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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: Rising Dawn

Daniel reaving]Annabels vision started to blacken as she started to go unconcious not able to stay awake any more as johs shouting started to fade from her hearing [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22926-saint-nhoj/ said:
@Saint Nhoj[/URL]
@Saint Nhoj
Daniel reaving][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22926-saint-nhoj/ said:
@Saint Nhoj[/URL]
John stepped on the gas pedal and drove as fast as he could back to headquarters. After about ten minutes they finally made it and John rushed out of the car and picked up Annabel and carried her inside the building. "We need someone on medical staff to come take a look st Annabel things don't look good!" @Daniel reaving @Sinister Clown
Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

"I like how you think, however God is only a term used for a man who seeks everything; Men like that always end up dead eventually." he mused as he squished a nearby bug with the two of his fingers "But me and you, Jason...I have a feeling about us being very good friends." seeming to avoid the question about the egg, The Clown chose to partially answer his question "It's whatever type our 'god' is, However I was told the egg can change it's form depending on who the carrier is..I'm not the one to ask these questions I know very little about how this works, all I know is that those who survive have their natural attributes amplified, some even gain another kagune." looking out to the door, The Clown had other interests in mind besides showing their 'God' the new member and turning back to Jason before he could fit in anything else "We should leave once you're good to walk, There is a city out there that needs mayhem..."


Kanashimi Owari

Kanashimi wasn't impressed, the fact he was practically being forced to take action Kanashimi stood from his seat, adjusting his glasses giving a scary glare from the lenses he moved away from the desk and began walking for the office door "For their sake, I hope they fled already.." walking out the door Kanashimi didn't seem to be in a rush in fact he was being rather slow with getting to where they had to go, using the elevator to go down levels, they had to go below ground level before being able to reach the Quinque room where they constructed the weapons they used against the ghouls, assuming that Kyo would be at his side the whole time He does want the quinque after all.. Entering the facility he looked around to see if anyone were still there. And at this moment receiving an emergency call from the front desk of the building Hm? What's this.. Kanashimi glared down at his phone for a moment before answering, not even getting to place in his greetings the lady started rambling on about getting medical help and with a simple press of a button Kanashimi contacted a medical corpse to take the injured, he also got word that one of the injured was the Ghoul agent he hired almost a year ago now How did this happen... his thoughts weighed deep in his mind as he pondered what the other squad he sent out were doing. After receiving the call he continued his search in the room.

@Saint Nhoj

@Daniel reaving

@Lilah Tunth

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Saint Nhoj]John stepped on the gas pedal and drove as fast as he could back to headquarters. After about ten minutes they finally made it and John rushed out of the car and picked up Annabel and carried her inside the building. "We need someone on medical staff to come take a look st Annabel things don't look good!" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23228-daniel-reaving/ said:
@Daniel reaving[/URL] @Sinister Clown

Kanashimi Owari

Kanashimi wasn't impressed, the fact he was practically being forced to take action Kanashimi stood from his seat, adjusting his glasses giving a scary glare from the lenses he moved away from the desk and began walking for the office door "For their sake, I hope they fled already.." walking out the door Kanashimi didn't seem to be in a rush in fact he was being rather slow with getting to where they had to go, using the elevator to go down levels, they had to go below ground level before being able to reach the Quinque room where they constructed the weapons they used against the ghouls, assuming that Kyo would be at his side the whole time He does want the quinque after all.. Entering the facility he looked around to see if anyone were still there. And at this moment receiving an emergency call from the front desk of the building Hm? What's this.. Kanashimi glared down at his phone for a moment before answering, not even getting to place in his greetings the lady started rambling on about getting medical help and with a simple press of a button Kanashimi contacted a medical corpse to take the injured, he also got word that one of the injured was the Ghoul agent he hired almost a year ago now How did this happen... his thoughts weighed deep in his mind as he pondered what the other squad he sent out were doing. After receiving the call he continued his search in the room.

@Saint Nhoj

@Daniel reaving

@Lilah Tunth
Annabel was unconcious and bloodied badly with multiple deep wounds on her body. A stab wound on her abdomin, her head was broken badly and bleeding and she had even more blood coming from other wounds all over her body. She'd list at least half of her blood by now and was quickly running out
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Kyo and Neil followed Kanashimi, a whisper was heard by Kyo, "Kanashimi?" The voice was practicly inaudible but Kyo heard it well enough, Kanashimi most likely didn't hear it considering he was on the phone.

Kyo from that moment was alert.


"Kanashimi?" She muttured out, after seeing that someone was aproaching the broomcloset she hid in, she peeked out, and seeing a person who she erased from her mind was a quite unwelcomed feeling.
'You always make everything so complicated don't you?'
Kanashimi hung up the phone and sighed "Well, at least they're alive I hope they have something good for me." putting the phone back in his pocket Kanashimi turned his attention back to Kyo, noticing that something was troubling him "You look worried there detective." he stated, although it was obvious he was trying to be sarcastic his tone of voice hadn't altered a bit.

@Lilah Tunth

Kyo smiles and anounces "Looks like we found the ghoul that broke in!"


"Long time no see, Owari." Chika says after coming out of the storage room,"Remember me?"
Another kagune? Sign Jason up! "Like I said, I'll need a new mask. But I guess that can wait until later." He walked over near the other ghoul, and started cracking his neck.

@Sinister Clown
Kanashimi didn't notice Chika come out at first, and before looking at the woman he first heard her voice. His eyes widened with shock and he paused all movement for a moment It can't be.. Turning his head around he gazed at the woman he had not met for a very long time "How could I forget.." he stood there glaring at the woman, he had no idea why she would be in Tokyo let alone in the CCG building after what happened between them a few years back.

@Lilah Tunth
Kuro mused at the ghouls statement "I don't bother with a mask, I don't mind the attention." he said with his sinister grin painted on his face, walking out the door he looked around the few alleyways that intersected in the area, scaling the building in front of him The Clown wanted to get a better veiw of the ward, pondering what he should do next he looked to Jason "How about we meet this human friend of yours hm? I'm curious to see the little toy you have." he knew Jason had felt personal feelings towards this person, which for the look of the man Sinister found it quite surprising.


"Well, I'll just take these and flee!" She said and ran. After seeing the only human she ever had feelings for, she wanted to do nothing more then to throw up all the guilt and remorse away.


"An ex, I presume," Kyo said, and Neil added "Didn't see you as a player sir, I mean, you used to date Investigator Ringo, didn't you? And that woman is a ghoul too!"

(Neil is officially the most tactless person ever XP)

@Sinister Clown
Suddenly, a searing pain ripped through Jason's body. His kagune came brittle, and broke. His hands became utterly useless and he fell from the building. What's happening? Jason wondered as his entire body rocked with the mysterious pain. It felt as though his blood was being sucked out through a giant straw. And just as suddenly as the pain started, it stopped. Well, shit. He summoned his kagune, and was startled to see a different limb come out of his body. A koukaku? I only have rinkaku. Well, its better than hitting the ground, at least. He summoned another stranger limb like the first to also stab into the wall. He stopped falling with a jerk, and stayed hanging there for a few minutes.
Kanashimi Owari

Kanashimi didn't pay much attention to Kyo at the time, he was still shocked at the fact he saw that woman's face again and for a moment his expression altered slightly looking slightly depressed he got back to his seriousness and chased after Chika without a moments hesitation he couldn't help but ponder what she would be doing here.

@Lilah Tunth

Kuro hato "Sinister Clown"

The clown mused at the sight "Hm, That's interesting.." looking off to the distance he let out a sigh "Well then..Maybe I should introduce you to a 'friend' of mine.." his sights were set on the ghoul Chasm that currently was being used for a deadly maze game that Rio & Joffry were currently trapped in, pouncing off the building The Clown slowly made his way towards the other ward as they walked through the alley's of the streets Sinister tried keeping the conversation alive "Any hobbies little bird?" he asked with that same eerie tone as he faced Jason.

"I geuss you are wondering what Im doing here, huh?" Chika asked him, still running. 'Kanashimi, still so stoic, you havent changed a bit,' she thought.
Kanashimi failed to look Chika in the eyes, in fact it seemed that he was trying to avoid direct eye contact at all costs; using one of the Quinques that was still in testing (Not completely finished, a prototype) he used it to toss as if it were a spear in front of where Chika was running, the Quinque landing and sticking right into the ground after being thrown he used this hoping it would stop her for a moment to allow him to catch up to her, at the time Kanashimi didn't have his personal Quinque on him at the time and in his mind it was probably a good thing The one ghoul I could never hurt.. He snickered at the idea adjusting his glasses before talking again "Like always, you just run. You've made it clear why you're here, you want the Quinque but why would someone like you need them."

@Lilah Tunth
"Besides killing? No, not really. Sometimes I read." Jason walked alongside the Clown ghoul, trying to not piss him off.
Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

The Clown could sense that Jason was feeling uncomfortable around him, although that feeling was called for it wasn't necessary at this point of time and he was slightly confused on why the ghoul still felt threatened He should know, if I wanted him dead he would be..Bah maybe it's something else; Poor little bird he thought to himself as he listened to what Jason had to say "Just killing? My that sounds dull...I rather cause mischief, killing becomes the so..repetitive." they continued down the Ward and although they still weren't any where near close to their destination it looked like night time was coming yet again.

Kanashimi Owari

Seeing as she hopped over the quinque it didn't take long for Kanashimi to start following, rushing after her it was clear that Chika was slightly faster than Kanashimi was, hoping that his personal knowledge of the CCG Building would help him catch Chika, by using different corridors and other detours Kanashimi went completely out of site for a moment, calling men using his phone once getting in a secure location he called guards to the doors, trying to block off all exists Chika had to get out.

@Lilah Tunth
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Chika frowns, 'Damn, he probably planned something, Shimi aint the type to back out this easily' She thought "Daiki, where do I go next, right or left door?" Daiki chuckles from the device and answers "Stanley goes to left door." A bunch of giggles were heard by Chika. "And you call Ayane an incompetent flunky!" She races through the doors, Daiki saying which one to go through every once in a while.

(Cookie to who ever guesses where the left door reference is from)
Violet heard a female voice round the corner and voice she knew was running away so she shifted her body and went to close line the female voice coming towards her. In her mind doesn't take this personally but I can't let you escape on my first day here.
"I do have other hobbies. Torture, for example. Sometime I even consider letting them go. Oh! And Shakespeare is always a delight to read. I'm a fan of classic literature." Jason laughed at his first joke, before getting serious at the end.
(Are you talking to me, @Leo Radomir ???) 'This is the only thing I miss about my old life, the thrill of the chase is amazing!' She thought, the race was something she throughly enjoyed. Chika let out a giggle and continiued running, if they think they can capture the 'Faceless' they're wrong, after all there was a reason she was feared so much.
(Kay, :D ) Chika took a deep breath in and sniffed, someone was following her. She still continiued to run though, knowing that a face-to-face confrontation would be bad idea.

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