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Fandom ~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

"I never really got to introduce my self to you. My name is Raiden" Raiden said sticking a hand out to great yui. Now that Raiden had the sense of smell as a ghoul's Raiden knew that the people who were in the room weren't human. Raiden decided to stay low until he could spot all of the ghouls and learn if he could take them all.

Sora walked over to Ranshi's uncle. "Umm hello i would like a job here." Sora said.

((There are human, ghouls and doves in the shop))

Yui looked at him a little nervous about him being a dove then suddenly a ghoul but not a ghoul at the same time ' what is this smell...it's like River's... but different...' She went over and shook his hand with a kind smile "nice to meet you mister Raiden... my name is Yui" she said with a friend smile, but was still worried " sorry... give a few minutes.... I'll get tour order ready..." she said to him.

Renshi sighed and came out of the back of the shop and went over to Yui, who looked at him and said " go take the orders from table 4, 7 10 and 13" Renshi nodded and went over to those table and started taking the orders

Meanwhile inside the shop, Jasper was reading a newspaper as always and enjoying his peace.. as always, but it ended when the ghoul Renshi brought into back room came over and asked for a job. Jasper put his newspaper down and looked at him calmly for a few minutes " why should I hire you after what you came to the shop with blood on your clothes?"

@Daniel reaver

@Kawaii Centipede

River sifhed with releif as he landed at the back of the cafe silently slipping off his mask "he's gonna be trouble" river mumbled as he checked his clothing to see if there was any blood from the ghouls before walking around to the front and opening the door to the coffee shop "hey yui I'm back" he said softly as he entered emediatly picking up another dove scent and growling in his mind but not doing any thing about it on the out side

@Evergreen98 @Kawaii Centipede
"Well Those were my only clothes. If i get a job here then I will be able to get more clothes so that i won't be walking around your shop with bloody clothes." Sora said.

"Thank you." Raiden said. Raiden then waited for his order. While he was waiting his one grey kakugan formed(Ghoul eye). Raiden then immediately made it vanish. That was a close one some one could have seen it. I need to learn to control it. Raiden thought.


Raiden was sitting there trying to keep his powers at bay when he smelled another ghoul. Oh great another one. Raiden thought to himself.

@Daniel reaver
" hmm....alright... I'll give you a chance.... but if your an employee of this shop your not allowed to feed of live huma... if you need food come as me, Yui or Renshi... the other employees of the shop... got it?"

After a few minutes Yui got his order ready and served it to Raiden " here you go sir" she said with a kind smile. She then heard River and smiled " Hey River, welcome back" she said giving him a welcoming smile.

@Daniel reaver

@Kawaii Centipede

River happily smiled back to her happy to be greeted by her before sighing in releif and sitting down at the bar not noticing the small faint out line of lips on his cheek where the human woman had kissed him when he has been confronted by the investigator as he sat there his thoughts on that investigator and yui as he sat there going a little cold faced

"Okay then." Sora said. It was really fun to go hunting, but guess he should take the deal because he needs the money to get a place to stay.

"Thank you ma'mm." Raiden said. He then took the coffee and then drank some.

Yui smiled at Raiden and then looked at her River " hey.... what's wrong?" She asked him worriedly, even though she herself was worried about what Drake said to her.

Jasper nodded and went back to his newspaper " you start next week.... I'll teach you how to make coffee and serve the customers... starting tomorrow.... ok?"

@Daniel reaver

@Kawaii Centipede

River looked over at yui and smiled "it's nothing I'll tell you later ok" he said softly to her giving her a comforting smile as he sat there kinda wishing they where alone but didn't do any thing about it yet as he just smiled warmly at yui

"It can't be that hard to make coffee." Sora then sees a coffee maker and gives it a shot. Sora then drinks it and right then spits it out. "That is just vile." Sora said. "Okay i get your point."


Raiden finishes his coffee leaves the amount of money that he owes and heads out to his house. Raiden then goes to his back yard and tries out his new abilities. Raiden concentrates and then he forms his kakygan and then 4 renkaku tentacles come out of his back. Raiden then tries to pick up a vase with his kagune. He manages to move his kagune close to it and managed to lift it up a little. Then the kagune crushes the vase. "Crap didn't mean to do that." Raiden said.
Jasper looked at him and sighed a little. He got up and stretched a little " follow me I'll show you to your room ' this family just keeps getting bigger...' he thought to himself. He considered River to part of the family since he has been with Yui and has spend the night here.

@Kawaii Centipede


Yui watched Raiden leave and softly sighed a little as she took the money and placed it in the cash register. She started to get the next order ready for Renshi.

@Daniel reaver

River smiled as he sat there enjoying the end of the day as he reached his hand up and rubbed it over where the kiss mark was on his cheek as he couldn't get that awkward feeling that there was some thing there but nothing ever came off of his cheek as he rubbed it a little more then desided to leave it alone and forget about it

Yui's head was down since she was gettiing the orders ready and didn't notice the kiss mark on River's. Renshi at that time came back and saw the kiss mark, he grabbed River and dragged him into the back of the shop. Yui looked up and blinked to see River gone ' what the...' She tilted her head.

Meanwhile Renshi looked at River " why is there a kiss mark on your cheek?" He asked as he looked st the kiss mark.

@Daniel reaver

Tiver went slightly wide eyed "so that's what it was...... Stupid human" he said as he tried runnin the mark off "I saved some girl from some ghouls that wanted to do more than just eat her then she kissed my cheek" he said to renshi

Renshi stared at him for a long time... 10 minutes tops before saying "your lucky that my cousin is very innocent and I believe you..." he said as he took out a handkerchief and gave it to River to wipe the lipstick off his cheek.

@Daniel reaver

River wiped the kiss mark off his cheek then sighed "stupid humans and there lip stick" he said with another releived sigh before he nodded to him then turned to walk back into the cafe

Renshi shook his head a little and also went back to the cafe as well. Yui looked at River and smiled " where did you go?" She asked him. Renshi went back to serving people.

@Daniel reaver

Masaki stood up and leaned againat the wall as he tightened the bandaging on his arm and then rolled his sleeves back down, "I should get out of here..." He took a quick glance at the corpses of the woman and the ghoul and then turned back, exiting the alley. He ignored the pain in his arm as he walked through the streets and headed towards the cafe, when he got there he walked in and went over to the counter. "Could I have a skinny latte please?" He stood by the counter and waited to be served. His arm began to get numb but he ignored it. "This is going to be annoying" he thought to himself with a slight chuckle
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Yui looked at River and tilted her head " Brother?... I don't have a brother...." she then realized who he was talking about " oh... Renshi is my cousin" she said with a giggle " he is like a brother to me that's why I call him Renshi oni-chan" she then looked at the new customer and looked at Renshi "Renshi!" Renshi served the last order and came over to Yui " yes?" Yui pointed at Masaki.

Renshi looked at him and sighed a little. He grabbed Masaki " get his order ready" he said to Yui as he dragged Masaki to the back room and then to the living room. He made him sit down and then walked of muttering somethings.

A few minutes later he came back with a first aid kit " how the hell did you get hurt?" He asked him as he poked his arm.

@Daniel reaver


Masaki was startled by the sudden dragging he was subject to by Renshi, he sighed as he was taken to the living room and sat there awkwardly as Renshi left the room and then came back with a first aid kit. Masaki sighed again when Renshi poked it and asked how he got hurt. "Well, I came across a ghoul feasting on a woman.. The ghoul then attacked me when I spoke up.. Honestly, it's nothing" He smiled to Renshi and then added "Normally I wouldn't have a problem and this ghoul wasn't as high a level as I, that was obvious, but he still managed to land a hit on me and slammed me into the wall" He gripped onto his arm and chuckled slightly, looking away from Renshi as he did so.


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