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Those That Remain (A Choose Your Own Adventure Style)

Mist Demon

A Broken Frame
Initial Statements

First and foremost, a thank you is deserved for any who are currently reading through this and possibly intend to join. Next off, I should probably explain several details here. I'm actually looking for four players, but each will have their own unique thread & story dedicated to their character. Next off, I should explain what I mean by a "Choose Your Own Adventure" style.

Whenever I make a post they're will generally be four, possibly less or more, options for the player to choose from as their response a simple example being...

You come across [blank].

A: Investigate

B: Avoid

C: Player's Choice (Which would be the player's choice to respond as their wish or in a way I didn't even think of)

Which is not to say I expect the players' posts to be nothing more than one of the letters. I expect them to use one of the prompts as a spring board to direct their detailed post around. Example being...

A: [Character Name Here] was rather nervous the moment [he/she] set eyes upon the [blank], but slowly [he/she] made her approach. Curiosity would take the best of [him/her] as [he/she] prepared to learn exactly what [he/she] was dealing with.

Once again, simply basic examples I'm using to try and convey the idea of how the thread will work. It's also important to note that should I give no options then the player will be free to react as they please.

I suppose, as I final side note, I should mention that this is truly a somewhat sweet and simple idea for a thread I conceived as an idea to get me back into RP'ing after an extended absence.


Memory happens to be one of the most precious gifts of man. Sadly, after waking up on an unfamiliar planet with three dwarf stars visible at most times you're forced to deal with the fact that you've been robbed of this precious gift. Each of you wake up alone wearing a uniform of one kind or another branded with the insignia of the F.W.I. Whatever that stands for. Each of you have retained vague memories specific to you that might just help you survive whatever Forsaken wasteland you find yourself in.

Yet, you are not trapped on this planet alone. Will you survive whatever horrors await?


On to the fun part, so as I said I wished to have four different players. The reason being is that each will choose their class, for lack of a better term, which will end up defining their role and situation in the story.

The Wanderer: You wake up gasping for air inside what can only be described as a two person escape pod from what you can assume was apart of a much larger, the word glorious comes to your mind, ship. Your partner, wearing the same F.W.I. Ensign uniform, currently has his head smashed against the cracked glass of the pod. Looking around there isn't much but blood and the brain matter of your partner covering the insides of the pod and you. There's a thin restraint holding you into your seat that looking over snapped for your partner during descent to the planet's surface.

As far as memory goes you vaguely remember serving a galactic federation that was like no other. National pride and the giddy joys of being a new recruit still flood your mind but are sure to soon waste away.

For weaponry you check your side just to notice that your Federation issued laser pistol is in fact still intact. While highly accurate the firing rate and stopping power are not exactly highly renowned. While capable of leaving gaping holes through unprotected human flesh you're unsure of how effective it might be against any native inhabitants of the planet you're trapped on.

The Great Deserter: You awake still in somewhat agony at the pilots chair of a small transport vessel trapped on a forsaken planet with no fuel remaining. There are still laser burn marks and holes in your F.W.I. pilot's uniform but you remember using some of the last medical supplies aboard the ship to help deal with your wounds and the pain. You won't be able to strain your body given your injuries but given the ship's defenses you hope you won't have to.

As far as memory goes you feel regret and grief over events you can't even remember committing. The distinct feeling that help especially won't be sent to you is also very foremost at your mind's thoughts.

While not outright carrying any weaponry the ship is mounted with a laser turret that must be manually operated and several missiles that can't be fired safely given the ship is grounded. While hoping for finding fuel you accept it won't be easy.

The Altered: You wake up trapped in what feels like more of a cage than anything else. More than anything you also don't exactly feel entirely human anymore. Your F.W.I. uniform seems to be comprised of a far heavier armor than that of the standard uniform but there is also a metal collar coiled around your throat that you can't seem to remove. You're alone in darkness and there seems to be no visible way out of whatever prison you're seemingly trapped in.

As far as memory goes you remember the least. Other than being chosen for an experiment for the good of the Federation you find it hard to even remember some of the most simple details of who you once were. Worse, past that, there are points that you've already noticed where you black out for periods of time. The exact length impossible to measure by yourself.

As far as weapons, there are none in sight for you. Yet you feel unusually strong far past the normal expertise of any human. Moreover, every time you wake up from passing out there are more scratch marks cut deep into the metal walls that are confining you. As another benefit while unable to keep track of time you know days have passed since you first woke up trapped. You know you should be hungry and thirsty by now yet you are neither.

The Hope: You awaken alone in what you remember was suppose to be a forward outpost set planet-side for the Federation. Your F.W.I. officer's uniform is wrinkled and you work to straighten and make it pristine right away. The command console for the base is damaged but is still currently operating. While direct distress signals are not capable of being sent out there are other options available.

As far as memory goes, you remember the most. You were a highly respected officer in the grand Federation and you know that nothing could ever stand up to the Federation's might. Which is baffling as to why you can't conceive how you showed up or much less why you are alone at the forward station.

As far as weaponry goes it was considered below an officer to carry something as petty as a weapon. They were the ones destined to direct the front line as to where and who to fight, not to take place in it themselves.

Rules/Important Notes

So, for your characters sheets I'm not going to give out a template but it shouldn't be too difficult. Picking out a "class" and then explaining more about the character such as name, etc. should be good enough.

Next up, it's important to note that while this is a one on one and each player will have their own threads... decisions made may end up directly or indirectly affecting other players. Perhaps characters might even meet...

Otherwise, just have fun. After all, this is just a simple idea I wished to toy with.
Assailant said:
So, do we make the CS here?
A thanks to both you and Otakuyaki for giving this idea of mine a chance. It's more for me to play with the mechanics more than anything else of how running a thread like this would work.

Next up, by all means go ahead and make your character sheets here.

Finally, by all means reserve characters. Amusingly enough, as a side note, when I was thinking up the characters I was considering it along the lines of a Rogue-esq game with classes where you've obviously got your well rounded character and then the others have their advantages but follow with shortcomings. The Wanderer was what I was going for with that base character.
I'm pretty unexperienced with RP, but I really like the sound of this, so count me in!

Since you said reserving characters was a thing, I'll ask if I can be 'The Altered', it seems like it has a lot of potential for playing around with. That's 3/4, right? So it seems we're almost there.
Awesome, so we're just looking for someone okay to play 'The Great Deserter' :3
Dechii said:
Awesome, so we're just looking for someone okay to play 'The Great Deserter' :3
Correct! Which honestly, I'm rather amused. In my head I was placing wagers as to the order of the classes being taken. I can't say that I expected the Great Deserter to be last.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]Correct! Which honestly, I'm rather amused. In my head I was placing wagers as to the order of the classes being taken. I can't say that I expected the Great Deserter to be last.

What was your order?
Uh, I'm pretty inexperienced in forum based roleplay also, but I'd really like to play the Great Deserter, if that's all good. (This seems like it'll be a really awesome thread!)
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