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Fandom ~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

River sighed a little as he crossed his arms then layed then on the table before puting his head there and relaxing as he watched yui work a small smile on his face as he watched her make the coffee and set it out for renshi to take

Renshi sighed as he pulled up his sleeve and treated his wound properly. " was the ghoul someone you knew?... or did you not want to kill the ghoul...." He asked him.


Yui hummed as she served the customer while Renshi was busy with Masaki. It was soon time to close and Yui was starting to clean up after all the customers left. She stretched as she sat sat down next to River and rest her head on his shoulder. " today was a long day...." she said to him softly as she buried her face into his shoulder and sighed a little.

@Daniel reaver

Masaki looked at Renshi and nodded, "I had seen that Ghoul around the White Lotus HQ sometimes... But I don't think he was an actual member..." He sighed as he started to think about things, 'What if he was a member'" was commonplace in his mind right now. Masaki then looked up at Renshi with a tiny bit of anger and remorse in his voice. "Of course I didn't want to kill him... But I had no choice.." He sighed as he let Renshi treat his wounds properly @Evergreen98
Daniel smiled and looked at her "yeah it was. Tired?" He asked her softly his cold icy voice showing a little warmth when he spoke to her as he watched her burry her face into his shoulder blushing a little at her act of affection because he had never had a girlfreind until he had kissed yui that night

Renshi sighed a little " you would be surprised at how many ghouls I left alive... only for them to come back to me and get killed...." he said as he started to wrap his wound with a bandage " people just don't understand a second chance when they see one..." he muttered.



Yui nodded " yeah...tired... " she said as she hugged him " River.... that guy that hurt you from paramor... came here.... he said he has my katana..." she said to him quietly ".... can you go to my room and see if it's there...." she asked him " my room it two rooms down from yours...."

@Daniel reaver

Masaki sighed and held his arm out to make it easier for Renshi to bandage it up. He then heard what he muttered but chose to ignore it. He looked at Renshi as he said "I killed the ghoul.. I completely went against White Lotus policy." He looked away and sighed again as he continued "I know he attacked me first but it just doesn't feel right, I mean, I haven't killed for ages.. I stopped years ago because of what it made me become and I swore not to do it again.. But I've gone against that" he chuckled to cover up his frustration and watched as Renshi continued to bandage his arm @Evergreen98
River nodded and kissed the top of her head before geting up "I'll be back" he said softly to her and smiling at her before heading out of the cafe part and into the hous part as he looked for her room


Drake smiled sinisterly as he stood there in the corner of the room a black mask that looked like a dragon on his face before he sliped it off and silently walked behind yui a needle and syringe filled with a chemical that would mock her out

Renshi looked at him and sighed a little " it's good that you don't want to kill.... and that you stopped your killing spree... but in this world... it's kill or be killed... certain situations... killing is a self defense... what you did was self defense... don't feel bad about it..." he said as he finished bandaging up his wound. He looked at him "so.. do you want coffee and meat?"



Yui smiled as he watched him leave. She put her head down on the counter and close her eyes, enjoying the peace. The doves and ghouls that came into the cafe really tired her out. She softly sighed as she got up and turned around. She blinked when she suddenly got pushed back down on her seat. She shook her head and looked up to see Drake. Her eyes slightly widened and she was about to use her kagune to push him away from her.

@Daniel reaver

Drake stabed the neddle into her neck and injected the chemical into her with a smile "don't worry sweet heart I'll take nice care of you" he said sinisterly as the chemicals would start to take effect

Masaki looked away "Kill or be killed huh?" He muttered, he was very familiar with this ideal. He looked at Renshi and smiled slightly, "Ah, well I guess what I did was right.. But still" he rolled down his sleeves as Renshi finished bandaging his arm and asking if he wanted meat and coffee, of which Masaki replied with a nod and a smile. "I'd like that.. Thank you Renshi, for everything" he smiled and then sat there aimlessly @Evergreen98
Renshi smiled and patted his head " i don't care how old you are... I am patting your head" he said with a laugh and walked off to get him some first and then coffee.



Yui immediately started to feel drowsy, her body started to loose the rest of its strength and she soon lost consciousness. The last thing she saw was the smile on Drake's face. 'River...'

@Daniel reaver


Ryota gets out of his car at the 20th Ward. "Who'd have thought the CCG director would tell me to team up with this guy" he stated nonchalantly as he walked down the streets of the 20th Ward heading in the direction of Renji the Chief Commander of the 20th Ward.
@The Regal Rper

Renji's phone vibrated, and upon inspection he saw that he had a new partner assigned to him. He fixed his glasses as he read the name. 'Ryota...this should be an interesting group,' He thought to himself as he messaged both Ryota and Rei. Ryota was instructed to meet him at the coffee shop in the ward and Rei would stay looking around, and if she were to encounter anything she was to call for backup immediately.
Ryota recieved a message on his phone "Coffee shop huh? Alright then". Heading towards the coffee shop Ryota passes by Rei without looking back he continues to make his way towards the coffee shop.

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@The Regal Rper

Renji waited for Ryota, waving as he approached before fixing his glasses. "Seems this ward has some interesting ghouls," he states as Ryota approaches, "I ran into one that saved a human from becoming a show and dinner to a pair of ghouls." He began walking down the streets, checking locations he hadn't been around yet. "This is quite the troublesome ward."

Rei had rolled her eyes as she had passed Ryota. 'Seriously. We don't need anymore people that'll get in my way. I already have 4-eyes hounding me, as is' she thought as she continued her search. She had heard Renji's orders about calling for backup, but she was going to ignore it. She had an Arata for a reason, and she planned to use it next time.
Ryota nodded in agreement with Renji. "There sure are quite a few interesting ghouls here" he stated in agreement. "So how's it been since you got promoted to the 20th Ward's commander? Oh yeah and is she your subordinate?" he asked pointing to Rei.

Renji sighed a little. "Busy, hardly anytime to sit and read. Too busy trying to Intel, checking up on leads, and following intuition to have a moment," he stopped and looked back over his at Rei, "I guess you could call her that. While that is technically her position, she's more of a wild card. I have zero concern about her ability to do her job or even her methods, but her teamwork and accountability are areas that make her untrustworthy." He continued a few more blocks, turning down a narrow street, slowing his pace so he could take it all in. "She just needs a tighter leash is all, her last superior gave her a lot of leeway, so she believes that she should be able to do whatever and answer to no one. I don't run a free-for-all," he looked at Ryota, "That means if you even think your in a situation that could escalate beyond comfortable control, you need to dial me or Rei with your location. Understood?"

@The Regal Rper
Ryota nodded "Of course although since I'm the only one who's been assigned to study things in the 24th Ward I won't bother you two with those details" he said following Renji. "Also if the gal is giving you such problems just bring her in on one of our missions now that we're partners at least" Ryota stated calmly taking a leaf off his coat.

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Masaki sat there with a blank expression on his face as Renshi patted his head with a laugh, Masaki sighed with a slight smile, "While however old I am I'm too old to have my head patted.." He chuckled slightly and watched as Renshi went off to get him coffee. Masaki stood up with his hands in his pockets and went over to the window (assuming there is one xD ) and stood there, gazing outside as he looked down onto the dark streets, while thinking about things.

About halfway through the ride Yui starts to wake up. She opened her eyes and looked to see she was in a car '...car?' She thought her vision was little blurry and her mind was hazy. She then remembered what happened at the cafe and blinked as turned her head to see Drake.

@Daniel reaver


A few minutes later Renshi came back with his coffee and meat "here you go..." he placed it down on the table in front of Masaki " now... I am gonna go and help my cousin clean up" he said and walked off.

Right when he left Uncle Jasper walked in and sat down on at his usual spot. He took out a newspaper and started reading, not bothering Masaki as he ate.


"Mourning yui" drake said as he looked out the window not facing her as he spoke watching the scenery pass by. It was different from the 20th wars it seemed more chaotic and in kept then the 20th wars did

Masaki turned and went back over to the table and sat by it, looking at Renshi with a smile to show thanks as he then left to help clean. Masaki began to eat his meat and drink his coffee when a man walked in and sat down "So, That must be his uncle.." Thought Masaki as Jasper opened up a newspaper. Masaki took a sip of his coffee and then spoke to Jasper in a kind tone with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll finish this and then be on my way" with that he continued to eat and drink. He did intend on asking him a question but he thought it was best to wait for the right time to do so. @Evergreen98
Jasper looked at him for a few minutes " don't worry about... you can stayun til you heal up" he said to him kindly and went back to his newspaper.


Yui glared at him, she would immediately take her kagune and break the car but she didn't have her mask, her head was hurting, she still felt a little weak from whatever he injected into her and her legs and feet were bind. She held her head as it was still throbbing "why kidnap me?"

Mean while back at the cafe, Renshi raised an eyebrow when he saw that Yui wasnt in the cafe already starting to clean. " Yui!" He called for her as he walked around. He then was a syringe on the bar table. He blinked as he picked it up and looked at it " what the...?" He then sniffed and got Drake's scent. He growled a little " he didnt...."

@Daniel reaver


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