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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

Indigo Midna
From behind the front desk came a small rattling sound. Soon, the familiar grey fog began permeating the air behind the desk, slowly filling up the space till nothing reminded besides the fog. Soon, the fog began condensing into the shape of a towering figure with 4 massive arms, then it changed to the figure of a child with short hair. Finally, it grew slightly to form the shape of a girl in maid's garb. The figure became more visible now, forming timeless grey eyes, pale skin, and dull blue hair tied into pig-tails. Indigo covered her mouth as she yawned. Time to go to work. "You are dismissed." She told the robot maid and it quickly scurried away.

Celica and Mercury

"Wow! This place is pretty AWESOME! Right, Mercury!" Cheered Celica. The young woman was currently relaxing by the pool, stretching her legs out on a beach chair. Her and Mercury had spent all night exploring this strange place they had discovered, though Mercury still had it's misgivings about the place. The mecha looked down at her friend, whose face held such a pleasant smile between it's cheeks. Mercury couldn't bring herself to spoil Celica's fun. Instead she simply said "Indeed it is."
Sage Jevro Eldawn
Rauthvr turned his head as something came out of a crater, his rider resting against his side. The dragon snorted out a puff of black smoke. The dragon watched the girl disappear into the hotel and then curled his body around his rider before falling asleep, both keeping their minds linked and open to the world around them.

Ajax Qast
Ajax remained asleep, one ear twitching as the clanking shuffle of a robot disappeared into the distance, heading past him as it went down the hallway. One eye flicked open at the noise, the creature lifting his head from where it rested on his massive paws as he then moved towards the desk with a yawn, claws clicking on the floor. Reaching the desk he reared back onto his hind legs and stood before the woman, his tail lying straight out behind him as he removed his blinders. This person before him wasn't alive, given they had no scent. "Hello misss. Miss Mae ssssaid there were free roomssss here?" the Zalbanian questioned, drawing out his 's' sound. "Asss well asss ordering partsss for my ssship?" Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
507 awoke from his bed, snapping his fingers to put on some more formal clothing (A black tuxedo cause why not?), making his way to the front desk “Lady indigo, a pleasure to see you again.” He said with a smile and a nod.
Indigo Midna
Indigo held up her hand to 507, he would have to wait. She then turned back to the Zalbanian in front of her. "Yes sir, we have plenty of rooms available." The spirit retrieved the guest book from beneath the desk and opened it to the most recent page. "As for your ship, we would be more than happy to provide you with the parts you need. I'll just need you to submit a request for the parts that you will be needing. You can find the physical request forms in the market place, voice orders are
also available from your room." She plucked a pen from a small glass cup on the and clicked it open "I'll just be needing your name." scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Ajax Qast
Ajax's right eye caught the movement as something or someone else came to the desk, the creature interrupting him trying to get a room and Ajax hissed to himself. It seemed man was not the only rude race in the various galaxies. The non-alive creature before him, however, ghost or spirit or whatever it was, raised a hand to silence the other figure before speaking to him. Confirming there were rooms available as well as how to order parts for his ship, he grabbed a map off the desk to pursue and figure out where things were. "Ajax Qast," he said. "Thank you. What food can I order here?" Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants



Voices. Distant voices could be heard. Fawna felt she was in a dark like sleep. She began to recognize the voices and understand them distinctly, however, she was in a lucid dream-like state just waking from a deep deep sleep. A sense of time was gone. How long has it been that she was in this state? The frail deer was completely unaware of where she was. All she knew is that Indigo, Dwig, and some stranger was within her vicinity. Finally, she was coming into consciousness. Voices could now be heard more clearly, though everything sounded like it was in another room. Was she alone in a room? Her eyes opened very slowly, exposing her hazel irises. It was still night.

She was lying on her bed, but she cringed as she touched her face. Her nose was tender from falling face first into the ground; her sense of touch was beginning to register sharp pain throughout her body, especially her head. She tried to lift her head, but then it pummeled with an excruciating pain. Almost immediately, her little brown hands grabbed her pounding cranium as she struggled to cope with getting up from the bed. "AAAHHHHHHHH!!!" she yelled in pain. Sadly, it only worsened the massively cruel headache. She laid back down, but that was a pittance and did very little. The pain was the worst headache Fawna has had in her whole life.

Humans have beaten her, centaurs have stomped on her, but this... this took the icing from the cake. She laid still with her eyes wide. Tears slid down her cheeks. What had happened to her?
507 nodded agreeingly at indigo, kindly waiting for her to finish her business with the creature.
-Ovesh decied to go wake his brother. He got up and saw that their was a large obsidian crystal laying in his brothers bed. He went up to it and looked inside. He saw his brother curled up like a hatchling in an egg- Zackrilom? oh no... not now....No..NO NOO -In a flurry of rage, Ovesh pushed the crystal over. It fell and crashed into the ground, shaking everything in a mile radius. Ovesh then dove down and landed on the crystal making the crater larger than it already was. He then began to violently beat the crystal-
Ajax Qast
Ajax's right eye caught the movement as something or someone else came to the desk, the creature interrupting him trying to get a room and Ajax hissed to himself. It seemed man was not the only rude race in the various galaxies. The non-alive creature before him, however, ghost or spirit or whatever it was, raised a hand to silence the other figure before speaking to him. Confirming there were rooms available as well as how to order parts for his ship, he grabbed a map off the desk to pursue and figure out where things were. "Ajax Qast," he said. "Thank you. What food can I order here?" Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Indigo quickly wrote down the name of the man in the guest book "If you are hungry Mr.Qast, the Oak Grill serves anything you could possibly desire. In fact, we can serve anything at all. It's one of the many prides of TRH." she said, sliding a room key across the desk "I trust you'll be needing this as well." She added scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Ajax Qast
Looking down at the map, he saw the Oak Grill seemed to be near the Ballroom. "Good," he said. As the key was slid across the desk towards him, he picked it up and looked at it. BSR it said in gold etching on the key. Pocketing the key, he bid the strange spirit girl good day and using the map, heading out of the lobby to go find the marketplace and the Oak Grill.
"Enjoy your stand." She said as the guest left, bowing slightly. Next, she turned to 507, who had been standing there this whole time "Now, Mr.507, what is so important that you insist on coming and interrupting me while i'm working?" She asked, mildly annoyed, her voice still carrying the same knife edge that it had the day before Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
Michael sighed, staring at some point on the wall. Ever since he'd decided it was a good idea to run off with the robot guy in tow he had gotten about as much sleep as the mother of a newborn. He yawned, eyes watering up slightly, quickly blinking a few times to clear them. "I should have kept the job..." He groaned. That's all he'd been doing since he'd arrived at this weird place, he realized, briefly considering doing something that didn't make him want to rip his hair out.
507 only smiled, surrounding his hand in shadow magic and pat indigo on the head “I just wanted to see how my favorite spirit was doing.” His revealed smile, not hidden by his mouth mask, brought a gentle and safe kind of feeling.
Celica and Mercury
"Hey, Mercury."
"Yes Celica?"
"Where's our room key?" Mercury shook her head. She knew letting Celica hold room key was a bad idea. "Come on." She said "Let's go look for it before we go ask the desk for a new one. It may still be laying on the floor somewhere."
"Haaiii~!" Cheered Celica as she popped up from the beach chair she had been relaxing in, her long red hair bouncing of her back as she jumped up."Where d'ya think we could have lost it."

"Where you could have lost it."
"Ouch! So cold!" From the pool, the two set off down the hall to look for the key.
Indigo Midna
Indigo's brow furled into a tight scowl "I will ask that you kindly remove your hand from me, sir." She scolded, her eye's shooting daggers at the void elf, clearly not amused by the gesture. Her voice was calm but very clearly agitated. Like the growl of a lioness about to go in for the kill on some helpless animal
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<< Self-Assigned Task: Check on Ms. Mae || Mood: Helpful and worried || Tags: SachiGrl SachiGrl >>
<< Location: By the door of the cabana room >>

Upon getting to the laundry room last night, Natalie had been met with several clothe racks fallen to the ground, a mess of towels and clothing all around the place and a couple robot maids already on the job of tidying things up. Still slightly shaken by the incident that day, the girl had narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the maids and she had tried to get inside mostly unnoticed, something irrational toggling at her mind with the possibility of angering the machines, encouraging them to assault her once more.

For the rest of her shift, Nat had assisted the bots with the re-organization of the laundry area, raising the racks back to their feet, placing things back in places and re-sorting clothing and towels in their respective bins, waiting to be put inside a washing machine to be all clean again. Then she had come to indigo to report on a rather beaten, --as in, with some of its metal casing bend towards the inside--, washing machine and a shelf that had been brought down, out of its hinges.

And with that, the cat-girl had been out for the night, quite proud of what she had managed to accomplish, despite all the setbacks that had occurred.

Monday, 5 AM
After searching scavenging a medic kit for about 10 minutes, Natalie had finally found what she had been looking for. She had heard from Indigo that Ms. Mae had received a bad blow during the robot maids' rampage yesterday but decided that it was best to leave her to rest and recover on her own, also since it was past midnight when he had been done with the laundry, had not gone to check on her.

Once up, Nat had then eaten breakfast as fast as she could, dealt with a little hiccup fit in consequence and only then, finally free and not 'dying' started her plan to check on Ms. Mae. She had picked up one of the silver trays from the kitchen, put a glass of water and a pouch filled with ice on top of it and gone towards a first-aid kit, searching for painkillers, headache medicine and the like.

The cat-girl didn't know a lot about these, so had picked anything that had looked even slightly helpful put them all on top of the tray and proceeded to the cabana room, AKA: the owner's bedroom.

"Ms. Mae? Are you up yet?", Natalie had called from outside after knocking in the door, her voice slightly muffled by the wooden obstacle in front of her, "I was told you had gotten badly hurt, so I've brought you some medicine and ice to assist with that... May I come in?"
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Michael sat up and stretched, "Hey, Six?"
There was an audible buzz of electricity as Six whipped is head around backwards to look at his handler, "... yes." Michael glanced over at him and had to do a double-take, sighing and shaking his head. "Come on, we're doing..." He zoned off and started for the door, "Doing what, Michael." Michael glanced back at the synthetic as if just realizing what he'd done, pulling the door open and waving his hand dismissively, "I don't know, something... We both know you don't actually care." Michael headed out, followed closely by Six, "This is true." He said flatly before closing the door, underestimating the force of his pull and slamming it shut.
Indigo Midna
"Good. I suggest you learn your lesson for the next time you wish to speak with me." Indigo's frustration quickly simmered down into mild annoyance, escaping her body in an audible sigh "Is there something of importance you wished to discuss with me, sir" Indigo usually called guests by whatever name they checked in under, this exasperating elf was proving to be an exception however. Sir Fungus Sir Fungus

Celica and Mercury
"ugghhhh we're never gonna find it!" Celica wailed as she collapsed to her knees in the empty hallway.
"We could always just go ask the desk for a new one." Mercury proposed calmly.

"But we just got here yesterday! We can't go back and tell them we lost it before we even make it to your room!"
The Mecha sighed "I thought you might say as much. Come on then, we'd best keep looking." She said, lifting Celica to her feet. Just then. from the end of the hallway, Mercury spotted someone leaving their room accompanied by another person. No, that wasn't a person. No life signs. It must be a synthetic or mecha Sea Jay Sea Jay

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“Uhm...yes, there was something actually..” his voice cracked ever so slightly before he cleared his throat. “Uhm...when you have time...if you have time...I would like to walk around the hotel with you, seeing as how you dont want to leave.”



Fawna was drenched in sweat from enduring the insufferable pain, but after dealing with it for so long, she managed to calm down and fall asleep. It wasn't long after that she heard a knock on her door and heard a familiar voice. "Ms. Mae? Are you up yet?", Natalie had called from outside after knocking in the door, her voice slightly muffled y the wooden obstacle in front of her, "I was told you had gotten badly hurt, so I've brought you some medicine and ice to assist with that... May I come in?"

The deer-maiden's eyes opened and stared at the door. The pressure in her head made her thoughts foggy. She was usually quick to respond, but she couldn't think. In fact, all she managed to say, out of frustration was, "Nnnnnnggghhh..." Her head tilted back with her hand holding it on her forehead. "Nat-Natalie? Badly hurt?" Yes. She was badly hurt, but how? Wasn't she supposed to have a meeting with Ms. Blood? Did she have the meeting? Fawna couldn't remember anything. Finally, she answered, "Come! Come!" She cringed in pain from her voice heightening. "Wh-what happened?" she planned to ask once Ms. Kassell stepped in.
Six's eyes glowed white as he scanned the hall, which looked different after the maids malfunctioned, he looked left, light flashing down the corridor, and then left, his scan stopped on something down the hall.
Michael, who had kept walking, glanced back to find his companion had stopped moving. He groaned, expecting some sort of malfunction, "Did you seriously break something closing that door?" He glanced at the door, then at Six, who seemed fine. It was only when he followed his gaze that he noticed what he was looking at.
"Should I perceive this as a threat." Six spoke, not moving an inch, "What? No. They're just guests, right?"
Indigo Midna
"I'm afraid I will have to decline." Indigo said without a moment of pause. "You see, our manager is currently a bit under the weather, so to speak, so the job of greeting our guests and helping them get settled here falls to me until her recovery. So while I appreciate the offer, it will have to wait for another time." Indigo's voice was no longer weaponus, however it had returned to it's usual monotone pattern, giving it a certain air of dismissal. Sir Fungus Sir Fungus

Celica and Mercury
"Celica, look over there." Mercury motioned towards the other end of the hallway where two figures stood. Celica turned and looked. The closer one was just a guy, but the one behind him...
"Woah! That's awesome! So retro!" She exclaimed at took off down the hallway, rushing past the man and going straight to the synthetic. Without hesitation she began inspecting it, lifting it's arms, looking in it's eyes, examining the construction "Seriously, pal, you've got a nice taste in old timey weaponry! Ahhh, Kakkoiiiiii~" Sea Jay Sea Jay
-Ovesh contiued to slam his claws againt the crystal. Tears began to fill his eyes as he slashed at it. He then let out a roar that sounded like the roar that a dragin would do if they had lost a sibling or a baby..it was a roar of mourn... He contiued this until someone came to help him. He knew what the state his brother was in-

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