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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: Rising Dawn

Ame Hi

Ame looked at Tristan as Kyle left the room with Angel. "I knew you would be here. I don't know if you have noticed or not, but the area on the surface feels like an earthquake is happening from all this ruckus. Now let us get go-" She notices Cho next to him. Ame clears her throat after seeing her, "A-a-anyways! We should get going." She started stuttering and then her face turns red after Cho winks at her. "Lets just go already!" She walks out of the room, but not before glancing at Daku who was just standing there.

Daku Akuma

Daku is calm until he sees all the dead members killed by Kyle and the other ghouls. He then activates his evolved kakuja in full fury and rage. A bone armor with horns all over it shape kakuja formed with a cord that attached to a big large cannon made from the kakuja.

Ariyah Tsukiyoma

Ariyah didn't know what she could do. She hadn't eaten human meat for a long ass time. Ari was weakened from this. She had to at least try.. And she knew it too. Ariyah's koukaku activated. Thinking about using speed and strength, shards continued to fly at Chi. Ari flew up into the air with her koukaku turning into a blade. As she spun in the air, Ari slammed her koukau down onto Chi, aiming for her head. Knowing that Chi was her only target, Ari's ukaku deactivated and was replaced with her rinkaku. Ari's rinkaku had a form somewhat like a flower. The colors were different. From nearly each direction at a blurred speed, the spiked tip petal like rinkaku would be coming towards Chi from numerous directions. 'I had to help out that other guy. I had to blow my cover.. God damn it, is it really worth it?'

Chikara Kaiketsu

Chikara walked throughout the city. He was alone and calm. With his phone out, Chikara was considering messaging Ariyah so that they could hang on. Sur?bu was right by his side dressed as a normal teenager. As he walked in silence, Chikara sent a message to Ariyah. He didn't know she would be busy with another investigator though.


(He is in my character sign up.)
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Alex flew around the city but was distracted by the sound of fighting. he landed on a building and looked down. a female ghoul was fighting what looked to be a child, one with a CCG investigators weapon. he flew down in front of the Ghoul girl and used his wings to create a shield in front of him. "need a hand?" he asked as the shards bounced off his Wings.
Angel looks at Kyle and pulls him along, staying there would be dangerous "Come on" she says and Kyle says "Fine, let's go, but I'm bringing you home instantly", Angel nods slightly in agreement and she looks back.
Tristan sighed stuffing his hands in his pockets as he turned around to face Kyle, and also seeing the hoard of ghouls following behind "I don't think you realize what you just got yourself into, Dove." he stated bluntly as he glared to Kyle "If it isn't the hoard of Kakuja's coming after us now that doesn't kill you, it's going to be me."

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Cho Iro

"Tristan look out!" Cho leaped behind Tristan to block a blast which disintegrated her hand. She screamed in pain realizing her hand is gone. She looked to Tristan in pain while falling to her knees. "I can still feel my hand...." She keeps looking at it. Cho then looked up back at Tristan. "Resolve this peacefully please! We can't take anymore risks.

Daku Akuma

Daku was one who fired the blast out of his kakuja kagune. He was only using 10% of the kagune, but it was also a warning shot to get their attention. "You took away my family...Now I shall do the same to you all!" He lifted up the massive cannon attached to his kakuja aimed towards them.

Ame Hi

"Hey before you do anything." Ame was looking at Tristan. "I should have you know that I observed him and he is very mentally unstable. Anything can piss him off, so try not to be hostile okay?" She looked back at Daku. "From what I can tell he has amnesia since nobody can have this many family members. He was probably accepted into this place as a home to him making him belief this was his family. I suggest you try to win him over on our side. He could help us greatly! Including for my research, so that would be nice ya know?" She whispered.

Chi Dansu

"Oh! A new toy!" She dodged all the kagunes as she noticed the newcomer entering the battle. Chi took out more shards and hurled them while she ran at the wings. Once she arrived, she punched the wings with her fist which began to make a dent and cracks into the wings itself. She continued to punch until Alex would release them both from the protection.

Toki Sadame

Toki was watching Chi attack the wings while he was recovering. His broken arm was almost healed from the regeneration and he was almost ready to get back into action and win this fight. One of his kagune were already shattered and his kakuja had a crack, so he was running out of options. What do I do now? Should I look for Ame? No wait! She already left the house with that investigator guy!' He rose to his feet preparing to attack once again at Chi.


@Sinister Clown

@Sir Grego

@Flame Demon
Alex, thinking fast as his wings where punched and cracked, whipped his tail around to the front, landing a blow on the small girl and sending her flying away from him. he opened his wings and landed. his wings contoured onto his arm and created armer around his arms and at his hands where two red, sword like jagged structures. "you fight good for a child. you remind me of him. always lashing out with instinct, never relaying on intelligent thought for his attacks." he said. he ran at the girl and swung one of the blades down at her, while the other morphed, without skipping a beat, into a shield structure in a defensive position, while his tail lashed out toward her from the other direction. "Unfortunately for you I have three weapons and three shields."
Joffry sneezed and looked out the window smiling "someone is thinking about me." he said happily. as he waited for the chief he noticed a folder on his desk. he read it, an attack on Akastuki headquarters planned for tonight. Joffry stood up and ran out of the pricinct before anyone could stop him. "he is there." he kept repeating as he ran through the streets. he threw his backpack on and pulled a cord on it, it burst open and two beautiful silver wings flew out of it. he took to the skies, heading for the akatsuki headquarters. he landed and looked around, some ghouls where fleeing, he nonchalantly killed them as he walked by, his wings dissipating and becoming floating blades, flying around him in a whirlwind as they sliced up fleeing ghouls left and right. these where weaklings, fledgling ghouls with no real power. he walked into the building and heard the sound of a huge explosion. his grin widened. he ran towards the sound to be confronted with a large armored Ghoul holding a skeleton-like machine gun. he crossed his arms "man, I was hoping to find Alex." he said under his breath. he looked around the room and saw two other people, a boy and a girl. "excuse me!" he yelled waving to them in a flashy manner "are you two, perhaps, ghouls?" he asked, putting his hands behind his back and smiling with his eyes closed as he looks at them innocently.
Ariyah Tsukiyoma

Ariyah looked up at Alex but decided not to answer considering he should already know. Ari's Rinkaku continued stabbing at Chi with immense speed. She predicted where Chi would go to dodge and have one of the spiky petal like rinkaku already going towards her from that initial direction. This game of cat and mouse continued and continued. Ariyah took her phone out and read the message from Chikara. She smiled and sent a response saying yes and that she'll meet him at the park.

Chikara Kaiketsu

Suberu turned around staring at the direction where Ari and others were. Chikara's phone buzzed and he took it out reading the message. He smiled and agreed with Ari. "Let's go, Suberu.." Chikara walked to the park with Suberu right behind.
Chi Dansu continued to dodge all the kagune until she was caught into a corner. She grabbed one of Alex's and Ariyah's kagune and snaps them off the kagune they had. Chi then threw them back at the ghouls. "With this I can finally be on squad 0! Come on let me kill you both!!" Chi ran at Ariyah while knocking away all kagune that headed her way till she was right in front of Ariyah. She was already swinging a fist at her face ready to knock her aside.
Ariyah ducked down and to the side. Out of sheer panic, she took out the dagger in her boot and sliced up Chi's thigh and hip. She then jammed it into her side as hard and as deep as she could given the small amount of time. Ari then turned and kicked off of Chi's waist jamming the dagger deeper. With that momentum, she pushed herself away from Chi giving themselves a fair amount of distance between them. "Sorry, kid.. But I need this face for a date." Ari landed some feet away from Chi. She cussed under her breath letting her rinkaku disperse. 'Should've eaten that meat.. God damn..'
Chi was bleeding out of her side from that dagger. She was already coughing out blood as well. When she tried to get up, she only stumbled over. 'Well this is it...looks like my own blood is spilling out.....I wonder what it tastes like.' She put her hand in her blood and licked it off her fingers. 'Ah I see now, I can feel it.' She thought as she passed out. More CCG began to head this way as people heard the noise. Chi was on the verge of death from blood loss, but she was continuing to strive even in her unconscious state.
Kyle nods slightly and Angel thinks for a while, then walks to Daku "Your own family wouldn't kill you if you made a mistake, they'd forgive you" she says and smiles slightly "And I forgot to say thanks for saving me from being stabbed by all those ghouls earlier". Kyle facepalms "How the hell is she so calm?" he mumbles, keeping an eye on things. Angel smiles brightly "And even though I might have beem save here, I prefer to be with my friends and family, no matter what dangers there are"
So many decisions flooded into Ari's mind. She could eat her, kill her, leave, or take her. After just a short amount of time thinking, she decided. Ariyah kicked Chi in the head to ensure a possible concussion. She sliced both of her Achilles heels to ensure the inability to walk until it is healed. Ari slashed her arms so that if she tried to move, they'd bleed out more. Ariyah grabbed her arms and took a bite from each. She let out a happy sigh remembering how good the taste of human flesh was. It would be enough to drive her insane. To make sure the blood loss was enough to bring Chi close to death, she slashed her stomach with the same dagger in her waist. Ariyah made sure she took the dagger with her. Before CCG could get any closer, Ariyah dashed off as fast as possible. After making several twists and turns, she sighed and settled in an alley way 4 miles away. Ari made sure her tracks, scent, and the blood following her was disguised well. She collapsed against the wall and opened the package of meat from Toki. Ariyah couldn't help herself and ate it.
[QUOTE="Bad night star]“Good evening.” Iroha replied looking at Reika. “ Reika-chan, Juuzo-kun isn’t in today. Its odd that you’re still here because I’m assuming you know that. Do you need a ride back?”

"Ah! That would be great! Ne, what're you up to, Iro-chan?" Reika chirped cheerfully.
“Get in, Reika-chan. Me, Oh the normal work and work, being sent out into the field today.” Iroha replied unlocking the back doors as Zack enter the passengers seat of the car. “ We’re going to head to the school first, after we drop Reika-chan where she wants to go. And Reika-chan, no you can not come with us. There is a risk that a Kakuja type ghoul is there and you’d be a liability.”

@Reika Suzuya

@Reika Suzuya[/URL]

Reika wrinkled her nose with a visible pout.

"Reika-chan isn't so weak as to be a liability for something like that! Don't underestimate Reika-chan! No! No! No! That's not fair! Not fair at all!" she whined, suddenly bent on going with Iroha now. She crossed her arms determinedly and stared hard at Iroha. As stubborn as she was, it was already too late to change the little albino's mind. One thing that had always set her off was being underestimated and she'd never been one to back down from anything. "Reika-chan's going with because Reika-chan's gonna prove it!"

@Bad night star

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"The more the merrier, I guess." Zack said with a shrug. "Lets just hope we don't have to fight more than we can handle."
Iroha sighed. “This is the CCG’s business. do you really feel the need to cause trouble with in more ghoul gangs than you already have? I just don’t want you hurt. Zack don’t encourage her.” She was worried, it wasn’t that Reika couldn’t take care of herself its more that Iroha didn’t want her to have to. The girl was already mixed up with the CCG more than any other ghoul had without being a member. “ Get in Reika-chan.”

@Reika Suzuya

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"Sorry, didn't know I couldn't make jokes." Zack just sat in his seat and closed his eyes. He might as well get some sleep on the way there.
Tristan looked to Cho in shock 'Shit, will that heal back??' looking back to Angel and Kyle he went into a moment of thought hanging his head down enough for his hair to cast a shadow over his eyes he give off a pissed off expression "Tsk!" 'I really wanted to eat you all..' turning back to Cho he grabbed a hold of her hand and then started running off, he had no intention in letting Kyle know who he actually was.


@Flame Demon
Cho Iro

Cho was just dragged along. She was still in shock, but she didn't react to anything happening around them at all. Cho looked up at Tristan, but she couldn't muster the courage to say anything. Knowing Tristan, he would probably try to avoid using his kagune to expose himself to the CCG. 'I see so that's the case huh?' Cho grinned before activating her ukaku kagune. Four wings sprouted out of her back. Each wing was glowing a neon light.

Daku Akuma

Daku looked back at Angel one last time before noticing the new CCG investigator who showed up out of no where. "I see...then allow me to come with you!" He ran towards Angel. "I will protect you in the mean time. You two should run!" He then aimed his cannon at Joffry. "The CCG are not welcome here. I would like to politely ask you to leave!"

Toki Sadame

After Ariyah left, Toki began to take off running in his kakuja leaving Alex and Chi there. The CCG were going to arrive soon, so he wouldn't want to be questioned. 'Actually it would be better to stick around Ame's house. They wouldn't suspect a ghoul to stay at the crime scene instead of running' He returned through the back door and waited for everyone to come home. He honestly wasn't sure about all these new guests, but he didn't want to get close to them at all.

Chi Dansu

By the time Chi woke up again, she was inside a CCG car owned by an investigator. She groaned at the thought of reporting her failure to her superiors. Though she couldn't quite remember anything that happened. 'Ugh why is my short term memory acting up now!? Did I lose too much blood as well!? I don't even remember what they looked like or where they were!' She sat up and waited till she arrived at the CCG headquarters.

Ame Hi

Ame was already out of the cave by the time Joffry arrived within. She began to run back to her home on her own. She had a taser hidden in her pocket if a ghoul would try to do anything, so she was perfectly capable of defending herself.
Kyle nods at Daku before pulling Angel along and leaving, he looks back and he narrows his eyes, even though Angel seemed perfectly human, her lack of being scared most of the time could lead to others realizing she's a ghoul. Angel looks at Daku and says "See you outside then I guess, don't try to get killed", once outside Kyle checks on Angel for injuries, noticing the slight bruise that Daku had given her "It's fine, he didn't mean any harm" the girl says and she adds "Beside, you should worry about yourself".
Ariyah Tsukiyoma

Ariyah finished eating from the package as she sighed happily. She felt bad. Ari never thought she'd enjoy the taste of human flesh going down into her stomach. When she thought of it, it just made her want more. Ariyah shook it off. She walked home and changed out of her clothes, burning the outfit before. Once she was all changed and looked human again, Ariyah walked to the park to meet Chikara. Hopefully she looked good enough. Ariyah arrived at the park to find Chikara waiting on a park bench.

Chikara Kaiketsu

Chikara sat on a park bench looking at his phone. He was waiting anxiously for Ariyah to arrive. It had been a month ever since they last hung out. As soon as Chikara saw Ariyah walk into the park, he stood up. Chikara smiled at her and walked up to her. "Hey.. Shall we go?" Chikara asked happily. Ariyah and Chikara walked together smiling and laughing with Suberu close behind.

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