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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)





Fawna's ears flung back in shock as she mouthed the words 'distasteful.' The word echoed in her hauntingly. Her hand formed a small black fist over her heart protectively, "Mr. V, what have the demons done to you?!" She took a step forward authoritatively, "I'll be sure to put them in their..." The disappointment in his eyes was disheartening; she felt her heart sulk at the sight of him. This wasn't his first visit, no. This man was a regular guest. But, the conversation seemingly took a strange turn. He asked her the same question from earlier; the man must have been dissatisfied with her answer. "This is a safe haven!" she sad again irritably, "Nothing," in essence, "is taken away from my guests!" Still unsure how her upset guest was going to react, she crossed her arms in uncertainty. What is causing him to question so much... she thought to herself and then a theory hit her. He must have found out about the contract. "Is this about the contract?" she asked suddenly?

TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor
"Yes, and as for your first question, this is what they did." Mr. V. said, taking off his jacket and shirt, revealing a torso filled with scars, some light and barely visible, others deep and plain to see.* "Demons are the lowest of the low. They have no sense of decency, no sense of courtesy, and no morals what so ever. So then why is it that you're working for the worst bunch? Do you even know the atrocities that the Red Demons have committed?" He asked before his phone beeped. He pulled it out and sighed heavily as he read the message. "They want me to kill you."




A gasp escaped her lips as he exposed his scarred flesh, "B-but.." she tried to interject; her hand, now, was shakily over her mouth as the intensity of the conversation heightened. Her ears wilted from intimidation, her tail was frozen in fear, but she refused to step away from her guest. This hotel was opened to all races even demons. She needed to stand up to her open door policy until Mr. V stated that he needed to kill her. "Wh-wha.." her back foot, who's been longing to step away from the dark-haired man, finally stepped back. She wanted to defend herself with words, but her throat was tight with fear. Choked, incapable of speaking, the frustration brought tears to her eyes. All she was able to do was continuing to step away from her guest, who seems to be a hired assasin.

TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor
"It's not something I want to do believe you me." Mr. V. said, pulling a small Derringer style pistol from his coat. "However, they just said they wanted you dead, they didn't really specify which you." Mr. V. fired his pistol to the right of Ms. Mae, clearly missing her and hitting what looked to be a perfect clone. "Ms. Mae, I did not plan to kill you, I just needed it to look convincing. I do apologize for using you as bait to get out of a rather exhausting contract I was in, I hope you forgive me." He said, taking a picture with his phone and sending it as the body disappeared shortly after.




The deer woman barely managed to beg for her life. In a very hushed tone, she said, "Pl-please..." as he whipped out a pistol and aimed in her direction. Even if she ran, the bullet would reach her faster than her hooves could run. When the gun loudly sounded off, her eyes squeezed shut and she hugged her body tightly with a sharp squeeze. His voice sounded more calm as he spoke to her again. She opened her eyes and found 'herself' dead on the floor. A loud shriek came out of her lips; she covered her mouth, but the sound already escaped. Fawna backed away, making a clearly audible thud as she hit the wall. Mr. V asked for her forgiveness, but she had no words for him. Instead, knowing she was 'safe' now, she just ran from him. Her hooves clacked noisily in the hallway. Her breathing and her heart was irregular. The hand over her mouth had remained there, still shock from the whole commotion. She ran past the ballroom and towards the lobby to the closest place she nearly calls safe. Little did she know who, unbeknownst to himself, would await her there.
TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor
Sea Jay Sea Jay
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Apprentice? Hah, when was the last time he received that title?

The young girl's excitement was palpable, and so was her energy - so much so, that Eden found even himself getting worked up a little bit! His calm smile widening into a small, happy grin, the Fallen Angel rose a slender finger up to tap curiously on the edge of his chin. "...Questions? Let's see..." he trailed off, tilted his head to the left and right like that of a metronome. A few seconds passed, before his eyes glinted victoriously."A-ha! ...I have no idea!" Eyes closed proudly, Eden gestured around himself with a graceful sweep of the arm, seemingly able to see despite his golden orbs hidden behind his eyelids. "I've wandered the hotel for the past ten minutes, after Fawna ran from me - interesting boss, by the way. In any case, I'm somewhat familiar with the hotel." One eye opened to peer curiously at Natalie. His grin calmed itself, lips pulling back into yet another smile as he spoke to his new...'teacher'? Master? Something along those lines.

"I wholeheartedly put my helpless self into your hands, Madam Natalie." It was quite fun, being the underling in this little scenario! Eden bowed his head ever so slightly as a show of respect, his smile not shifting, even as his other eye opened to further showcase the amusement dancing in his gaze. Jokes or not, it'd been years since he last had a job like this, so a refreshment course would be well appreciated. He had a vague idea as to the requirements of his position - during his shift, hang around the dining area and serve the food to the guests and staff, but beyond that, he was sort of...free-balling the entire thing. Which he did the best, that is to say. For almost the entirety of his life, he lived on his own terms, merely doing what he felt was the most fun - or the best, given the situation. It was doubtful that this would be more different...but having a companion to experience it with, and learn underneath, would be quite fun in and of itself.

A sudden thought wormed its way into his mind, and Eden blinked. "Ah, one thing! ...Are we required to wear uniforms?"

Bastion was walking back to the barrier and entered passive mode. This enabled him to pass through the barrier without consequence. As he walked through the halls he heard a gunshot. He ran towards where it came from. He stopped at a room.
Aran Winter-Eve

Current Activity-Worrying about Ms. Mae Location-Lobby Mentions- SachiGrl SachiGrl TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor

A shriek echoed through the hall in the direction of a nearby door, a fearful, feminine sound that brought his instinct to flee to the forefront of his mind. Despite the natural calm the hotel brought, he found his heart thumping against his ribcage in an almost painful panic, he swung his head around with wide-open eyes. He opted to turn, only to be struck by a blur of tan and blue.
Aran found himself looking down at a familiar figure, and seemingly for her sake, his panic ceased, replaced by concern, though his heart still raced. He looked around for her pursuer, his head tilted slightly as if to bare his antlers to any oncoming danger.
"Are you alright? Are you injured?" He asked in a surprisingly calm voice, instinctively moving to stand between her and the door. He glanced over at her, she definitely looked terrified. It must have something to do with that noise. It reminded him of the weapons the humans he studied with taught him about, cold metallic things with wooden handles, filled with an explosive powder and tiny metal pieces. They were like smaller versions of cannons, but honestly, far more deadly due to their accuracy and ability to tear into their target at a high speed.
He glanced back again, noting that he hadn't seen any blood. Either way, someone had attacked her and he intended to make them regret it.





Fawna slowed her running pace as she seemed to be approaching someone. Her tears blurred her vision; all she saw was a large grayish-white blur with a pinkish-cream cloud on top. She wiped at her tears rapidly, suddenly feeling embarrassed that a guest would be seeing her like this. Mr. V wasn't threatening anymore, but she couldn't shake off the edge she was feeling. Finally, she was able to see Aran more clearly, her eyes grew wary of his defensive posture. Without thinking, her hands clung onto the white fur about his waist before she spoke, "He.. he j-just scared me." The warmth of his skin felt warm as she wilted her forehead onto his belly. "D-don't hurt.. him..." somehow, she managed to calm down, but the woman felt incredibly tired, "... j-just please don't."

Sea Jay Sea Jay
Aran Winter-Eve

Current Activity-Worrying Location-Lobby Mentions- SachiGrl SachiGrl

His eyes widened slightly, flashing silver down upon the shaken woman. With a light sigh he worked to bring himself back down from his aggressive high, breath stuttering through his tense chest as he calmed himself, clearly concerned but not wanting to add to an already bad situation.
He rested his palm gently over her back, leaning forward a bit, "Don't worry, I don't plan to fight if I don't need to." Though not necessary lying through his teeth he felt bad for the lack of pure honesty in that statement, he could feel the will to confront the man responsible nagging in his subconscious. He was trying to convince himself just as much as he was trying to convince her.
The centaur idly stroked the back of her head as he stared towards the hall, he almost wished he'd been more social so he had a guess as to who would have posed such a threat. It couldn't have been one of the employees, no, surely not, but... He couldn't be sure. The only person he'd seen around Fawna had been the shady stranger that had set him off just yesterday, other than that he knew very little of what went on in the hotel. "You should get somewhere that you can relax, I imagine you're feeling pretty stressed right now." he still had his gaze locked on the hallway she'd come from, worried the culprit would come running out at any time.
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<< Assigned Task: Assisting with the event; Showing Eden the perks of the job || Mood: Excited and acting like a teacher || Tags: Wasted Ink Wasted Ink >>
<< Location: The Ballroom, by the Main Entrance >>

Natalie watched Eden's reactions attentively, her green gaze locked on the co-worker filled with anticipation as he had started thinking of any questions to make her. The white tail going from softly curious swing to slightly impatient swishing as she waited, and waited and waited... It had been merely a few seconds, but to Nat, time was being a meanie and taking forever to pass:


The sudden exclamation had surprised her, eyes widening due to the startle at first, but soon with her white feline ears springing right back up as she eagerly awaited the question...

"...I have no idea!"

...Only to receive none.

"Oh.", her ears had gone slightly down in disappointment and the tail ceased all movement, now standing with a curled droopy tip, as the cat-waitress laughed awkwardly, "Oh well, that's fine too... N-no questions is a good sign, right??"

As Eden did his little extravagant hand motion, Nat wasn't paying as much attention. The cat-girl had been trying hard not to let her disappointment kill her mood, yet, it sort of had. The waitress had continued watching the other with a kind smile but only really interacted in any meaningful way at the mention of Ms. Mae running away from the new staff member, tilting her head in confusion:

"She...ran from you??", her gaze lowered for a moment in thought, "That's... odd. Did something happen?"

"I wholeheartedly put my helpless self into your hands, Madam Natalie."

Aaaaaaaaand now things were getting weird.
Taken aback by the abrupt flattery, Natalie had blushed, tail flicking in embarrassment and ears half-way down. The girl just didn't know how to take the compliments and the formality, especially since she had seen a similar behavior before with Mim... Ahhhh just thinking about that made her want to hide somewhere and stay there!!

"Uhh, J-just Nat is fine...", she had inched back and looked away, clearly uncomfortable

But then there was a question! And almost as if a switch had been flipped, hyper bouncy Nat was back full-power:

"Oh, uniforms?!", she had parroted, soon starting an explanation, "TRH prizes itself in being a safe haven, a place where everyone can be themselves no matter what they are and where they came from. This policy is also extended to its employees. Everyone is free to dress in the manner they're most comfortable at~!"

"With that being said, you could totally do it like me and buy a specific piece of clothing to act as your uniform. I thought that'd help me be more professional and such... But yeah, basically you're free to dress however you'd like, as long as it doesn't bother the guests and other staff of course~", she raised a finger in a knowledgeable, instruction-giving manner, "Common sense is very important.", Nat concluded, nodding at herself.
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After getting some much needed rest, Gyrus readied to take his leave from the hotel. But as he prepared for his departure he took one final long glance at the relic he had brought with him from his prior expedition; and though he still couldn't find an answer from the worn Inscriptions, he had a slight Idea of who might. He gave a small grin at the Idea and left his room as he hid the Item away Into his duffle bag and locked the door behind him .

Nuri Unauk

Nuri was in complete serenity out in the woods: out on the battle ground. The Empire had come to take her lands, and it was up to her to delete them. No one could say whether current trends would stay, but at the very moment, her people were at peace: not because war had ended, but because the Empire had drawn its attention elsewhere, and it was all thanks to her and her guerrilla team. Now all she was to do was keep it that way.

She was enjoying her self up in that tree. An Empire spy was lurking around and she was tailing him. So he is the leak! she thought. It was already decided that he would die. It would either be by her or her partner across the path. She would give the first shot, as they agreed. She nodded to her partner and drew her bow, ready to take her shot. Her friend, Nim, rest on her shoulder just as calm as she was.

It happened suddenly. As soon as she was ready to take the shot, she felt the lime of the tree disappear from under her, and she began to fall instantly. Her realization of this, though, did not come until after she had fired her shot. Above her, she could see her sky through what looked like a door. Had she fallen though? She landed on her feet, Nim still (less calmly) on her shoulder. Her arrow had fallen through the door with her, and managed to find itself planted in a near wall. The door was gone, and suddenly she was in a place she didn’t know. “Where am I?” she asked in a whisper, really to any one who would answer.


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Current Receptionist

Hello and welcome to TRH, I am the current receptionist. The location of which you arrived is of another dimension from your own. All our guest rooms are in the second floor and above. The first digit dictates the floor the room is on. If you require any accommodations, such as a coffin in place of a bed, please feel free to notify me. The owner is currently out. If you were interested in a job position, please fill out the form below and provide all necessary documents before turning it in. Master Fawna should return shortly. Feel free to wait in the lobby or interact with our guests while you wait for your interview. Thank you for staying at TRH.
Hiring Application

Elise Ebele Elise Ebele

Nuri Unauk

Nuri looked up at the strange being that had come to greet her. She lowered her bow and stood up straight, realizing she was in a fine institution. “I don’t have money for a room,” she admitted. She had not been carrying any on her, and even if she had, she had no money from this world, if she truly was in a different dimension.

The idea of dimension travel was a foreign one for her. But after falling through that door, her mind was suddenly open to things unknown. “Could I go back to my dimension?” she asked, dusting the dirt from her clothes.
Bastion clanked up beside her and went, "Boop. Beeop!" (Translation) "No. No you can't. You are stuck here forever i am afraid." He extended his left hand out to greet her.
Current Receptionist

In TRH, currency does not exist. Would you like a room? *Turns to Bastian* Hello. Welcome to TRH. If you would like to return to your home world please exit the door you have entered from. *The maid gestured towards the front entrance* Would you like a room?
"Bweeop! Beep beep boop beep boop boop!?" (Translation) I already have a room. Room 800. Why are you asking me for an- sorry. I just get angry. I already have a room though. Thanks anyways." Bastion said with a slight anger.

Nuri Unauk

Nuri looked up in a bit of confusion as the large robot looking thing beeped and booped at her. She didn’t understand it at all... perhaps it was a common language here. If so, she would have to learn it. She reached out and took a firm hand in the robot's (Bastion) hand. At 2’4”, her height paled in comparison to his, and her hand could not even grasp his. She was not sure if she would stay, but would like to take advantage of this opportunity.

“Thank you,” she smiled. She turned to the other bot (Maid0605) and smiled softly. “As a matter 'o fact methinks I would like a room,” she nodded. There were many different creatures and she was interested. Perhaps she could learn some thing from all of this. If she could return home when ever, she could maybe bring back some knowledge that would help her against the Empire. “So long as Nim can stay with me.” She petting Ignacio's head and he squawked happily. “The name's Nuri. Nuri Unauk. Pleased t' meet ya!”
"Well... that went to hell in a hand basket." Mr. V. said, absolutely exasperated from the ordeal, though he felt strangely good inside. "There's no way Ms. Mae will ever go out to dinner with me again after this one. Well, I guess that's just another bridge burned." He lit a cigarette, an unusual practice for him, but he felt that he'd earned this vice. He walked out the hallway towards the front doors, intending to leave before seeing Aran and Fawna standing behind him.
SachiGrl SachiGrl
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Current Receptionist

I am sorry. I did not mean to upset you, sir. *Maid0605 said monotonously as she faced Bastion* All beings are accepted in our hotel. *The robot maid hands the new guest a room key* Your room number is 678. Would you like the furniture to be modified to your height? *The robot folded slightly, seemingly emphasizing on Nuri's small height*
Aran Winter-Eve

Current Activity-Confronting Mr.V Location-Lobby Mentions- TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor SachiGrl SachiGrl

Aran caught the scent of the firearm wafting lightly up the hall, his body tensed and his eyes narrowed. There was not a single ounce of shock in his face when he saw the shady stranger from before exit the hallway, tobacco hanging in the air behind him. Silver eyes flashed brightly with pent up rage, and his breath shuddered, the tethers on his temper straining at the sight.
He pulled his arms from Fawna and rushed the stranger in a torrent of clacking, scuffing hoofsteps, his muscles quivering visibly as they raised into an offensive stance at his sides. He stood between the stranger and the doors, lowering his head slightly to once again bare his antlers. "It was you... Wasn't it? His knuckles popped as he curled and flexed his fingers, stepping towards the man. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but I refuse to let you walk out so nonchalantly after you scared Ms. Mae to tears." he took another step forward and pushed the man back by his shoulders, "I expect you to explain yourself. I'm not letting you leave until you tell this hard-working woman why you thought you could walk into her place of residence and pose some kind of threat to her life and you best be ready to get down on your hands and knees and beg her for forgiveness, because I highly fucking doubt she did anything to provoke you." He backed towards the door, keeping his gaze locked on the man in front of him.





"Don't worry, I don't plan to fight if I don't need to." Fawna's ears drooped in a relieved manner. Thank goodness he's not like the men from my herd... she thought to herself. Unexpectedly, the deer woman felt his hand caress her hair. She wasn't sure how she felt initially from this interaction. Her body froze, despite her initial reaction, she was incredibly worn out and his strokes were somehow soothing. "You should get somewhere that you can relax, I imagine you're feeling pretty stressed right now," she nodded with her head still tilted forward, resting on the male's abdomen. Her body loosened up slightly, ears flickering as they would do when her state of mind was thoughtless. She really needed a break.

The deer hybrid was too exhausted to notice the same things as the centaur she stood along with. All she smelled was his husky natural scent. All she felt was his soft caress, but not for long. Fawna felt his body tense up; she looked up at him curiously and within moments, he pulled away. Aran hustled aggressively towards her other guest. "No! Mr. Winter-please!" she stepped forward, her hands reached out for him then froze when she looked into Mr. V's eyes. Slowly, her arms folded and her hands curled into fear-filled fists between her breasts. I don't know how to react... her mind began to fill with panicky thoughts. He used me to free himself from his 'contract'... he was so secretive... I wish he opened up to me instead of... she let out a shaky breath remembering the scene she just experienced only moments ago.

Lost in thought, she missed half of the centaur's intimidating lines. She wanted to stop him, but she struggled to control her own body. It was almost as if her body refused to inch closer to the man who held a gun beneath his clothes. He could have killed you... rang a thought through her mind. It was the animalistic nature she had within. The urges to flee and the urges to protect one-self was too strong, too familiar. Despite the familiarity, she had never learned to fully control her fearful reactions.

"Mr. Winter-Eve!" she managed to burst out from pent-up frustration, "th-this matter has nothing to do with you." A sigh gushed out of her lips before she added, "...if he wishes to leave... so be it..." click... clack... click... she turned away, rubbing her arm in an insecure manner as she did so, and began to walk to her room. Nothing more needed to be said. He was done with her. Got his freedom. What more can a woman say in this moment?
TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor
Sea Jay Sea Jay

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