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One x One Together (with Chimunda)


New Member



Personality: (optional cause I don't like putting a limit on what a character's personality is and for me it tends to change)


Anything else:
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Name: Mallory Farrow

Age: 18

Appearance: Has long, straight, blond hair that she loves more than life itself. Brown eyes. Tall and slender. She has a nose ring and a septum piercing, along with her ears.

Personality: She has the habit of constantly fixing her piercings.

History: Mallory was never the perfect child, but the summer before her junior year of high school she started to really not care about anything. She was involved with people who did drugs, dealt drugs, even sold some herself a couple of times. She partied a lot and started to stay out late, spend her time in dangerous parts of town. She liked the thrill of being in danger but always felt as if nothing could touch her. She was an unexpected and unwelcome baby within their household and as soon as they thought she was old enough to care for herself they barely acknowledged her, and still her parents never truly understood what made her act the way that she did. Not that they ever asked her. The summer before junior year was rough, her long time boyfriend died from a car accident, which really sent her over the edge. Her whole junior year was fights and yelling, and even getting kicked out of her high school so she had to cyber school. She's calmed down a bit now, not wanting her cousin, Simon, to think she was crazy or completely unstable. She wants to finish her last year of high school peacefully so she can just move on with that period in her life. Growing up in the city of Philadelphia and having never moved she was excited to move and live with one of her favorite people.

Anything else: none
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Name: Baruch Hartmann-Goldberg

Age: 18

Appearance: Standing six foot eight and weighing two hundred and fifty pounds, give or take, Baruch has always been a large man. He is perpetually pale, unable to tan. His beard and body hair grow very quickly, always leaving him with a beard or stubble.

Personality: Baruch is usually a rather quiet man, and is very stable, though he does have the great fault of desiring attention from anyone important to him.

History: Baruch was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, his father a wealthy manufacturer of weapons for the Israeli Defense Force and his mother an equally wealthy heiress to an offshore oil fortune. The relationship between the two of them didn't last for long after Baruch was born, with his mother and father moving into separate homes, both still in Tel Aviv. As a child, Baruch wanted for nothing, other than attention from either of his busy parents. Over time, he grew more attached to his father, who was more demanding of him, and expected to hand down the family business to his only son. Sharing his father's six foot eight frame, Baruch participated in a variety of athletics at his private school on the outskirts of the city.

Finding his niche in the American sport of basketball, widely practiced in Israel, Baruch dove in headfirst, having finally found something to gain him recognition from his classmates, and more importantly, his parents. Becoming a top international prospect, he led his school's team to the Israeli national title twice over, in his second and third year. However, the foreign accomplishment meant little to his agent, who insisted he finish his schooling in the US, where he could compete with more serious talent. Moving to the US from Israel, Baruch settled in Philadelphia, moving in with another young man, more for the company than anything else. He looks to improve his standing in the basketball world, and have a good time in his future home country.

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