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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)


Eden glanced up once the source of the click-clacking made itself known. As his calm eyes took in the deer woman, the Fallen Angel couldn't help the small, curious twinkle from appearing his golden eyes. He wasn't unfamiliar with different races and species, of course - but it had been years since he'd last seen a friendly anthromorphic person, man or woman. "Hello there," he began, smoothly standing from the lounge chair, "It's very nice to meet my potential new boss." Eden's naturally smiling lips pulled back ever so slightly into an amused grin, revealing slightly pointed teeth. He bowed ever so slightly, raven locks spilling over his bright gaze. "I'm Eden Neverine, and I've applied for the...'Waiter' position." Idly, he glanced over to the table, where the application document rested face-down. A miniscule twitch of the finger, and it suddenly zoomed into his firm grip.

Returning his attention to Fawna, Eden straightened out of his bow and winked. "Will we be having the interview here, Madam Mae?" He offered the document to her, the paper floating gently in the air above his hand.





Gold was his alluring eyes as he gave her a peculiar gaze. It was common for most guests to find her kind strange, intriguing, etc., but the look in his eyes happened to give the woman chills. She rubbed her arm from the unusual sensation. Her ears flickered every now and then as he spoke. The sound of his voice, despite the topic, was soothing and calm, much like his demeanor. The moment she caught the sight of his grin, her ears couldn't help to pose frighteningly, but the woman swiftly averted her eyes to his golden gaze, her friendly expression unwavering. Slowly, her furry ears resumed their perky state. "Mhm," she hummed in acknowledgement as being his potential boss, "I prefer to have my interviews... in private." Unnerving was his wink as he bowed respectfully. Nonetheless, the deer woman led the man towards the 'Meeting Room' nearby the ballroom, where she once was. "Don't mind the noise, we have an ongoing gambling event," she said as they passed by it. Finally, the clickity clack of her hooves came to a stop once they reached their destination. She opened the door and found herself comfortably seating at the nearest chair then gesturing for him to the chair adjacent to her own. "So, Here in TRH, we're funded by the Blood Red Demon Clan. When you're employed by them, you can't quit," she crossed her legs as she spoke and neated folded her hands above her knee.
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Bastion clanked down the hallway and towards the courtyard. When he entered, he was instantly greeted by all sorts of sounds. Birds were tweeting and flying. Fountains spouted water down carved gutters and trees waved in the breeze. It was all well and good until suddenly the sound of a woodpecker was heard. Bastion stiffened up and began to look all around him. The woodpecker was heard again and he froze in place... looking at the lobby. The woodpecker was heard a third time and this time bastion transformed. In a few seconds his eye went red and his head dropped into his chest. Then his shoulders snapped backwards and his body swung around while his legs formed a tripod platform. Moss, dirt, vines and flowers flew off in all directions and the suspicious cylinder on his back dropped down on a hinge. When it swung downwards the vegetation flew off of it to reveal a six barreled Gatling gun. He began to fire. Every second over 150 rounds of Armor Piercing exited the barrels of the Gatling gun and flew through the glass and into furniture and walls alike. The now turret bastion swept his line of fire back and fourth.

As the woman spoke, Eden's head tilted curiously to the side, the man watching inquisitively as Fawna reacted unnervedly to his...quirks. It was quite amusing, he couldn't help but notice - while he was never intentionally intimidating unless someone annoyed him, there were the rare times where his natural demeanor could frighten or unnerve some of the shyer folk. Perhaps he should tone it down a peg? ...Eh, where is the fun in that? She would get used to him eventually, Eden was quite sure. Until then, he would amuse himself by seeing just how she reacted when different buttons were pushed. Mortals were funny like that. Bereft of an eternal livelihood, they often reacted in the cutest and most curious ways to even the slightest of things. Hopefully there were more genuine people like Fawna around. If so, then this stay proved to be quite a different adventure.

So far into his thoughts, Eden only just realized that they had arrived at their destination. It was a cozy-looking room, with seats placed opposite of each other. As Fawna sat in one of said chairs, she gestured for him to sit opposite of her - a gesture that nearly caused his grin to form again. That's right, he thought amusedly, she is your Boss. An authority figure over himself. It was a new experience, and while Eden knew without a shadow of a doubt that he'd never bend to someone's will, he was also curious to see how working for this woman would pan out.

He sat, then, his posture relaxed yet dangerous. His body leaned back in the seat, his exposed, scarred right arm propping his chiseled jaw up against a calloused fist.

Fawna's following statement almost caused his eternally serene visage to sour. Keyword, almost.

"Blood Red Demon Clan..." Eden trailed off, silky locks of raven-black hair falling into his suddenly sharp gaze. "Are you saying that this job would put me in a position of eternal subservience? Take note, Madam, that I live forever. Contracts that bind me for life isn't something I enjoy."

He would never be someone's eternal servant again. His yearning for freedom is why he Fell, after all.

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A sigh escaped her lips before she responded, "Primarily, you would be serving me. If your position is to wait guests, they will not force you to do anything outside of your role." Fawna did not like the things she had to admit in the hiring process, but it was better than Ms. Blood's method of omission. Despite, the previous owner's lack of expressing that you'd have to work eternally for the hotel, otherwise death, the young deer had no other place she could call home. Mamaley was her homeland, but her herd did not treat half-breeds with respect nor did the Humans who found her venturing out in the woods. She belonged nowhere except here. When Ms. Blood was drafted into her clan's war, being the new owner was the greatest burden gifted to her. She inherited the hotel's terrible secrets and kept them because she feared rejection. Although the hotel has its dark secrets, it still held those who needed a safe haven, a place to stay. The man before her, clearly, did not need a safe haven like she did, but it was her duty to inform him of the repercussions of joining their team.

"If serving the hotel eternally does not appeal to you, then I thank you for your interests," she uncrossed her legs, ready to return to the Ballroom. Fawna expected his refusal to join. Her attention was already in the direction of the door, her hands placed readily on the arms of the chair to flee once his words of refusal was stated.
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Dayanthor cracked his hands as ruckus disrupted the inviting air of the gambling event. "Ye wanna figh? I'll figh ye, behg boi," the small demon hopped off the green fuzzy table, putting his gambling game with the guests to a halt. His brother Maxvicclaus laughed and decided to watch the brawl between his little brother and the man-made machine. The red little man put up his fist and swirled them in a strange circular motion, "Comeh eht meh, behg boi!" Dayanthor taunted the bot. Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie.
Bastion turned his turret towards him and opened fire. every second over 150 rounds of AP flew towards the Dayanthor. Smoke escaped the barrels and they began to glow orange.

Huh. Well, that certainly threw a wrench in his fun.

Eden stayed seated, his stoic facade not shifting even as Fawna prepared herself to leave. No, instead, he was busy thinking over the options available to him. According to the document, he had a shift - meaning that he wasn't required to wait tables constantly. In addition, the job would provide him a pleasant place to stay, and a virtually endless supply of different and foreign people and culture to experience and play around with. For all intents and purposes, the job itself did not sound bad. He simply did not like anyone presiding over him.


"Will I be expected to stay in this Hotel forever? I have a hobby of...exploring worlds, but I can be here whenever my shift begins." Eden leaned forward, shifting his posture so that he could rest his chin on his clasped hands. "I've no intention of being difficult, Fawna. This job would be a pleasant experience...I just require some form of freedom." His glowing golden gaze, previously sharp and cold, turned more warm and understanding as he gave the deer woman a genuine smile. "Regardless, you seem like a wonderful boss. As long as I work under you, I doubt that I'd have any complaints." She came off as someone fair and genuine, which he respected a lot, actually. Many dimensions were shitty - there were only a few that had naturally good people. This place, wherever it was, seemed to have them as well.





The silence between them was awkward for the owner; she expected a swift response. A 'no, thank you,' at least. Instead, Fawna cocked her head slightly to the side curiously, her hazel eyes showing genuine surprise. Was he still considering the position... she asked herself. As the man began to speak again, she found herself crossing her legs and resuming her attentive pose. The man, clearly, was able to find positives in the position despite her initial words that would normally scare most candidates. She looked at his application and read his name to herself, "Eden Neverine." The Random Hotel just might obtain a new employee. "This job is just like any ordinary job," she stated simply, glad his expression was softening. Her body felt incredibly tense from his cold stare. "Depending on the shift you desire, you'd work only during those hours. Also, we provide shelter, food, and vacation time," she found herself smiling again, proud to have convinced the previous owner to permit her employees some freedom. Although, Fawna did not desire the freedom others had, she knew it was inhuman to keep them from their home-worlds.

She lost a very wonderful employee early in her days of being an owner. He was a middle aged Human who fell in love with an Elven girl. It wasn't until she became an owner that he found the courage to runaway with his lover. To give him more time with her, Fawna lied to Ms. Blood, stating she sent him out to restock some goods. It wasn't long when his absence peeved the red demon and she personally searched for him and killed him with her bare hands. Phyonna Blood, the demonic witch that she was, brought his soul to the hotel and bounded him to the bar area for eternity. The demon didn't enforce blood contracts for no reason; it was needed to track down those who chose to escape. Now, she's trying to enforce blood contracts with her guests in exchange for coins to gamble; hence the name of the coins being life coins.
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Dayanthor's mouth abnormally widened to the length nearly of a shark's. Luckily, all the bullets aimed in his direction, making it easy to devour them, so that they would enter his portal-like stomach. The little demon ran closer and closer to the robotic being. Planning to devour it whole, his mouth slowly but surely grew so that it may fit inside of him and teleport some place safe. Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie.
Bastion exited turret form and quickly sidestepped while throwing a punch with his left hand. He opened fire with his right arm (An assault rifle). Bastion would shoot in one place for a few seconds and then rapidly change position and repeat the tactic.

The robotic creature's size suddenly changed, making it more difficult for the demon to devour him. He needed a little more time to grow his mouth further. "Aaaaaaarrrgghhhhhh!" he yelled as he expanded his mouth's size. He evaded the machine's punch and naturally ate the bullets shot in his direction. The creature, nonetheless a guest, rinse and repeated his movement. As much as Dayanthor wanted to bite the machine's arm off, he knew it was a guest, so transporting it somewhere safe was the best choice. "AAAAAaaaaaaarrgghhhhh!!!" Yes! His mouth was finally large enough to devour the metallic being. He leaped into the air and aimed downward towards the machine. GULP! Whoops! The demon accidentally ate one of the slot machines. His sister smacked his big head, "You better bring that back in one piece!" Her red hips cocked to one side unhappily and grabbed the big headed demon and threw him at Bastian. The demonic speed was too fast for the machine and it disappeared into his stomach and appeared a decent distance away from the hotel in a forest. Moments later, half of Maylizsha's body appeared. She grabbed the slot machine Dayanthor had swallowed and disappeared again. Maxvicclaus created a shield spell around the hotel that only allowed non-offensive beings to enter the hotel. Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie.
Suddenly all the screens inside the hotel were overrun with the same phrase, "IF ONLY YOU KNEW WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH..." This message was repeated thru ought the speakers and TV screens inside the hotel. Anyone who had heard bastion being translated to English would recognize that it was his voice instantly. The screen changed to a burning prairie with humans fighting other bastion units. The humans were taking losses but despite the bastions losing more they still blindly advanced on the humans. The TV screens suddenly reverted back to their normal programs and shows.

"...Then I believe we have a deal." Eden closed his eyes, his smile bright and peaceful. Sure, he'd see where this path led...another adventure that just so happened to last many, many years. Time itself was a conundruum, and the future was not set in stone. He could end up hating it here, waiting in agonizing patience as millennia went by, all in the hopes of the owner dying. On the other hand, this could actually be the adventure he was hoping for. Maybe he actually would like it here. Only time would tell. Mind clear of any worry or annoyance, Eden stood from his seat, one eye opening. His smile took on a quirky edge. "I hope you don't mind my ineptitude in the beginning. It's been years since I've served as a waiter." Without any prompting, he offered her a warm hand, as both a confirmation of his position, and as a polite way of helping her up. After all, despite him not being human, Eden did like the cultural pleasantries they often exercised.





Fawna clapped her hands together in a joyful motion, "Wonderful, but..." her clapping did not continue; it abruptly stopped as quickly as it came. There was still one last test or words to be said before he could officially take on the job. She took his hand, suddenly becoming very aware of his strength and his hands rough texture. He had had many battles it seemed. Though it was a custom for most male Humans to take a woman's hand and kiss them, their hands rarely would feel like a hands of a warrior. Her thumb couldn't help but to graze against his callouses as she stood on her two hooves. Quickly, the young deer pulled her hand away and apologized, "So-sorry..." One hand brushed her hair away in an embarrassed manner as she tried to regain the stability of her mind. "I... I need your blood to create an official contract," she said sternly, her eyes finally returning to his.

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Eden's head tilted once more, warm golden eyes not shifting from Fawna's own, much like a bird observing its prey. The feeling of her soft hand against his much bigger one was pleasant enough, but the shyness he could see, hidden behind her suddenly stern visage, was even more enticing. Mortals are truly one of a kind. His smile didn't wane in the slightest at the revelation of a blood contract. He had, after all, expected as much when the word 'Demon' exited her mouth earlier on in their conversation. "My blood is a bit different, but if it's necessary, who am I to argue?" Finally, he shifted his smoldering gaze away from the woman, his attention placed on his exposed right arm. It was lean, yet defined and corded with strong, hard muscles - the testament to his many, many years as an Archangel of Heaven.

He rose one finger, and pressed it against his forearm. "Would you like it now, or later?" His smile deepened slightly, calm and inviting. Perhaps it was to be collected and given to the Demon? There was many varieties of magics - he didn't yet know what kind these people used.

"Dammit Fawna... what the hell did you do to take a deal with a demon clan." Mr. V. muttered to himself as he eaves dropped on the interview. "No wonder everything about this place felt off. It all makes sense, especially with the demons running a gambling event. I have no doubt that this is a way for them to gather souls to torture and play with. Fawna... you damn fool." He regretted hearing what he did, especially after having to skulk around behind her back after their conversation at the slot machines went nowhere. But there was a reason he was sent here, and now he needed to report back.

He walked through the halls and up the stairs which were surprisingly empty. "Almost everyone must be at the gambling event..." He thought. "The Gambling Event... that entire deal was rotten, people gambling away the lives of others just for some cheap thrills." He tapped away at his phone, sending email after email to those who held his own leash. However, he hesitated with the last email before adding the line "After this, I'm done." before hitting the send.




The young deer was completely unaware that one of her guests was eavesdropping during her interview within the Meeting Room. The owner seemed to be in a strange predicament where her new employee, from what she makes of it, was flaunting his toned arm. "No! Oh demons no!" she reacted quite... boldly. "I mean..." she cleared her throat, "... my robotic maids will take care of that." Strangely, the owner has been on the edge lately. At first, she thought it may be because of Mr. Winter-eve; she thought it was like a domino effect. The centaur, sadly, reminded her of her homeland, which were far from pleasant thoughts. Seeing the centaur, simply was torture cause he brought terrible memories. Then, Mr. V invited her to eat with him and, apparently, Mr. Winter-eve thought they were having an affair and she hasn't been the same since. Is she afraid of having an affair or being accused of having another affair? She wasn't sure. Fawna was just now noticing how jumpy she's been around men.

Lost in thought, the deer woman blinked absentmindedly as her ears flickered about. It was until she snapped herself back into reality that she said in a rushed manner, "St-stay here. I'll go fetch a maid!" Immediately, she rushed out of the room, closing the door quite loudly behind her. Even her own ears flinched at the sound. As she looked for a maid, and instead she found Mr. V, "Hey!" She greeted casually. "I'm glad you're not gambling anymore," she looked at him in relief. In her peripheral, she spotted a robotic maid, "Maid0335!" She called out, "Please go to the Meeting Room and retrieve..." she gave Mr. V a strange glance before continuing, "... Eden Neverine's work contract." The robot nodded and reported to the room swiftly.

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TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor

"...Huh." Though he did not know of what was going on in her mind, Eden could tell that something was bothering her. When she spoke of the robotic maid, he only nodded in acceptance, silently watching through calm, lidded eyes as she rushed out of the room, slamming the door quite loudly behind her. Mortals were one of a kind, yes...but they were also very, very unpredictable. Curious and slightly bemused, Eden watched the door for a second before sighing and leaning back against his former seat's armrest. "If anything, this should be interesting..." he murmured, raising his gaze up towards the ceiling. Vaguely, despite the distance, he could hear his new Boss speaking to someone else. He could have deepened his senses, but...his curiosity was somewhat abated for today. For now, he'd simply wait for the maid, and get everything ironed out. His blood, as he said earlier, truly was peculiar. As God's firstborn Angel, now Fallen, the ichor that previously ran through his veins was now a thick, luminous gold - a far cry from its previous white, cloudy coloration. It also smelled vaguely of honey, yet it burned on contact with flesh. It was good, then, that Fawna did not do the blood work - he wouldn't want her to get hurt.

Footsteps alerted him to another visitor, and Eden glanced towards the door, his face cool and stoic as the robotic maid entered. "Welcome to my office." he greeted dryly, his lips temporarily quirking upwards.


Thank you for your greeting. I shall retrieve your blood now for Ms. Mae. *The robot pricked the man's finger, then pressed it against a white sheet of paper. The paper glowed magically then faded.* The blood contract is complete. Welcome to The Random Hotel team! *The robot maid left the room, leaving Eden alone in it*
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Aran Winter-Eve

Current Activity-Making his way to the event Location-Lobby Mentions-Open to interaction

Aran hadn't gotten much sleep, his mind was racing down the same tracks of the same train of thought for a few hours before he'd fallen asleep with his head against the wall.
He snapped into consciousness with his nose twitching slightly, commanding breath to his lungs in droves for the fifteen or so seconds it took him to realize he'd been dreaming. The sweat on his forehead had his hair plastered against his skin and his palm as he touched his face. Hot... This room felt so hot right now. Four cloven hooves clicked and scuffed over the floor, growing louder as they hit the more solid bathroom floor.
He hadn't done much in this area, but now that he payed attention he saw the small items on the counter, and his nose picked up the flowery, chemical scents of something in the room, but he didn't seek it out, the odor was more than enough from where he stood.
Luckily for him, the humans on his home world had something like this faucet... bowl thing, that was one thing he could take comfort in understanding. Reaching out, the centaur's slender fingers clasped around the knob on the sink and turned, his ear twitching at the sudden torrent of cold water leaning forward and cupping his hands to catch the clear liquid and wash it over his face. It was very, very cold, and he was mosts definitely awake if he hadn't been already, a slight shiver running up his back when he turned the knob back and headed for the door.
A light shake of his head dislodged droplets from his pale white hair and his tail flicked as a few splattered over his lower back.
As he looked at the door, a paper floated directly down on top of his face and antlers, dampening against his wet hair. He slowly moved to take it, noticing it looked rather flashy. He noticed a few images on the page that he could understand the concept of right away, and didn't bother trying to read the page, even if they'd gotten a proper translation down he really didn't care enough. Some sort of event was going on and it looked a lot like the games the humans he studied with played, it was certainly a lot easier when they taught him a few of the symbols and written script.
Letting the paper fall from his hand with mental notes to pick it up later, he opened the door and headed out, click-clacking down the hall past the many doors all the way down to the elevator, pressing the downward-facing triangle button. His mind wandered a bit, thinking about how his family would act here, they weren't very educated in the more human aspects of his homeland, they'd probably just panic and make fools of themselves.
He stepped into the elevator and listened to the hum of the machine as is fell to the ground floor, then opening and allowing him to step out, one hoof clanking loudly against the landing. He looked around, noticing minimal decoration for the event, with eyes in search of a sign. Of course, as always, the shiny buzzy maids were around, but he didn't care much for them, and preferred to find the way himself, given the choice. This was the only way he'd learn is way around.
He raked his fingers through his damp and drying hair, fluffing it out slightly in the process.


<< Assigned Task: Assist with the event || Mood: Awe, curiosity and anticipation || Tags: --- >>
<< Location: The Ballroom, by the big door of the Main Entrance >>

Saturday, Night-time

After finishing serving all of the guests, including Ms. Mae and Mr. Winter-Eve on their adorable date, Natalie had found herself innert again. Without much to do but her shift still not done, the cat-waitress had then decided to sit by a table for a while... It had turned out to be a mistake.

The clip-clop of hooves had echoed from the corridor again, waking a panicked Nat up. Oh no, what time was it?! The cat-girl had glanced at the big wall clock to discover that it was already night-time... Her lack of sleep had caught up with her, leading the waitress to lay her head on the table and nap during th rest of the morning shift.
She had seen Ms. Mae enter the restaurant again, this time for dinner, and before even properly processing the fact that the owner was accompanied by someone else this time, Nat had ducked over the table, covering her face with the menu until the arrivals had passed by her. She didn't want to admit to slepping on the job in case someone asked what the girl was still doing at the Oak Grill at that time...

Once the footsteps were away from her, Natalie had put the menu down and sneaked cautiously out of the restaurant. She had stayed by the doorway, against the wall, glancing in to see if Ms. Mae or anyone else had noticed her escapade. Luckily, no one seemed to have, everyone stuck to their tables and their conversations normally, prompting Nat to sigh in relief.

With that dealt with, the cat-waitress had made her way through the building until her room's door. The nap had been nice, however, short. Nat could still feel her tiredness creeping up with every new step she had taken on the way, but at least, Room 513 was in front of her... Or she hoped it was because at this point her vision was blurring and Nat could barely make out the numbers.
Grabbing the key out of the pocket in her uniform, Natalie struggled to get the key in the opening, finally turning the knob when she got that done, only to find an unexpected mess inside. A couple purple feathers had been scattered all through the room: in the bathroom, over the dresser, on top of bed... At first, the cat-girl had stood by the door watching it all with unmisseable confusion and then it hit her. The little chicken!!

Adrenaline had hit her like a truck, taking Natalie out of her drowzy state. With one hop, she had move inside, quickly closing the door t make sure no one could peek inside. She had called for the chicken a couple times, hoping that it would show up but to no avail. Next the cat-girl had started moving things out of place and searching into every tiny space and corner she could think of, even under the bed. Thirty minutes later, Nat had found herself even more drained. It was clear that the chicken was nowhere to be found, but how?? A chicken couldn't open the lock could it? Had it been stolen then?! Her tired head spun with all the crazy possibilities and she was forced to sit down in the bed... 'Crunch', the sound of paper had echoed from under her. Eh?? There was something on top of the bed?

Reaching out for the mysterious paper, Natalie had discovered a note written with a neat, curly handwriting in a pretty purple pen. She couldn't remember of having written such a thing and after inspecting it briefly had come to realize that this wasn't her onw handwriting either. Wary and curious, the waitress had read the note to discover that it had been written... by Mim?! How had Mim got into her room???

Confused and alert the cat-waitress had glanced around with her ears down, as if something or someone could still be hidden inside. A yawn had found its way to her lips and despite feeling slightly unsafe, Nat had been forced to lied down in the bed, trying to sleep... And her brain had finally remembered something very very important: Mim was a shapeshifter. Mim had been the purple chicken!! Now that line of his note made sense!
Oh, she had taken the guest to her room without even realizing it...!

And suddenly she couldn't sleep. Embarrassed and slightly blushing, the cat-girl's mind had whirred into wondering how much of the room and her possessions Mim had seen. It had been a long night...

Current Day
It was day for the Gambling Event, or as Nat liked to refer to it, the Casino Event. The waitress was normally all for fun activities but when it came to gambling and things that had an unhealthy side to it she didn't partake on them. Mostly because the cat-girl knew how stubborn she could get at times, with these type of games making the whole ordeal worse... Nah, if she didn't partake on them, then there'd be no problem! And she did have a job to accomplish after all.

At least she had finally managed to catch up with sleep.
After the concert, the waitress ha dbeen struggling with regaining her usual sleep schedule back and the whole situation with Mim in her room certainly hadn't helped it... Speaking of Mim, Natalie knew which room was his, --her's. Ahhh this so complicated!--, now but hadn't gone to visit the guest yet. To be honest, Nat was still embarrassed and confused about it all, secretly avoiding to have to face Mim again so that she didn't have to deal with a plethora of odd emotions and reactions that'd certainly surface on the encounter. Everything regarding the guest was just so freaking complicated for some reason!!

Natalie sighed, ears going slightly down at her distressed dilemma. BUT, work was calling, so she had inhalled and exhaled next, calming her running thoughts a little. Then with a hop, the cat-waitress was off of the bed, ears sprung back up with her usual energy. The girl made her way to the closet and opened it up. This time, she had prepared a slightly different uniform to wear, something that matched the mood of the event better than her usual attire.
Pushing all of the hangers to the left except for one, Nat had picked up the stylish red dress that hadn't ever been used yet and a pair of heels to match. It was very unlike her usual clothing style, which made her a bit nervous... Would it look good? Was it a bit too flashy perhaps? A new sigh, she wouldn't know unless she tried it...

Thirty minutes later, Natalie closed her room's door to make her way to the ballroom. She couldn't get over how cute she looked in the dark red checkered dress her mom had helped her choose on her last visit home, though the cat-waitress had never expected to actually wear it this soon, even less for work. As she made her way through the corridor, the bell on the necklace rang repeatedly, alongside the click-clack sound of the heels. It was a bit hard to resist hitting the bell for no reason other than to see it shake and jingle, it was very distracting at times. Perhaps putting one on her neck like that had been a badly thought off idea... Oh well.

Nat tried to ignore the jingling by focusing on the path and only the path. She reached the end of the corridor, crossed the front desk and followed the outdoor corridors until the ballroom, all while very attentively watching the ground. It was only when she had been in front of the ballroom's main entrance that Natalie stopped, promptly straightening her posture to get herself in the professional mind-set... The assortment of machines, game tables and casino-like decor upon entering, however, instantly got in the way of that:


With her tail swinging in both curiosity and awe behind her, Natalie froze completely by the door, possibly getting in the way of anyone trying to use that one entrance. Welp, forget being professional, that plan was officially out of the window~
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"...Welcome, indeed."

Eden briefly licked his finger, the small puncture wound immediately disappearing into its regular, lightly calloused flesh. The entire process was swift, efficient, and painless - although, to be fair, he'd stopped truly feeling pain long ago. In the end, the maid left him with only a brief goodbye, and he was, once again, alone in the comfortable room. I'm a waiter...so I assume that I must 'wait'? There was almost definitely a diner somewhere within the hotel - otherwise, the job position wouldn't have been on the application. However, considering he was working the 'day shift'...actually, he didn't even know what the time was in this dimension. That was a point of consternation. For now, he would just...get a lay of the place he'd be staying at for the unforseeable future. That seemed like a swell idea.

The Fallen Angel pushed himself off of the comfortable armrest, feeling his relaxed muscles untense and creak as he stretched his lean body. He generally didn't sleep...at all, so moments of relaxation, like the past hour, were moments he rather enjoyed.

"So this...is the 'Meeting Room'." Eden murmured finally, his deep voice holding a tint of pleasant interest as he glanced around the comfortable-looking area. Simple enough. He doubted that he'd spend much time here, considering the purpose of the room, but it was still useful to embed its location in his mind. Satisfied with his brief overview, Eden exited the room, taking special care to close the door softly this time. A quick glance around showed that his new boss and her friend weren't nearby...not too much of a surprise, considering the hurry she had been in. Amusement stirred in his gut. "Maybe I'll see her later." At the very least, he wanted to ask why she fled. With a nod, Eden began making his way down the corridor, his footsteps virtually silent despite the absolute lack of noise around him. He didn't exactly know where he was going...didn't rightly care, either. Each pathway and hallway was embedded in his memory, and as long as he managed to recognize the twists and turns later on, Eden was quite happy with his aimless wandering.

Eventually, his wandering brought him closer and closer to a distant sound - and, as he got closer, he recognized the music and clinking of coins. Some sort of place of gambling, then?

He was never a fan of wasting money...but he had nothing better to do. His interest was piqued.

Eden headed vaguely in the direction of the sounds, his lidded gaze wandering over the different paintings and tapestry hanging upon the hotel's walls. He didn't recognize the art or style...but, then again, he'd never been very good with fashion or decoration. His own clothing was 'designed' by his last wife, years before she passed away of old age. He never really bothered changing the style, and as time went by, it simply became a part of who he was. Fortunately, no one really commented on his choice of clothing, so he doubted that a uniform was required. My body needs to breath, after all. Restrictive clothing was definitely not his favorite things. He preferred everything loose, and easy to get out of when and if it came to that. After all, in battle, any type of fabric was a worthwhile weapon - and sometimes you needed that extra oomph. Of course, there were other reasons - decidedly not combat-related...but that was a thought for another time.

He snapped back to reality once the noise became much clearer. Turning his attention away from the walls, Eden looked forward, raising a slim eyebrow as the entrance to what appeared to be some sort of ballroom entered his line of vision. He would've been able to see more...if a short figure in a fancy-looking red dress wasn't standing in the threshold. She seemed to be yet another nonhuman member of the hotel, judging by the swinging of her tail and the twitch of her...cat ears? Interesting!

"Hello," Eden greeted, casually walking up to peer inside the busy-looking ballroom. She wasn't especially short - he was simply very tall, so looking past her was easy. Briefly glancing over the games and people he could see loitering inside, the Fallen Angel momentarily returned his attention to the cat-girl, giving her a kind smile. "I'm Eden, the newest waiter here at the Hotel. It's nice to meet you." He took a small step backwards, just enough to get out of her personal space - people were often very severe about their personal bubbles, after all!

"Who are you? That is, if you do not mind me asking." His golden eyes watched her closely, a twinkling light of curiosity dancing in the orbs.



<< Assigned Task: Assisting with the event; Showing Eden the perks of the job || Mood: So much Excitement!! || Tags: Wasted Ink Wasted Ink >>
<< Location: The Ballroom, by the Main Entrance >>


Natalie's left ear had flicked with the input of a new sound, prompting the cat-girl to turn around toward its source. With a weak, shy 'Hello' back, she had been surprised by the person that had greeted her, it wasn't anyone she could remember seeing as well... Perhaps a new guest? His golden gaze had an odd thing about them, its stare was strong, fierce, almost as if the individual in possession of them could constantly see beyond what he was shown... Something about him evoked an atmosphere of wisdom, experience and mystery...
They had barely met and Nat already had the sensation that they wouldn't be able to relate that much.

And then he had stepped closer. The cat-waitress had once again frozen, taken aback by the sudden approach. Her ears had gone slightly down, tail swishing softly, making it apparent that the proximity made Nat a little uncomfortable. Luckily for her, the action didn't last for long, and soon she had been re-granted her personal space, releasing a low relieved sigh.

Hearing about having a new co-worker, however, had instantly sprung both ears and tail back up in full-on excitement! Cool!! She loved helping new employees situate themselves like that and her other co-worker seemed to have vanished abruptly, without explanation... It had taken the cat-waitress a full week, but eventually, she had realized that both Zero and Indigo hadn't been showing up. Oh well, she hoped none of them were seriously ill or anything of the sort and were just in vacation... Maybe Ms. Mae knew something about that? Given the past few days occurrences, the girl hadn't had the time to ask the owner anything, there had been a lot on her plate...

"Oh! Uh, I'm Natalie. I've been a waitress at TRH for about two years now...", she paused, suddenly realizing something, "Oh wow! Does that mean you're my apprentice then??! That's soooo exciting~!"

She had jumped and clapped her hands together, the bell on her necklace jiggling here and there, following the cat-girl's energic bouncing. Hnnnnnnng, she couldn't wait to start teaching Eden everything about the job!!

"So, what do you want to know first? Do you have any questions?? Do ask me if you have them, I'll do my best to answer everything~!!", her emerald gaze sparkled with anticipation, "Hahahaha, wow, I still can't believe that I have a new co-worker! This is the best day ever!!!"
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"Yes, I found the company your keeping rather distasteful." Mr. V. said, slipping his phone into his pocket. "Especially the demons." The last word seemed to ooze discontent as he stared Ms. Mae down. "Now, this place may not cost anything to your guests, but everything has a cost. So what is it, Ms. Mae, and don't lie to me. Because believe you me, I can tell when you're lying." Mr. V. didn't look angry or enraged, if anything he looked disappointed and heartbroken as he confronted Fawna about the demons and her dealings with them.
SachiGrl SachiGrl

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