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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: Rising Dawn

When Ariyah heard Toki's voice, she opened her eyes. She looked up at him. With a sigh, Ari slowly stood up and leaned against the tree. Her arms were crossed. "Toki-Kun.. I don't know if you are aware, but I've been hiding in human civilization for.. six years now. For the first time ever, I've had to use my kagune. Why is it that in any other situation I never bother? How come when all of you show up, I just decide to follow along? So what if I know a lot about all of you.. It means nothing. If I can just return back to my normal life, maybe there's still a chance I'll be left alone by the CCG. Toki-Kun, I've been here for six years as a human. I can't let one little incident just destroy that. I'm strong, but I don't think I'm strong enough to handle CCG and even more ghouls. There may be no gain in me leaving, but I don't think there's any loss in leaving either. How would all of you even be beneficial to me.." She stared straight at Toki. Ariyah just didn't trust any of them. Everything she worked so hard for was easily stripped away in less than an hour.
“Of course I have a car, its not classy to walk around carrying a quinques on the trains for its it easy to get across wards in a timely fashion while waiting for trains. Plus I get some money a few years a go and decided it would be a wise decision consider how far we have to go. I keep it parked in the parking lot because I don’t wanna pay at my apartment building.” Her strides were quick. “ I can’t believe Owari would send that kid out by himself…”
Tristan just stood and watched to see Cho hop around the ghouls using neon lights and sounds to take down her enemies 'That's so cool...' he snapped out of his thoughts and walked out of the bush giggling "Yeah remind me not to do that next time." he rushed into the gate and crouched down leaning onto the wall, looking back at Cho he smiled innocently "I'm not that strong, so let's try sneak through here and get out quick." whilst also thinking 'Besides, It probably won't take long for the doves to start investigating and I don't even have my wig on..' he looked back infront of him and started sneaking further inside, they came across another group of Ghouls and Tristan turned to Cho signalling her to stop winking as he quickly leaped around the side and dashing into the group of ghouls before they were even able to react Tristan activated his Ukaku kagune different colored needle shaped spikes coming from his back and releasing impaling the ghouls around him within a matter of seconds their bodies dropping to the floor Tristan walked back around giving her a thumbs up before running off again expecting that she would follow, it shouldn't have been long now before they reached Angel.

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Zack luckily managed to barely keep up with Ringo, thanks to his long strides. "Makes sense. So, what's the deal with you and Owari? You two seem to almost loathe each other's existence."
“We may or may not have dated in the past.” That was so a lie, but the less this guy knew about what really had transpired in her past the better. She didn’t loathe him personally, but it feel under her over all hatred for the CCG. “Let’s just say it didn’t end well.” It didn’t even begin. She had met him a week before her failed quinx surgery. “But apparently he’s mad at me for something he says I did and I’m mad for something he says he didn’t do. Don’t date with in work, it just ends up horribly. Now he doesn’t listen to me unless I threaten him with something.” She led Zack through the CCG building. “ Do you have your Quinque on you?”
"What do you think is in the briefcase?" Owari dated her? Unlikely, but Zack didn't care. He just wanted to get this task over so he could go home and sleep. "I never leave home without it."
"Hey, you're part of the Qunix, right?" He'd heard her mention the squad and becoming its leader. And that would mean she was part ghoul. Possibly.
“I’m an advisor, I oversee the missions that they get sent out on and the progress made but until now the ones in our ward are just a sub section of those in the first ward, So I’ve had barely any contact with the kids who have undergone the surgery.” Iroha said leading him down the parking garage. “ I would like them transferred into my care. I’m worried that they’re not properly looked out for.”
"Ya know, even though a ghoul tore my life apart, I don't see the need to kill ones that don't hurt people." He pulled out another cigarette and lit it. "We don't go around capturing innocent humans, why do the same to ghouls?"
“Because humans are afraid of things they don’t understand.” Iroha said striding down a flight of stairs before pushing a door open into the parking garage. “There is something fearful about people that eat others. Its like being confronted by a bear or a shark, your scared because you heard about so many horrible things about it. Even though that creature hasn’t done anything, you still fear it.”
"Reminds me of a line from a good movie. 'A person is smart, people are stupid. It's why I make sure not to be with lots of people, makes my IQ drop.' "He smirked and continued after her. "Love that movie."
“What movie was it? I’d maybe like to watch it some time.” Iroha said walking to a Toyota and unlocking it with the click of a button. The young woman opened the drivers side and sat in, starting the car with a push of a button. “ hurry up.”
Yoshiro said:
(Hey @Reika Suzuya , wanna join our little investigation?)
(Count me in!~ X3)

Reika, bored and tired of waiting as she lacked the patience, skipped outside and overheard Zach's and Iroha's conversation. Curious, she went up to the two, grinning cheerily.

"Gooood eveniiing!~" she greeted, rocking back and forth on the heels of her feet.
“Good evening.” Iroha replied looking at Reika. “ Reika-chan, Juuzo-kun isn’t in today. Its odd that you’re still here because I’m assuming you know that. Do you need a ride back?”
Cho Iro

"Hey Tristy! Look!" She points to the killed guards they slaughtered. "We should disguise ourselves!" She lifted one of them up then she held him in front of her. "Hey! Who goes there! I will have you put in jail!" Cho yelled quietly while giving her best guard impression. She grinned once she let go of the person.

Toki Sadame

"If you keep trying this you will die out. I mean look at what took Angel! Hiding will not solve everything. Sometimes we just gotta fight!" Toki moved towards her. "We can't keep playing hide and seek with CCG sometimes we gotta be the cat in this cat and mouse type of game." Toki took out a package full of human meat inside and handed it to her. "You will need to become stronger in order to live your life. The CCG will not wait around for forever. I know I sound ridiculous, but this is the truth. Oh look what a surprise! Speak of the devil." he points to a little girl in a hood staring at them from a block away.

As he counted to speak to her, Ariyah listened. She didn't WANT to believe him, but she knew it was the truth. As he handed her the packet, she looked down at it. Her eyes widened as she could smell it.The sound definitely made her lose control as much as she hated it. Ariyah looked up at him. She then looked in the direction he was pointing in to find the little girl. 'Is she one of the CCG?' She thought to herself. Ari looked back towards him. "What took Angel.. I don't think that was a CCG member, was it..? That was a different situation.. That girl back there.. Is she one...? She is, right?" Ariyah sighed. She didn't want to admit that he was being true. He was right. Ari turned her head and stared at the girl.
Tristan walked up to the bodies and looked down on them watching as she played with them 'Looks tasty..' he thought to himself however resisting his urge to eat them and looking to Cho with a confident smile "How fast can you be?" he asked her casually looking down to the hall "If we're fast enough we could just run in grab who we need and get out as quick as we can." he started walking down the next hall which lead to the next few chambers.

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He quickly opened the passengers door and sat in the seat. "I'll tell you if I remember it. So, where are we headed first?"
Cho Iro

"Well didn't you see how fast I was from earlier and didn't I tell you to not worry about me you spoiled little boy!" She smirked. Then in a swift move of neon light from what can be seen. She is right behind Tristan. "Lead the way already," She whispered.

Chi Dansu

"Umm.....Are you guys ghouls?" She hesitated while approaching them. "If you are, then I will have to do awful things to you all." She spoke very quietly that could be hardly audible. "Because! I want to rip our your intestines that I can feel them all over me with all the blood that I can bathe in afterwards! Hahahahahaha!" She suddenly became really louder and laughed hideously. She ran at Toki who just managed to activate his kakuja on time. She punched his kakuja which left multiple cracks in it. She had a crazy grin on her face full of thrill and excitement from this experience.

Toki Sadame

He looked back at Ariyah and nodded, "The thing that took Angel was a ghoul for certain, but I don't think she is a ghoul." He then took a position to be ready for anything, but he wasn't expecting to have her charge directly at him. He activated his kakuja to block the attack, but his defenses were pierced. He looked at Ariyah expecting her to move into action before something bad happened.


@Sinister Clown
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Ariyah sighed. Well.. Now she definitely knew that the CCG has found out about her. Without any hesitation, her ukaku activated. As the black spider web like design formed from her back, she kicked Chi in the shin hard. She felt a little bad considering Chi was a younger girl, but hey. Ari had to do what she had to do. As soon as that happened, she grabbed Toki by his arms and flew up. Black shards launched towards Chi at a quick pace from above and in front. With a strong grip on Toki, Ariyah flew around Chi quickly. To a normal human, she'd look like a blur. As she flew around her, more shards were being launched at Chi. Ari then took off into the air and away. As soon as she was far enough, Ari flew closer to the ground to be hidden from Chi. She continued flying close to the ground making sharp turns. Ariyah just cussed under her breath numerous times.
Tristan gestured a hand puppet movement when Cho commented on him on being a spoiled brat whispering back afterwards "Alright, let's go" and with surprising speed he dashed off down the hall and right through the group of ghouls that were in the chambers the ghouls didn't notice for a few moments but started chasing both him and Cho through the Chasm that when they came to Angel's location they also brought a hoard of ghouls with them.


@Flame Demon
Joffry swung his legs wide sitting in the CCG office, he had been an investigator since 10 years old, but he was finally in the precinct he had longed to be in. he hugged his backpack "just wait Amy, he is here. I can feel him. soon he will make up for what he did, and we can all be together again." he said, smiling happily. some people walked by and stared at him, he tilted his head with a smile, the stitches on his left cheek making his smile lopsided and longer then usual. they hurried away from him. an Officer came to him and escorted him to the Chiefs office, until he got a partner, Joffry would be working solo, but the CCG didn't exactly like him moving about unsupervised, so he would remain in the precinct building until he was needed on the field.

Alex stood on a rooftop, watching the city hustle below. he got a shiver down his spine. an eerie feeling he hadn't felt in a long time. he put on his mask and turned towards the sky, he flew off to find his meal for the evening.

(going to need a PM on where everyone is and how I can connect my characters to them please.)
Angel turns to Tristan and she leans against the wall "Are you gonna get rid of that giant group or not?" she asks seemingly bored, she wasn't going to follow orders from some stupid guy who thought he could order her around like it was nothing, she also glances around "Also there are more around, that weren't all of them".

Kyle sighs and heads to the forest "I can come a long way with those two weapons" he adds, he walks to the chasm and adds "So any idea how we're going to get through this?" he asks, though most of the ghouls were after the two other ghouls.
Cho Iro

"Hurry up already! They aren't dumb to just stay at the entrance!" She held the door shut waiting for them until she saw Angel. "Wait we are saving her?" She groaned, but she continued to hold the door shut. She almost seemed depressed at that, but she didn't have time to think about this.

Chi Dansu

She didn't even bother to dodge all the shards that were shot at her, but she ripped them out of her body without feeling any pain at all. Taking two of the shards, she leaped at Toki. Toki grabbed her by the face, but his arm got slashed by the shards she was using. Chi kneed him in the arm and flipped him over. "Come on! I don't see any blood yet! Open up already!"

Toki Sadame

Toki screamed in rage because of Chi. His arm was broken as a result of her kneeing him in the arm. He rammed into her while unleashing his koukaku kagune of 7 wires with scythe shaped looking ends. Each one swung at her trying to impale and slice her, but she managed to dodge each one. The last one that swung at her she punched which shattered the kagune completely. 'Damn...I knew I should have started eating more often again...' He thought to himself.

Ame Hi

Ame caught up to Kyle while she was carrying her notebook and supplies. "You know there is always a front door," She answered to his question he asked before. "But just knocking would be rude with all this commotion right?" She smiled at him with a mischievous look. "There is no other way but the front entrance. I doubt there is another entrance to this cave, so we just gotta move right into it and stick to the shadows." She grabbed him and pulled him to the entrance where she opened the gate.

Daku Akuma

Daku punches a hole through the back wall where Tristan, Cho, and Angel were. He then took the door down making another entrance out of the room. "I understand why there is so much commotion going on now." He took off his mask to show his face. He glanced at them with his white eyes, but then looked directly at Angel into her eyes. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you all right here?" He remained where the exit was till he received his answer.


@Flame Demon

@Sinister Clown

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"Maybe because someone will kill you if you even so much as lay a hand on me" Angel says and she hears a gun shot heading straight to them, but it explodes on the wall creating an opening "And we really should be more careful who you kidnap" she says and sneaks past him dodging other ghouls until she sees Kyle. Kyle puts Angel behind him and says "Ame, get her out of there, I'll follow in a sec", Angel ducks as something flies towards her and she sighs "You're not staying here alone" he says.

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