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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul


Mad Magician

~Tokyo Ghoul~

Ah Yes the Title Explains it all, I have an extreme thirsting for a Tokyo Ghoul Rp as I cannot stand waiting a week for the next Manga Chapter to come out.

I plan for this to be something on the Lines to High Casual-Detailed so most people can cope with it.

I have a few Minor "Arc's" and faction plans in mind but I'm not getting ahead of myself, As All the other Tokyo ghoul Rp's I've seen end up being Piss Poor and filled with One liner people or It dies within a week...That or the Creator seemingly Disappears.

I wish for at least ten-twelve people to take interest before I go ahead on making the thread.

Questions?...Suggestions?...Interested?...Say so below!

Also I don't plan for this to be a super fast "50 Pages in a day" Rp, I actually detest those. A Post every two-three days is expected from everyone, with at least 2 Paragraphs Minimum.

@TaeYeon @Shungila @Lionheart

Hello there fellow inhabitants of Rp Nation!

After much exploring of the wonderful Forums, I noticed most of you expressed Interest in a Tokyo Ghoul Rp that either Failed to take off or died within five days.

As such, being the desperate human being I am. I wondered whether any of you would be interested in a Tokyo Ghoul Rp that doesn't die within a few days.

If not, Perfectly fine and sorry for tagging you~

If you do express interest, Please comment back so that I know~

Thank you for reading.
Tokyo Ghoul is a hard anime to bring to RP. Most of it is mental and emotional. I am curious to know what you'll do.
I think the biggest issue TG RPs have in recreating the appeal of the manga is that they have pretty much all been open-world, without a goal or scenario, which makes it hard to start on that emotional and mental turmoil that the fans love oh-so-much. IMO, a universe like Tokyo Ghoul needs a solid plot direction to even dream of working as an RP, otherwise it's going to just fizzle out within a few pages because people aren't getting that lovely RC Cell Sauce that the manga is smothered in.
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]I think the biggest issue TG RPs have in recreating the appeal of the manga is that they have pretty much all been open-world, without a goal or scenario, which makes it hard to start on that emotional and mental turmoil that the fans love oh-so-much. IMO, a universe like Tokyo Ghoul needs a solid plot direction to even dream of working as an RP, otherwise it's going to just fizzle out within a few pages because people aren't getting that lovely RC Cell Sauce that the manga is smothered in.

Truer words have never been spoken, Bandit. Well there you go, Cipher! That's what you got to do!
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Ya'know, I think the words "The sun is hot" are a lot more true than that.

I dunno. That's kind of debatable. (>u>)
Aha, Yeah I realized that. I have a semi-Solid Plot idea at the moment, But it's still in the works. Mainly because I want to know if anyone would be interested in a rp such as this, If yes then I'll get started on the Plot Itself immediately~
Interesting. Maybe make it a little more detailed ? Like share your ideas ? ( you know making a Tokoyo ghoul rp will require some planning ). And about the type of rp can you please be like 3-4 lines please :D

Suggestions -

*Keep charas of both the police and the ghouls. ( keep them balanced )

*Make it less action focused and more focused on detective work. You know like hiding your ghoul identity or finding ghouls. You wouldn't want people to just make an attack interaction and then waiting a while or stuff. Fighting isn't best suited for role play in my personal opinion. So you know ghouls need to hide themselves and can't parade around looking for trouble and so if a ghouls is found out, he will most likely die or be captured unless there is something else planned.

* Add interrogations and stuff. You know capturing a ghoul making it starve just to find more ghouls. Basically similar to last idea.

To end it. The idea is good. You seem to be a capable author. I want in so reserve 0:). Keep it less fight oriented and more detective oriented ( more interactions )
divyansh said:
Fighting isn't best suited for role play in my personal opinion.

This is because nobody uses dice.

Well, and the fact that nobody ever wants their character to lose.


divyansh said:
Keep charas of both the police and the ghouls. ( keep them balanced )
I dunno about this, another part of the reason Tokyo Ghoul RPs fail so often is because the playerbase is basically split between Ghouls and Investigators. I mean, the freedom of being able to choose both is appealing sure, but it often leads to half of the players never interacting with eachother, unless spurred on by silly levels of convenience.

(That being said, I'm not saying the GM should restrict people to one or the other, but it's something one should keep in mind while plotting, imo.)
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Lot of interference you got going here, Bandit. Do you have a license for all this?

I believe Cipher can figure it out. As long as ghouls get to eat other ghouls, people will be happy.
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Lot of interference you got going here, Bandit. Do you have a license for all this?

white i will bully you.

[QUOTE="White Masquerade]I believe Cipher can figure it out. As long as ghouls get to eat other ghouls, people will be happy.

Oh I'm sure. But who knows? Maybe my wayward ramblings will give them an idea xP
Hmph, Whilst fighting can get out of hand I don't plan on using dice. Not very fond of it to be quite honest.

I will however heavily moderate fight scene's between characters & won't hesitate in anyway to call people out on it if necessary.

Also in terms of balancing characters, I kind of want it to keep to the lore and make more Investigators than ghouls.

it depends to be quite honest. I'll start thinking some stuff through.
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Dice.
This is because nobody uses dice.

Well, and the fact that nobody ever wants their character to lose.


I dunno about this, another part of the reason Tokyo Ghoul RPs fail so often is because the playerbase is basically split between Ghouls and Investigators. I mean, the freedom of being able to choose both is appealing sure, but it often leads to half of the players never interacting with eachother, unless spurred on by silly levels of convenience.

(That being said, I'm not saying the GM should restrict people to one or the other, but it's something one should keep in mind while plotting, imo.)

No one uses dice it's sad...

We'll that's where planning comes in. Mostly the pd will interact while ghouls won't. Hence maybe make a place for all ghouls to meet, like in manga there is that cafe.

That aside this is problem can be fixed by a capable author
I'm interested! And I was hoping to have an inspector as my character and was wondering if anyone was looking for a partner?

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