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Realistic or Modern This is high school? {Always Accepting}

She looked back up "it's fine I can make it work" she smiled and made it work somehow. She finished she looked at it 'most people will hate this drawing' she though as she ran a hand threw her long brown wavy hair. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Aero
Jean was typing up ideas for a new story until the sleepy guy's head banged on the table caused her to type "andkdkcksn." She looked at the mess up and chuckled a bit before deleting it and continue typing. "Soo what's your guys name?" Jean asked trying to break the strange silence. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Skylark

"Right..." Sasha replied, but found that before she could even answer, Mitch had already disappeared into a crowd of people. She let out a sigh before finding her locker and scrambling for her books.


While nodding his head, he smiled at the girls sudden spark of nervousness. It was adorable at how obvious she showed her scrambling of words, it was almost like listening to a foreigner speak English for the first - not to be mean or anything. Ryan observed the girl. He didn't know why, but he did. She was interesting in an "awkward" kind of way. "Ryan." He answered. Her name suited her so well. Shoving his hands into his pockets, Ryan looked down to the stack of books beside Jada. "Well, it's a public library. For students." The boy said, however, he soon noticed that he was probably making the girl uncomfortable. "But the real question should be why you're reading Romantic Novels. You're probably living most of these, so what's the point?" He grinned before exchanging a wink with Jada.

@Dylans Wife
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_m0n4hvCm6k1qjcbiwo1_500.gif.8b8bd5b3901150fc7c70f4af064287ea.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_m0n4hvCm6k1qjcbiwo1_500.gif.8b8bd5b3901150fc7c70f4af064287ea.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marabella heard the bell rang and she quickly put the camera into her bag, "Here!" She took out a piece of paper and quickly wrote her number down on it then handed it to Isaac, "Maybe call me and we can hang out!" She laughed as she skipped to her first period class.


Marabella walked into her first period class and sat in the middle row that was the only seat available. It was next to a familiar boy she might have seen around... Maybe a triplet?

She shrugged and took a seat next to him, opening up her binder for the class and began to write down her homework that was up on the board. @Tsiwentiio



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Sky looked nervous she handed the note book it was a girl sitting in a corner and the girl hid her head. But threw the darkness there was a little light shinning threw "most people won't understand why I drew it and they will probably hate it" she said with a shrug. She looked at the girl "I'm skylar but I go by Sky" she said with a smile @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Aero
Skylark said:
Sky looked nervous she handed the note book it was a girl sitting in a corner and the girl hid her head. But threw the darkness there was a little light shinning threw "most people won't understand why I drew it and they will probably hate it" she said with a shrug. She looked at the girl "I'm skylar but I go by Sky" she said with a smile @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Aero
"Looks good." Dom said with a small. It was a well done drawing.
"Looks good." Dom said with a small. It was a well done drawing.
"Thanks" she said knowing he probably didn't understand it. "It's just something that came to me" she said looking at the ground
Skylark said:
"Thanks" she said knowing he probably didn't understand it. "It's just something that came to me" she said looking at the ground
Dom nodded his head bringing his down at the table. "Interesting imagery."

"I'm Jean. Nice to meet you both." Jean replied with a smile and then went back to typing. She didn't really considered this as making new friends since she only knew their names and that Dominic likes to sleep and Sky likes to draw. She listened to them talk about Sky's drawing while letting out a small yawn. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Skylark
Dom stare at Jean with his eyebrow raised. "It's too early for me to do anything about that." He complained to himself. He looked at Sky before Shrugging. Didn't wanted to talk about his like or Dislikes.

@Aero @Skylark
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Mitch looked around the class he knew a few people but they seemed to be all in the back, he opened his note book and pulled out his phone, he wanted to check on his sisters but figured to leave them alone. He looked up when the teacher started talking, he started talking about partners, Mitch really didn't like working with others, he liked to do things for himself, the teacher looked around the room for a moment then took attendance. Right after he started writing names on the board, his eyes scanned for his name once he seen it he looked down for a moment then back up "Marabella" he thought for a moment, he didn't recognize the name. He sat still while the teacher continued talking

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As the teacher was talking she was confused, wait, partners... She was going to have to be a partner with...

Marabella found her name on the board and it was next to the name, Mitch...

She looked at the boy next to her, who was named Mitch and sighed.

He didn't seem like the type of guy to get along with her, but she better make the best of it anyway, "So, partner." She smiled at him, "You're Mitch, right?" @Tsiwentiio
Dom raised his eyebrow at her. "I sleep anywhere as long as teacher gets annoyed." He laughed to himself. Annoying the Teachers was a funny thing to do for himself.

@Aero @Skylark

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