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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: Rising Dawn

Akiko Fukushima

Age: 16, Race: Ghoul

'Maybe he's not as daft as I thought' She then took out her daggers, no way she was using her Kagune on a little fight with an obvious victor, or at least she thinks obvious. She came out of the shadows and immideatly attacked the boy.

Ayane Hisakawa

Age: 19, Race: Ghoul

Ayane pouts, "Why are you so mean? I only want you to smile." She grins and takes out more knifes, and throws them some more quite a few getting the female Investigator, after her wounds slowly healed with the bad regenaration of an underfed ghoul, "Back out of the fight Ayane! Focus on the mission! Not on some petty woman!" Daiki says from her earplug, Ayane had the urge to take it out and stomp on it, but didn't, she lissened to reason, instead she muttured out "I shouldn't waste my time." She said taking out a few knifes throwing them at the woman, pinning her down and then she said "Goodbye! And smile more!" And with that she ran off.

Kyo Ashikaga

Age: 29, Race: Human

"Now, now, shouldn't we respect our elders?" Kyo chided the man "And I don't think paperwork and a few rouge ghouls really counts as 'Hands full'? Hmmn?" Kyo raises his eyebrows "As for the price I want one of those prototype Quinques!" Kyo smiled, 'If whoever hacked into the database this morning had an interest into the Quinques, since it is the most hacked into section, we can nearly be one-hundred percent sure that they probably want to do something with the Quiques, since nearly all data about the Prototype Quinques is erased by them for some reason, they want the protypes amd since they shut down the building we can easily tell they are breaking in now!' Kyo smiled and nodded "Yes, I want a prototype Quinque! The sooner the better"

Tomu Akagi

Age: 15, Race: Human

"So, what's your favorite subject? Mine's P.E or English," Tomu changed the topic, seeing that Kato was rather upset by the topic, it was making hr upset too.

@Flame Demon

@Sinister Clown
Lucy sighs, glad she was wearing a jacket, getting up she headed back to the room, she had worse wound in the past then that, of course, if that ghoul was smart she'd leave instantly.
Of course Ayane was not smart in Lucys opinion and continiued sneaking in the Quinques Sector of the CCG building, the mission had to be done after all.

@Flame Demon
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Lucy takes the short route and she arrives first, she wouldn't let anyone sneak in. She leans against the wall and sighs "She really should leave before I kill her" she mumbles and sighs.
"Kill who?" Ayane asks the female investigatoiki snapped at her then, angry at her for being spotted, "Ayane stop fighting! That is not what we do!" Ayane was annoyed at Daiki but she knew he was right, "Never mind." She then says, "The organization is on bad terms with me as it is, so I shall not ht you! But don't fight me and stay out of my way!" Her al
Daniel reaving]Annabel noddes before pulling over slowly and sighimg a strained painful sigh before she started to get out of the car to change seats with John hopping that ghpul wasnt still trying to find them if he was [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22926-saint-nhoj/ said:
@Saint Nhoj[/URL]
"You if you don't leave" Lucy says and she adds "You will not the weapons, so either leave or I'll kill you", she gets her swords ready and glares at Ayane "Your choice", she had not intentions of letting that ghoul near the room "And if the organisation is on bad terms with you, then that's your problem".
Daniel reaving][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22926-saint-nhoj/ said:
@Saint Nhoj[/URL]
John gladly changed places with Annabel letting her sit in the passengers seat so she could rest. "Let's get back to HQ and give our report and call it a day." With that the two made there way out of the ward. @Daniel reaving
Saint Nhoj]John gladly changed places with Annabel letting her sit in the passengers seat so she could rest. "Let's get back to HQ and give our report and call it a day." With that the two made there way out of the ward. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23228-daniel-reaving/ said:
@Daniel reaving[/URL]
Annabel felt some releife when she had gotten into the passenger seat but her body still felt nothing but pain along with her head. "I-I won't heal." She said quietly to John to weak to show worry

@Saint Nhoj
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(Note to self, do not use the phone to type again :P , unless want a gagillion typos)

"Maybe its not your problem, but it is your problem if Akatsuki takes over, no?" Ayane asks, a smirk creeping over her face, "Now get out of my way!"

@Flame Demon
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"I said no and they won't take over" Lucy says and she adds "Also I notice you heal very slowly, you sure you want to get injured even worse?" she asks. She had not intention of moving and of course she wouldn't go down without a fight "Leave this place!" she says with a cold glare.
(@Lilah Tunth And I agree with the phone thing 100%!! I only use it to look at stuff now cause every time I've tried making posts it just takes too much time and I make so many typos)

Kuro Hato "Sinister Clown"

This is going to be easier than I thought.. Kato mused at his thoughts after hearing that his 'patient' had woken up finally "Consider yourself lucky little bird, Most die by now.." another wicked grin painted across his face before continuing "I hope you know the catch to all of this, Once you join there is no defying 'God' you will have little choice but to do what he says, unless you want to die of course. And as for my protection once you pass that deal is off and this..Human you're so fond of is mine." His eyes narrowed down at Jason filled with evil intent in his eyes "Don't worry for now you're my interesting friend, and I am your personal Killer Clown ~ ^-^" giving a gracious and somehow innocent smile afterwards.


(Jason is going to have a lot of fun with him~~)

Kato Sasuke

Kato realized that Tomu was trying to change the subject, Although it never made him stop thinking about it at this point of time all he wanted was it all to fade away I need to harden up.. he thought to himself before looking back at Tomu with a slight smile and answering her question "I don't really have a class I enjoy, but I find English easy so I tend to enjoy that more." Taking out his books he set up his desk with whatever he needed.

@Lilah Tunth

Suzo Shitori "CCG's Sin"

Suzo giggled, noticing the girl that he assumed was either crazy or a cocky ghoul hunting the wrong person, whatever it was Suzo was interested to see and with a swift motion Suzo ducked under being attacked and leaping in the air and landing back behind her he twirled around once and took a sly bow "I'm sorry, I can't die just yet miss!" he said with a cheeky smile on his face at the time you wouldn't be able to see the boys beating blue eyes as he had them partially shut.

@Lilah Tunth

Kanashimi Owari

Stroking his forehead Kanashimi began to become slightly frustrated "For someone that's supposed to be smart, you're pretty dumb." glaring at the detective his eyes narrowed slightly as a more sinister intent filled his eyes "Remember who you're talking to, or I'll give you something to remember take what you want just get the job done." Kanashimi concluded before going back to his paperwork.

Meanwhile some where between the 5 and 7 ward leon is being attacked by freelance hunters, they said" if we kill you Green shadow then we can make a name for our selves after all your a triple s rank ghoul".

Leo smirked and back flipped a couple of times and pulled the weapons out of him not even flitching then said" go home guys i'm really not fond of the who ghoul and human politics and such to be frank were as bad as each other, both can't see past their own view point".

The hunters continued to attack leon so he partially transformed his hands turned into metallic thorns his thorns carry poison as well as cutting into the foe and can be used in a number of ways. He impaled the first two against the wall then began to drain them, while moving his other hand in a sweeping motion to slash the other two around the chest area.

After leon was done quickly killing the other two he flicked the remaining blood off his thorns then turned his arm back to normal. He then headed towards a café he likes in the near by area after a few minutes of walking he gets there and the owner nods to hi.

Long time no see old friend I hope that all is well on your end, I've got some left over patties from the week I can cook you up a pound burger special, and make your favourite tea".

Leon smiled and said" yeah sorry about that my job has been a real pain in the ass lately and it seems every cockroach that wants a name in this stupid game is after me".

Leon sat down waiting for his friend to cook his food and bring his drink, ironically enough Leon hasn't had enough iron lately.
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(I hope so)

"There is no God if a world like this exists. I will happily put one in his place, though. Also, I'm going to need a new mask, the fight damaged it beyond repair." Jason stood up very slowly, getting used to what felt like an entirely new body. Whatever was in his body had really messed with his system. "That egg....was it a kakuhou?"

@Sinister Clown
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Daniel reaving]Annabel felt some releife when she had gotten into the passenger seat but her body still felt nothing but pain along with her head. "I-I won't heal." She said quietly to John to weak to show worry [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22926-saint-nhoj/ said:
@Saint Nhoj[/URL]
John shoot Annabel a worried glance. "Is there anything I can do to help you heal?" Things didn't look good for her and John had never once heard her sound this defeated. "If there's anything I can do just tell me I don't want to lose you due to some random fubar mission!" He shouted trying to keep Annabel conscious and responsive.

@Daniel reaving
Saint Nhoj]John shoot Annabel a worried glance. "Is there anything I can do to help you heal?" Things didn't look good for her and John had never once heard her sound this defeated. "If there's anything I can do just tell me I don't want to lose you due to some random fubar mission!" He shouted trying to keep Annabel conscious and responsive. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23228-daniel-reaving/ said:
@Daniel reaving[/URL]
Annabels vision started to blacken as she started to go unconcious not able to stay awake any more as johs shouting started to fade from her hearing

@Saint Nhoj
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Ayane Hisakawa

Age: 19, Race: Ghoul

"Sorry ma'am, but I can't do that! As for the healing thingy, yeah, I don't think you can injure me further, I shall easily dance away!" She cockily announced, throwing blade after blade at the woman. "Ayane! Stop, you incompetent flunky!

Akiko Fukushima

Age: 16, Race: Ghoul

"And that reason is?" She asks after flipping down to face the boy, her voice was a bit muffled from the mask just as she liked it.

Kyo Ashikaga

Age: 29. Race: Human

"Well! Owari, its not like I know where the Quinque is! You have to lead me there!" Kyo said, 'If I'm right by now a Ghoul is already in there, making me need an escort. Neil is okay, but who know the strength of the Ghoul sended'

Tomu Akagi

Age; 15, Race; Human

"Yeah English is quite easy, but I still like reading a bit, it all depends on the book though. Hey maybe we can go and hang out sometime later?" Tomu asked after seeing they nearly reached the class.
Lucy dodges or blocks all of them "Then go away and not come back, after all more investigators might be on their way, also one push on the alarm and they'll come swarming" she says and adds "Meaning you'd have nowhere to go", maybe she was enjoying it a bit too much, but she didn't care "I'm giving you one last warning, leave now!" she says.
Ayanes brows rose "This alarm? Didn't you hear? We offed the building! You didn't think we came unpreapared! Six month, SIX FUCKING MONTH WE WERE PREPAIRING! And its not going to be ruined by you!" She screamed, her eyes turned red, her Koukaku made an appereance, "You still think you can win?" She threw more knives this time alot faster, one got in the womans shoulder, at that moment Ayane felt a pang of remorse, but it did not show, Ayanes face was one of rage, and her sanity was lost at the moment, "Ayane! Please! Focus on the mission!" Daiki cried out, but Ayane didn't listen. "Some people do not deserve to smile, you are one of them!"
"Well you don't deserve to live" Lucy says taking the knife out and she adds "And there's always emergency power for the alarms" she says hitting it and the alarm goes of "Now you really should get out" she says and glares at Ayana.
"That is the truth and I accept that, I don't deserve to live, yet I do anyway, funny how things work? Huh?" Ayane said, running off, the Quinques were already stolen by Chika any ways.

@Flame Demon
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"I think so its not uncommon that two cases like this are unrelated." Iroha said. " If I'm Mom, does that make you dad, and Reika our child." She said quickly turning his joke on him. " I'm sorry this isn't more fun Reika-chan." She began to change directions.

@Reika Suzuya

"Me? A father? I think you mistake me for an adult, ma'am." At the word father, Zack screamed internally, the mere word bringing back those painful memories. His face was blank, as to not let the others know what he was thinking. "Fun and work don't always go hand in hand, Reika."

@Reika Suzuya

@Bad night star

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