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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL - OOC

I've never played Skyrim, I want to, but I've never had either the money to buy the game or the computer power to run it at the same time, so it becomes a pointless purchase...

I seem able to separate real life from fiction tho, especially if it's in a game, a movie and or writing. There are boundaries that not even I am aware of how far it goes, but it's not every little thing that triggers it. I guess the rule is 'the more real and near it is, the largest the chance of triggering it'
But like I said, it's pretty random and irrational, I mean, it IS a phobia XD ^^'
Don't worry about it. Here's a quick heads-up from a fellow Arachnophobe. (Hint-hint, I scream like a b**ch around spiders. ^_^')
See, there lies a key difference. I've played Dead Frontier before Skyrim was out, and Oblivion.

Oblivion's Undead... now those were freakin' NIGHTMARE fuel! :O
Well Skyrim was only my second encounter with actual in game combat
First was an AC game so I just berserk'd my way through
I was more spooked by the combat ai than anything
I remember hiding in the doorway looking at the draugr knowing Id get my ass beat if I wasnt careful
Oh wow, there's no need for the bold, it was just an accident... : O
It's even right the second time ^^'

Slips happen
That wasn't even a joke... I actually thought I typed Jason in ... Great . I now caused someone to leave another person's RP ... And I made a stupid mistake that I promised I wouldn't do.

Just say the word and I'm gone SachiGrl SachiGrl .
Oh wow wow wow, there's no need for that either!
It was a silp, it happens, if that was enough to make him leave, then it was on his own accord and no one's fault

IMO it was a tiny thing to bring about such an reaction
Oh wow wow wow, there's no need for that either!
It was a silp, it happens, if that was enough to make him leave, then it was on his own accord and no one's fault

IMO it was a tiny thing to bring about such an reaction
I've had problems with that player before. He wanted to join my roleplay and I denied his character sheet and provided him with explanations (albeit, to be fair, I did it harshly.) His reaction was to call me a dick, asshole, hypocrite, liar, wish me that I never meet anyone that wants anything good for me, and then ignore me.

Yeah I'm not telling you to give him shit, but I'd watch out for that guy nonetheless.
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I've had problems with that player before. He wanted to join my roleplay and I denied his character sheet and provided him with explanations (albeit, to be fair, I did it harshly.) His reaction was to call me a dick, asshole, hypocrite, liar, wish me that I never meet anyone that wants anything good for me, and then ignore me.

Yeah I'm not telling you to give him shit, but I'd watch out for that guy nonetheless.
Jeeesh, we, the hotel staff, had been warned privately already but that is a whole new level of warning right there : O
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.... I mean technically he left due to what I posted.
That's like blaming yourself for holding a light up dynamite that someone else asked you to hold...
I think it would have blown up inevitably sooner or later ^^'
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That wasn't even a joke... I actually thought I typed Jason in ... Great . I now caused someone to leave another person's RP ... And I made a stupid mistake that I promised I wouldn't do.

Just say the word and I'm gone SachiGrl SachiGrl .
So far, from what I've read.. you're fine.

Sadly, you joked about his name not too long ago, so it is really hard for the guy not to think you're joking again. I understand both sides. You're free to stay :3

I've been wanting Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants to move along with the story, but he hasn't responded ; ;

Might have Moomba Moomba have his security take over and clear things up in the hotel~

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