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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)


Indigo Midna
Indigo turned her cold gaze on the robotic maid "A malfunction?" She thought out loud, speaking more to herself than the robot as there was no real point in talking to it. "I'll have to send it for repairs." She took out the damage report sheet and wrote down
-Maid speaking outside of defined perimeters. Recommend system tune up
She filed the report and quickly pressed the red button on the maids chest to power it off before moving it behind the counter. Indigo looked up again to where the yelling had come from. At this point, it might be better to at least investigate the source of the noise rather than risk a law suit. In a blink, Indigo vanished from the lobby without a trace and appeared outside a door. "It came from a guest after all." She knocked on the door "Pardon me, but is everything all right? There was yelling coming from this room."​
507 jolted back up, wrapping his arm in a few shirts before his familiar voice came through the door “Y-yeah, everythings fine, just........cut my arm?” His voice became unsure at this point, something happened to his arm, this was true, but he cant necessarily tell indigo “Hey indigo, I’m practicing necromancy cause I’m madly in love with you, by the way I have a metal dragon arm now!” He slapped himself in the forehead lightly.


<< Assigned Task: Watch a concert? [On hold] || Mood: Utter awe || Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants >>
Pool Deck, near the Concert Area >>

"Ehhh?! So your place has people like me too??", Nat's ears and tail had both instantly sprung up in response to the shock such a revelation brought, and then it was back to her usual curious tail waving, "What are they like?!!"

Her urge to know more would have derailed the search for the missing guest even further, if it wasn't for the big robot bringing up the hand-holding again, reminding the cat-girl of her embarrassment and subsequently, her task. The robotic being seemed to scan her hand and them start a bunch of processes that Natalie understood nothing about. Really, what did 'biometric' stand for?? She hoped it meant that the one match was Mim and that they wouldn't take long to get to him:

"Excuse me, would you mind sitting in my shoulders?

The cat-waitress had stopped for a while. She wasn't entirely sure if this machine was trustworthy yet. Yes, it had been nothing but helpful but stiiiill, been near it was just uncomfortable and slightly threatening... Nat took a deep breath and then decided to just go for it.

After a nod of her head, the girl had crouched slightly, gaze sharply focused on one of the robot's arm. Her ears flattened and her tail extended full length from her back, proving her the stability and flawless balance one needed to make this leap. There was a wiggle of her hips and suddenly Nat was airborne. Her body had completely elongated as she had put her hands forward ready to nail the landing. In a heartbeat, the cat-girl had gone from the floor to the top of one of the robot's appendages, proudly perched up there on all fours.

From there on, Nat kept climbing until she had reached the shoulder, finally standing back on her feet and gasping at new view of the environment:

"W-woa! The area looks so cool from up here! I can see everything~!!"
Celica and Mercury
Mercury smiled "I'm glad you enjoy the view." The Mecha moved a bit towards the crowd "I have determined that who we are looking for is somewhere in this section of the crowd." She motioned to a part of the mass of people off to the left of the stage "Unfortunately, I am currently unable to locate their specific location. Can you see anyone you recognize from here?" Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Indigo Midna
Indigo recognized the voice on the other side of the door "The void elf?" She thought for moment. "Mr.507, if you have injured yourself, do you require medical attention?" She asked. Indigo almost passed through the door to enter the room, but quickly caught herself and waited patiently outside for a response from 507 Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
“I’m sure I’m fine! No medical attention needed!” He said in a panic, his arm glowing a bright red, coating the entire room in its color “Shit...” he said aloud to himself.
Indigo Midna
Indigo noticed a red glow seeping out from beneath the door. "Only a fool denies help when they need it" she thought to herself "Very well. I will leave you to your own devices." She replied from outside. She began to walk away from the room though it would have been just as easy to simply displace herself back to the desk. All of a sudden, an Idea came into her head "Although...perhaps a fool is just what I need." She returned to the room door "507, your vital signs are fluctuating wildly. I would strongly suggest you allow me to help you." Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
507 thought for a moment “Actually...yes...I do need help...” he unwrapped his arm, the red glow starting to fade as the claws on his hands grew into the size of swords “Woah...this is different...”
Indigo Midna
Indigo was suddenly in the room, standing behind 507. There had been no sound of her entering the room or opening the door. She was just, there "It seems you have done more than just cutting your arm." She said in jest. There wasn't as much edge in her voice as there usually was. It wasn't quite friendly, but right now at least, her voice didn't sound like a weapon of war Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
507 blushed lightly but quickly regained himself “Uhm..I don’t know what this thing is...do you?” He asks, hoping she might have some insight as to how to reverse the effects, of course he wasn’t going to tell her he was trying to wield the powers of necromancy. What kind of idiot would admit that?
Indigo Midna
"Indeed. It's not uncommon for physical changes like this to occur as a side effect of certain magics." Indigo was no stranger to magic and it's repercussions. "The effect is most likely permanent due to the nature of the magic that caused it. While I can't say for certain what school of magic it was, the only one's with the ability to cause drastic changes like these are not easily counteracted without the use of a magic specifically designed to nullify other magics." She explained Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
507 sighed in relief before using one hand to try and use his holy magic to repel the arm, but it only extinguished in his hand “Huh?” He tried numerous times “That’s not supposed to happen...” he turned to indigo, his arm now changing shape into a sword like shape. “I cant use my holy magic!”
x Bellatrix De'Fleur x
Currently: Patiently waiting
Location: At the front desk
With: Maid0605
Tags: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
"Oh? TRH... I know not what it stands for, but I thank you for the kind welcome."
Bellatrix looked at the available roomnumbers and thought for a short bit. "Room 568 sounds nice, let me have that one. Sign it under Bellatrix De'Fleur, please." She grinned, waiting before she asked the robot, "Say... Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be a real human?"
Sons of Lucifer
hey guys.. what. wassup. i think we're unwanted here. ya same here. When I first got here it was nice but now i think we should leave. I agree with both of you.

-the boys began to take down the cave. They seemed abit angry but reject overcame all three of them. Their heads hung low as they jumped down to the main enrance to say they were leaving-
Indigo Midna
Indigo's expression was unchanged "It would seem as if your body is rejecting it. As if something new was introduced to your body's magic and was so vile and dark, something pure like holy magic is simply no longer capable of being produced." She made a sound almost like a snicker "You must have been dealing with an incredibly dangerous school of magic to have harmed yourself this badly." She knew exactly what he had been doing. This situation, it had all the signs of a spell caster attempting to use Necromancy without knowing the proper technique Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
Current Receptionist

TRH stands for The Random Hotel. Which is here where you are. The building, not the room. *The maid writes down the guest's information in a notebook* Bellatrix De'Fleur... Room 568... Understood. Here is your room key. Enjoy your stay and don't forget to sign our guestbook as well. *The maid turns away to address other matters, only turning back after the woman's next lines* *There is nothing but silence for a while, then it finally speaks again in the same monotone voice as before* Is there anything else I can help you with?

“Ah geez...” he mumbled to himself, embarrassed of not knowing this school magic, trying to turn away from indigo and regain himself before speaking to her again “I uhm...appreciate what help you could do lady indigo.” He said trying to take a bow, but his own arm changed into a scythe and stopped 507 mid way in his bow, then pointing at indigo. Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
we are leaving -his face showed no emotion. Anger and hatred fillied his eyes as he approached the front desk. His frills stood on end and his claws dug into the floor as he walked twoards the front desk-
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Indigo Midna
"My my, now this is certainly interesting." She said as the arm swung itself up at her "It seems to have developed a magical consciousness." She examined the arm without fear. "Of course, that doesn't mean it's actually aware of what's around it, but instead, it has gained the ability to move itself without the need of your brain to do so. Imagine I killed you right now. You would be gone, obviously, but the magic in your body would continue to allow this arm to thrash about wildly for another 60 or so years before it joins the rest of you." Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
“Now why would you kill me?” He asked, thinking she implied to threaten him, but did his best not to show, his arm poked 507 and then pointed at indigo again, obviously trying to imply something Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
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Current Receptionist

Understood. Since there is no room key to retrieve, please, each of you sign this check-out notebook instead. TRH hopes you've enjoyed your stay and wishes you and your brothers a safe trip back.

Indigo Midna
Indigo sighed and stepped forward two steps, completely impaling herself with the arm though it still caused no damage to her "It was merely an example of what a magical consciousness can do. I have no intention of killing you nor do I have the means to do so as you are well aware." She explained once again, mildly annoyed by his seeming inability to remember the obvious Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
Aurelia sighed as she finally, after hours, set the coin down and headed towards the large lobby. Her eyes widened in surprise as she spotted a familiar hydra. She smiled and waved,calling out his name. "Ovesh," internally she was rather confused. It wasn't in her nature to call out to others unless in danger or requiring assistance. Nonetheless she found that there was no going back from this point. She stepped closer, her large black eyes making contact with his. "I can understand others now." She smiled almost in an excited manner.
Zackrilmon Zackrilmon
“Haha...right...how stupid of me..” he smacked himself in the forehead, at this point, he was just making a complete fool of himself. He took a deep breathe as he replied “I uhm..think I’m all good, unless I’m being kicked out for committing such magical acts.” He joked Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

"...for committing such magical acts. "

"I believe that remains to be seen," a new voice sounded in the room. Were Indigo and 507 to turn they would see Trefl standing in the door way, with a hand on the hilt of his sword. Homunculus radiated with an overwhelmingly cold aura, as his eyes looked at 507 emotionlessly, before turning to Indigo. "I sensed dark magic. Are you alright, Receptionist?"

Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
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Simon couldn't shake the image from his head. That smile, he had only seen such raw looks from a select number of people. Seeing it on the small woman's face was certainly shocking. A shiver ran through his spine as he sat in his room, smoking a cigarette. He sighed, letting out a thin cloud of smoke. Something was really off about her. "The second things go down.." he stopped. He had planned on ending that sentence with I'm blowing this popsicle stand, but it felt much more serious than that. It felt too dangerous to just leave everyone behind, but what did he care? This wasn't his dimension, not even his own planet. It wasn't his problem. He took a long drag, before lying back on his bed.

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