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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul - Chance

I wish it was snowing. It is usually raining in spring.... it is usually always raining in oregon. But it is reallly realllllly hot and I am dieing.
God damn it is 81 degrees outside. Why its way to hot why cant it be raining like always -_-
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Tennessee. Wow xD I was tried when I posted that. Go me for spelling my state wrong!

Anyways. It never gets that hot here unless its late May through August.
Yeee and it snows every like 4 years the catch is it never stops raining but I love the rain I grew up with they peaceful grey clods.
It's always raining here. Or the weather is so random that we all just live with it xD

Snow isn't really rare, but it barely does it here.
OW. That moment when you forget how much an airsoft sniper hurts, so you shoot your foot at point-blank range. I have a huge welt building up on my foot now xD

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