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Fantasy THSS- RP

Nigula grinned. Yup, he was willing to help. She felt uncomfortable when put his arm around her. Memories of his arm in her mouth for some rice balls. It was disturbing and somewhat painful, since the only thing he got was to get his hand on her Void and taking some of her things.Normally, a normal person would pretty much get choked to death, but she was no normal person. While eying Greed's arm she whispered"I want you to make an illusion of a giant water gun and shoot her with it, that is if you have better ideas" She took his arm off her and held it as she gave him a look that could mean many things. "Getting touchy, are we now Greed? I've always wondered if your hand tasted like diamonds" She said while giving him her hungry grin. She was only joking, but she would never forgive him for going to her Void.
When she took his arm off her he frowned, "I only got my hand into your mouth, are you still not over it? You've eaten plenty of my things but I've forgiven you." He hadn't actually forgiven her. But he wasn't going to let that get in the way of their friendship. He saw them all as his family. "And besides, I'm touchy with everyone. How else am I supposed to get what I want?" He took his arm back then smacked her butt with an exaggerated follow through, turning his whole body before turning back to her and crossing his arms, "I can definitely get behind what you have in mind with the water gun. But I know something even funnier I can do. I'll be right back." In an instant he vanished. Footsteps could be heard as he ran out of the room quickly, past the man with the funny voice. "'Scuse me!" The invisible boy said to the newcomer.
Nigula raised a brow at his response "You've forgiven me? Really?" Greed had probably forgotten that the reason on the hand-on-mouth incident was because she ate his rice balls. He also forgot she ate everyone's food. "Getting touchy never works on me, remember?" She corrected. She mostly did what she wanted because there was food involved or because it was a prank. She winced slightly at the buttslap. Was it really necessary? Even if he was her best-bro it didn't mean he could do whatever he wanted with her. She rubbed the spot he smacked as she pouted and gave him a playful glare. At least he had another idea, a probably more painful and embarrasing idea. She grinned. Pride wouldn't know what hit her.
Yui had been a little worried about her mental state as she followed the snoring that she was sure she could hear, especially when her new roommate was looking at her with such worry, but she knew what she could hear! As the door was swung open in front of her, she secretly hoped that the room would be empty when her eyes landed on all the people(?) in the room. Her mouth had dropped as low as it could go, wondering if maybe the odd assortment of people she was staring at had broken in? At least she had found the source of the snoring, a young girl was swaying precariously on her feet while she slept!

As her brain was spinning and she was having trouble forming a sentence, the cat in the room stood up and walked over. A cat! This was bad, she was thinking about how to protect her birds in the other room when the cat jumped up on to a box and spoke.

... Spoke?

She was frozen with shock again, looking at the cat who was now cleaning herself when the person who looked about ten spoke up, asking how she liked the house. "Uh" she managed to get out but her brain had stalled and she was having trouble thinking about her opinions of the house. She opened her mouth to ask who they were and why they were there but was distracted by the question of whether she had snacks. The sleeping girl suddenly woke and asked about pudding as well, leaving her even more lost.

Again, just as she was ready to ask what was going on, the girl who had spoken first was suddenly a bat and she flew away. Yui watched her go and come back in silence, her eyes wide. "Did I somehow end up in a manga?" she asked blankly, looking around at everyone and then to Eiji. "You're seeing this too right, Eiji?" she asked slowly,

MetaruSonikku MetaruSonikku (when you feel better) Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Tetro Tetro Gunnhildr Gunnhildr Dark lord steel Dark lord steel ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
Character: Chitose Eiji
Location: New Apartment
Physical Condition: Rested but still somewhat sleepy
Mental Condition: Happy with the apartment complex.

Mentions: Kabochamp Kabochamp Dark lord steel Dark lord steel ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Gunnhildr Gunnhildr MetaruSonikku MetaruSonikku

Eiji might've expected a stray cat but not a talking one. He also might've expected his other room mate but instead got a handful of people of all sizes and states. Now taking all this in, a normal person might've called 119 in this situation. That is, if they weren't Eiji of course. So going ahead to react first he gave the room a once over before replying to Yui.

"I'm seein' it all yeah. " If she meant the entire list of odd things. From the bat to the cat, and not to mention the distinct double digit number of supposed room mates. Even then.

"He~eh. Well no offense taken kitty," was that offensive? Maybe, but it was apt enough for him, "And tha apartment complex's pretty nice. Don't hate it all that much. But there's you lot living here too then not as spacious as I thought." He replied goodnaturedly as if this was some sort of normal thing that happened. Talking cats, children, and two(?) women inside of the supposedly empty housing unit. However the thing to grab his attention like a burning house was the request for food.

"Don't worry yer lil head about it, yeah?" He ruffled Yui's hair noncommitally (because privacy is nothing compared to another's wellbeing) before addressing the others in the room, giving a small smile to those present. "Mornin' to ya lot. Can't help but see a few of you are hungry for a bite ta eat so, if Tanaka don't mind, how's about you all join us for breakfast?" Perfectly normal.
Nigula watched them both with a smile. The lady didn't really seem to be processing or taking it too well. She wondered how she would react once she knew they were the Seven Deadly Sins and they were bound to the house. She hoped they didn't run away. It was lonely and she had to depend on passerby to have blood.

The man's reaction was.. Well, not what she expected. He acted as if it was normal to have a talking cat and other random people he didn't know appear in his house. He even sounded genuine. Wow. Nigula's red eyes widened when he offered them to join for breakfast. Food at last!
"We would love to!" She said, replying for everyone else. She dashed her ten year old body downstairs and to the dining room. Pride's prank could wait, It's chow time!
Staring at her new roommate as he easily took to the strange events taking place one after another, Yui seriously wondered if she was okay or if her anxiety had finally started causing hallucinations.

Usually, having someone she had only just met ruffle her hair would usually affect her pretty strongly but with everything else going on it just prolonged the time her jaw hung open. He then proceeded to offer them breakfast? As her shock continued, she kept looking at him in clear surprise until one of their surprise guests spoke.

After looking back and forth a few too many times, she sighed and shook her head "Um... can you cook?" She asked, too much in shock to be her usual timid self "because I can help if you want?"

Húna / Sloth
Status: Looking forward to breakfast
Mood: Slow, but helpful and more or less attentive
Location: Making her way downstairs, on a turtle's pace
Interactions: Mostly Eiji

Mentions: ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool , Dark lord steel Dark lord steel , Tetro Tetro , Kabochamp Kabochamp , Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
"I can sleep... pretty much......... anywhere... you can think of... and then... lots more."

Húna had replied at the mention of not enough space, followed by a multitude of blinks and head-shakes. It was hard to remain awake, especially when the conversation had taken a turn into Razzie and Nigula planning to prank Lily... The ghostly girl wasn't too much into pranks, at least not when they were intended to be mean towards a third party and not just a nice surprise. Knowing the two parts of the situation, it was definitely not the last one. She worried for the two, her little head filled with potential ways Pride could retaliate later.

Lily wasn't like the rest of them, the cat actually had a more dangerous aura about her. Sometimes she'd scare the heck out of the Makuraeshi with her words and actions, to such an extreme that Húna was a lot more careful near the feline Sin than she was towards the others. Lileath was not the kind of person that would take her playful and air-headed nature too well...

The offer for breakfast had been met with a delayed yet enthused 'ooooooh', as the girl was impressed and thankful for how easy-going the boy human seemed to be. Almost unnoticeable, the corners of her mouth had slightly gone up in the prospect of having some pudding after so long. Due to her small stature and age, Húna depended on asking someone else that could actually go outside and buy food to get some for her and... well, sometimes the effort just wasn't really worth it. Like, 98% of them.

Sweets were tasty and soothing and such, but sleep was waaaay stronger...

"If we hurry... up, Húna can help too... before............."

There is a tense very loooooong pause as the ghost of Sloth is standing still, eyes focused not on any of the people, but on a random spot on the wall. A blank look of someone whose brain has frozen and was trying to reboot.

"...I forgot.", the little girl had sort of raised her shoulders in a half-assed shrug before starting to sloooooowly make her way to the stairs to join Nigula, "Waii puddiiiiiiiing~! I'm comiiiing too... wait fooor... meee..."

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Incredibly, Pride was bored. The introductions had been mostly handled by Nigula, and honestly she was surprised that gluttony didn't immediately ask for food, although greed certainly did. How he could stand there with a towel on his head she never knew; he looked ridiculous, and not only that, he was dripping water all over the carpet. Snorting with distaste, she had cringed as Sloth had made an insane amount of noise while sleeping, and now she was reminded as to why she always slept in strange places like the bathtub, as it was the only place she got any peace and quiet.

Annoyed by Sloth's incorrect use of English and strange behaviour, she wasn't endeared by the mortals either. The woman's reaction was what she'd been expecting, but the man's... interesting. He didn't seem to be bothered at all, but she let out a low hiss at his new name for her. Kitty. KITTY?!

"Don't you know who I am?"

She asked arrogantly, watching Nigula fly to the kitchen. Pride was the ultimate of the deadly sins, the one that'd caused the war in heaven of all things... and this mere mortal DARED to call her a stupid little pet name. Her tail flicked in extreme anger as she glared at him with narrowed eyes, but she jumped down and followed them all to the kitchen. She could at least make sure the others didn't start spreading lies about her to their new guests, not that it mattered. How could they not think she was completely awesome and perfect?
Nigula was already at the fridge before anyone could catch up, grabbing anything she could simply snack on before breakfast. Hùna's voice made her stop gathering and made her mentally debate whether or not to help her nap buddy. Her goodness got the best of her and she dropped the food and dashed to Hùna, picked her up, dashed her to the kitchen and put her on the ground. She gave her a small pat on her head before eating food straight from the fridge

The fact that the food was cold didn't really bother her since breakfast would be warmer. Nigula wondered what the man would make as she started stuffing potential ingredients on her mouth. She didn't realize the mess she was making. Potato chips, jars, tomatoes, pickles and most of the fridge's contents were sprawled and scattered on the floor. She didn't care, eating was way more important.
Greed had been taking some time to prepare the prank, hearing the shenanigans of his fellow Sins while keeping himself as hidden as he could. It wouldn't be a proper prank if it weren't a surprise! But he knew how Pride was, and as much as he liked to mess with the others, she was still his friend. Even if she would never admit it. So he wouldn't go too far with the prank. After everyone began congregating in the kitchen Greed made his way there too, holding a large mirror. "Hey Lileath," he approached the cat and held up the mirror for her, peaking his head out from the side, "I know you like to look your best for guests, so I brought you the fancy mirror so you could make sure you looked perfect for breakfast." He gave her a big smile. Greed glanced at Gluttony, who was stuffing her face with what should probably be most of their breakfast. He had to resist the urge to tackle her down and take all the food for himself, focusing hard on holding the mirror up for Pride. The moment Pride would look in the direction of the mirror, in the reflection she would be able to see a GIANT bucket materialize above her and turn over in an instant pouring gallons of water on her.

Húna / Sloth
Status: Asleep
Mood: Soothed and safe
Location: Rolled up on the kitchen floor
Interactions: Nigula

Mentions: ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool , Dark lord steel Dark lord steel , Tetro Tetro , Kabochamp Kabochamp , Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
With slow, careful yet wobbly steps, Húna had been trying her best to get to the kitchen on a nice-ish time-span, still dragging the plushies of a big blue cat and a pink goldish behind her, holding the kitty by its ear and the fish by its tail. Something else that dragged on the floor was the tip of the tail from her onesie.

She had finally made it to the staircase, beginning to veeeery hesitantly make her descent. The ghost of Sloth had already slipped or tripped on her way down many many times before, rolling like a snowball all the way to the lower floor. It wasn't that she was clumsy, or well, she was, but the lack of handrail by the wall made her life just that more difficult. Meanwhile, the other side was just... bare, probably because the place hadn't been decorated with children in mind. Either way, without anything to actually grip on, there wasn't a lot that the little girl could do about it.

Maybe if these people really stayed with them they could eventually get it some better protection.

With this in mind, it is easy to guess that Húna had been quite grateful for Nigula coming back to get her. Even as a pillow flipping spirit that could not really bleed or break something, it didn't make the impacts any more pleasant to have, or the mini scares every time the fall would be from a certain height. Thus, at seeing her fellow gluttonous Sin back from probably the fridge and food just to help her out made the little child of Sloth feel not only safer, but loved and cared for. What else could a tiny girl ask for, besides sweets?

"Up... Uuuuup", she let out on her usual sluggish way raising her arms to be picked up more easily, "Húna waants... uuuuup~..."

The reaction was instant. The moment Húna felt herself go higher, she had hugged her plushies close to her chest, curling up akin to a baby being picked by its mother. Nigula was slightly warm against her tiny body, not as warm as a bed, but still comfy enough that the Makuraeshi had started dozing off again, relaxing while protected inside this new kind safe space. By the time they had reached the kitchen, Sloth had already fallen asleep, albeit peacefully and quietly... for now.

Feeling the cold yet pleasant flooring against her bare feet, the girl had slightly, juuust slightly thrown awake, just for a while as she slowly crumbled down on the ground, rolled up like a cat beside Gluttony, who was expectedly raiding the fridge again. Húna put the tail of her onesie on top of her and once more hugged her plushies close, letting the nice, soothing, icy-prickly sensation of her skin in contact of the tiles course through her and lul her back to the reign of sleep:

"Leave eggs...........for the pudd-", she had attempted to tell Nigula, but the phrase was faded-out as the girl returned to being deeply asleep.

Then a very familiar chainsaw-ish grinding noise would once again echo through the apartment.

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Character: Chitose Eiji
Location: New Apartment
Physical Condition: Pushing drowsiness away in favor of brainstorming a nice breakfast.
Mental Condition: Ready to get cooking!

Mentions: Kabochamp Kabochamp Dark lord steel Dark lord steel ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Gunnhildr Gunnhildr

His expression brightened. "Uooh, right on! You really are a diligent lot, huh?" Perhaps less 'diligent' and more a series of coincidences.

His stare back at the cat after a pause of jubilation was earnest in the fact that: No, he didn't recall knowing any talking cats. His gran fancied putting fried tofu on the table moreso. Once that was over with he waved Yui on over as he started off towards the kitchenette.

"If yer helping, c'mon don't dilly dally!" A giddy lilt to his voice, the passionate bump in his step, it was only obvious where his interest lied. Wincing slightly as the one who he could only assume to be 'Sloth' did a few rolls on the way down the stairs. Thankfully it was more or less a smaller set of stairs that only took a few seconds to traverse up and down: it just happened to be a second or two shorter of a trip. By the time he got to the kitchen most of the Sins were there first, the mess a distinct change from minutes earlier. He wasn't about to let this get to him though, stepping through the mess picking up interesting looking ingredients(which was a surprise given he didn't think a talking cat had a day job of any sort), tapping Nigula on the shoulder.

"How's about you listen ta the little lady that way an' leave feeding you lot to us." 'Us' referring to whoever ended up helping him cook. Speaking of that... what was he going to make? Stepping out of the kitchen momentarily he returned hefting the weighty box filled with his kitchen equipment that he hauled in earlier to pop open and cherry pick a few things. What would please everyone? Probably something sweet but just a bit salty. There was an idea there.

The only issue was-- "Hey, Miss Kitty," He started, adding what he thought was a polite handle, "What can'ya eat? Dunno much about them cats or nothin' so dunno if what I'm thinking oughtta sit well with ya." The last thing he'd want to do is serve something to make, what was apparently a senior room mate of his, sick on the first day. But as he spoke, Eiji grabbed a few things he knew he'd need, seeing as most of the stuff that he probably would want were already on the floor and other surfaces.

"Tanaka gimme that strainer from the box! The one with the real small like mesh," While he was more the one ordered around in the kitchen, the times he's pushed in, he could apply a bit of that here to get something on a pan.
Nigula was interrupted from her sweet food with a tap on the shoulder. Her face was stuffed with food and ingredients of all tastes and quantities, no eggs since Hùna reminded her for pudding with red eyes glaring at him. Couldn't he see she was busy?. The fact that he was going to cook and make something 'decent' for breakfast and also the fact that she had eaten most of the ingredients made her stop on her tracks. "Try not to make anything with garlic, alright?" She said once she swallowed up the food. The whole thing about garlic killing vampires was only for the really old vampires who lived through Vlad Dracula or before that, but the garlic did make her somewhat weird-ish. From headaches to dizziness and the worst, stomachache.

Nigula grimaced at the thought. She had to wait so she took some cookies (The whole jar, actually) and began to eat as she watched her prank buddy, best bro and fellow food lover (to an extent) as he put his plan in action.
Still somewhat in shock and a little out of it, Eiji's call was the first thing to get her moving "O-Oh! Right, wait up!" She yelled, rushing after him. She stopped behind Hùna at the top of the stairs, almost sending them both tumbling to the bottom, and watched the exchange between the two strange entities. It somehow calmed her down and made them seem less strange and she followed them back to the kitchen quickly, ready to get busy assisting.

Yui arrived in the kitchen just as she was asked to pass the strainer and nodded, rushing over to the box and rooting around to find it. "Got it!" She said as she pulled it out, looking up and catching a glimpse of a strange mirror being held up by one of her new roommates(?).

As she looked into it, she saw a bucket appear over her head in the reflection "wha-" was all she could get out as it upended above her, raining actual water down on to her as she sat there frozen once again. "Uh" she stood up slowly and wrung out her hair as she walked over and passed the strainer to the energetic man. "Does anyone have a towel?" She asked slowly, not sure which box hers were packed in. "Also, are your days usually this... wet?" She asked as she remembered the guy from before.
Almas only sighed as soon as every others left the room and went to the kitchen to make a breakfast. Well, with the exception of Greed he guessed. The towel that was thrown by Nigula was now held by his hand, a little wet after he used it to dried himself. Which, didn't seem to be enough.

He walked to the door and closed it in front of him, giving some amount of privacy to himself. Taking a stroll towards the drawer inside, he opened the doors and took a set of clean, ironed clothes. He was thinking of just changing into it, but decided that taking a shower would be a better idea. He may had turned a bit dry, but still--that way, he wouldn't waste some pieces of clothing.

And so, he grabbed his underwears, one of each kinds, and opened the door of the room he was in. The drawer that contained clean towels was just a few steps away from the room, and so he tip-toed to it, opened the doors quietly and took the lime-colored towel. He went and sniffed it, only to found a sweet, candy scent enlightening his nose.

"I wonder if Gluttony or Greed who did this?"

Deciding to dismiss it, he made his way back to the Sins' room, again, in a form of tip-toing. He went to the bathroom beside and made his way to it. Locking the door to keep unwanted guest, he began to prepare for some nice shower. Maybe, after he's done, he would be able to join the others.

"Yes, that would seem pleasant."
Character: Chitose Eiji
Location: New Apartment
Physical Condition: Pushing drowsiness away in favor of brainstorming a nice breakfast.
Mental Condition: Ready to get cooking!

Mentions: Kabochamp Kabochamp Dark lord steel Dark lord steel ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Gunnhildr Gunnhildr

Eiji took it on himself to get the cooking process started. If there was anything that people liked in the morning it had to be pancakes. Sweet, rich, and a hint savory with a bit of butter- That or waffles but there was no waffle iron in sight here. Counting the eggs in the carton he was happy to see that there was enough to make that /and/ the batter. Snagging a few in both hands he placed them on the crook of the cutting board keeping them in place til he needed them. Then the milk before moving onto actually mixing together the dry ingredients. As expected the flour was stuffed into the back of some cupboard with the baking powder and soda places near. Getting the strainer he needed, he gave the measured amount of flour a rough sifting. The rest he'd do by whisk. All he had to do was recall numbers and put them in then mix.

Once he dumped and whisked the dry stuff together, he shuffled over to he microwave to get some butter melted provided he kinda forgot. Short bursts of nuking later Eiji cracked in the eggs while whisking then the two liquids, a thick batter soon forming. Double the usual amount there was a concerning bit. But he was feeding quite a few people so a few stacks would likely be needed. Grabbing a large ladle he pushed it into the batter placing it on the counter near the burners.

"Tanaka can ya start cooking the pancakes on," He hefted a fairly large griddle plate onto one side of the gas burners, "this? Don't forget ta put butter on it if you think it's too dry, yeah? Wait a minute or some for it to heat up." Complete faith in her. Pretty much as he completely moved on getting a small pot out, putting it on the heat, before moving around the kitchen peeking into drawers and cabinets every which way looking for something.
Pride wasn't surprised to see Nigula stuffing everything in sight, and smirked as she reminded everyone of her weakness - garlic. Maybe it wouldn't be too hard to accidentally knock a jar of the grounded onion into the meal, especially if she wasn't eating with them. Personally, there were a few foods she refused to eat: anything of low quality, vegan food and vegetables. She didn't like garlic either, but she didn't mind it when in conjunction with other ingredients. It certainly didn't make her ill.

"Although I appreciate the attempt at a more appropriate title, it is actually Demoness Pride. And I can eat most things, but that doesn't mean I do."

She explained, slightly less haughty than several minutes ago. Their new guests weren't so bad, so the idea of murdering them all was starting to lose appeal. Still, that wasn't to say that opinion couldn't change.

Spotting greed return to the room from her space on the counter, she was confused by the large mirror until he explained it. Padding over, she was surprised the mortals hadn't tried to shoo her off the countertop when the young women walked in, catching a glance of the mirror before Pride could look into it.

Hissing as a large amount of water appeared and splashed her, she jumped off the counter, only to skid on the liquid and crash into a cupboard. Shaking her head as she flicked the water off her paws, she glared at greed and scowled, before wrinkling her nose. Was that... pancakes? Even she liked pancakes, despite claiming otherwise.

"There should be some in the bathroom. I'll take you to it; it'd be nice for some peace and quiet away from a certain group of people."

She said to the drenched young woman, before slipping on the floor again. Stepping cautiously, she tried to make her way out of the room, leaving wet paw prints as she did. Her revenge on greed could wait: She needed to recover from being sprayed with water and crashing into that stupid human container. Also, the woman was clearly lacking self confidence, and she didn't want the others to exert their influence over her as their influence over mortals was a heavy indicator of their power.
Nigula's cookie eating was cut short as the woman guest looked into the mirror. She was clueless of what Razz was planning to do with the mirror, other than possibly luring Pride to her trap. She snickered. What would Pride's reaction be?.

A big bucket of water appeared over the guest's head. Nigula's mouth hung as she realized the prank and the victim. She hugged her cookies away from the water and scooted away from the water herself. She noticed Pride didn't get as wet as she wanted to..Oh wait she just skidded and slid to a cupboard and crashed. Nigula started to laugh, she laughed so much she choked on herself. She recovered about a second later and looked at Pride, snickering as the cat went to the bathroom. She them proceeded to highfive Razz, once he put the mirror down "Dude that was one wave of doing it!" She snickered and she offered him a cookie"Want one?"

Húna / Sloth
Status: About to fall asleep again, half-wet
Mood: Sightly annoyed, but also sleepy
Location: Rolled up on the, now flooded, kitchen floor
Interactions: N/A

Mentions: ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool , Dark lord steel Dark lord steel , Tetro Tetro , Kabochamp Kabochamp , Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
Oblivious to the happenings right there beside her, Húna was sound asleep, her loud snoring and the cling-clack of kitchen utensils all ringing together like some sort of class-E metal band that solely played inside their own garage.

Somehow not tripping people as they went to one side to the other of the room, grabbing objects or simply pacing around, the Sin of Sloth once in a while curled herself even further, bringing the two plushies closer almost as if on instinct at this point. Whenever the chainsaw noise leaving her mouth stopped, there were barely intelligible mumblings, mostly about desserts, especially pudding, but some other fantastical ones that would rival Alice in Wonderland in the nonsense criteria and most cartoons in imagination.

Whatever she was dreaming about sounded like a hell of a time, in the good sense of the word.

That's when the female newcomer has stepped in front of Greed's mirror, triggering the water prank that was destined to Pride. The bucket went down on the poor unsuspecting girl and the kitchen floor soon seemed like the sink had broken and was leaking somewhere. Some of the water bounced from Yui and found the curled up Húna, making the front side of her onesie just as drenched as the rest of the place:

"...Ma... ma...", Sloth muttered at no one in particular, "Razzie is... playing pranks... again..."

With a low displeased and slightly annoyed sound leaving her mouth, the ghostly girl had then turned around, hoping no one else decided to pour water on her as she half-mumbled more incomprehensible words, attempting to go back to sleep:

"Towels make... nice blan...... ky...ss~"

Huh, seemed like it was working.

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Yui was grateful to Demoness Pride(?) for offering to show her where she could get a towel and was about to follow her to the other room when Eiji spoke up, asking her to start cooking the pancakes. Feeling torn between the two she gave the cat a bow, not fully sure why she would even bow to a cat and said: “Thank you… Miss Pride? For showing me where the towels are.” As she followed her out of the room her cheeks turned a little red as Nigula started to laugh. Rushing a little to get back in time, she picked up the first dry towel in the room and rushed back into the kitchenette being speedy but careful. She dried herself as she went and even though the towel didn’t dry her off completely, it was enough for her to feel more comfortable.

When she got back she picked up a spatula and got to work, pouring out five little blobs of batter on to the griddle after checking that it had warmed up enough. She was a competent cook, having cooked for herself for years already and she knew what she was doing, checking on them carefully as they went from sticky batter to fluffy pancake.

Cooking wasn’t a hobby or something that Yui would do for fun, it was purely something she would do to be able to eat decent, healthy food as cheap as possible and something she would do at work occasionally. Standing maybe slightly too close to the griddle to discreetly use the heat to dry herself off a little more, she watched over them and flipped them over when they were ready, the smell starting to waft around the room a little.

“Should I put more on? Or would it be better to-” she stopped mid question, seeing Húna laying on the floor where she had been before but now with the front of her dampened. It was the first that she’d noticed, since she was too preoccupied before and she double checked she had time while the pancakes were finishing up before going over and giving the small… Ghost? She stopped thinking about that as she focused on drying her off as much as she could without waking the small girl before rushing back to plate up the five she had made.

“Order up!” She said, slipping into her customer service persona and embarrassing herself again.

MetaruSonikku MetaruSonikku (when you feel better) Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Tetro Tetro Gunnhildr Gunnhildr Dark lord steel Dark lord steel ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
Greed fell over laughing, dropping the mirror and revealing it to be an illusionary item. At the same time, while he was in the middle of high fiving his sis, the water that had soaked so many people also went away along with the mirror. Greed walked over to Sloth, giving her a big soft gentle hug, picking her up in the process and taking her over to one of the seats at the table, setting her down on it. He didn't doubt she would fall asleep at the table, but at least there she would be able to eat with them all when she wanted. "I'll make you your pudding in a bit," he planted a small peck on her cheek. She was too much of a sweetheart for him to not make up for what he did.

It wasn't that he had a problem with soaking everyone. It was hilarious and an amazing prank idea from Gluttony. But Sloth was never the target of their shenanigans. "Thanks for the pancakes miss. Sorry you got caught in the prank. But at least you're not wet anymore! It was only an illusion." He sat beside Sloth, looking up at the lady who was serving them breakfast with a big smile on his face. Greed hoped his adorable face would win him some brownie points with their new roommate.
Nigula blinked. He didn't take the cookie? Well, More for her then. She chomped on the cookie and watched Hùna and Razz. She felt guilty for leaving her on the floor.

Nigula became a bat and, with a cookie jar in her legs/paws, she flapped over to Hùna and Razz, avoiding the flooded floor. Becoming human once at the couch and snuggled Hùna, hoping she could provide with some heat
Locking eyes with Greed as she was suddenly dry, she was surprised for a moment as she put the pancakes in front of the sins. As he smiled and looked over at her with such an adorable expression her pout let up slightly and she made a small 'hmph' before smiling. "I'll let you off this time, since we're all dry again now..."

She smiled at the Gluttony - Sloth duo too as they curled up together. "Are there others living here too?" She asked, going back to make a few more pancakes for her and Eiji.
The delicious smell of pancake wafted to his nose as he stepped out of the room, fully dressed, and fresh. He tied his long green hair into a simple braid to keep his hair from touching the food which, added a more feminine appeal to him. In most times however, he went with a ponytail. But, since there were newcomers, he thought about tricking them. The highest satisfaction may be at the end when he revealed everything, he knows that. But still, he's allowed to have a good laugh, no?

Now, he just have to make sure that no Sins' were going to reveal anything about his true gender.

"Although, if a certain question ever arises, it will most likely to trigger an answer from my comrades."

He didn't have to ask Sloth to close her mouth, but he would still do it just in case. Gluttony... Would she accepted a pack of his blood? Or maybe cookies could be a better choice? He could just bribe Greed with free food, so he would be an easy case.

"But, does that count as a sin?"

It would certainly be a sin with money, yes. But, what if he made it as..

"That should work."

And Pride... Well, as long as he didn't upset the cat, he should be fine.

Seeing as he was about to step into the kitchen, he stopped his low-voiced mumbling and waved to anyone in the area with a smile. He couldn't afford to let his voice out if he wanted to see the shocked expressions in the end.

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