about to plug in his phone number in Gryphon's phone when the male suddenly announced that the bells hand't went off. In a sudden rush, he quickly stood, motioning for Arabella to do the same. "C'mon, before we're really late!" He insisted, already turning to go.

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