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Realistic or Modern This is high school? {Always Accepting}

"No need to be sarcastic." Dom growled to himself. He didn't have the time for people like that. "So none are going to class? Cause bell already rang I think." He asked not bothering to even try to head to class.

@Aero @Skylark
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"sorry" sky said "the bell rang?" sky said shocked "well at least the class i'm supposed to be in is art and the teacher said as long as i was drawing I could just show it to her later" she said with a smile. "See it's good to be nice to teachers" @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Aero
"I have issues that I really am trying to stay away from doing it." Dom explained to her. He didn't really need to make her upset or something right now, it was too early.

@Aero @Skylark
"It's too early to starting cursing so Im controlling myself right now." Dom explained. "If I could, I would go 24 freaking hours anytime anyday."
Dom though about it before shrugging. "2-3 weeks here, got expelled from last school." He still wondered why that school expelled him, he was there for 3 years.

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He made his way through the halls which were abandoned by the bell ringing. If only it was always like this, his inner voice cooed. He chuckled softly at the thought, but he knew he would never be granted that satisfaction of never seeing the fakes. Never seeing the popular crowd. Never seeing the want-to-be's. How he longed to just be stuck in his small room and smoke a blunt or two. That was the only good in his life it seemed. He didn't have much of a social life; there was no reason for that. 'Emo'. He could already hear the mockery behind his back. He stuffed his pale hands into the pockets of his black hoodie, his dark side swept bangs slightly revealing his silver blue orbs. He was heading to his first class; hell if he knew what it was. He didn't care. What did he care about? Weed? Getting away? Man, you're one miserable dude, he messed with himself as he continued through the halls.
Skylark said:
"I'm a senior even though I'm 17." "I'm planning on probably taking next year off or maybe two years then going to collage after that." She smiled. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"I could had been a senior but then again, I don't have the quality of one, not mature enough, I guess." Dom shrugged, not really minding being a junior, more time to sleep on the library.
Skylark said:
"Bad part about being a senior is figuring out what you want to do." "Or in my case narrowing it down to what I want to do" she said with a smile @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Dom nodded his head, he really didn't know what he wanted to do. "I guess I could join the Marines but then again I would get punished for cursing, what do you think?" He looked at her.
"Oi, blame the teachers for being boring." Dom huffed before turning away hiding his smile. This was the first normal conversation he has ever had, not since 4 years ago.

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