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Those who went missing...

Alexis felt pure unimaginable agony surge through her body. She shrieked like a banshee and couldn't stop. The pain was absolutely everywhere and she made a mini transformation. Her hair turned a light brown, her eyes purely green, and vines sprouted everywhere- going in random direction to match her bloodcurdling screams.

The guards chased after the escapee as the scientist stayed behind with the other scientist.
Alexis shut her eyes tightly as the pain only deepened. "STOP IT!!!! I SAID STOP IT!!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!" She made the words out harshly with a horribly cracked voice. The vines snaked their way over to the scientist controlling the machine. Multiple vines grabbed his neck and squeezed hard in hopes that if he died, the pain would stop.

The guards laughed at the thought that the test subject thought remembering her name was important and somehow going to save her.
The guard put the machine in full control. "Relax your killing an ally." She said.

Lilly ran into a door.

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